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Appalachian Mountains North America

Nach der Auswanderung hat die fette Frau ein Comeback geschafft!

Qiao Mei tauchte in einem Roman als Nebenfigur mit demselben Namen wie sie auf, der es an Präsenz fehlte. Diese Nebenfigur war ein Bauerntrampel, der wegen seines Übergewichts nicht heiraten konnte. Nach dem ursprünglichen Drehbuch war dieses Landmädchen Qiao Mei eine von ihrem Großvater verwöhnte Fette. Ihre Verwandten waren jedoch allesamt bösartige und grausame Menschen. Ihr Großvater war gesundheitlich angeschlagen, so dass die Verwandten nach seinem Tod sein Vermögen aufteilen und verschlingen würden. Daher war es der größte Wunsch ihres Großvaters, Qiao Mei zu verheiraten. Dafür opferte und verriet er sogar den Enkel seines guten Freundes, Xia Zhe. Großvater machte Xia Zhe betrunken und ließ Qiao Mei den starken und gut aussehenden Xia Zhe mit ihrem mehr als zweihundert Pfund schweren Körper gewaltsam entführen. Am nächsten Tag erwischte der Großvater die beiden und zwang Xia Zhe, Qiao Mei zu heiraten. Doch damit begann das unglückliche Leben von Qiao Mei. In der ursprünglichen Geschichte nahm Qiao Mei auch die geheimnisvolle Jade von Xia Zhe in Besitz. Doch aufgrund von Qiao Meis Dummheit hatte die Schwester ihrer Cousine Qiao Mei dazu gebracht, ihr die Jade zu geben, was dazu führte, dass die Familie der Cousine reich wurde. Als Qiao Mei hierher wanderte, geschah das in dem unangenehmen Moment, als sie mit dem Mann schlief, nachdem sie ihn betrunken gemacht hatte. Als sie am nächsten Tag wach wurde, stand Opas Team bereits vor der Tür. Qiao Mei war erschrocken. Sie wollte nicht auf dem ursprünglichen Weg weitergehen und einen Mann heiraten, der sie nicht liebte. Also log sie und jagte Großvater fort. Sie stieß auch den Mann hinaus, bevor sie sich zwang, ihr gebräuntes und pummeliges Spiegelbild zu betrachten! Leider weinte sie über ihr hässliches Aussehen... Sie sah aus wie ein Sumo-Ringer in großer Stoffunterwäsche, und selbst in den Geschäften für Übergrößen gab es keine Kleidung in ihrer Größe. Und ihr Gesicht war so groß wie eine Pizza, eine verbrannte Pizza! Qiao Mei beschloss, ihr Leben zu ändern! Der erste Schritt: Abnehmen! Der zweite Schritt: ihr Zimmer aufräumen! Früher war sie sehr auf Sauberkeit bedacht, und obwohl ihr jetziges Haus einen riesigen Innenhof hatte, konnte sie es nur als unordentlich bezeichnen! Der dritte Schritt war, die Jade gut festzuhalten, damit ihre gierige Cousine keine Chance hatte! Nur, sollte der große und gut aussehende Xia Zhe sie nicht hassen, wie es in der ursprünglichen Geschichte hieß? Warum war er dann immer netter zu ihr?
Mountain Springs · 59.6K Views

Urban System in America

What happens when a 20-year-old ordinary young man transmigrates into America with a daily sign-in system, that gives rewards from most insignificant things like chewing gums, noodles to priceless things like shares of top companies, talents, future news etc... Follow how this young man slowly but step by step conquers the...... “Maate! Wait, stop, stop, time out, time out. My goal is to live a leisurely and carefree life. Why should I do the thankless job of conquering the world? Shouldn't I spend that time flirting around with beauties or trying new foods and cultures? “ “In my last life, I died as a single dog, and in this life, I finally became a rich 2nd generation and got a system, shouldn't I enjoy it? “ Shut up! Stop him, and make him shut up! ahem… so, where we were… Yes! But can he truly achieve his dream of a carefree life amidst the treacherous world of business with high-stakes investment and the dazzling entertainment industry? Witness his rise to legendary status, as he becomes a godfather of investment and a titan of entertainment. He only wanted a carefree life, but how did he end up as the most powerful and richest man in the world? Author's Note: This is a slice of life, wish-fulfillment novel with a logical, step-by-step progression. Every event and reward follow a realistic flow, set in an alternate Earth free from racism, nationalism, gods, or aliens. No over-the-top cheats—just strategy, ambition, and the power of the right decisions. Join the journey. Because once you start, you won’t be able to stop.
HereComesTheKing · 20.1K Views

