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Whisky Cavalier

Palimpsest Hearts

In his previous life, Lucian Sinclair had pursued the truth behind his fiancé Malcolm Fitzgerald's fatal car accident with relentless determination - only to meet the same grim fate beneath the twisted metal of his Bentley on a rain-lashed M25 motorway. When consciousness returned, the industrialist found himself thrust back to his 24-year-old self, the digital clock on his Mayfair bedside table blinking December 16th, 2016. Malcolm's Alpine skiing accident had already occurred three days prior. He promptly took legal guardianship of the brooding 15-year-old left in the wreckage - Finn Fitzgerald, Malcolm's half-brother through their father's second marriage. The boy Lucian remembered from charity galas had grown feral-eyed, all scraped knuckles and boarding school blazers gone threadbare at the elbows. This time, Lucian vowed, the boy would receive proper upbringing. Not out of affection, but as penance for never deciphering Malcolm's last encrypted text: "Tell Luce the Range Rover's brakes—" Finn initially regarded his guardian with wary deference, this icy aristocrat who wore his brother's signet ring on a platinum chain. "Malcolm said you collect Renaissance maps," the teen offered during tense dinners, pushing peas across Wedgwood china. "Malcolm told me you hate tulips." Each invocation of the dead man's name hung between them like altar smoke. Yet gradually, the dynamic shifted. Lucian caught Finn glaring when he traced the Fitzgerald jawline they shared. The boy began arriving late from Eton weekends, reeking of stolen whiskey and defiance. During one particularly vicious row over a shredded Oxford acceptance letter, Finn slammed Lucian's wheelchair against the study wall. "Why must I be his ghost?" The teen's breath fogged the cold glass of Malcolm's portrait. "You look at me like I'm some...some flawed taxidermy of your perfect banker boy!" Lucian's cane clattered to the hardwood. Perfect? Malcolm had been laundering funds through their engagement - a truth he'd discovered two lifetimes too late. Now this living, breathing Fitzgerald heir stood before him, all cracked leather satchel and mismatched socks, demanding to be seen. Outside, the Thames glittered with secrets. In the cellar vault, a dossier gathered dust - crime scene photos, offshore account records, and the Range Rover's brake lines sliced clean through. Lucian's fingers twitched toward the whisky decanter. Let the dead keep their mysteries. This Fitzgerald needed saving more.
DaoisthrquXu · 2.2K Views


