Fragments of a Fallen Star
In a distant future, Earth is long gone, and humanity’s last survivors have found refuge on the desolate planet of Selora. Genetically engineered and raised to serve, Kael Duskborne is born into a world where memories are erased, free will is a distant memory, and every movement is dictated by an unyielding, unknown force. His mission: to harvest obsidian from the planet's cursed mines.
But Selora is no ordinary world. The land itself seems to pulse with a strange, sinister energy, and its creatures—ancient, primal, and deadly—lurk in the shadows. As he journeys through this harsh world, Kael begins to question everything he’s been told. Why is he here? What is the truth behind the planet’s dark past?
Silent whispers haunt the air, and warnings of an ancient, omnipotent force—the Silence—demand his attention. With his very life at stake, Kael must choose whether to accept the unspoken order of his existence or fight against the oppressive force that seeks to control him—and the planet itself.
In a world where nothing is as it seems, survival means navigating a web of lies, dark powers, and dangerous allies.