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Sognare Serpente Che Scappa

Female Consort (GL)

In Qiu Che’s previous life, she disguised herself as a man to take the imperial examination for her brother. For the so-called great plan of her father and brother, she married the most favored princess of the dynasty, Li Qingwu, at all costs. But after ten years of marriage, she never touched her finger. On the day she became the powerful prime minister, she died at the hands of her biological father. Her brother stepped on her corpse and became famous. And she died quietly in the prime minister’s mansion in the cold spring night. It was her wife who she had never seen once, who collected her corpse for her, set fire to the prime minister’s mansion, and finally committed suicide with a sword in front of her grave. When she opened her eyes again, she returned to the eighteenth year of Zhenfeng. It was the year when she had just passed the imperial examination and was in high spirits. She rode a horse through the streets, and suddenly raised her eyes and saw a man standing by the pavilion with a crowd on his left and right, looking at her quietly from top to bottom. Vermilion mole, red lips, beautiful beyond compare. In her eyes are endless sparks. It was not until this life that Qiu Che finally knew that the bad fate in her previous life, which she thought was obtained by despicable calculation, was actually the fate that Li Qingwu had sought after three bows and nine kowtows in the Golden Palace. She is Li Qingwu, a model of a lady from a noble family, and she is a rebellious person only once in her life. It is also the one that the other party has been seeking for countless days and nights. -------------------------------------------------------- You can also join my patreon for more chapters, just search: Crimson_Lore Patreon
Crimson_Lore · 11.3K Views

Système Multiplicateur de Revenus Centuple

Jack Alfonso, le septième enfant de la dernière génération de la famille Alfonso de la ville de Crystal traverse beaucoup d'épreuves à la maison. Sa mère meurt lorsqu'il avait seulement quinze ans. Ensuite, les choses empirent lorsqu'il est malmené par ses demi-frères et sœurs aînés. Au final, il décide que puisque la famille Alfonso ne pouvait pas l'aider dans cette vie, il allait devoir trouver un moyen par lui-même. Il décide d'utiliser la petite somme d'argent qu'il avait économisée depuis l'âge de treize ans jusqu'à ses dix-neuf ans. Il quitte la ville de Crystal qui était sous la pleine influence de la famille Alfonso et se rend dans une ville en retard, la ville de Inchoate où il commence une petite entreprise. Qui aurait su que lorsqu'il a reçu son premier revenu, il a reçu une invite qui l'a surpris. [Ding ! Félicitations pour avoir activé le Centuple Multiplicateur de Revenu.] [Ding ! Vous avez gagné trois cents dollars. Multiplicateur appliqué. Vous avez reçu trente mille dollars.] [Ding ! Premier revenu. En récompense, vous gagnez une Suzuki GSX-R1000] [Ding ! Premier revenu. En récompense, vous gagnez une Bugatti Veyron sur mesure.] [Ding ! Le système peut vous assister. Vous serez récompensé avec les compétences de conduite professionnelles. Mais, vous devrez accomplir une tâche qui vous sera donnée dans la période spécifiée. Si la tâche n'est pas accomplie, alors non seulement vous perdrez la compétence, vous serez aussi puni par le système.] [Ding ! Premier revenu. En récompense, vous gagnez un Eurocopter EC135] [Ding ! Premier mois de gains de revenu. Récompensé par l'Hôtel Glaze.] …. Avec cela, sa vie changea immédiatement pour le mieux. Il ne savait pas ce qui se passerait ensuite mais il avait acquis un nouveau rêve. Il voulait devenir plus riche que la famille Alfonso. De cette façon, au moins ils regretteraient de ne pas s'être préoccupés de lui. Mais ce ne serait pas tout, il devrait s'assurer que la famille tombe. La raison en était assez simple, il a découvert la raison de la mort de sa mère ! ….. Bonjour tout le monde. Cette histoire est principalement liée à la romance et nous pouvons dire qu'il y a des parties fictives. Mais, j'espère que vous aimerez l'histoire. Les gars, avec tous les 100 pierres de pouvoir, il y aura un chapitre supplémentaire. 200PS= 1 chapitre supplémentaire 100GT= 2 chapitres supplémentaires et ainsi de suite. La sortie des chapitres bonus se fera au début de chaque mois. Alors s'il vous plaît, si vous voulez plus de chapitres, mettez ces pierres de pouvoir et billets d'or, puis laissez le reste à moi.... .... Vous pouvez me donner vos opinions via; Vous pouvez soutenir mes autres romans, de genre fantastique, 'L'Étoile d'Or', 'The Soul System in the Apocalypse', 'The Bodyguard System', 'Twins With Systems: Complete the Mission'
Alan_Wafula · 210.5K Views

