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Xiuluo Wu Shen

A Herdeira que Lê Mentes: De Impostora a Favorita da Família

Wenyan leu um livro no qual uma personagem coadjuvante que compartilhava seu nome era uma herdeira falsa. Depois que a verdadeira herdeira assumiu seu lugar, a impostora tentou garantir seu lugar na família rica drogando o filho mais velho e fazendo um fato consumado de um arroz cozido, apenas para ser desmascarada pela Família Shen e acabar cometendo suicídio em desespero. Wenyan ficou furiosa ao ver tal desfecho. Como alguém não poderia sobreviver sem o apoio de uma família rica? Não lhe havia a família proporcionado uma casa luxuosa e inúmeros bens de luxo? Apenas vendendo-os já arrecadaria dezenas de milhões. Ela era apenas um caso perdido! Se ela fosse a Wenyan do livro, teria abdicado de sua posição e apenas vivido relaxadamente como um peixe salgado! Mas quando ela acordou de seu sono, ela realmente transmigrou para dentro do livro. Fiel à sua palavra, ela parou de tramar. Durante a noite ela arrumou suas malas, vendeu sua casa, carro e bolsas, e procurou um emprego. - A Família Shen inteira notou a mudança em Wenyan, sua filha adotiva. Não só ela havia se mudado obedientemente, mas nunca mais causou nenhum problema. Ainda mais bizarro era que agora eles podiam ver seus pensamentos mais íntimos! 【Pai, Mãe, eu nunca quis usurpar seu ninho, mas os resultados do teste de DNA da verdadeira filha têm problemas. Na verdade, ela é ainda mais falsa do que eu, a herdeira falsa.】 Pais da Família Shen: ...... Então a 'filha' há muito perdida que havia sido encontrada foi exposta como uma impostora e levada pela polícia para interrogatório. 【Irmão mais velho, aquele colega seu não é bom, ele é um espião corporativo, filho ilegítimo dos arqui-inimigos da Família Shen.】 Filho mais velho da Família Shen: ...... Posteriormente, o colega foi pego roubando documentos confidenciais e também foi levado pela polícia para interrogatório. 【Segundo irmão, você é uma pessoa tão pura e nobre, você não deve estar com a filha da Família Qin, ela está apenas usando você, o coração dela está de fato em outro.】 Segundo filho da Família Shen: ...... Obrigado, vou investigar isso. 【E terceiro irmão, quarto irmão......】 No final, ninguém poderia ter previsto que a filha adotiva mais discreta da Família Shen se tornaria a nora mimada.
Draw the sword with a smile · 67.1K Views

O Chefe Aleijado Me Ama

A outrora rica garota Shen Hanxing perdeu sua mãe quando nasceu. Depois, foi abandonada no exterior pelo próprio pai quando era pequena, deixada à própria sorte. Dezenove anos depois, seu pai a levou pessoalmente de volta para casa do exterior, e o motivo era para substituir sua irmã mais nova e casar-se com seu noivo Ji Yan, que havia perdido o sentido das pernas após um acidente de carro. Pai: “Conheça o seu lugar. Você já está se casando acima da sua posição ao casar-se com Ji Yan com o seu status.” Irmã Mais Nova: “Obrigada por estar disposta a se sacrificar pelo meu amor~” Shen Hanxing sorriu levemente: “Concordem com as minhas duas condições, e eu me casarei com ele com prazer.” Depois disso, ela entrou na casa da Família Ji com uma bagagem vazia. O homem na cadeira de rodas rugiu para ela enfurecido no quarto escuro. “Some!” Shen Hanxing rapidamente acendeu a luz, puxou a cortina e estendeu a mão em direção ao homem com a luz atrás dela. “Olá. Deixe-me me apresentar. Sou sua esposa, Shen Hanxing.” Quando a viu pela primeira vez, ele a tratou friamente. E então, ele a valorizou. Ji Yan olhou para esta mulher que entrou de repente em sua vida. Ela usou sua força para domar seu irmão mais novo selvagem e impulsivo. Ela pacientemente e compassivamente curou sua irmã mais nova medrosa e introvertida. Ela usou tudo o que tinha para lentamente sustentar esta fria família... E então, Shen Hanxing caiu em uma armadilha. Antes de mergulhar na escuridão, ela viu o homem que deveria estar na cadeira de rodas correndo em sua direção, ansioso. Quando ela acordou novamente, o homem apontou para a tábua de lavar, o teclado e o durião e perguntou, “Hanxing, em qual deles você quer que eu me ajoelhe?”
Wuxia · 77.5K Views

