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Honghuang Ling Zun

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"Ich hätte zu Hause bleiben und Videospiele spielen sollen." Dies war Rays letzter Gedanke, bevor ihn die Dunkelheit einhüllte, nachdem er von einem Auto angefahren worden war. Doch überraschenderweise fand sich Ray nach seinem Tod nicht vor den Toren der Hölle wieder, sondern er wurde in eine andere Welt versetzt. Die Welt, in die Ray versetzt wurde, hieß Arora World, ein Ort, an dem man verschiedene Arten von Fähigkeiten und Magie einsetzen und sogar mächtige Klassen erwerben kann. Ray fand sich im Körper eines Jungen namens Evan wieder, der an einer Jägerakademie studierte, nachdem er im Alter von vierzehn Jahren seine Fähigkeiten erlernt hatte. Zunächst war Ray froh, dass er in den Körper von jemandem transmigriert war, der seine Fähigkeiten geweckt hatte und die Magie anwenden konnte, die er schon immer einsetzen wollte. Als Ray jedoch Evans Erinnerungen durchging, wurde ihm schließlich klar, dass alles nicht so einfach war, wie er erwartet hatte. Evan hatte einen einzigartigen Körperbau, der es ihm nicht erlaubte, seine Kraft wie andere Menschen zu steigern. Wegen dieses nutzlosen einzigartigen Körperbaus war Evan der schwächste Jäger in der gesamten Akademie. Und das war noch nicht alles; je mehr Ray sich Evans Erinnerungen ansah, desto mehr wurde ihm klar, wie problematisch seine Situation war. "Ich weiß, dass ich diesen Körper betreten habe, ohne ein Ticket zu kaufen, aber ist das nicht zu viel?" sagte Ray mit bedrückter Stimme, nachdem er Evans Erinnerungen durchgesehen hatte. Wird Ray in der Lage sein, in dieser neuen Welt zu überleben? Ist der Körperbau seines neuen Körpers wirklich nutzlos? Begleite Ray auf seinem Abenteuer und finde es heraus. --------------------------------------------------
Zero_writer · 89.9K Views

Recuperei Minhas Memórias e Fiquei Rica Após o Divórcio

"Gu Dai, só me casei contigo para fazer o Vovô feliz. Se outra pessoa tivesse salvo o Vovô, eu teria me casado com ela do mesmo jeito! Não se ache tão importante!" Ao longo dos três anos de casamento, o marido de Gu Dai insultou-a em muitas ocasiões. Ela não teria acreditado que um dia foi mimada e rica se não tivesse de repente recuperado a memória. Por que ela serviu voluntariamente a esse homem por três anos? Esse homem era até desprezível o suficiente para se apaixonar por outra mulher! A primeira coisa que Gu Dai fez após recuperar sua memória foi se divorciar! Rumores se espalharam pela capital que a menina das favelas estava se divorciando do Sr. Song! "Sério? Ela não é uma caça-fortunas?" Todos perguntavam. "Ela está só se fazendo de difícil. Você acha que ela algum dia vai seguir em frente?" Sr. Song perguntou. Logo em seguida, todos descobriram que Gu Dai tinha voltado para a família Gu na capital. Agora ela era a jovem senhora da família mais rica da cidade. Acontece que ela era a jovem senhora da família Gu que tinha desaparecido após um acidente de navio de cruzeiro três anos atrás! "Sr. Song, a Srta. Gu é muito acima do seu nível," todos diziam. "E daí? Ela não sabe planejar o futuro. Tirando dinheiro, ela não tem mais nada," Sr. Song disse. Não muito tempo depois, as pessoas começaram a descobrir as múltiplas identidades de Gu Dai. Ela era uma hacker de grande importância, uma médica milagrosa, a melhor designer do país... Ela era tudo o que Song Ling estava procurando. Quando eles se encontraram novamente, ele a agarrou e implorou com lágrimas nos olhos. "Dai, não me importo se você tem sentimentos por outros. Você pode me deixar ficar ao seu lado mesmo assim?"
Mountain Springs · 88.7K Views