Nach der Scheidung fand mich der Milliardär-Ex schwanger

"Gabriel Bryce, wie kannst du es ertragen, so schamlos zu sein?" fragte Leonica und starrte ihren grässlichen Ehemann und seine Geliebte düster an. "Dies ist das Haus, das mir von meiner Großmutter geschenkt wurde, und du wagst es, eine andere Frau hierher zu bringen? Habt ihr keine Angst, dass Großmutter von eurem Verhalten enttäuscht sein könnte?" Leonicas Worte blieben unvollendet, als ein wütender Gabriel seine Hand durch die Luft schwang und seine Handfläche sauber auf ihre linke Wange schlug. Leonica hielt sich die pochende Wange, die Augen weit aufgerissen und tränenüberströmt, als sie ihren Mann anstarrte, der sie grimmig anblickte. "Du hast Nerven, meine Großmutter zu erwähnen. Du hast kein Recht, das zu tun!" Er spuckte aus, trat einen Schritt vor und stieß ihr mit dem Zeigefinger schmerzhaft in die Schulter, so dass sie mehrere Schritte zurückwich. "Denken Sie daran, Leonica Romero, wenn es nicht nach dem Willen meiner verstorbenen Großmutter ginge, wäre ich lieber tot, als mich mit jemandem wie Ihnen abzugeben." *~*~* *~*~* Leonica Romero war schon immer in Gabriel Bryce, den CEO des Bryce-Imperiums und norwegischen Wirtschaftstyrannen, verknallt. Glücklicherweise erhält Leonica auf Wunsch seiner kranken Großmutter, einer langjährigen Freundin ihrer Familie, die Möglichkeit, ihren Geliebten zu heiraten. Vor lauter Freude gibt sie ihre Stellung und ihren Traumjob im Romero-Haushalt auf und wird eine einfache Hausfrau für Gabriel. Doch drei Jahre später, am Tag der Beerdigung von Gabriels Großmutter, ist Leonica sprachlos, als er die Scheidung verlangt, weil seine Ex-Freundin Angelina Fernandez plötzlich zurückgekehrt ist und ihm ihre unsterbliche Liebe verkündet. Aber das war nicht der einzige Schock, den Leonica an diesem Tag erlebte. Nur Stunden nach Gabriels Scheidungserklärung wacht Leonica im Krankenhaus mit einer schockierenden Nachricht auf. Sie war im zweiten Monat schwanger. Und Gabriel wusste nichts davon!
Khira · 26.6K Views

Volé par le Roi Rebelle

En tant que princesse incapable de manier la magie, la seule valeur de la Princesse Daphné pour son royaume résidait dans son mariage arrangé. La tâche était simple, mais quand Daphné fut kidnappée et emmenée dans les froides montagnes de Vramid, elle réalisa qu'elle était dépassée par les événements. Elle avait déjà entendu parler de ces montagnes maudites auparavant - un terrain rocheux, des températures glaciales, et une terre gouvernée par un homme que beaucoup craignaient sur le continent. Le Roi Atticus Heinvres, le souverain assoiffé de sang du Nord. Bien qu'elle ne l'ait jamais rencontré auparavant, des histoires sur la cruauté du Roi Atticus étaient répandues. Certains disaient qu'il était un monstre, d'autres prétendaient qu'il était le diable en personne, mais peu importe l'histoire, tout le monde connaissait l'homme qui possédait des pouvoirs au-delà de l'imagination de tous. Il pouvait renverser des armées et ruiner des royaumes d'un simple geste de la main, aidé par ce que d'autres disaient être un anneau d'obsidienne maudit. Personne en dehors de Vramid n'avait jamais rencontré le redoutable roi auparavant. Jusqu'à Daphné. Cependant, en rencontrant l'impressionnant monarque, Daphné découvrit que le roi pourrait ne pas vraiment être le monstre que les autres prétendaient qu'il était. En fait, ce qui était caché sous ce bouclier d'obsidienne pourrait juste être un diamant brut. ― [Extrait] « Alors... où devrais-je vous mettre tous les deux ? » demanda-t-il nonchalamment, sans attendre de réponse. « C'est regrettable de n'avoir qu'un seul lustre. » « Sous mon lit ? Non, non, trop sale. Mes moutons de poussière ne méritent pas cela, » réfléchit Atticus à voix haute. « La cheminée ? Et la table de toilette ? Je suppose que si je coupe la tête de l'un d'entre vous, je pourrais l'accrocher au-dessus de... Ma femme, quelle tête veux-tu fixer du regard pendant que tu te coiffes ? » « Atticus ! » cria Daphné. « Je ne veux aucune tête ! Laisse-les partir. » « Très bien. » Atticus haussa les épaules et claqua des doigts. Il y eut deux craquements identiques alors que les deux cous se brisèrent simultanément. Daphné poussa un cri d'horreur. Cet homme, son mari, venait de tuer deux hommes d'un claquement de doigts, comme s'il éteignait des bougies. « Je t'avais dit de les laisser partir ! » cria Daphné. « Oui, je les ai laissés partir, » dit Atticus. Puis, ses yeux s'assombrirent. « Pour recevoir le jugement divin des cieux. » ― Serveur Discord :
saltedpepper · 150K Views

