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Mun Jenmam


Malam itu Bahar sang CEO Yaman gelisah sange karena sudah seminggu Istri nya Sarifah Umroh ke tarim dengan hasil usaha kuburan palsu Wali Habib yang menghasilkan pundi-pundi rupiah lewat atm kotak amal. Bahar pun tak kuat menahan sange yang membuat kanjut nya cilegeng akibat meminum ramuan ngaceng habib taufik al yamani. Diam-diam dalam keheningan malam bahar mengocok kanjut nya dengan tangannya sendiri,"seresek-seresek" terdengar suara kocokan kanjut yang di olesi minyak hand body lotion. Semakin lama mengocok,bahar malah merasakan panas dibagian kanjut alias K0nt#l nya dan tangannya mun malah terasa pegal. "Bukannya buceng alias buc4t tapi malah menderita" gerutu bahar dalam hati. "Haduh ana mesti gimana nih ? " pikir bahar. "Oh iya di kamar bawah kan ada si Inem pembantu ana nih" pikir omes bahar. Akhirnya Bahar pun mengendap-endap ke kamar pembantu nya yaitu Inem, dengan perlahan namun tidak pasti karena bisa saja Inem tidak membukakan pintu kamar nya. Tibaa-tibaaaaa terdengar suara.....DUUUUUUT PELEPES SIIIIIIIIT. Bahar pun terkaget setengah hidup, karena dibalik kamar Inem terdengar sesuatu yang mengentutkan..."Waduh suara apa tuh ya di kamar si Inem" pikir bahar. Hemmmm apa mungkin kah suara gas yang keluar dari lubang silit Inem? "Walahualam bishawab dah". kata si Bahar. Bahar pun mulai membuka pintu kamar Inem,"Pintu kamar dulu yee, bukan cangcut loooh". Kata Bahar dalam hati sambil menahan tawa. Oh my god....kata bahar pintu nya di Kunci. Haduuuuuh....bahar pun kecewa berat di tengah kanjut nya yang melegeng membuanya pegel dan linu-linu tipis akibat gesekan dengan sarung tanpa kolor nya. Akhirnya bahar memutuskan untuk mengintip inem dulu dari atas jendela pintu kan ada kaca nya tuh di atas pintu kamar Inem. Baharpun menggeser kursi tinggi yang bulet untuk naik dan mengintip si Inem. Dengan hati-hati dan perlahan, bahar pun naik ke kursi guna mengintip Inem, dengan wajah sange dan lidah yang melet-melet, serta kanjut yang menyundul-nyundul sarung. Bahar pun mulai melancarkan aksi nya yaitu mengintip si Inem. penasaran? lanjut baca bab 1 aja yaa....
Eka_Wahyudin_4250 · 1.2K Views

The Silence Of Lost Feelings

Synopsis "The Silence of Lost Feelings" follows the emotional journey of Lumen Mun, a young man who struggles with the fear of rejection and the consequences of his own hesitation. Lumen Mun and Lina Elara, once close friends, develop feelings for each other but fail to express them due to Lumen's insecurities. When Lina asks him who he likes, Lumen lies, telling her he likes someone else, ultimately pushing her away. Hurt by his dishonesty and unsure of his feelings, Lina moves on and accepts a proposal from another, leaving Lumen to confront the painful reality of his choices. After losing Lina, Lumen finds himself disconnected from the things that once brought him joy, particularly his passion for drawing, which had been inspired by her. Struggling with self-doubt and regret, Lumen embarks on a journey of self-reflection. He takes long walks to clear his mind, revisiting places that remind him of Lina, and begins to understand the true impact of his fear-driven decisions. Ultimately, Lumen learns that in order to move forward, he must face his emotions and rediscover his love for art, not by forcing perfection, but by starting again, step by step. The story highlights the consequences of Fear and insecurity, the importance of honesty,the power of reflection and self-realization, healing through vulnerability, emotional growth,the value of persistence and the possibility of new beginnings after loss(Embracing New Beginnings)
MxMunluah · 5.8K Views

