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Reivindicando Meu Marido CEO Possessivo

Corria o boato de que Xaviera Evans tinha uma constituição frágil — uma beleza doentia. Dizia-se que ela gastava uma fortuna todos os dias em medicamentos — comendo-os como doces. E que dez servos a esperavam junto à sua cama todos os dias — um fardo para todos. Todos esperavam que a família Evans devolvesse Xaviera Evans para o campo e a deixasse cuidar de si mesma. Xaviera Evans: "Eles estão todos dizendo que sou fraca e não consigo cuidar de mim mesma. Aparentemente, também gasto dinheiro de forma imprudente." Ela olhou para sua camisa esfarrapada e ficou exasperada. Xaviera Evans: "Está dizendo que essa família rica deixa a filha usar roupas esfarrapadas todos os dias?" A filha rica da família Evans? Ela já tinha tido o suficiente! Não seria mais essa pessoa! Portanto... Malandro: "Sem a família Evans, você não é nada." Xaviera Evans: "Se eu for expulsa da família Evans, estarei acabada." Mulher malandra: "Irmã, não fique muito desapontada. Contanto que você trabalhe duro, será elogiada um dia." Xaviera Evans: "Cale a boca, eu não conheço um traidor como você." O malandro e a mulher malandra: "???" Corria o boato de que o filho mais novo da família Mamet, Caleb Mamet, casou-se precipitadamente com uma mulher que só tinha aparência. Xaviera Evans: "Alguém está me menosprezando?" Um dia, Xaviera Evans viu um dos funcionários de Caleb Mamet quebrando a cabeça sobre uma série de números na tela do computador. Como estava livre, ela deu uma mãozinha. Ela acabou de quebrar o firewall criado pelos esforços conjuntos dos melhores hackers de elite?! Caleb Mamet se aproximou a cada passo. "Xaviera, o que mais você está escondendo de mim? Hein?" Xaviera Evans: "Ah, não! Estou tonta de novo! Sou tão fraca. Este corpo meu é simplesmente muito fraco!"
Qiaoqiao · 719.6K Views

ascencion of the savior

En un mundo desgarrado por la batalla entre dimensiones, donde la esperanza se desvanecía y el caos reinaba, emerge un héroe destinado a desafiar las sombras del pasado y abrazar un futuro glorioso. Eon Valdrik, un joven con un legado oculto, se convierte en la última esperanza de la humanidad tras la aparición inesperada de una Dimensión del Juicio conocida como "La Cripta del Olvido". Con su ciudad, Helios, al borde de la destrucción, Eon activa su habilidad oculta, "Ascensión del Salvador", y se enfrenta al capitán traidor Varian Duskbane, marcando el comienzo de su viaje hacia la grandeza. Tras su épica victoria, Eon descubre que fuerzas aún más oscuras acechan en el horizonte. Con la advertencia de un extraño llamado Alaric, se embarca en una búsqueda de conocimiento en un antiguo templo, donde debe superar tres pruebas que lo confrontarán con sus miedos más profundos: el Corazón de la Verdad, la Sombra del Pasado y la Máscara del Destino. Cada prueba lo empujará al límite, desafiando su valía y revelando secretos que cambiarán el curso de su vida y de la humanidad. Mientras Eon lucha por dominar su poder y enfrentar las amenazas emergentes, su viaje se convierte en una odisea épica de autodescubrimiento, sacrificio y redención. A medida que las dimensiones se entrelazan y los enemigos se multiplican, Eon deberá unir a los fragmentos de su pasado y forjar alianzas inesperadas para salvar a su ciudad y a todo lo que ama. Con cada batalla, la leyenda del salvador renacerá, y el eco de su valor resonará a través de las eras, desafiando el olvido y asegurando un futuro brillante para la humanidad. En "El Salvador del Olvido", la aventura, la magia y la tragedia se entrelazan en una historia que redefine el significado del heroísmo, donde cada elección puede cambiar el destino del mundo y donde el verdadero poder reside en el corazón de quien se atreve a luchar.
Kai_Solis · 218 Views

Rebirth As The Asura Prince

Greek x Norse Mythology Included (This Story Takes Place In AU So, Don't Expect To Go Things As It Was In the Original Ramayana.) In a mystical tale set against the backdrop of the ancient Treta Yuga during the time of the Ramayana, 'Rebirth As The Asura Prince' unfolds the extraordinary journey of a young boy named Indrajit. Fate takes a dramatic turn as Indrajit is unexpectedly reincarnated as Meghnad, the formidable and powerful son of the Asura king Ravana. As the stage is set for the colossal war between the forces of good and evil, tensions mount, and the anticipation of the impending conflict looms large. Indrajit, now reborn as Meghnad, grapples with the weight of his newfound identity. The boy who once lived a mundane life is thrust into the epicenter of the greatest war of the era, the war that will determine the fate of gods and demons. Caught between his past and present, Meghnad faces a moral dilemma. Will he blindly follow the path of his demonic lineage, or will he forge his own destiny? As the war drums echo across the land and alliances are tested, Meghnad must navigate treacherous waters, battling external foes and inner demons that threaten to consume him. Disclaimer: Remember, This is fanfiction of Ramayana. Not "Original" Ramayana. I have no intention to harm anyone's religious belief, I am just writing a what-if story from my perspective. If you don't like it, I kindly request you not read this further. 7 Chapters/Week Minimum.
Suryaputra_Karna01 · 146.6K Views