Die Verführung durch die Krone

[Warnung: r18+/starker reifer Inhalt] Er ist ihre Rettung. Sie, sein Untergang. Dennoch weigert er sich, sie gehen zu lassen... Mineah, die jüngste Prinzessin von Ebodia, wurde bei ihrer Geburt verflucht, unbefleckt zu bleiben und Unglück über die Menschen um sie herum zu bringen. Diese Prophezeiung schwebt wie eine dunkle Wolke über ihr und wird mit jedem Jahr, in dem sie nicht eintrifft, größer. In der Gerüchteküche wird sie als bemitleidenswerte Figur dargestellt - zerbrechlich, sanftmütig, unerwünscht. Unter dieser Maske verbirgt sich eine starke und kämpferische Füchsin, die einer Königin würdig ist. Und diese Möchtegern-Königin hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ihren Fluch zu brechen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, den gerissensten Vampir aller Zeiten auszutricksen. Nikolai, obwohl zurückgezogen und rätselhaft, wird vom Königreich Valcrez als weiser und mächtiger Herrscher verehrt. Was seine treuen Untertanen nicht wissen, ist, dass sein Bild von Perfektion ein Netz von Lügen ist, das, wenn es aufgedeckt wird, ihr Königreich und alles, was ihnen lieb und teuer ist, zum Einsturz bringen kann. Als sich die Wege der beiden in einem Heiratsbündnis kreuzen, beginnt das Spiel um die Verführung der Krone. Aber wer ist eigentlich der Jäger und wer die Beute? ******** Excerpt: "Warum ziehst du dich vor mir nackt aus?", fragte sie stirnrunzelnd und tat wenig, um die Irritation in ihrer Stimme zu verbergen. Ihr Ziel war es, nur sein Herz zu erobern, nicht seinen ganzen Körper! "Darf ich nicht mit meiner Frau baden?", bemerkte er mit kaltem Ton. "Ich habe absichtlich um eine große Wanne gebeten, nur um sicherzugehen, dass wir beide zusammen hineinpassen." Sie seufzte und riss ihren Blick nicht von ihm los, als sie ihre Fassung wiedergewann. Als sie sein Grinsen sah, zwang sie sich, es sich bequem zu machen, während er sprach. "So ist es schon besser. Du hast selbst gesagt, dass dich niemand gezwungen hat, mich zu heiraten. Stattdessen hast du dich freiwillig dazu bereit erklärt, also erwarte ich, dass du selbstbewusst genug bist, um ein Bad mit deinem Mann zu teilen", erklärte Nikolai zuversichtlich. "Schließlich werden wir bald mehr als das tun. Schamlos... Sie verhinderte, mit den Augen zu rollen, und schaffte es, ihm ein Lächeln zu schenken, als sie sagte: "Geben Sie mir nicht die Schuld, wenn Sie mir dann sterben." **** Anmerkung: Band 1: Hauptgeschichte Status - Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 1 bis 403) Band 2: Nebengeschichte Status - Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 404 bis 472) Band 3: Nebengeschichte Status - abgeschlossen **** PS: Das in Auftrag gegebene Buchcover ist Eigentum des Autors! Bitte nicht verwenden!
Eustoma_Reyna · 66.6K Views

