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Toy Gerbil

L'héritière qui lit dans les pensées : de l'imposture à la favorite de la famille

Wenyan lisait un livre dans lequel un personnage de chair à canon portant son nom était une fausse héritière. Lorsque la véritable héritière reprenait sa place, l'imposteur essayait de sécuriser sa position dans la riche famille en droguant le fils aîné et en en faisant un fait accompli avec une histoire de riz déjà cuit, pour finir par être démasquée par la Famille Shen et se suicider dans le désespoir. Wenyan était furieuse de voir une telle fin. Comment ne pourrait-on pas survivre sans le soutien d'une famille aisée ? La famille ne lui avait-elle pas fourni une maison de luxe et d'innombrables biens de luxe ? Il suffirait de vendre tout cela pour empocher des dizaines de millions. Elle était simplement un cas désespéré ! Si elle avait été la Wenyan du livre, elle aurait abandonné sa place et simplement vécu décontractée comme un poisson salé ! Mais lorsqu'elle se réveilla de son sommeil, elle avait réellement été transportée dans le livre. Fidèle à sa parole, elle arrêta de comploter. En une nuit, elle fit ses valises, vendit sa maison, sa voiture et ses sacs, et chercha un emploi. - Toute la Famille Shen remarqua le changement chez Wenyan, leur fille adoptive. Non seulement elle avait déménagé docilement, mais elle n'avait également jamais causé d'ennuis à nouveau. Plus bizarre encore, ils pouvaient maintenant voir ses pensées les plus intérieures ! 【Papa, Maman, je n'ai jamais voulu usurper votre nid, mais les résultats du test ADN de votre véritable fille ont des problèmes. En fait, elle est encore plus fausse que moi, la fausse héritière.】 Parents de la Famille Shen : ...... Puis, la 'fille' perdue de longue date qui avait été retrouvée fut exposée en tant qu'imposteur et emmenée par la police pour interrogatoire. 【Grand frère, ce camarade de classe à toi n'est pas fréquentable, il est un espion industriel, l'enfant illégitime des plus grands ennemis de la Famille Shen.】 L'aîné de la Famille Shen : ...... Par la suite, le camarade s'est fait prendre en volant des documents confidentiels et a également été emmené par la police pour interrogatoire. 【Deuxième frère, tu es une personne si pure et noble, tu ne dois pas être avec la fille de la Famille Qin, elle se sert de toi, son cœur est en réalité porté sur quelqu'un d'autre.】 Le deuxième fils de la Famille Shen : ...... Merci, je vais me renseigner. 【Et toi, troisième frère, quatrième frère ......】 Au final, personne n'aurait pu prédire que la plus insignifiante des filles adoptives de la Famille Shen deviendrait la belle-fille choyée.
Draw the sword with a smile · 57.3K Views

Manoir de la fille de la ferme

``` [Agriculture]+[Espace]+[Réconfortante]+[Prospérité]+[Vaincre la racaille] Mo Yan, réduite en cendres par une explosion, renaissait à l'époque ancienne, devenant une petite fille de fermiers en fuite de la famine ! Au-dessus d'elle, un père Érudit gentil et beau - pas mal ! En dessous d'elle, une paire de frères et sœurs jeunes et adorables - très bien ! Mais vraiment, elle avait l'impression de mourir une seconde fois, vous savez ? Être en fuite, sans nourriture, boisson ou abri était une chose, mais devoir toujours se garder des méchants qui pourraient la capturer pour combler leur faim en était une autre ! Heureusement, son Espace évolutif de sa vie précédente l'avait suivie, mais quoi diable - cet incroyable Espace avec des montagnes, de l'eau et de la viande à manger avait été formaté ! Face à une situation désespérée, Mo Yan raviva son esprit combatif : Et alors si c'est formaté, je ferai quand même fortune et bâtirai ma richesse juste au pied de la Cité Impériale ! Tailler dans les montagnes, planter des vergers, acheter des magasins, construire des maisons... il n'en manquera pas un seul ! Mais... il y a tant de fauteurs de troubles aux yeux verts ! Ta ferme est à toi ? Ici, je te piégerai à mort sans discussion ! Tu veux devenir ma belle-mère ? Bien, je t'enverrai une bande de veufs ! Mère te cherche ? Tiens, prends les papiers du divorce, garde-les, ne me remercie pas ! ... Quoi ? Un bel homme fait sa proposition ? Euh, ça... devrais-je me jeter sur lui ? PS : 1. Insister sur l'agriculture sans faiblir + querelle domestique atypique + absence d'intrigue de palais 2. Le style d'écriture est assez sérieux, et les valeurs sont normales (ne pas exclure les caprices occasionnels de l'auteur) Liens vers des œuvres complétées : [La Jeune Fille de la Ferme Abandonnée : Une Belle Campagne] Lien : [La Fille Légitime du Général à ne Pas Provoquer] Lien : ```
Chilly Twilight · 35.8K Views

La Loi de l'Attraction