Lever de l'Alpha Obscur

[COMPLET - GAGNANT SILVER 8 000 $USD : Compétition Loup-garou 2022] Zev avançait vers elle, toute la beauté brutale et éclatante, menton baissé et ces yeux perçants incroyables fixés sur elle. Il ne s'arrêta qu'à un souffle d'elle et bloqua sa vue de tous les autres mâles du cercle. Ses yeux se baissèrent sur sa bouche tandis qu'il se penchait, son murmure jouant sur sa peau. « Tu. Es. À. Moi. » Sa voix profonde vibrait dans son ventre alors que les hurlements de la meute de loups s'élevaient derrière lui pour se répercuter à travers les montagnes de Thana, tandis que les autres Chimères contestaient sa revendication. Luttant contre l'envie de caresser son large torse nu avec ses mains tremblantes, Sasha se força à incliner la tête et à lever un sourcil. « Si audacieux pour un jeune loup qui vient de trouver ses crocs. » Les autres mâles rugirent de rire. Ignorant leurs railleries, les yeux de Zev pétillèrent et il se pencha encore plus près, la barbe naissante sur sa mâchoire la chatouillant alors qu'il souriait. « Si audacieuse pour une humaine qui connaît déjà le plaisir de souffler mon nom. » Elle frissonna lorsque ses dents effleurèrent son oreille. ***** Juste quelques jours après que Sasha se soit donnée à son amour d'enfance, il disparut. Cinq ans plus tard, dans une sombre rue de la ville, Zev revint - avec le danger à ses trousses. Zev est une Chimère : Moitié humain, moitié loup. Fabriqué dans un laboratoire de recherche sécurisé, son existence est un secret. Mais quand les hommes puissants qui l'ont créé tentent de tuer la seule femme qui ait jamais fait chanter son cœur, Zev rompt leur laisse et l'emmène dans le monde brutal et caché des clans Chimères. Déchirée entre l'attraction magnétique de son premier amour et la douloureuse trahison de sa disparition, Sasha essaie de garder Zev à distance. Mais lorsqu'ils atteignent cet univers mystérieux, Zev découvre qu'en son absence, les humains ont pris le contrôle et ont volé presque toutes les femelles. Les Chimères meurent - et Zev n'est plus l'Alpha. Maintenant, Zev doit combattre son propre peuple pour gagner le droit de s'accoupler avec son unique amour. Peut-il lui prouver que sa promesse de longue date de protéger son cœur, ainsi que son corps, était vraie ? Ou bien les humains traverseront-ils les mondes pour chasser le loup et séparer les amants pour toujours ? [Contenu mature, pas d'agression sexuelle] Image de couverture par Aenaluck et utilisée avec permission et droits d'auteur rémunérés. Découvrez plus d'art magnifique et soutenez l'artiste sur
AimeeLynn · 86K Views