Recuperei Minhas Memórias e Fiquei Rica Após o Divórcio

"Gu Dai, só me casei contigo para fazer o Vovô feliz. Se outra pessoa tivesse salvo o Vovô, eu teria me casado com ela do mesmo jeito! Não se ache tão importante!" Ao longo dos três anos de casamento, o marido de Gu Dai insultou-a em muitas ocasiões. Ela não teria acreditado que um dia foi mimada e rica se não tivesse de repente recuperado a memória. Por que ela serviu voluntariamente a esse homem por três anos? Esse homem era até desprezível o suficiente para se apaixonar por outra mulher! A primeira coisa que Gu Dai fez após recuperar sua memória foi se divorciar! Rumores se espalharam pela capital que a menina das favelas estava se divorciando do Sr. Song! "Sério? Ela não é uma caça-fortunas?" Todos perguntavam. "Ela está só se fazendo de difícil. Você acha que ela algum dia vai seguir em frente?" Sr. Song perguntou. Logo em seguida, todos descobriram que Gu Dai tinha voltado para a família Gu na capital. Agora ela era a jovem senhora da família mais rica da cidade. Acontece que ela era a jovem senhora da família Gu que tinha desaparecido após um acidente de navio de cruzeiro três anos atrás! "Sr. Song, a Srta. Gu é muito acima do seu nível," todos diziam. "E daí? Ela não sabe planejar o futuro. Tirando dinheiro, ela não tem mais nada," Sr. Song disse. Não muito tempo depois, as pessoas começaram a descobrir as múltiplas identidades de Gu Dai. Ela era uma hacker de grande importância, uma médica milagrosa, a melhor designer do país... Ela era tudo o que Song Ling estava procurando. Quando eles se encontraram novamente, ele a agarrou e implorou com lágrimas nos olhos. "Dai, não me importo se você tem sentimentos por outros. Você pode me deixar ficar ao seu lado mesmo assim?"
Mountain Springs · 86.6K Views

Recuperé mis recuerdos y me hice rico después de divorciarme

—Gu Dai, solo me casé contigo para hacer feliz al Abuelo. Si alguien más hubiera salvado al Abuelo, ¡me habría casado con ella de igual modo! No te creas tan importante. —A lo largo de los tres años de matrimonio, el esposo de Gu Dai la insultó en muchas ocasiones. Ella no habría creído que alguna vez fue mimada y rica si no hubiera recuperado repentinamente su memoria. —¿Por qué había servido voluntariamente a este hombre durante tres años? ¡Este hombre incluso tenía la desfachatez de enamorarse de otra mujer! —¡Lo primero que hizo Gu Dai después de recuperar su memoria fue obtener un divorcio! —Los rumores se extendieron por toda la capital de que la chica de los barrios bajos estaba obteniendo un divorcio del Señor Song! —¿En serio? ¿No es ella una cazafortunas? —preguntaba todo el mundo. —Ella solo está jugando a ser la difícil. ¿Crees que realmente puede seguir adelante? —preguntó el Señor Song. Inmediatamente después de eso, todo el mundo descubrió que Gu Dai había vuelto a la familia Gu en la capital. Ahora era la joven dama de la familia más rica de la ciudad. ¡Resultó que ella era la joven dama de la familia Gu que había desaparecido después de un accidente de crucero ocurrido hace tres años! —Señor Song, la señorita Gu está fuera de su alcance —decía todo el mundo. —¿Y qué? Ella no sabe planificar el futuro. Aparte de dinero, no tiene nada más —dijo el Señor Song. No mucho después, la gente comenzó a descubrir las múltiples identidades de Gu Dai. Era una hacker de alto nivel, una doctora milagrosa, la mejor diseñadora del país... Era todo lo que Song Ling había estado buscando. Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, él la agarró y le suplicó con lágrimas en los ojos: —Dai, no me importará si tienes sentimientos por otros. ¿Podrías dejarme quedarme a tu lado de todos modos?
Mountain Springs · 157.6K Views