La Contre-Attaque de la Belle-Mère : Élever un Enfant à une Époque Révolue

[Épouse délicate VS Dur à cuire, Gâter son épouse + Double vertu + Vie quotidienne avec des enfants] La blogueuse culinaire Shen Mingzhu a été transmigrée dans le rôle d'une méchante belle-mère d'un roman d'une époque révolue, devenant un personnage contrastant avec Shen Baolan du village. Shen Baolan était gentille et vertueuse, traitant son beau-fils comme le sien, tandis que le personnage original était dur et méchant, battant ou réprimandant le beau-fils. Shen Baolan profitait de ses dernières années grâce à son beau-fils prometteur, tandis que le personnage original fut brûlée vive par son beau-fils tordu et sinistre. Afin de changer l'issue tragique, Shen Mingzhu retroussa ses manches, prête à mettre de l'ordre. —— Shen Baolan fit un rêve. L'homme qu'elle allait épouser mourrait six mois plus tard, la laissant veuve sans rien, destinée à mener une vie de misère. Entre-temps, Shen Mingzhu, pour avoir épousé l'homme qu'il faut, était devenue une femme riche enviable. Toutes deux du même village, toutes deux devenues belles-mères, pourquoi Shen Mingzhu devrait-elle vivre une meilleure vie qu'elle ? Elle épouserait l'homme à qui Shen Mingzhu était mariée, et vivrait la bonne vie de Shen Mingzhu ! —— Cinq ans plus tard. Shen Mingzhu était devenue étudiante universitaire, l'homme de Shen Mingzhu n'était pas mort mais était devenu un grand patron, et le beau-fils de Shen Mingzhu s'était transformé en enfant prodige. Shen Baolan, qui aspirait à ce que son mari réussisse, attendait encore amèrement le jour où son homme atteindrait la grandeur.
Seven Queens · 51.3K Views

Der verkrüppelte Boss liebt mich

Das einst reiche Mädchen Shen Hanxing verlor ihre Mutter, als sie geboren wurde. Als sie noch klein war, wurde sie von ihrem eigenen Vater im Ausland ausgesetzt und war auf sich allein gestellt. Neunzehn Jahre später holte ihr Vater sie persönlich aus Übersee nach Hause, um ihre jüngere Schwester zu ersetzen und ihren Verlobten Ji Yan zu heiraten, der nach einem Autounfall die Sinne seiner Beine verloren hatte. Vater: "Du kennst deinen Platz. Du heiratest bereits über deinen Stand hinaus, wenn du Ji Yan mit deinem Status heiratest." Jüngere Schwester: "Danke, dass du bereit bist, dich für meine Liebe zu opfern~" Shen Hanxing lächelte schwach: "Stimmen Sie meinen beiden Bedingungen zu, und ich werde ihn gerne heiraten." Danach betrat sie mit leerem Gepäck das Haus der Familie Ji. Der Mann im Rollstuhl brüllte sie in dem dunklen Raum wütend an. "Hau ab!" Shen Hanxing schaltete schnell das Licht ein, zog den Vorhang auf und streckte dem Mann mit der Lampe hinter ihr die Hand entgegen. "Hallo. Darf ich mich vorstellen? Ich bin deine Frau, Shen Hanxing." Als er sie das erste Mal sah, behandelte er sie kühl. Und dann schätzte er sie. Ji Yan sah diese Frau an, die plötzlich in ihr Leben getreten war. Sie nutzte ihre Kraft, um seinen wilden und frechen jüngeren Bruder zu zähmen. Sie heilte geduldig und mitfühlend seine ängstliche und introvertierte jüngere Schwester. Sie setzte alles ein, was sie hatte, um diese kalte Familie langsam zu unterstützen... Und dann tappte Shen Hanxing in eine Falle. Bevor sie in die Dunkelheit abdriftete, sah sie den Mann, der eigentlich im Rollstuhl sitzen sollte, ängstlich auf sie zulaufen. Als sie wieder aufwachte, zeigte der Mann auf das Waschbrett, die Tastatur und die Durian und fragte: "Hanxing, auf welches soll ich mich knien?"
Wuxia · 99.8K Views