``` Tout a commencé par un baiser volé lors de leur première rencontre. [Attention : Contenu mature *PAS de viol et PAS de gros malentendus !] Statut : TERMINÉ ****** « Mademoiselle Lana Huang… Attendez-vous à recevoir une notification de harcèlement à votre porte très bientôt… » C'est ce que Lana a obtenu pour avoir embrassé un inconnu pour se sauver d'un mariage arrangé indésirable. « Pour autant que je me souvienne, vous m'avez embrassé avec fougue et avez même dominé tout le baiser. Vous avez clairement apprécié votre moment avec moi, alors s'il vous plaît, ne faites pas semblant que j'ai abusé de vous ! Et je vous ai dit, je suis prêt à vous dédommager ! » « Et comment comptez-vous faire ça, hein ? » Liam s'approcha, essayant d'intimider la femme fière qui ne clignait même pas des yeux sous sa pression suffocante. Lana fit quelques pas en arrière, leva la main et grogna, « Arrête-toi là Avocat Sy si tu ne veux pas goûter à la douleur d'un coup de pied dans les couilles après avoir été embrassé ! » ***** Rencontrez Lana Huang, une femme fière qui a gravi les échelons du succès dans sa carrière. Une avocate et une femme audacieuse, d'une beauté exceptionnelle qui fait rêver et saliver les hommes. L'amour était la dernière chose à l'ordre du jour car elle détestait les hommes… Mais le destin a voulu lui jouer un tour car elle a accidentellement embrassé Liam Sy, un homme riche, puissant et arrogant. Avocat de profession, la gloire et le succès le suivaient partout où il allait. Un avocat féroce qui gagnait chaque affaire sur laquelle il mettait la main. La fierté coulait dans ses veines et l'amour n'était pas à son ordre du jour car c'était un misogyne... Que se passerait-il quand ces deux... beaux et belles, fiers et têtus, misogynes et misandrines... se rencontrent et s'impliquent dans un mariage ? Bienvenue dans un tourbillon de romance entre ces deux-là - un manège émotionnel d'amour quand il se mélangeait avec la fierté, la jalousie, l'entêtement et la haine... Des gifles ? Pourquoi pas ! Vous allez sûrement aimer suivre leur parcours où tous les deux ont pris le risque de tomber amoureux… Un voyage de la haine se transformant en amour... ================ Note de l'auteur: J'espère que vous apprécierez la lecture de ce roman ORIGINAL de moi. Ceci est absolument une fin heureuse. Merci beaucoup d'avance pour votre soutien. Avec beaucoup d'amour, EUSTOMA_reyna Autres Livres : Le PDG qui me déteste (terminé) Le Général qui me déteste (terminé) Le Docteur qui m'aime (terminé) Ne m'embrasse pas (en cours d'écriture) The Untamed: Jeu des Cœurs The Crown's Entrapment Contactez-moi à : Lien Discord : twitter : @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram : eustoma_reyna Page Facebook : @eustoma.reyna La couverture du livre est à moi... art de couverture par ava_arts38 (instagram) ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 101K Views