Dans un monde où la magie et la technologie coexistent dans un équilibre fragile, les forces anciennes et nouvelles s'affrontent, menaçant de plonger le continent dans le chaos. Au Sud, la république de Rimes se dresse fièrement, bastion de savoir et de progrès. Centre des plus grandes découvertes technologiques et des arts magiques, elle rayonne sur le continent. Mais dans ses académies, les plus sages perçoivent un déséquilibre grandissant. Les arcanes, autrefois maîtrisées, deviennent instables. Les murmures de la magie se transforment en avertissements : l'ordre que les hommes ont bâti est sur le point de se fissurer. À l’Ouest, les royaumes barbares, embourbés dans des guerres intestines, continuent de s’entretuer, aveugles aux véritables dangers qui se profilent. Dans leurs forêts et montagnes, des forces anciennes, réveillées par le sang des batailles, se mettent en mouvement. Ce qui dort sous la terre commence à se réveiller, tandis que les seigneurs de guerre, trop occupés par leurs querelles, ignorent le sombre présage qui approche. À l’Est, les steppes infinies, royaume des cavaliers nomades, vibrent d’une magie ancienne. Les tribus, autrefois insaisissables, deviennent les témoins d’événements étranges. Des esprits oubliés arpentent de nouveau les plaines, et les légendes se matérialisent sous la lumière de la lune. Ces terres, longtemps indomptées, semblent répondre à un appel lointain, un pouvoir qui transcende le temps et les hommes. Mais c’est au-delà des mers que le véritable danger prend forme. L’Empire de Zorya, mystérieux et impitoyable, étend son emprise avec une précision implacable. Gouverné par l’impératrice Belle d’Aurore, une souveraine aussi crainte que vénérée, Zorya déploie ses immenses flottes vers l’Ouest, ses voiles noires annonçant la conquête. Cet empire insulaire, imprégné de traditions séculaires et armé d'une magie ancienne et de technologies redoutables, convoite désormais les richesses et le savoir de Rimes. Belle d’Aurore, dont la beauté et la cruauté sont légendaires, ne reculera devant rien pour étendre son pouvoir. Au Nord, la Vangoriak n'est plus qu'une cicatrice, une terre désolée où les guerres vampiriques ont laissé des marques indélébiles. Jadis théâtre de batailles apocalyptiques, elle est désormais un territoire maudit, hanté par les échos du passé. La menace qu’elle représentait s’est atténuée, mais ses ruines restent un rappel des jours sombres où le monde était au bord de l’extinction. Ses ombres, bien que silencieuses, continuent de peser sur l’esprit de ceux qui osent s'en approcher. Dans ce monde au bord du gouffre, un jeune prodige, Gilles Crametout, est destiné à jouer un rôle central. Héritier d'une lignée de mages légendaires, il possède un pouvoir brut capable de renverser des empires. Mais ce pouvoir, qu'il ne contrôle pas pleinement, le place dans la tourmente. Aux côtés de la redoutable magicienne Chione Stritodeli, il devra naviguer entre intrigues politiques, menaces surnaturelles et trahisons. Mais la plus grande menace pourrait bien être celle qui sommeille en lui. Alors que les spectres rôdent à la lisière de la Vangoriak et que les armées de Zorya approchent, Gilles et Chione se retrouvent au cœur d’un conflit qui pourrait sceller le destin du continent. La guerre, la magie et le destin s’entremêlent dans une bataille où les légendes d'hier se transforment en réalités terrifiantes. Dans ce monde crépusculaire, les forces en présence s'affrontent pour façonner l'avenir, mais il se pourrait bien que tout soit déjà perdu.
adelpreis05 · 2.1K Views

Tale of The Seven Paragons

Everything was already decided a long time ago. Year 3021, it was decided that the end of earth is within this year. Not because the creator has forsaken this world, but because it was decided that this year is the end. But a sudden change occur. Yasael, the creator's only son and child pleaded to his father to give another chance for humanity to reflect on their actions. Yasael voiced out that through out the years since creation of Earth, it is only this year that seven Paragons have appeared. He reasoned that since there are so many Paragons appearing, there might be chance for all the humanity to be saved. The creator, was moved. It was the first time that his son requested something. Thus, the creator made the humanity forget all the knowledge they learned. But the creator has conditions, humanity has been cruel to other creatures he created. These creatures have been suffering after humanity gained knowledge, henceforth he made a realm just for all these animals. The creator also separated the sea, and humans lost the ability to lie. As all of these changes occurred, species outside of Earth thought that Earth's creator has forsaken humanity thus they made appearance on Earth. Erthen Cavalier was reincarnated to this time of the year. The body that he is reincarnated is also the body that Yasael resides in. Yasael fell in love to a mortal. That is the real reason why he stopped his father. He has been looking for her ever since they first met. But Erthen Cavalier is a sinful man, he doesn't want to be involved with a deity's affair. Will Yasael still be together with his love?
LatteCream · 2K Views