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Full Title, AZI: The History Shattering Burial of a Selfish Lunatic, Who Walked through Reincarnation for Two-Trillion Years Volumes 1-3 Synopsis: “Who?” Holding a lone gourd in hand the young man raises it to the Heavens with a single question. “Who wishes to accompany me? To stay by my side for an eternity, and to walk through the mountains, and seas?” May container spoilers below Volume 4 Synopsis: Weapon spirits, such is the nature of every single Sinner within the Leng Bing Realm. In other words, all of them are but tools, and a tool… “A tool has no right to choose their owner, and what a tool does is decided by their owner.” “…Cruel, how very cruel the laws of this world are. Even upon death, a soul may not rest.” Volume 5 Synopsis: “Surnamed Ye, if you had a choice between being a hero or a demon lord, which would you choose? Naturally, you can also choose to be a villager A or B if you wanted to.” “What kind of question is that? Hmm.” Contemplating for a bit, Ye Chen answers— “I guess, the hero? Since he always wins in the end?” “Hero, is it?” “And you, surnamed Long?” “I think, the role of the hero—is a role that should only be played by a masochist.” “The hell? Is this entire question supposed to be a way to diss me?” “The fate of a hero is to suffer. They’re constantly being pushed left and right. …While everyone else drowns in a sea of despair, a hero must stand their ground, and step forward—to guide the deadbeats along. They must become the shining beacon of hope that others may follow—towards a future, where they may survive. Tell me then, if a hero isn’t a masochist, then what are they?” The world is a game board, those who control the game board, and the game itself… What are they? Volume 6 Synopsis: “A lunatic near death has three options. One, they can choose to pass away peacefully. Two, they can choose to spend the rest of their remaining life to find a solution that will let them live. Three, they can drag an entire world down as a part of their burial.” ……… “The longer you live for, and the more you experience, the less you care about the things around you. Maybe, I’m just someone who has reached that point?” ……… “You’re right in saying that even if this world goes up into flames, I’d still be drinking away at my leisure. Why bother to care for a world that is completely foreign to me? The people who I had cared for, they aren’t here; hence, I see very little purpose in getting myself invested into this environment.” ……… The 46th prince of the Hong Xiao Empire was born between the emperor and the 114th concubine. He was born on a moonlit night, and yet, since his eyes were blind, his majesty—the emperor decided to name him Bujian Yue. “Did you know—that the more fearful a prey is, the tastier it is? At least to me, since I enjoy chewing on my food to savor the flavor.” “…?” Enlarging its stature, the black serpent abruptly snaps its head forward, and swallows the palace maid whole. Leaving a bite mark on the ground, the black serpent begins to chew, as the sound of meat and bones being pulverized comes from its maw. And eventually, the black serpent swallows.
YatogamiSakuya · 261.9K Views

Terras de Adira

Em um dos quatro reinos de Adira, a serpente infame Maeve Fermi Escarlate ressurge misteriosamente em um dia qualquer, quebrando a paz dos magos de Avalon. Seu retorno assusta o mundo de tal forma que cada reino não consegue ser mais o mesmo com sua presença, fazendo com que muitos desejem que a justiça seja feita e que ela pague pelos seus pecados. Enquanto é presa e espera pelo seu julgamento, se depara com fantasmas e problemas mal resolvidos do passado. Além de estar empenhada em fugir e encontrar um velho amigo que possa trazer respostas e um novo caminho a ela como escolhida. Por sorte do destino ou azar, Fênix e Serpentes voltam a se encontrar quando Maeve conhece o príncipe mais novo de Zamoria, Eros. Tendo certeza de que nem o tempo é capaz de apagar o ódio enraizado entre duas espécies inimigas, principalmente quando Maeve percebe que tem sua vida nas mãos de Eros. Do outro lado de Adira, em Calisto. Vive Baltazar, um homem íntegro e independente, que cuida sozinho dos seus dois filhos órfãos, e quando ele sente a presença de Maeve no mundo de novo, ele sabe que esse é o chamado, e que agora terá que escolher entre suas obrigações e seus dois filhos. tags: com foco em fantasia épica/medieval voltado para mulheres fortes, mistério, construção de mundo lenta, ação, aventura, violência, magia, deuses, demônios, anjos, bruxos, magos, protagonismo feminino forte, romance, slow burn, enemies tô lovers, friends tô lovers
ThaliaSant · 3.1K Views