Rakshak of Kalpa

*Slow-Burn, Progression-Fantasy* I have added the number of words beside the chapter name, so divide it by 1.5k and take the quotient as the number of chapters released in mass. Synopsis: The World is currently in the Kali Yuga, the fourth and final era before its renewal. With corruption slowly tainting their fabric of existence, degrading their morals as they stumbled through the ages, humanity now awaits its purification at the hands of divine entities. Will they fight back? Or accept their Eradication? Dhruva, who arrived at a Gurukul, oblivious of his roots to the mystic world, found himself caught in the crossfire of an eternal conflict between Devatas and Asuras. Having his view of this world suddenly turned upside down, he now has to rearrange his priorities and swiftly adapt to the new deadly environment with only three lives in hand. But fate has different things in mind. Setting its wheels in motion, seven young bloods from prominent ancient families were suddenly selected, in a secret plot to preserve humanity. Trying to find balance between defending the World from the Asuras below and being a canon fodder for the higher beings and Devatas above, humanity now has to bide for time, so that it can accumulate enough power by delving into the dungeons guarded by Temples. Where does the end of this journey lie? And who should they even fight against? They must now wade through a perilous journey filled with sacrifices and helplessness, struggling to keep their loved ones safe in a world that's falling apart. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This story will take time to pick up its pace, with the starting arcs meant for establishing the world and its systems, having action sprinkled between slices of academy life, little bit of romance and a whole lot of training. At this moment in time, there's about 210k(will be updated continuously) words in total, so it will provide a good enough binge for a night. I'm looking forward to your comments and critiques, so I hope you have fun reading my story. Thanks for your time. Updates: Probably every three days. Sometimes the juices flow naturally, and sometimes I need to squeeze my emotions hard enough. But they will usually have more than 4k words considering the recent trend. Disclaimer: This work is like my zeroth draft to finalize the structure of the story I have thought about. I was hoping to get feedback along the journey but well... Later things will be made much more concise and will start at a different point in subsequent drafts. Thanks to those who are willing to see how this world shapes up.
Honeyy_CoughSyrup · 78.9K Views

"El Quinto Príncipe: Forjador de Destinos y Corazones"

Sinopsis En un vasto reino donde la magia y los mitos se entrelazan con la realidad, Kael Eryndor, el quinto príncipe de un poderoso imperio, vive a la sombra de sus hermanos mayores. Mientras ellos luchan por el trono, Kael, considerado débil y carente de ambición, guarda un poder que podría cambiar el destino del mundo: la habilidad de crear y otorgar bendiciones únicas a otros, una habilidad digna de los antiguos dioses. Pero este poder no es absoluto; solo puede otorgar una bendición por persona, y cada vez que lo hace, su vínculo con esa persona se vuelve más profundo. Expulsado de la corte por un complot político, Kael se embarca en una aventura que lo llevará a descubrir los secretos de su propia habilidad, mientras reúne un grupo de aliados –y amores inesperados– que cambiarán su vida para siempre. --- Protagonista: Kael Eryndor Edad: 18 años Apariencia: Cabello plateado que brilla bajo la luz, ojos rojos como rubíes que parecen contener un fuego interno. Personalidad: Astuto, reflexivo, y con un corazón bondadoso que contrasta con la frialdad que aparenta. Tiene un aire melancólico debido a su rechazo familiar, pero su verdadera fuerza yace en su compasión y determinación. Habilidad Especial: Creación Divina Puede materializar objetos, habilidades o bendiciones únicas para otros. Sin embargo, cada creación está limitada por las emociones que siente en el momento y el vínculo con la persona. --- Primer Acto: El Exilio y el Inicio de la Aventura Kael es traicionado por su hermano mayor, el príncipe heredero, quien teme que su extraño poder lo convierta en una amenaza al trono. Falsamente acusado de conspirar contra la familia real, Kael es exiliado y abandonado en las tierras fronterizas del reino. En su exilio, Kael conoce a Lyria, una arquera elfa que ha perdido su capacidad para ver tras un enfrentamiento con un dragón. Al sentir su desesperación, Kael le otorga su primera bendición: "Ojos del Viento", devolviéndole la visión con un poder mágico que le permite detectar movimientos incluso sin mirar directamente. Lyria, agradecida y fascinada por su habilidad, decide unirse a Kael, convirtiéndose en su primera compañera. --- Desarrollo de la Historia: 1. Reclutando Compañeras: En su camino, Kael se encuentra con una variedad de personajes femeninos, cada una con una historia única: Amara, una sacerdotisa caída en desgracia que busca redimirse. Selene, una ladrona que anhela ser algo más que una sombra en las calles. Veyra, una guerrera maldita cuya fuerza se convierte en un peligro para quienes ama. 2. Aprendiendo y Creando: Kael descubre que puede aprender habilidades de otros a través de un profundo entendimiento emocional, lo que le permite crecer como estratega y guerrero. Cada nueva bendición que otorga fortalece el vínculo con su portador y despierta nuevos aspectos de su poder. 3. Enfrentando Enemigos y Misterios: Mientras viaja, Kael se enfrenta a monstruos, traidores del reino, y entidades antiguas que temen el resurgimiento de un poder como el suyo. También descubre que su habilidad puede haber sido heredada de los dioses olvidados de su mundo. --- Estilo y Tono: La historia combina acción emocionante, momentos románticos profundos, y un ligero toque de sensualidad que enriquece las relaciones entre los personajes sin eclipsar la narrativa principal.
DaoistE08xAh · 238 Views