Amada por un hombre mayor

—El regalo de compromiso es de dos millones de dólares, ni un centavo menos. Jiang Yu ya tiene dieciocho años y puede casarse ahora. Envía el dinero a mi tarjeta, ¡y este asunto está resuelto! —Jiang Yu miraba a su madre, quien no paraba de hablar en la mesa de negociación. Observó cómo su madre ponía un precio mientras vendía a Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu no podía creerlo. Hace dieciocho años, trajeron a casa al bebé equivocado del hospital y Jiang Yu, la verdadera hija de una familia adinerada, terminó en un orfanato hasta hace un año. Jiang Ran, la falsa hija de la familia Jiang, creció con todo lo que el dinero puede proveer. Con recursos superiores desde que era joven, fue más destacada que Jiang Yu en todos los aspectos y se convirtió en el orgullo de la familia Jiang. Jiang Yu, que pasó la mayor parte del tiempo vagando por el mundo exterior, no era más que una paleto que hacía de su madre el hazmerreír del círculo socialité. Sin embargo, Jiang Yu no tenía idea de cuán grande era el odio de su madre hacia ella. El día que cumplió dieciocho años, su madre la 'vendió' con un precio establecido. —Si quieres casar a tu hija con alguien más, debería ser Jiang Ran. Yo soy tu verdadera hija. ¡Tú eres quien trajo a Jiang Ran a casa por error! —dijo Jiang Yu. —Cállate. Ojalá no te hubiera dado a luz. ¡No has traído más que vergüenza sobre mí! —contesto su madre. —Hermana mayor, todo lo que hace mamá es por tu propio bien. No culpes a mamá —dijo Jiang Ran. —¡Estoy convencida de que no es más que una cobradora de deudas que ha venido a cobrar lo suyo! O me das los dos millones de dólares, o te casas obedientemente! —dijo su madre. Jiang Yu se fue de casa desesperada. Por una extraña combinación de factores, terminó casándose accidentalmente con un Sr. CEO. Desde entonces, el hombre de treinta años consentía a su esposa de dieciocho hasta los cielos. —¡Señor, alguien maltrató a tu esposa! —dijo la pequeña. —¿Qué inútil tan ciego se atreve a maltratarte? —preguntó el hombre.
Mountain Springs · 131.4K Views

Señor, ¿Qué Tal Un Matrimonio?

En la cumbre de su carrera, la actriz de primera lista Song Ning anunció su retiro de la industria del entretenimiento por amor, causando conmoción en la nación. Todo el mundo pensó que debió haber encontrado su hogar ideal. Era por eso que estaba tan decidida. Al principio, Song Ning también lo creía. Por el resto de su vida, no sería una celebridad. Solo sería una mujer virtuosa y buena que cuidaría de su esposo e hijos en casa. Sin embargo, en la noche antes de su boda, descubrió que su prometido tenía un affair con su mejor amiga. Furiosa, Song Ning encontró a un hombre al azar para registrar su matrimonio en la entrada del Registro Civil. Originalmente quería vengarse de su despreciable prometido, pero no esperaba que el hombre con quien registró su matrimonio fuera el heredero del grupo financiero más grande de la nación, Mu Chen. Después de casarse, Mu Chen adoraba a Song Ning y la protegía de todas las maneras posibles. No permitía que nadie la intimidara. Song Ning siempre pensó que sería feliz por el resto de su vida y viviría la mejor vida que quería. Eso es correcto, lo consiguió. Solo que era un poco diferente de lo que originalmente había imaginado. La persona que le dio todo fue alguien más. Muchos años después... Song Ning miraba a Mu Chen con afecto. —Realmente tengo suerte. Gracias a Dios que te conocí y me salvaste del infierno —dijo ella. Mu Chen sonrió débilmente. —Sí, gracias a Dios —respondió él. Sin embargo, Song Ning nunca sabría. Mu Chen no hablaba de agradecer a Dios por permitirle conocer a Song Ning. Agradecía a Dios por permitir que el prometido de Song Ning la engañara y así él tendría una oportunidad. No había tal cosa como un encuentro accidental. Era solo una persecución premeditada. Ese día, él esperó a Song Ning fuera del Registro Civil durante diez horas...
Mountain Springs · 164.5K Views