Oath and Blood

In the ruthless world of Jianghu, where power is measured by the strength of one’s blade, Ye Xian—a master of poisons and a top assassin for the Hidden Order—receives her latest mission: eliminate Shen Liwei, the righteous yet formidable leader of the Azure Wind Sect. Her plan is flawless. Her poison is undetectable. Her strike is lethal. Yet, when the toxin fails to take effect, Ye Xian is forced to confront a chilling truth—Shen Liwei is immune to all poisons but one: the very first poison she ever created. To finish her mission, she must infiltrate his sect, uncover his secret, and strike when he least expects it. But as she gets closer, she discovers that Shen Liwei is not just a target—he is a man entangled in the same deadly web as she is. Behind his righteous reputation lie imperial experiments, hidden betrayals, and a conspiracy that reaches far beyond any one sect. As assassins close in, enemies shift, and the line between hunter and hunted begins to blur, Ye Xian faces the one truth she cannot poison her way out of—the mission was never as simple as killing Shen Liwei. A calculated assassin vs. an unbreakable warrior—a deadly game of deception and skill. Martial duels, hidden blades, and power struggles—where alliances are as fragile as life itself. A world ruled by strength, ambition, and shadows—where survival is the only law. In Jianghu, trust is a weakness, love is a liability, and the only certainty is that someone must die.
Minahiru · 1.8K Views

You are my heartbeat

On hold *Needs severe editing* Scene 1 "Your marriage is fixed," Father Shen stated calmly. "You'll register the marriage directly." "I don't agree!" Shen Ning stood up, her face full of defiance. Father Shen pursed his lips, his tone unwavering. "Objection denied." ________________________________ Scene 2 "Every relationship has its issues. You don't have to face it alone. What happened?" Still, Qin Yuheng remained silent, his eyes distant, unwilling to open up. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Qin Yuheng spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "I forced her to marry me… But... she likes someone else." ________________________________ Scene 3 "Will you always be there on my every birthday?" "Mm-hmm," he replied, his answer simple but filled with the promise of a lifetime. He moved to lead her toward the cake. "Let's—" But Shen Ning suddenly stopped him. "I love you." He paused, sure that he had misheard. "What did you say?" Shen Ning's voice was steady, but her heart was pounding as if it were trying to escape her chest. "I love you." _________________________________ Scene 4 "You think I slept with someone else?" she whispered, her voice hollow, "How can you?" He sneered in disgust. Then, suddenly, her expression shifted. A cold, mocking smile appeared on her face. "Oh, you're right," she said, her voice sharp as a blade. "I did. Not once, but many times." His eyes flared with rage, but she pressed on, gustily. "I never stopped loving him. I was forced to be with you. I cheated on you. So what now? Want a divorce?" _________________________________ ✿✿✿✷✯◕◕✿◕◕◕ I’ve modified the synopsis to add more depth and focus on key scenes.
EyesThatAdore · 40.5K Views

Cuando la Bestia Salvaje está Atrapada en el Ciclo de Pesadilla (BL)

Tras estar confinado en un manicomio durante años, Jin Jiuchi acababa de ser liberado a la convivencia humana cuando de repente se encontró atrapado en un peligroso y emocionante juego de supervivencia. —Espera, ¿hay algo mal con ustedes? ¿Por qué parecen tan asustados? ¡Este mundo es tan... emocionante! Para Jin Jiuchi, esta bestia vestida de humano que estaba encadenada por las leyes de la sociedad, ¡la aparición del Ciclo de Pesadilla era como un sueño hecho realidad! Tomando té con una novia desmembrada en un apartamento embrujado, bailando tango con el espíritu maligno en lo profundo del bosque del suicidio, saltando la cuerda con el dios antiguo en una civilización olvidada... ¡Jin Jiuchi estaba tan feliz que se estaba volviendo loco! Sin embargo, cuando enloquecía, todos los jugadores y PNJ en el ciclo temblaban de miedo. *** Solo había una hermosa muñeca de jade que nunca había tenido miedo de él. —Shen Nianzu llamó suavemente: «Jin-ge». Jin Jiuchi, que estaba felizmente hurgando en el estómago de un cadáver podrido, de repente lo dejó todo y se acercó a Shen Nianzu con una velocidad invisible para los ojos desnudos. Sus ojos se curvaron en forma de crescentes mientras preguntaba: «¿Qué pasa, Nian'er? ¿Quieres unirte también?» Shen Nianzu estaba inexpresivo mientras observaba al hombre sangriento frente a él. Luego extendió repentinamente una mano, palma hacia arriba. Confundido, Jin Jiuchi colocó su zarpa sucia en la mano de Shen Nianzu y la sacudió. —Shen Nianzu —dijo: — Buen chico. —Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Rey del drama lunático, bestia salvaje gong x gran belleza, astuto, fuerte actuando débil shou Etiquetas adicionales: protagonista top/gong/seme, acción, sobrenatural, psicológico, misterio, romance lento, fantasmas, gore, monstruos, bestias, protagonista descarado, juego de supervivencia, trabajo en equipo, flujo ilimitado, horror, suspenso, interés amoroso más joven Encuéntrame en: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 Servidor de Discord:
delanasiwarka · 43.9K Views