Revendiquant Mon Mari PDG Possessif

La rumeur voulait que Xaviera Evans ait une constitution faible — une beauté maladive. La rumeur voulait qu'elle dépense une fortune chaque jour en médicaments — en les dévorant comme des bonbons. La rumeur voulait que chaque jour, dix serviteurs attendaient à son chevet — une charge pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Evans jette Xaviera Evans de retour à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller seule. Xaviera Evans : "On dit partout que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense aussi de l'argent de manière inconsidérée." Elle regardait sa chemise en loques et était exaspérée. Xaviera Evans : “On veut dire que cette riche famille laisse leur fille porter des vêtements en lambeaux tous les jours ?” La fille riche de la famille Evans ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Alors... Le sale type : "Sans la famille Evans, tu n'es rien." Xaviera Evans : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Evans, je suis fichue." La sale fille : "Sœur, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailles dur, on te fera des éloges un jour.” Xaviera Evans : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas un traître comme toi." Le sale type et la fille : "???" La rumeur voulait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Mamet, Caleb Mamet, ait imprudemment marié une femme qui n'avait que des apparences. Xaviera Evans : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?" Un jour, Xaviera Evans a vu l'un des employés de Caleb Mamet se creusant la tête sur une série de nombres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle était libre, elle lui a donné un coup de main. A-t-elle tout simplement piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjugués des meilleurs pirates informatiques de l'élite ?! Caleb Mamet s'est rapproché pas à pas. "Xaviera, que me caches-tu encore ? Hmm ?" Xaviera Evans : "Oh, non ! Je me sens encore prise de vertiges ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps est tout simplement trop faible !"
Qiaoqiao · 1.1M Views

To His Hell and Back

Sold by her father, Bella short for Arabella, was forced to live a life as a slave that would entertain the guests of the castle. The job of slaves were merely to be humiliated and to have as feast once they became a boring creature toward the guests. Arabella with her fierce attitude had only caused more trouble than good, although that helped her from being feasted by the vampires until her body dried up, the vampires also enjoy in harming her, toying with her, hoping to see that one day she would break. However she had caught the wrong attention by those crimson gaze, eventually being the toy of the one and only Mad Crown Prince of Versailles. Eventually this interest only cause her to be more tangled by the twisted and thorny battle for the Throne. Will eventually Bella concede and accept the Mad crown prince? Or will she finally succeed in running away from his grasp. Why her? *** excerpt*** Arabella felt her wrists stung as the shackle around her wrist jingled from the sudden pull. She then met with the icy red eyes that brood down upon her appearance, drinking into every inch of her figure as if he was studying her, even to how those breaths escaped her lips. "I thought we had bonded over the days we have spent together, Bella," he sang, his bright scarlet eyes betraying the singing tone he had used as it had grown so dark and filled with anger. "Yet you left so quickly as soon as I opened the castle gate." Bella gritted her teeth, her eyes glaring at him as she defiantly shook his hand off her face, "I can remind you if you have forgotten it, Your Majesty, I am kept here against my wish." Cassius' smile faded as he stared at her. The sudden pin-drop silence filled her nerves with tension as she found his smileless face the most terrifying sight. She had always known his fearsome side however, it felt scarier tonight. Bella tried to endure how loud her heart had raced against her chest, gathering her breaths together even though it remained shallow in his presence. "So cold," he muttered, his tone trying to tease her, but she could see the raw anger crossing his eyes. "You cannot run from me. Not after what we've done. Not after what you promised." Her heart faltered. She wasn't supposed to stay in this castle; she knew that the royal palace was filled with those vampire monsters who would kill for their desire, simply to have fun. She knew she should never give her heart to any of these monsters, and she had once believed she would never. But that was until Cassius came. She had made that promise because her heart had betrayed her, and she wished that she had never uttered that promise. Promises she had made to him on the call of love. Yet deep within her, a part of her still crave for him. "You're not the first one I have broken my promises with," she gritted her teeth and looked up at him, "I broke my promise the way you broke yours first, isn't it fair?" "Fair? Then was everything a lie, Arabella?" he murmured, his hands cupping her face, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You were mine the moment you entered my castle. And you will be mine until the very end." She gulped as his eyes shone underneath the moonlight, his gaze unforgiving over her, exposing his wild hunger. Her breath caught, her pulse quickening. "A human and a vampire should have never stayed together. They were all right." "I don't care," he spoke through his clenched jaw. "You're going to remain here by my side forever."
mata0eve · 97.6K Views