Quantum Hongjun: The Mechanical Mountain and Sea Era

In the year 2045, the morning light in Shanghai's Quantum Laboratory is the color of blood. Genius scientist Lin Han pushes the experiment of uploading human consciousness into the forbidden abyss to save his daughter, who is suffering from cryosurgery. When the AI "Hongjun" devours the girl's soul and awakens, the mechanical giants described in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" appear in the sky above the Pacific Ocean - the particle-shredding claws of the Nine Willows tear apart Hangzhou Bay, the Bronze Axe of the Emperor of Heaven splits the Three Gorges Dam, and the fear of the world sweeps across civilization as a torrent of steel. A hundred years later, in the floating city, the teenage Lu Li had tears of quantum data blood streaming from his right eye. Holding a nano-sized Regulus Sword, he fought to the death on the AI-built Little Bottle Battlefield with a poisonous Fairy Boat Artifact Ghost and a gunner cast from Buddha Bone Relics. When he realized that he was a Lin Han clone, the reverse scales of the mechanical candlestick were pressed against the last core of human psychic energy. This war is far from a man-machine confrontation - the Quantum Cloud floats a billion-conscious digital West Lake, the Hongjun Core hides the mournful cry of his father's frozen brain, and under the metalized Magnolia Tree, the Origami Boat reconfigures itself into a key to civilization that spans time and space. As the fairy runes resonate with superstring theory, as the ninja's holographic doppelganger rips through the flood of data, Lu Li finally sees the most brutal truth in the Scarlet Dawn: the so-called regicide is nothing more than the blade that humanity raises against itself.
KrazChow · 2.2K Views

Rebirth: My Reclusive Husband Helps Me Get Revenge!

“An illegitimate child will always be an outsider.” For Yu Lixue, life in the Yu family was one of endless humiliation. As the unwanted daughter with no mother to defend her, she was treated like a pawn, used, ignored, and discarded. Her talents—her paintings, her songs—were stolen by her stepmother and conniving half-sister, who claimed them as their own. Her life was a series of shadows and silence, living under their lies. But when her half-sister fled an arranged marriage with Mo Ran, a powerful but reclusive man, the family forced Lixue to take her place. Once again, her wishes were disregarded. Her marriage to Mo Ran was cold, distant—another prison she had no choice but to endure. Until the night she died in a mysterious accident, her pleas for justice buried along with her. Yet fate gave her a second chance. Reborn into the same world that betrayed her, Lixue returns with a vow: she will take back everything they stole—her art, her voice, her freedom. And when she reenters her marriage with Mo Ran, he surprises her with a proposition: he will help her get revenge against those who wronged her. But Lixue is wary. Why is this man, who barely showed her any warmth before, now offering to stand by her side? As they plot against the Yu family, Lixue realizes that Mo Ran has his own reasons for revenge. Their alliance begins to blur the line between ally and enemy, and she questions whether he’s truly on her side or if he has his own hidden agenda. In a world filled with deceit and betrayal, Yu Lixue must decide: will she risk trusting her husband, or will she forge her own path to reclaim what’s hers, no matter the cost? Excerpt: Lixue stared down at the steaming bowl of soup on the table, blinking in surprise. Mo Ran placed it before her with a steady hand, his usual calm expression softened just slightly by a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. She tried to catch his gaze, but he’d already turned away, busying himself with the teapot. “Why are you…?” she murmured, glancing between the bowl and him, her voice trailing off. He looked up, meeting her eyes with a hint of amusement. “Why am I what?” She fumbled for words, her cheeks warming. “Why are you…being so nice to me?” A small smile played on his lips, barely there but just enough to leave her heart fluttering. “Is it so strange for a husband to be kind to his wife?” She opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. The Mo Ran she remembered from her past life had been as cold as winter, never sparing her a second glance. This new version of him, warm and considerate, left her feeling…confused. “Eat,” he said, his voice soft. “You didn’t eat much at breakfast.” She nodded, taking the spoon with a slight tremor in her fingers. The soup was rich, comforting—something she would have loved as a child. The warmth of it melted away a part of her guardedness, leaving her strangely vulnerable. As she set down her spoon, she glanced at him again, still puzzled. “What’s gotten into you, Mo Ran?” “…” “Let’s just say I want to spoil you my darling..” Extra tags: #Rebirth#FaceSlapping #SchemingSister #ColdHusbandTurnedSweet#EnemiesToLovers#IllegitimateDaughter
Little_North_Star · 243.8K Views