The Supreme Ghost King

A young man who seemed like 25 years old was sitting on a sofa and was drinking beer. He was watching another young man who seemed like 22 years old. The 2nd young man was binding a rope on a fan. He was very calm. His eyes were blood red and had a look like a savage predator. "I wish we will be successful this time. There is no other option. Only death can free a man from his immense pain. If there is any god, please listen to me. Bless us to be successful." The 1st young man knelled down and closed his eyes. He cupped his 2 hands and started to pray. Booooom A wile later the 1st young man heard a noise. He didn't opened his eyes but his face seemed like he was very disappointed. "Huh. This time is also a failure." He sighed and stand up. sat down on the sofa and started to drink whiskey. Previously he was drinking a beer but after being disappointed he started drink whisky. "Fucking idiot. This was your 5th attempt. When are you going to die?" The 1st young man was shouting in frustration. "Hey, how do you know this is my 5th time?" The 2nd young man was startled. He turned his head toward the 1st young man. "Are you talking to me? He is talking to me." The 1st person lost his composure. He started to jump on sofa like a child. He became so much excited that he seemed like a child who got his long waited dreamed toy. Two Young man Wasim Sheikh and Aniurdh Shararma. Anirudh wanted to suicide and Wasim wanted that Anirudh could be successful in his attempt. Why he wanted such thing? Let us see further in the stroy. ...... ==== Hello guys, This is an original story by me. But the cover photo was from google. When I get an actual cover photo I will remove it. I am not native in English. So sometimes there will be some mistakes. So guys if you find any mistakes then please let me know, it will be very helpful. I hope that you will enjoy the story. If you enjoy the story please don't forget to leave behind your kind feedback. I will accept both type of feedback (Neg and pos) positively.
AnOrdinaryCitizen6 · 14.6K Views

The Second life of The Abandoned War Hero

My name is Es Cavalier, and this is where my story began. December 7th . year 3157 Commander Es Cavalier of the shadow special forces is now in trial for treason against the Republic and the Senate. The man bringing up the Senate representatives case to the supreme Court of justice. He is the politician of the court, the newly appointed public minister of finance and the most senior minister in the Republican Senate. He stated his case with a voice that resounded throughout the entire court room yelling and cursing every deed that I've done. Claiming that everything I've done in my past as the special forces commander was suspicious. He made various claims of treason, corruption, first degree murder, and various charges for crimes I didn't commit. In an effort to condemned me to death, he's every word spilled mud, dirt and blood upon my name and reputation. As the Trial is streamed across the Republican news channel, every single person in the multiple worlds and start system saw the events. The people went up in rage. They knew I didn't commit any sort of crime and even stated that I was nothing less than a war hero, fighting to defend his beloved country and people. They scorned at the Senate for their actions. As the court is nearing it's end. The supreme Court charged me with treason against the republic, and sentenced me to death. The supreme Court Judge makes his final deliberation. " Former Commander Es Cavalier, is sentenced to death with the charge of treason against the republic and it's peoples. " " Es Cavalier state your last words. " The guards pulled out the gag used for the interrogation to keep my mouth shut. At that moment I spoke my final words before I breathe my last breath on this world. " All my life I've served as the protector of the republic and it's people. " " For years I fought not once I've asked for anything in return. " " For years I've fought alongside my brothers in arms in every battlefield found across the stars. " " Not once have I complained ! " " Not once have I forsaken the people ! " " Not once have I surrendered to the enemy ! " " Yet for all my effort to defend my homeland, I've failed to save it from the greatest threat. " " The threat of the corrupt Senate and official present today in this Court room. " " Today I will do my last action to protect the republic and it's people. " " I will finish my mission as a soldier to protect my people. " " My final sacrifice. " " Goodbye. " As I say my final words for the people and my comrades. I turned my hand into a fist and gave my final salute . My hand hit my chest, my heart, and devotion. The annihilation bomb I've planted in my heart before hand is activated. The bomb blast annihilated the entire planet with every single person in it. The corrupt Senate, the criminals, their private army and every single corrupt minister and evil tyrant of the republic is cleansed from this world by fire. I sacrificed myself to destroy those Wretched scums. In the end I thought to myself. Why I couldn't life in peace with my family? Why do I have to die because of wretched peoples. Why can't I just have the life I've always wanted, a live of Peace and prosperity for me and my family. Acknowledged. " Huh ? " Final wish acknowledged and confirmed. " What is this voice I'm hearing ? " the voice answer. " I am the voice of the world. " " After all you've done and achieved you deserve better. " " So now you are going to be reincarnated in another world. " " I hope you receive the life you've always wanted . " I screamed on confusion. " Wait, what ?" Suddenly a white light blinds me as I opened my eyes for the first time in my second life.
Siegfried_Exes · 14.1K Views
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