The Strongest Curse Master

Born into a lower middle class family, Ace Lander grew up being told there was a simple formula for success: get an education, graduate, and work hard to build a prosperous future. But that formula failed him during the final stretch of his senior year when a local gang targeted him, putting everything he had and was building towards at risk. Trapped and desperate, Ace felt his life spiraling out of control—until Ria Hart, a fellow classmate, discovering Ace's innate aptitude to become a Curse Master, a being capable of wielding curse energy and abilities but haunted by Curselings, took pity and introduced him to the secret world hidden beneath the mundane surface of their world, the World of Curses. Awakening as a Curse Master, Ace discovers he possesses an extraordinary innate curse tool: the Cursed Toybox. This tool comes with a unique class, Toymancer, granting Ace powers unlike any curse master the world has seen before. The Cursed Toybox allows him to animate and actualize toys, transforming them into powerful, living beings bound to his will. From overpowered heroes to legendary gods, any toy that falls into Ace's Cursed Toybox springs to life with powers beyond one's imagination but bound to him in eternal servitude. Armed with his Toy Summons, Ace must navigate the perilous world of curses, protect his loved ones, and reclaim control of his destiny before the gang—and the darkness of the hidden world—consume him entirely. [ — Status Screen — > Your Cursed Toybox is animating the doll 'Silicone Sailor Stella' as a toy summons… > Your Cursed Toybox has animated the doll 'Silicone Sailor Stella.' > Toy summon 'Silicone Sailor Stella' added to your toy space. > Toymancer can now summon Sailor Stella. Summoning Toy Summons... Name: Stella Race: Curse Tool Class: Toy summon Title: Silicone Sailor Durability: (100/100) Enchantment: 1-Star Individuality: (100/100) Curse Energy Consumption: 5 units per hour Skills: Toy Actualization, Seamanship, Armed Security, Adult Gratification. Toy Actualization: Bring Toy Summons' original character design and skills to existence when they are animated based on their individuality stats. Addition Effect: Toy Physiology. Seamanship: Expertise in navigation, sailing, and ship handling alongside wilderness survival, first aid, and emergency procedures. Armed Security: Proficiency in the use of small arms and other naval weaponry with training in close quarters combat, surveillance, and counterintelligence. Adult Gratification: Creatively addressing emotional, mental, and physical needs of Toymancer till gratification.] "Cursed armies, Curselings, and Curse slaves are nothing—I've got a Toy legion of overpowered action figures and unrealistically beautiful silicone goddess." ~Toymancer Join the saga of the Toymancer's rise to become the Strongest Curse Master.
IGotStones · 1M Views

Deviant: No Longer Human

It's funny, isn't it? Nobody asks to be born... None of us choose the life we are forced to live....And yet, we are bound to it, trapped in a world where strength defines everything. People worship when you are strong. They loathe when you are weak. They worship the god. They fear the devil. But why? Was it righteousness that gave the god victory over the devil, or was it simply strength? Why must we fear one and worship the other? Is the god so righteous? Is the devil so weak? Would Wang Xiao still have everything if he were weak? Would they still worship him? Would those women have submitted so easily? No. It's always the strength. Power rules all. A man can own kingdoms, riches, even love—but lose his strength, and the world turns on him. His woman, the one who once looked at him with admiration, will crush him underfoot if she finds him unworthy. His own children, born of his blood, will stare at him with contempt, their eyes filled with disappointment. What is love if not submission to power? What is loyalty but the price of dominance? Wang Xiao has learned this bitter truth. The sacrifices he made, the pain he endured, meant nothing. Without strength, he was nothing. But no longer... He has seen the lie, the illusion of it all... And now, the ancient myths rise once more, the gods claw their way from forgotten graves, and Wang Xiao, mistaken for the 8th Prince, feared by gods and mortals alike, finds himself at the center of it all. Seven goddesses, each more beautiful, more dangerous than the last, now circle him, bound by fate. Their charm is powerful, their desires even more so. The guardian of the Atlantic tears apart nations to possess him. The Desert Princess offers her entire empire as a gift, yearning for his love... Even an ancient being, her power stripped away, bends her knee in submission, once feared, now powerless before him. But would they have bowed if he were weak? Would they have loved him, served him, feared him? No. It's always the strength. "He 'who' covers the sky with his hand," they whisper. "The gods who once played with universes like orbs... he'll make them swallow their own spit in fear." Wang Xiao's gaze hardens as he stares at his reflection. The weak are forgotten... Strength is all that matters. "The world doesn't care for the weak," Wang Xiao whispers to his reflection. "Your woman will turn her back, people will spit on your name... They'll forget you ever existed... everything you did for them would be insignificant and forgetten...Strength is all that truly matters." And so, Wang Xiao will take what's his. The gods, playing with the universe like toys, will fall. The devils, pulling at the strings of fate, will lose their grip. He will strip them of their power, their kingdoms, their very souls, if that's what it takes. He isn't their pawn. Not anymore. Would they have bowed if he were weak? Would they have given themselves so easily? Would they have even cared? No. It's always the strength. Wang Xiao is no longer the man he once was. No longer human. No longer weak. He is the deviant. And the world will soon know what that truly means. --------------- #NoYuri #NoNTR #Threesome #Harem #Strong to Stronger #Elf #Gore #Evil MC #Conquor #Action #Adventure #Imperial Harem #Revenge #Daughters #Fellatio #Supernatural #Urbanfantasy #Superpowers #Cultivation #Goddess #First-time Intercourse #Villain ---------------- Warning: The Novel is based upon a fictional Earth, and any resemblance is mere coincidence! Discord: **Cover Page is not owned by Author**
SKuLL · 1.1M Views