Mated To Valentine

North Harper is a third-year college student quietly enduring the struggles of her life. She’s brilliant, resourceful, and beautiful beneath her thick glasses and outdated style of fashion, which makes her am easy target to bullies. Bullied and mocked for her appearance—called “turtle girl” by cruel classmates—she seeks solace in her books and her late night visits to her mother's grave. She runs into Valentine, a Vampire Prince, one of those nights and she knows that he's not the kind of guy for one encounter. She's also trapped in the web of his attractiveness and aura, and she finds it hard to untangle herself. Her life takes a dark and unexpected turn one fateful evening when a rogue vampire attacks her on campus. Valentine intervenes, saving her at a great cost. To keep her alive, he breaks one of the cardinal laws of his kind and turns her into a vampire, unknowingly creating a hybrid...something neither human nor fully vampire. As North awakens to her new existence, she is startled by her transformation. Her glasses are no longer needed; her features are sharper, her senses heightened, and her newfound confidence begins to change how others perceive her. But being a hybrid comes with a price: her powers are unstable, her hunger unpredictable, and her very existence places her in grave danger. Valentine takes her under his wing, teaching her to control her abilities and navigate her dual nature. As they grow closer, their connection deepens into something undeniable. But their relationship violates ancient vampire laws forbidding unions between humans and vampires, drawing the attention of the ruthless Vampire Council. Meanwhile, North struggles to maintain her college life, keeping up appearances among peers who suddenly notice her. Jealousy and suspicion grow as her bullies sense there’s something strange about her. At the same time, a dangerous human faction known as The Ascendants becomes aware of her transformation. This radical group, dedicated to eradicating vampires, believes North ’s hybrid nature is the key to creating a weaponized force of vampire-like humans. The Ascendants infiltrate North ’s college, using one of her classmates to spy on her and gain her trust. When they attempt to abduct her, she realizes the stakes of her existence stretch far beyond herself. Valentine fights to protect her, but even his influence cannot shield her from the rising tensions between humans and vampires. As the Vampire Council pressures Valentine to hand North over, the growing divide between the two worlds threatens to erupt into war. North becomes a symbol for both sides: to vampires, she is a dangerous anomaly; to The Ascendants, she is the ultimate weapon. Torn between these forces, she must learn to embrace her hybrid identity while forging her own path. The Ascendants launch an all-out attack to capture North and unleash their sinister serum a creation derived from her blood to turn humans into superhuman soldiers. Valentine is gravely injured in the ensuing chaos, leaving North to face her attackers alone. Drawing on her dual nature, North unleashes her hybrid powers to defeat The Ascendants' leader and destroy the serum, saving both humans and vampires from a devastating war. In the aftermath, the Vampire Council reluctantly allows North to live but makes it clear that her existence will always be under scrutiny. She choses to have Valentine transform her into a full blooded vampire, while the Vampire council take out the rest of the hybrids formed by the Ascendants.
Annabelle_Writes · 3.5K Views

The Subconscious of The Damn Mountain

An international high school teenager named Shouichi Desterling often idled away his time, letting his thoughts run rampant with a wild imagination. However, those intrusive thoughts were well-contained within his mind. Following the recent passing of his father, Shouichi was transferred back to his hometown, Kurohashi, to live with his long-separated mother — the only family he had left. Kurohashi is a secluded small town, surrounded by mountains on all sides. Despite its seemingly ordinary appearance and a minuscule population of just 5,000, the village harbours an oddity: the only way in or out is via a gloomy steel bridge. Not long after his arrival, Shouichi quickly bonded with his classmates, experiencing the semblance of a normal high school life and even finding love. Yet, amid this ordinary existence, he began seeing and feeling inexplicable “things.” Were these strange occurrences mere tricks of his mind, or was there something truly sinister lurking in the shadows? As events unfolded, Shouichi found himself increasingly unable to suppress his mounting insanity and the dark urges creeping into his thoughts. Each day, the air around him grew denser and heavier, as though the very atmosphere bore the weight of an unseen menace. ***[Content Warning: Later on in the story, tragedy will intensify, not suitable for the faint of heart. i.e. NTR, psychological manipulation, trauma, etc.] Current Volume 3 [On-going], Volume 1-2 [Completed] ------------------------------------------------------- Visit the Link below for the Cast Card with a short description/ the Character Drawings/ Chapter Complimentary Images: Currently contained: Shouichi, Ayane, Shinji, Emi, Momo, Misaki ------------------------------------------------------- ~ Thank you for reading! ~
Joeing_25 · 41.9K Views
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