Biduan Dan Tetangga

Bab 1 #Pov Falen Falen seorang penyanyi, Yang terkenal. Dan selalu menjadi biduan no.1, Di Se Jawa Timur. Namun falen anak yang polos dan menjadi anak kuliah di kota J. Falen menyanyi dari panggung ke panggung untuk mencari uang buat membantu ekonomi. Sang kakek dan nenek, Falen sangat sayang sama kakek dan neneknya, Sehingga apapun yang Falen lakukan, Demi membahagiakan Kakek Neneknya. " Falen, Ada job nih! Tanggal 5, Acara nikahan di desa G, Pagi - pagi ya! " kata Om Untung. " Oke, Om ," Ucap Falen Singkat. Setelah itu, Falen langsung membuka hape, Untuk melingkari Kalendernya. Kemudia tiba di acara jobnya falen yang akan dilaksanakan pada pagi hari. Falen pun datang dengan berdandan cantik, Dan berpakai - pakaian agak ke buka seperti artis - artis korea, kemudian di tempat hajatan nikah itu, Adalah mantan falen yang menikah. Falen hanya tersenyum dan berusaha profesional. Seketika mas Bima datang untuk menyawer falen, Mulai lah timbul mulut orang - orang menggejek dan Mencibirnya. Tak terduga di hajatan ada tetangga depan rumah. Yaitu bu imah, Tetangga yang paling julid suka melihat tetangganya kesusahan, Dan tidak mau kelihatan orang miskin. Kalau di hadapan warga lainnya, Ia wanita yang sombong dan sangat julid. Sengaja ku tak sapa karna udah tau sifat nya kayak apa, Dan tak sengaja ku denggar bu imah bicara sama temannya, Dia menunjuk ke arah ku. " Tau gak kamu itu si falen", Kata Bu Imah Sambil Menunjuk Ke Arah Ku. " Anaknya yu yanti kah? ", Jawab Bu Melin. " Iya betul kamu Mel, Dia jadi biduan sekarang. Kamu tau kan biduan sekarang ", Kata Bu Imah Sambil menyunggingkan mulutnya Ke Atas. " Maksudnya gimana ya yu imah? Aku tak paham ", Jawab Bu Melin dengan Singkat. " Masak gitu aja kamu gak tau Mel, Kalau mau jadi Biduan terkenal harus ehemehem dulu sama yang punya grup ", Kata Bu Imah dengan bangganya Menjellekkan Ku. Aku yang mendenggar aku langsung menghadap ke bu imah dan menuju ke tempat bu imah Duduk. " Bu Imah sebenarnya maunya apa sihh! Kenapa kalau saya jadi penyanyi, Toh saya tidak merugikan banyak orang ", Jawab ku Dengan Kesal. " Hehh kamu kok sewot, Aku menggatakan yang sebenarnya, Kalau kamu itu wanita malam juga ", Kata Bu Imah dengan santainya dia berucap. Dan Tersenyum Sinis. " Emang bu imah tau kalau aku wanita malam, Coba kalau ada bukti aku mau lihat ", Jawabkuu sambil Memiringkan Bibirku. Dan bu imah gak mau kalah terus nyerocos dari tadi dan gak senggaja, ada om untung yang menenggahi kami. Aku beruntung ikut grup om untung sebab dia orang yang baik, Dan talten. Menggajari para penyanyi yang baru Terjun. Om Untung udah mempunyai istri dan anak, Dia sangat berbakat dalam bidang musik. Suaranya pun sangat bagus dan Merdu. Tatkala waktu giliran aku lagi yang menyanyi, aku pun maju dengan profesional di hadapan mantan pacar aku, Berusaha tersenyum walau pun sebenarnya Sakit Hati. Aku pun mulai bernyanyi sesuai request para penonton, Banyak yang request nyanyi yang lagi viral di kalangan madura. Falen bernyanyi Kalah benyak " Mungkin dunyah se deddih bendinggah, seporannah. .uleh kalah benyak,  sadar bule oreng biasa dek asandinh ben dikah,  jujur bule kalah sakabi'nah... Reff... Nyiksah ateh nyiksah mon engak dek dikah. Nyiksah ateh nyiksah mon engak dek dikah. Neser de’ dhika padena apajung bekto ojen Paggun becca karna nyapcap aeng se atampessen Padena ben taresnana dhika se Tak ongghuen bule rep arepben. Nyiksa ate nyiksa Mun engak de’ dhika Nyiksa ate nyiksa Mun engak de’ dhika Para penonton semua terhibur dan bertepuk tangan dan banyak juga yang mau minta foto,,, Disaat dikrumunan para penonton. Mas Bima datang dan meminta foto. " Boleh foto bersama gak mbak ", ucapnya dengan Nada yang Sungkan. " Boleh Mas, ", Jawabku Singkat. Dan kami pun berfoto bersama dengan keluarga mas bima, Dan keluarga besar mempelai wanita. Istri mas bima terpana melihat ku. Karna Mas Bima kayak deket sama aku, Dan Istrinya pun kelihatan heran dan, Agak Cemburu. Dia menyamperi ku
isfi_falentina · 7.8K Views