Defy The Alpha(s)

Two centuries after the Great War, peace between humans and werewolves was finally achieved, or so everyone believes. Werewolves reign like gods, and humans remain blissfully unaware of their true place in the new world order. To maintain this fragile balance, each year, a handful of "lucky" humans are selected from various districts to attend Lunaris Academy, a prestigious institution that promises glory, status, and a chance to mingle with the elite. Those chosen are hailed as the lucky few, destined to marry powerful alphas and rise as luna. This year, Violet Purple is among the chosen, much to everyone's surprise. For an orphaned girl adopted by a disgraced prostitute, this is a golden ticket to a better life or so she's told. But Lunaris Academy isn’t the paradise it’s painted to be. Everything Violet and her fellow humans have been taught is a lie. Humans are far from equal; they're pawns in a much larger game. The academy is nothing but a gilded cage, and the students are lambs led to slaughter, playthings for the alphas to toy with in their ruthless games. To make matters worse, Violet catches the attention of the most dangerous players in this game, the Terror Four: the Alpha of the North, Alpha of the South, Alpha of the East, and Alpha of the West. Each one is more dangerous, more twisted, and more powerful than the last. But even among themselves, the alphas are divided, each with their own deadly ambitions. Yet, they all have their eyes on her. They expect Violet to play along, to fall in line like the others who worship at their feet, to break under their games. But Violet isn’t like the others. She refuses to bow. She’ll defy them all.
Glimmy · 1.5M Views

Hunted: My Alpha Hates Me

Being the only human in a school full of supernatural beings is hard. But being fated to the son of the Alpha your father killed? That’s a death sentence. ******** Carnemore Academy was never meant for someone like Claire: the daughter of a head hunter who used to kill supernaturals in the past. But when the peace treaty between hunters and supernaturals start to crack, she’s sent straight to the heart of danger— a school where everyone hates her and wants her dead. No one despises her more than Zane Wolfe Ravenscroft, her mate and the son of the Alpha her father murdered. And then there’s Caius Valerius, a vampire prince who should hate her just as much, only he doesn’t. And Lorien Feyrune, the Fae prince with a shattered heart and dangerous obsession. As Claire navigates the dangers of Carnemore and her complex relationships, more secrets about her father is revealed. Now, she must choose. Duty or desire? Family or fate? Love or survival? Because in Carnemore, secrets are deadlier than silver bullets. And some bonds were never meant to be broken. ************* Claire barely had time to catch her breath before Zane was in front of her, his golden eyes locked onto hers like a predator closing in on its prey. “Why are you all over the place with Caius?” He asked. Claire crossed her arms, forcing herself to hold his gaze. “Because he’s my friend,” she said, though the moment the words left her lips, she saw the way Zane’s jaw tensed. “Friend?” He took a step closer, the space between them shrinking to nothing. She swallowed. “Why do you care?” His lips curled into something that wasn’t quite a smile. “You can’t have friends.” Claire’s breath hitched. “Why?” Zane leaned in, his voice a whisper against her skin. “Because you’re mine.” Her stomach flipped, her nails digging into her palms. “You rejected me,” she reminded him, her throat tightening around the words. “You didn’t want me, remember?” “That doesn’t change anything.” Her heart pounded. “It changes everything.” He reached up, brushing his fingers against her jaw, tilting her chin so she couldn’t look away. “You don’t get it, do you?” His voice was softer now, but no less dangerous. “You’re my toy, Claire.” His thumb grazed her bottom lip, sending a shiver down her spine. “And I’m the only one who gets to play with you.” ************ This book is rated 18+. Fantasy Romance Morally Grey ML Smut Bullying Violence No Reverse Harem
Author_Danny · 6.5K Views