Hidden Past The series; Heart strings

In the sweltering heat of a Bangkok suburb, a new semester dawned on the public university, casting a spotlight on the city's most infamous clique: The Elite and The Tops. Renowned among students from various schools and universities for their captivating visuals, impeccable style, and intriguing aura, they were the epitome of youthful glamour and sophistication. At the heart of this tangled web were three individuals bound by a shared trauma: Siriporn "Siri" Ratanawong, the stunning 19-year-old architecture student with a secret she dare not speak; Ratchanon "Chan" Chaiyaphum, the charismatic law student with a penchant for painting and a hidden past; and Sarawut "Wut" Thongkham, the brooding medicine student with a talent for art and a soul tormented by guilt. Their lives had intersected in a tragic dance five years prior, when they witnessed the brutal murder of Siri's older brother, Chaiwat. The killer, shrouded in mystery, had left an indelible mark on their psyches, a scar that still throbbed with pain. As they navigated the treacherous landscape of university life, the past began to stir, like a serpent awakening from a deep slumber. The Elite and The Tops, sworn enemies since their private secondary school days, found themselves unexpectedly reunited at the public university. The tension between them was palpable, a powder keg waiting to ignite. Little did they know, their lives were about to become inextricably entwined once more, as the unknown killer began to weave his way back into their lives, leaving behind a trail of eerie whispers and unsettling memories. The scent of jasmine and smoke lingered in the air, a haunting reminder that the past was never truly buried. As the semester unfolded, Siri, Chan, and Wut would find themselves torn between their desire for justice and their need for survival. Would they be able to confront the darkness that had haunted them for so long, or would it consume them, once and for all?
sai4at_1 · 10.4K Views

Reforged from Ruin

Raika used to be a Cultivator. She lived in a sect, fought in tournaments, and cultivated to spite the heavens, as a cultivator should. While she was never the strongest, fastest or wisest, she held it in her heart to never, ever give up, and to stand for her ideals. And then an Imperial Cultivator destroyed her soul organs and left her crippled. In a world with a sun made of flaming serpents, reality-defying entities running amok, and a timeless, all-knowing Emperor ruling all through the power of his Blades and the constant advances and experiments of his Divisions, Raika is less than worthless, unable to see and feel the blood of reality- but when it's surrender or madness, she chooses madness. Embarking on a new path, Raika will find strange secrets, hidden paths to transformation, and abandon humanity, sanity, and the rule of the Empire to become something far stranger and far more powerful than she ever thought possible. In a world replete with enslaved Daemons used as WMDs, reality-bending powers, eldritch-punk technology, and strange pathways of cultivation and magic, she'll have to find allies, confront gods and monster, and defy the Heavens, her own body, and common sense to find a way to become something new. Facing a millenia-old Empire rife with corruption and unknown plans, impossible horrors from the edges of the world, Daemons, Witches, and her own broken soul, she won't stop until she's become truly free- but what will it cost, and can her insanity match the madness of the reality itself?
DC_Haenlien · 5.1K Views

Mommy Villainess

[Mommy Villainess (The Lady with the Crab Mallet)] *** [Original book cover. Artwork by Artist Michiro for WN Author sola_cola.] *** In Tilly's past life, she was a villainess who neglected her husband and son for power. Then, the "real woman of the prophecy" came and took them away from her. When she failed to seize the throne for herself, she was executed for all the crimes she committed. Then, came her rebirth. She wants to meet her son again so she vowed to be a good person this time. Good enough to seduce Captain Kiho--- her husband in her past life. But soon, she realized that flirting with the captain is the least of her worry. After all, she discovered that her "evilness" in the past was caused by the true villain--- someone who wanted her dead to steal the special power that she didn't know she possessed. Power that has something to do with the Four Ancient Beasts of the Moonchester Empire: The Red Phoenix, the Blue Dragon, the Golden Tiger, and The Black Serpent. Apparently, she's the Beast Priestess... ... and her lineage isn't supposed to exist anymore. Because of her blood, there are people who want her gone. So now, aside from having a happy life with Kiho and their son, she has a new goal: to burn down the b*tches who want to ruin her family again. *** [EXCERPT] *** [‘Why am I so horny tonight?’] Tilly thought to herself while sucking the crab leg suggestively. And then, she noticed that Captain Kiho gulped while staring at her mouth. [‘Ah, I’m not the only who’s hot and bothered here.’] She didn’t know if it was the alcohol in her system or her desperation to have a child… … but she suddenly felt like flirting with him. They were bound to get married and have a child together anyway. “Captain,” said Tilly as soon as she pulled the crab leg out of her mouth. “I can clearly see that we’re both attracted to each other. Shall we spend the night together?” Kiho remained pokerfaced but she saw panic cross his now glowing yellowish eyes. Ah, the captain was flustered. “My lady, you seem to be really drunk.” She walked towards him and when he didn’t move an inch, she stood in front of him and looked up at him with a grin. “Captain, are you the type of man who will only sleep with his betrothed?” “That seems to be the case, my lady.” He said that as if he was forcing the words out of his mouth. Plus, she could see in his eyes that he was conflicted– that it was hard for him to reject her. [‘Aw, I didn’t know that I have this kind of effect on my ex-husband.’] Or perhaps she just didn’t pay attention in the past. “Captain, I have a solution to your problem,” said Tilly in a playful voice. Then, she stood on her toes and whispered in Kiho’s ear. “Let’s get married.”
sola_cola · 5.7M Views