Help!Marquis Wenzhi Is A Living Dead(BL).

Shen Kaiwen/ Marquis Wenzhi isn't as innocent and naive as he seems. Shen Kaiwen was born of a military family. His parents and grandparents were loyal generals who defended the country selflessly. At the age of ten his parents died in war and the Empress Dowager adopted him . Together they lived at the Empress Dowager's side residence. They cherished each other. Contradictory to his family legacy,Shen Kaiwen concentrated much on literature than martial arts. He was perceived as weak and useless by the society. What they didn't know all that was a façade to lure people's attention away from him. Having lost almost every important person,Shen Kaiwen was left under the care of Crown Prince Feng Jinhai. That was the only person Shen Kaiwen now cared about because the crown prince had helped him in difficult times. Their peaceful life was turned into chaos when a mysterious drug called the Living Dead was introduced in to the country. The drug was addictive and a great threat to humanity leaving people behaving like a living dead. Crown Prince Feng Jinhai was assigned to investigate the source of the drug and capture the culprit behind it but he had no clue where and how to start. Shen Kaiwen secretly stepped in and pretended to be an addict of the drug and all the palace believed he had become a living dead. Being from an influential place,Shen Kaiwen got in direct contact with the main supplier of the drug and made a fake deal with him. In the end he was able to unravel the culprit's real identity. On top of that he aided the Crown Prince solve other cases including corruption. He was also the mysterious novel writer whose identity everyone wants to find out. Amidst all these chaos,the Crown Prince couldn't help but develop undecipherable feelings for the younger boy. Will he throw away his marriage just for the sake of the boy? -------------------------------------------------------- "Your Highness you cannot marry a boy. It's against the traditions . It's a disgrace to the ancestors,"the Prime Minister said in condemnation. "Who I marry is my choice. He's the one I've claimed for life no one can snatch him away from me,"Feng Jinhai growled possessively. Anyone who went near him and his so called bride would face the wrath of his unsheathed sword.
xiaohuli455 · 318 Views

When the Wild Beast is Trapped in the Nightmare Cycle (BL)

After being confined in a mental asylum for years, Jin Jiuchi had just been released back to human habitation when he suddenly found himself trapped in a dangerous and thrilling survival game. Wait, is there something wrong with you all? Why do you look so scared? This world is so… exciting! For Jin Jiuchi, this beast in human clothing who was chained by society laws, the appearance of the Nightmare Cycle was akin to a dream come true! Drinking tea with a dismembered bride in a haunted apartment, dancing tango with the evil spirit in the depths of suicide forest, skipping rope with the ancient god in a forgotten civilization… Jin Jiuchi was so happy that he was going crazy! However, when he went crazy, all the players and NPCs in the cycle trembled in fear. *** There was only a beautiful jade doll who had never been afraid of him. Shen Nianzu called out softly, "Jin-ge." Jin Jiuchi, who was happily digging through a rotten corpse's stomach, suddenly dropped everything and zoomed in front of Shen Nianzu with a speed invisible to naked eyes. His eyes were curved into crescents as he asked, "What's wrong, Nian'er? Do you want to join me too?" Shen Nianzu was expressionless as he stared at the bloody man in front of him. Then he suddenly stretched out a hand, palm up. Confused, Jin Jiuchi placed his dirty paw in Shen Nianzu's hand and shook it. Shen Nianzu: “Good boy.” Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Lunatic drama king, wild beast gong x big beauty, cunning, strong-acting-weak shou Additional tags: top/gong/seme protagonist, action, supernatural, psychological, mystery, slow romance, ghosts, gore, monsters, beasts, shameless protagonist, survival game, teamwork, unlimited flow, horror, suspense, younger love interest Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 Discord server:
delanasiwarka · 1.8M Views
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