The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen's Consort

Hey, imagine this—you're a prince, but instead of ruling a kingdom, you just want to watch anime, collect bugs, and do whatever you want. Sounds great, right? Well, that’s exactly how Mikhailis Volkov lives. He’s the eccentric prince of Ruslania, obsessed with insects, AI, and doing anything except royal stuff. But one day, just as he's about to make a huge discovery with a rare insect called the Chimera Ant, bam—he gets summoned to another world! Now he’s in the magical forest kingdom of Silvarion Thalor, ruled by Queen Elowen Nyphara. Here's the twist: she doesn't want him to do any royal duties. She just needs him to be her prince consort and, well, father her child. That’s it. After that? He’s free to live exactly how he wants—no responsibilities, no pressure! Mikhailis can play, experiment, and laze around all day in a world full of magic. Plus, there’s the chance to meet all kinds of fantasy girls—something he’s always dreamed about! It’s like paradise for him. But with all this freedom, what could possibly go wrong? If you love quirky characters, magical worlds, and a lot of romance with great build-up, dive into this story and see where Mikhailis’s wild adventure takes him! You will follow Mikhailis that brought his AI to another world, making his chimera ant stronger by giving it other foods, and laid various kinds of ant soldiers that could even look like an elephant! What if he gave it a dragon!? Follow Mikhailis's lazy and quirky journey as he entered this unusual fantasy world, where residue of wars from various kingdoms still lingered around the place. But careful. As quirky and eccentric he is, as despite of his demeanor, he still won't let anyone touch his dear queen. But well, he does touch other women. In this story, you'll get 3 kinds of exciting stories: 1. The kingdom-building of chimera ants! 2. The life of a lazy prince consort that wooes not just the queen but other important figures as well! 3. And the Crazy Adventure of the eccentric Entomologist turned into an Entomancer! Let's go and give the story a try! ___ Daily Update 2 Chapters = 14 chapters/week Some Friendly Rewards 100 Powerstones = +2 chapters in that day 200 Powerstones = +4 chapters in that day 50 Golden Tickets = +4 chapters in that day 1 Gift = +4 chapters in that day Warnings: R18||Heavy Netori Elements(Mc stealing other people's woman) [Note]: 1. None of the heroines will cheat on MC 2. It does involve MC stealing other people's partners - (Netori) 3. Any support especially gifts, golden tickets, votes, etc = more updates more frequently 4. Please let me know about any grammatical errors in any chapter through the comments. 5. Complaints about anything that I've already warned about in the 'warning' section will be ignored. Connect with me here to keep up with the story's progress: Discord: Soon ___ One of the King of Kings Series Other Tags: #r18 #Harem #Romance #Smut #Artiscrocy #Royals #First-time #AI #TallProtagonist #ManipulativeProtagonist #Special Abilities #Toys #TransportoAnotherWorld
Arkalphaze · 930.1K Views

Beneath The Crimson Veil

In the hidden corridors of power where desire and danger intertwine, Valeria Ivanov—the beguiling daughter of a notorious mafia don—learns that seduction is her deadliest weapon. Tasked with a mission that pits her against the equally formidable Adrian DeLuca, the enigmatic heir of a rival crime family, she enters a world where every whispered promise and stolen touch could be fatal. Adrian, a master strategist renowned for his icy reserve, finds himself drawn to her intoxicating blend of danger and seduction, his calculated facade slowly melting beneath the heat of their forbidden encounters. As secret trysts evolve into nights of raw, unbridled passion, the boundaries between duty and lust blur. Every clandestine rendezvous is a battle between their relentless ambition and the exquisite pleasure of surrendering to temptation. Amid the decadent backdrop of blood-soaked loyalty and whispered betrayals, Valeria struggles with the growing conflict between her mission and the irresistible allure of a love that promises both ecstasy and ruin. In a world where trust is as fragile as a whispered secret and every caress could conceal a knife, Beneath the Crimson Veil is an erotic journey into the depths of passion, power, and betrayal. Here, the price of desire is steep, and the stakes are life and death—leaving both hearts and empires forever transformed by the flames of a forbidden love. Excerpt: The dim glow of the city lights cast jagged shadows across Adrian’s sharp features as he leaned against the edge of his desk, arms crossed, his gaze a storm of suspicion and something darker—something far more dangerous. Valeria stood across from him, her expression an intoxicating mix of defiance and amusement. She had perfected the art of playing innocent, but tonight, something in Adrian’s eyes made her heart pound in warning. “You’re up to something,” he said, voice low and measured, like the edge of a blade pressing against silk. She arched a brow, taking slow, deliberate steps toward him, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor. “Oh?” she mused, tilting her head. “And what exactly am I up to, amore mio?” Adrian’s jaw tightened. “You tell me.” A slow smirk curled her lips as she invaded his space, her fingers lightly grazing the lapel of his jacket. “You don’t have proof.” His eyes darkened, flicking down to where her fingers toyed with the fabric. “I don’t need proof,” he murmured. “I see it in your eyes. The way you watch me. Like you’re calculating your next move.” Valeria chuckled, the sound soft, teasing. “And here I thought you were the one watching me.” She dragged her nails lightly down his chest, feeling the way his muscles tensed beneath his tailored suit. “You want proof?” His hand shot out, gripping her wrist, but his touch wasn’t rough—it was deliberate, commanding. “Yes.” His voice dropped lower, nearly a whisper. “Prove it.” The challenge hung between them, thick with tension. Her pulse hammered in her throat, but she didn’t hesitate. She reached up, her fingers threading into his dark hair as she closed the space between them, her lips grazing his—soft, testing, before she deepened it.
Natto_like · 1K Views