A Serpent's Tale

In a future, alternate timeline, the Gods have been reawakened with a fury, and with that fury, they take control of the world and reshape it to their collective liking, and reignite the power of magic, changing the way the world functioned as we knew it. With the concept of magic now introduced to humanity, they went wild with it in this new world, creating new things and people that eventually restructured the system of the Gods themselves, changing everything once again. Time has passed since then, and in a remote city in the largest desert two beings encounter one another and create an unlikely spawn, the mother dies shortly after giving birth due to a curse inflicted upon her by mysterious forces. The was then father left to take care of his child on his own and does his best, but is forced to return to his home realm in hell, due to the same reasons he was allowed in the mortal plane in the first place. Left alone with only her friend, the two young serpentines venture off on many adventures together, developing a strong bond for one another that quickly grows into something more. Then on one of these adventures, they find themselves trapped inside a hidden and desolate place. They searched for a way out, but in the end, only one escaped Now alone the little serpent girl has to survive this world without anyone by her side, struggling to cope with all of the losses she's suffered over her life. Will she be able to survive? Or will she fall into an endless spiral of despair and loneliness? __________ Current Upload shedule, whenever it’s ready. Discord Link: Cover Art made by devilbeez, you can find them on instagram. WARNING! This novel contains fetish content such as Futanari and Vore, you have been warned. It also contains some descriptive and gory scenes that some may not like, chapters with such content have a note at the beginning of them. Any and all of this text is subject to change whenever I like.
Wyvers · 952.5K Views

The Tale of Revenge [BL]

Hello! My name is Aman Vasuki. I belong to the Royal Family of Vasuki Clan which is the Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. Currently, I am working as a caretaker of a human boy named Mei Wei. Why? Because I am going to kill his father…. Aman's life was like a dream. He belonged to the Royal Family of a Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. He had a loving family, supportive friends and riches of the world. All in all, he lived a dream like life. But one day this dream got shattered… On the night of blood moon, when he was stripped off his powers, four humans ruined him. They took what was most precious to him…. But, now he is back to get his revenge on the very people that snatched his world from him. But why does Mei Wang's son always give him a look which is filled with love? And why does his heart suddenly start feeling calm when he is close to Mei Wei? Excerpt: The cold wind was blowing with a swoosh sound. The area was dead silent despite four people being there and a fifth pair of eyes looking at them. Aman's upper human body was glistening with a little sweat, Meanwhile his lower body was turned into a fiery red snake's. The golden pattern on it shining under the moonlight. In this snake tail, he was holding a trembling human. He was trembling with fear of death. Aman brought him closer and looked at him closely. He turned back, his long red hair blowing with the wind, suddenly he laughed out loud but this laugh was not heartily but bone chilling, "I am so happy to see the fear of death in your eyes, SAGE SAETANG!" He laughed again, "I think this look of fear suits all three of you. You know, when I killed your friend Melvin he was even crying and even begging me to spare him. Unfortunately, death is inevitable. Is it not?" Aman asked Sage, as he brought him closer and rubbed his hair with his hand like a child. He was smiling but his eyes were filled with killing intent. The rub resulted in Sage's scalp becoming numb, he furiously nodded, "of course his pathetic twin brother did not fare any better. I did not get the feeling of originality, you know." Aman pouted, showing his dissatisfaction, "wailing and gaping like a fish out of water. He even offered me that he would give all of his properties to me? But what use could I have of that. This look of fear provides me with much satisfaction than any riches in the world." "And now, now the same look is in your eyes. I bet you can see death standing somewhere. But why are you not pleading? At least cry a little," Aman told Sage whose mouth was still sealed. Cold flashes in his eyes and he started tightening the coiling of his tail around Sage's body, "forget it. Do as you please. After all it's your own death. But don't blame me if Mei Wang cries louder and surpasses you when I kill him." He showed a smile that made Sage's stomach flip, "I can't wait anymore to kill-" "AMAN!!" The shout was loud enough but Aman could even feel the emotions hidden in it, shock, betrayal, disbelief and extreme hurt. His whole demeanour fell on the ground, he also changed back into a complete human. Sage also fell on the hard ground with him. Aman looked up and there he was. Standing in front of him was Mei Wei…. **** How would Mei Wei react? And will their relationship survive this? What did those four people do to destroy Aman's life? Why does he want to take revenge? Is it possible for 4 mere humans to ruin a supernatural being? Or someone entirely unexpected is the mastermind behind? Join me to witness Aman's Tale of Revenge and find out all the answers to all of your questions.... Warning:- This story contains mature scenes; explicit violence, death, rape, male pregnancy and torture. If you are not comfortable or you are underage please stay away. **Although in every mature themed chapter there is a warning and a minor friendly summary available. *the cover photo credit goes to @unlomio on twitter. Thanks @ImagineTishaD for helping me.*
themysteryboy07 · 355.5K Views

