Star Legion
After a devastating war with the Naxari, an insectoid alien race, Earth is left in a very fragile state.
30 years later, humanity took the fight to their doorstep with the help of the salvaged technology, information from the enemy’s ship, and the Naxaris that were taken prisoners.
120 years after the start of the war, Seth, a 16-year-old orphan whose parents went missing on an exoplanet exploratory mission, joined the Star Legion program in bid to find them.
After passing the exams due to his exceptional intellect and potential, Seth is sent to the Legion Academy, a prestigious academy attended by the elite of the elite, to begin his training.
Once inside, Seth quickly learns that the Naxaris had infiltrated the military program to a level that no one could have ever imagined.
With the knowledge that humanity’s defeat was only a matter of time, Seth vowed to purge the alien race, rescue his parents, and make the name of the human race resound across the known and unknown universe.
Time is running out, but humanity has never been the one to give up.
All hail the Star Legion!