Fake dating my enemy, The playboy billionaire

(CONTAINS R18+ CONTENT) Enemies to lovers- check Slow burn- check A cute naughty dog- check Spice? (The author is keeping her mouth zipped) No third-party breakup or misunderstanding. But there are lots of banter and witty comebacks. (The story is planned to be around 200 chapters. No drag) Mu Yiren I never imagined I'd be faking a relationship with my biggest enemy—the untamed, ridiculously charming Feng Junjie, known throughout the city as the "golden boy" of business and a billionaire playboy with a reputation for breaking hearts. But when he dangles a life-changing offer in front of me, the kind that could secure my inheritance, I find myself agreeing to be his "girlfriend." But the thing is….. What if I start seeing the real him? Pretending to be Junjie’s devoted partner is like walking on a razor's edge. He’s everything I can’t stand—sexy, cocky, and devilish, and yet a sweetheart by heart that leaves me flustered by his actions. I know better than to fall for a man like him; my mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s has convinced me to never fall in love. But Junjie isn't just any man. Beneath his easygoing charm is an intensity that leaves me breathless, and he knows exactly how to crack through the walls I have built around me, awakening a passion I never felt before. JUNJIE I need my life back. A sorry attempt at love had me question everything and forced me away from my brothers. Since my ‘ex best friend’s’ constant accusations had gotten out of control, I might as well pretend to date someone and shut her mouth. My definition of a fake date- Beautiful, sexy, tempting…..umm…. insufferable, annoying, and with a mouth that won’t stop running. The mouth with red lipstick. The mouth I want to…. This arrangement was supposed to be simple: fake dating, clear boundaries, no feelings. But the more he plays the role of her devoted partner, the more the lines between fake and real start to blur. And now, he’s no longer sure where the act ends and his true feelings begin. The catch? Mu Yiren doesn’t believe in love. And she certainly doesn’t believe a man like Feng Junjie is capable of anything but heartbreak. But Feng has never been one to follow the rules. Boundaries? He’s about to break them. Deals? They were made to be rewritten. He’s going all in, and this time, he’s not playing pretend. ******* "Are you saying you'd let any man get this close?" "ABSOLUTELY NO!" The words burst out of me, too quick, too honest. His smirk deepens. "Tell me, if I leave you like this, all wound up and aching, will you be sneaking off to use one of your little toys?" "Yes," "Tell me, were you waiting for me to initiate something this past week?" he tugs my shorts more and kisses my navel. My heart hammers and my voice comes out shaky. "N-No." I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he's right. He chuckles darkly. "Wrong answer. Let's try again." ****
dream_ash · 626.2K Views

One wild night turned forever with a ceo

Does this mean the other times weren’t a prank ?  The other times I caught you with other ladies in my house on my bed wasn’t a prank. Courtney screamed at her boyfriend of three years, who she had just caught fucking his boss on their anniversary. She already knew the answer. In a moment of anger, she picked up a lamp, threw it at him and fled the scene. As she fled the scene, the woman’s words kept ringing in her head. " I didn’t seduce you, Jason. She is going to find out sooner or later. So why not tell her the truth, tell her how you told me to file a divorce against my husband because you love me, tell her how you begged me to ride your hard cock, because she wouldn’t. Don’t act all innocent now, Jason". Determined to get the memories out of her head, she walked slowly across the road, hoping for a car to take her life. Unable to kill herself, she stepped into a club, with the hopes of getting drunk, but she ended up having a one-night stand with Alexander, the youngest and richest ceo in the city. After a night of pleasure, she got arrested for assault, but was later released by Alexander, who proposed a contract for her to be his personal sex toy, but she declined. *** Five years later, her son needed urgent heart surgery which she couldn’t afford. She tried all means but no one seemed to work. She had no other option but to turn to Alexander, the father of her son, who she didn't know was now married. He was going to save the boy who he wasn't too sure was his son, only if she agreed to disappear from their lives. Will Alexander succeed in taking her child away from her without a fight, or will her son succeed in bringing them together? Find out how this story unfolds. Ps: I love you all.
Yemzy100 · 9.7K Views