Field Of Magic

{{ Cardinal Side Stories}} {Yuga Kanon is something of a sports prodigy, he wasn't overly muscular or anything, but his athletic prowess has always been miles ahead of his peers, being aware of this he wasted no time mastering the basics of every sport he partook in, he was aware of his gifts and used them to Their fullest, most times he would build an ideal body type for someone like him who was slightly lacking in height, so he worked on everything else, his technical efficiency, his creativity in many sports, his control and other such attributes never lacked, though he did it in a way that allowed him to not stand out, he didn't want to be scouted because he stole the limelight in some random match, mostly because he wasn't interested in the other sports, he was just good at them. His favorite sport would always be football, simply because it allowed him to weaponize a talent he had that only he seemed to think was cool at the time, as such he went and applied to a soccer youth team, he was barely 16 so he passed the age requirement, now it was to test his skills, though this wasn't just any youth team, he applied to the Asura Youth development academy, the only academy in his home town which had both a 90% rate of players there going pro abroad but also only 1 or 2applicants end up making the main team even from the school that the academy premières in, scouts are usually overlooked altogether because Their fundamentals aren't polished as well as the school members, this year though Kanon was sure that at the very least he wouldn't fall behind the academy, and it seemed the head coach of the main team would be present to see if there was any potential so Kanon was somewhat hyped up. Despite being 16 Kanon stood at 6 foot 1 with a lean build, While it was lean, his muscle toning was perfectly done for his frame, and he had light brown skin and white hair, which he kept in a dreadlock ponytail and kept his side shaved like a fade he has dark orange eyes and well defined facial features, he had the face of a model yet the body of an athlete and somehow, he made it work.}
Folklord · 21.2K Views


In a world fueled by weapons crackling with potent energies and humans channeling their own unique power, a delicate equilibrium hung in the balance. These energies, distinct in nature yet intertwined in essence, held the key to extraordinary possibilities when united. Within this realm, where boundaries blurred and destiny entwined with the convergence of elemental forces, a tale of unwavering determinations began. Nikhil, a young and courageous soul, found himself saving a life teetering on the edge of existence. The wounded figure, barely clinging to the threads of life, possessed an unyielding spirit despite the severity of their injuries. Recognizing the profound resilience within the stranger, Nikhil extended a helping hand, providing essential treatment and a much-needed shelter. Nikhil and his newfound companion, whose motivations remained shrouded in mystery, yearned for a future that transcended the boundaries of their current circumstances. It was in the pursuit of this shared aspiration that they made a life-changing decision – to embark on a journey towards becoming knights, seeking the esteemed ranks of the academy. For Nikhil, the dream of becoming a knight was interwoven with visions of change in kingdom, a deep-seated yearning to ascend to the throne and shape a kingdom worthy of admiration. The allure of power and the potential to enact meaningful change propelled him forward with unwavering determination. On the other hand, his enigmatic companion's drive stemmed from a motivation known only to him, pushing them to seek a path beyond ordinary comprehension. With each step taken on this journey, their true intentions remained veiled, revealing themselves in tantalizing glimpses that left Nikhil both intrigued and mystified. And so, their shared odyssey began, marked by a resolute resolve and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, skills, and the honing of their abilities. United by a common goal yet propelled by their individual ambitions, Nikhil and his mysterious companion ventured forth, ready to face the trials and tribulations that awaited them on the path to becoming knight.
Whuknows · 4.8K Views
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