Wearing the fujiao bag of the brigade captain’s family

The eldest daughter of the Mu family, Mu Nannan, who had been sick and abandoned by her biological parents since she was a child, said goodbye to her tree mother for the last time, and fell into a peaceful sleep. But when she opened her eyes... * The third daughter-in-law of the leader of the Taoji Village Production Brigade After giving birth to a girl, many villagers shouted that the tradition of only giving birth to boys in the brigade leader's family was finally broken, and they were all laughing secretly. But it was the Mu family that was so clinging to their only girl that they kept Mu Nannan white and tender. Slowly, the villagers discovered something was wrong. Rabbits and pheasants bumped into the door of the brigade leader's house at every turn, and even wild boars came to join in the fun. And as long as the plants were closer to Mun Nannan, they would grow particularly well. Since then, the team leader’s little dumpling has become a blessing package praised by everyone. "Nan Bao, these are the corn cakes freshly baked by my aunt." "Nan Bao, these are the eggs we gave you." "Nan Bao,..." The adults and children at the entrance of the village were calling her again, Mu Nannan Just as he was about to turn back and run home, he bumped into the young and mature Ji Beinian. The handsome boy held her hand, frowned and said, "Nan Bao, you can only eat what I give you." ^O^ The heroine is close to plants, has healing abilities, and is predictable. The male protagonist is so smart that he almost appears as a demon, and has been cold-hearted since he was a child. He loves to feed the female protagonist the most and abduct Nan Bao. Keywords of the novel: No pop-up window for The Fu Jiao Bao Who Dressed as the Captain's Family, Download the full txt version of The Fu Jiao Bao Who Dressed as the Captain's Family, Read the latest chapter of The Fu Jiao Bao Who Dressed as the Captain's Family
Line_Huang · 123.4K Views

Is It Possible That Farming Is The Real Cultivation Of Immortals?

An Jia stared at the hoe in his hand. Callouses throbbed on his palms—the price for hours spent digging in the spiritual fields. He wiped sweat from his brow and surveyed the rows of fledgling spirit plants. Was this truly the path of cultivation? An image flashed in his mind, of an ancient scroll depicting a warrior mid-slash. Naqi Slash—the ultimate sword technique. An Jia swung the hoe, picturing it as a gleaming sword slicing the air. Could the motions of farming conceal peerless martial arts? His gaze fell on the hatchet at his belt. Legend told of immortal weapons awakening after being bathed in the blood of a thousand foes. An Jia smiled wryly. Shedding sap, perhaps, but not blood. Although...the hatchet's worn handle fit his grip like an extension of his own arm. And hadn't Elder Mun claimed common tools could reveal their true power? An Jia shook his head, dispelling fanciful thoughts. Cultivation through farming? Ha! Still, as he resumed his work, a whisper of doubt remained. What if the mundane hid unexpected wonders? The soil offered no answers, but An Jia found himself watching the hatchet with new eyes. Just in case. —————Translator's notes————— Hi. I'm translating this chinese novel as a hobby. I tried my best to fix the bad machine-translation. However, don't expect me to fix the storyline or plot elements. And do watch out for abrupt scene changes without any transition—that's just how the original author wrote it. (Link to MTL →
K353 · 10.8K Views

God's Love

Are they going to be able to develop a relationship without running afoul of the rules of their respective worlds while being trapped in them both? Although rules are intended to be observed, they can also be violated. Will love be sufficient to fend off genuine forces that would otherwise be damaging to everyone in the human and heavy realms? Un Hanuel, the god of the stars, resides in the human realm since his parents intended him to have a somewhat normal life. Cracking sporadically, he hides his identity even from those he loves. regarded as one of the happiest individuals alive because of how nice and polite he is to everyone around him. Given that he served as a role model for many kids and adults, whatever he did seemed to become popular trends. One of the most successful seventeen-year-olds in the world, and the first person to launch their own fashion brand after rising from nothing to fame. Ryeom Mun-Hee, the devil god's son, also resides in the human world since he created too much havoc in the demonic world. He accepted who he was instead of trying to hide it. People who believe in the existence of the devil among mankind. No one was safe from his clutches; darkness followed him everywhere, leaving everyone reeling in anguish and despair. Despite only being seventeen, he was already well-known as a troublemaker for the globe. They both unexpectedly cross paths, which strangely causes a rift in fate. Will they continue to ignore one another or will they embrace one another, defying the laws of destiny? Only a select few dare to challenge and destroy what is unquestionably fixed in place.
asdsdaasd · 1.9K Views
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