Beast Driven System

The modern age of human society had undergone an evolution that changed it forever. Mana had arrived on Earth, and with it, came a meteor shower that threatened to reduce humanity to nothing but rubble and debris. Earth's governments were thrown into chaos because of this, and many military units were deployed to protect the masses from what they could only assume to be the end of the world. Using the most advanced arsenal possessed by the various world military governments, the adverse effects of the meteor shower had been controlled to an incredible degree, protecting most of Earth's inhabitants from utter annihilation. There were countries that were destroyed, leaderships and citizens wiped from the face of the Earth. Reconstruction had to be done to bring the demolished landscapes back to their former glory. It seemed like everything had gone back to normal, however, that was far from the case. Months after the meteor shower incident, world renouned scientists dedicated their time to studying these strange crystalline meteorites. Years later, and something ground breaking had been discovered-abilities. These meteorites, they weren't actually meteorites, but crystals. Where they had come from was unknown and still being researched up till today. From the crystals came abilities that changed humanity forever. Those who could afford the crystals were fortuate enough to obtain strange powers from within. Fire, boulder, serpent, and many others. Many more years passed by, and more and more was being discovered about abilities and the crystals they came from. Everything seemed to be heading up after the phenomenon that nearly destroyed the Earth, but not everything was for the benefit of everyone. For many years, most were oblivious to the presence of abilities on Earth. It wasn't until an alien invasion occoured, that the information on abilities was made public. Strong ability users were needed to defend Earth against the Shales. The government, private and public corporations, and many others, they were all monetizing whatever crystals they could get their hands on, using it as a means of earning revenye from the populace. Those who were rich enough to purchase ability crystals could become ability users, while those who couldn't would simply remain as regular humans. Many rich families in the new world were able to obtain strong abilities for themselves and their children; the ones who would continue their lineage and glory once their parents are no more. In order to learn how to defend humanity from the invasion of the aliens, people from the ages of 16 were ordered to attend a military academy by the decree of the federal government of their respective countries. Failure to abide by this law was punishable by jail time. Kayden, a sixteen-year-old from a city known as Black Saber city. Having lost his parents at a very yoing age, he had to live with his single uncle and his cousin. Like many other teenagers his age, he desired to attend military school to learn how to fight against the Shales. However, being unable to afford an ability, his dreams of becoming powerful seemed like they would be crushed, but that all changed the day he had been given a system that allows him to unlock monsters by completing quests. On his path to evolve, he must face multiple challenges, complete quests and go on missions just to grow in strength. For in the current world, only the strong are regarded, while the weak are cast aside and forgotten. That was the general rule, the rule that governed everything that happened. From a crystal, came a power that changed his life. Now, he must do whatever it takes to save the people he loves and cares about. He must make sure that he doesn't loose the people he cares about once more.
Shambles_ · 66.7K Views
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