Apocalypse - I'm a max level hunter
In the year 2050, Earth has become a post-apocalyptic wasteland following a devastating nuclear war 15 years prior. The undead roam freely, and once-normal animals have mutated into vicious beasts. In the midst of this dystopia, a young man named Yuan struggles to survive in a district called Joyo. Malnourished and on the brink of death, Yuan is suddenly chosen by a mysterious entity known as the "Strongest Hunter System."
This system provides him with a lifeline, albeit with rules and conditions. Yuan must hunt mutated creatures and undead to gain experience and level up. As he gains levels, his attributes like strength, agility, and magic improve. But the system also prohibits him from killing humans and mandates that he follow the system's policies without question.
Galvanized by this newfound hope, Yuan sets out from Joyo to face the mutated beasts that now inhabit Earth. His journey begins with a mutant rabbit, his first kill that marks the start of his transformation from a desperate survivor to potentially the strongest hunter in this new universe. Armed with an iron rod and his evolving abilities, Yuan embarks on a perilous quest to defy his bleak fate.
Yuan's adventures promise not only survival but also the opportunity for him to rewrite his destiny in this harsh new world. As he levels up and gains power, Yuan is determined to make the most of this second chance at life.