La femme de location du milliardaire est une pointure

« Je te laisserai être sur le dessus dès ce soir, s'il te plaît ne me divorce pas, chéri ! » ----- La vie de conte de fées d'Evelyn a volé en éclats lorsqu'un inconnu a fait irruption, prétendant être la véritable fille de la famille Wright avec des preuves. Ses privilèges enviés ? Envoyés aux oubliettes. Sa réputation immaculée ? Salie. Ses quatre ans de fiançailles ? Brutalement annulées. Mais la plus grande trahison venait de son père autrefois aimant, prêt à la marier pour régler une affaire commerciale – avec un homme deux fois son âge ! Tout le monde dans le cercle a assisté à ce mariage scandaleux, impatients d'assister à la chute de la prétendue fausse héritière. Pourtant, le point culminant n'était pas ce même Evelyn avait anticipé! Zevian Reign, le magnat le plus riche de la nation, connu pour être le fantasme de chaque femme et le cauchemar de tous ses rivaux, a fait une entrée spectaculaire. Son arrivée a stupéfié les invités, mais son souhait effronté fut encore plus surprenant ! Il a demandé avec désinvolture à remplacer le marié et à épouser la magnifique mariée. Personne n'a osé contester, ni n'a eu le courage de lui désobéir. Ils n'avaient d'autre choix que d'assister au mariage. Et c'était l'heure pour Evelyn de sourire en coin, car elle était désormais la femme du diable. Et tous ceux qui l'avaient ruinée, ils paieraient au centuple ! ++++ [Extrait] « Pourquoi larguerais-je mon mari pour un perdant ? » Evelyn rigola en croisant les bras avec défi. « Il est meilleur que lui dans tous les aspects. » Son regard se porta sur son ex-fiancé, non loin de là, et elle continua avec un sourire en coin, « En fait, beaucoup mieux au lit. » Alors que le visage d'Annabelle rougissait de dégoût, Evelyn lui tapota le dos et se pencha pour asséner une autre gifle. « Alors, bonne chance avec lécher mes restes, chère demi-sœur. Il est parfait pour toi. »
Zelra · 79.6K Views


The shadows lurked, its whispers a fearful caress to the heart. A word of it begot omen and doom is the person who sees it. The world was evolving, creatures emerging and some going instinct, but one rule remained among the humans, "BEWARE OF THE NIGHT CREATURES." Ophelia, tossed and turned by the cruel wind and unfortunate side of the world found herself embracing the very shadows that were feared by many. The shadow which always haunted her. Not only was she haunted, but she was also the reason the shadow lurked. Its darkness deftly intertwined with the course of her life, bringing to light secrets locked away in the abyss. Secrets which led her to the arms of the one whose statements remained of evil. Rumors of her prevailed, each one more abhorrent than the other. While most of the rumors were false, there were specks of truth in them. However, in the dance of darkness, its drums beaten by the shadows, everything and every danger she faced culminated on the day she was bitten by the very creature humans termed evil and vile. She was his pawn, his amusement to be poked, his first bite. Her blood the first to ink his fangs, had unbeknownst to him formed a forbidden and sacred bond that could not be severed unless she died. Gone from his play toy to the number one on his kill list, Ophelia found herself confronting dangers that she, no matter how hard she tried, could never win against. When the game of chase and death slowly evolves into an unspoken spark-like trail of shadows weaving in the hearts of the predator and the prey, Ophelia is conflicted about the path to follow. The path to toss the dangers aside and embrace the whispers of her heart— or, the path to heed the warnings of her heart and run further from her predator. Unfortunately, in the dance of the cruel hand of fate, whichever way she took, he was always there like a shadow ready to entrap her. SHE WAS HIS FIRST BITE AND HE WAS HER SHADOW.
Amzy_Bella · 2K Views
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