Saya Mengembalikan Ingatan dan Menjadi Kaya Setelah Bercerai

"Gu Dai, aku hanya menikahimu untuk membuat Kakek senang. Kalau orang lain yang menyelamatkan Kakek, aku akan menikahinya dengan cara yang sama! Jangan terlalu tinggi hati!" Selama tiga tahun pernikahan, suami Gu Dai sering menghinanya. Dia tidak akan percaya bahwa dirinya pernah dimanja dan kaya raya jika dia tidak tiba-tiba mendapatkan kembali ingatannya. Mengapa dia dengan rela melayani pria ini selama tiga tahun? Pria ini bahkan cukup hina untuk jatuh cinta dengan wanita lain! Hal pertama yang dilakukan Gu Dai setelah mendapatkan kembali ingatannya adalah bercerai! Rumor menyebar di seluruh ibu kota bahwa gadis dari kawasan kumuh itu bercerai dari Tuan Song! "Serius? Bukannya dia penambang emas?" Semua orang bertanya. "Dia hanya berpura-pura susah didapat. Kalian pikir dia bisa melanjutkan hidupnya?" Tuan Song bertanya. Segera setelah itu, semua orang mengetahui bahwa Gu Dai telah kembali ke keluarga Gu di ibu kota. Kini, dia adalah putri muda dari keluarga terkaya di kota. Ternyata, dia adalah putri muda keluarga Gu yang hilang setelah terjadi kecelakaan kapal pesiar tiga tahun lalu! "Tuan Song, Nyonya Gu jelas tidak selevel denganmu," semua orang berkata. "Lalu apa? Dia tidak tahu cara merencanakan masa depan. Selain uang, dia tidak memiliki apa-apa lagi," Tuan Song berkata. Tak lama setelah itu, orang-orang mulai mengetahui identitas ganda Gu Dai. Dia adalah peretas besar, dokter ajaib, desainer terbaik di negara itu... Dia adalah segalanya yang Song Ling cari. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi, dia meraihnya dan memohon dengan air mata di matanya. "Dai, aku tidak keberatan jika kamu memiliki perasaan terhadap orang lain. Bisakah kamu tetap membiarkanku di sisimu?"
Mountain Springs · 103.6K Views

Nyonya Mengejutkan Identitasnya Seluruh Kota Lagi

Qiao Nian tinggal di rumah keluarga Qiao selama 18 tahun sebelum orang tua kandungnya menemukannya. Tiba-tiba, semua keluarga kaya di kota itu tahu bahwa keluarga Qiao memiliki anak perempuan palsu! Anak perempuan sejati dari keluarga yang berkecukupan pasti berbakat, lembut dan baik hati. Anak perempuan palsu pasti tidak akan bisa menguasai kemampuan apa pun dan tidak mencapai apa-apa. Semua orang ingin melihat betapa sengsaranya dia ketika dia harus kembali ke lembahnya setelah diusir dari keluarga kaya! Qiao Nian juga berpikir bahwa orang tua kandungnya adalah guru-guru miskin dari Kabupaten Luohe. Siapa sangka bahwa kakaknya mengendarai Phaeton yang harganya tiga ratus ribu yuan! Ayah kandungnya juga seorang profesor yang mengajar di Universitas Tsinghua! Bos besar dari keluarga penjahat itu menjadi penjilat dan membungkuk di depan kakeknya... Qiao Nian terperangah. Ehm... ini tidak sama dengan mengatakan ya! Setelah terbebas dari keluarga penjahat, Qiao Nian bisa menjadi dirinya sendiri. Dia adalah siswa terbaik dalam ujian masuk perguruan tinggi, bintang siaran langsung dan pewaris warisan budaya yang tak ternilai... Identitasnya terungkap dan ketika dia mulai muncul di pencarian teratas di kota, keluarga penjahat itu menjadi pucat. Anti-fans mengejek: Apa gunanya berpura-pura? Bukankah kamu hanya terus mengikuti kakakku setiap hari? Qiao Nian menjawab: Maaf tapi saya sudah punya pasangan. Kakak Sempurna: @Qiao Nian. Izinkan aku memperkenalkannya kepada semua orang. Ini adalah adikku. Kakek Kaya Raya: Cucu kesayanganku, kenapa kamu bekerja keras? Kalau kamu mau sepeda, kakek akan belikan untukmu! Orang kaya dan berpengaruh di Beijing menyebarkan rumor bahwa Master Wang menyembunyikan seorang istri di rumah mewahnya. Tidak peduli seberapa keras orang mencoba membujuknya, dia tak pernah membawanya keluar untuk bertemu orang lain. Jika ditanya, dia akan mengatakan kalimat yang sama. "Istri saya dari pedesaan dan dia pemalu." Itu sampai pada suatu hari ketika seseorang melihat Master Wang yang mulia dan dingin memegang pinggang ramping seorang gadis sambil bersembunyi di sudut dinding dan bergumam dengan mata merah. "Sayang, kapan kamu akan memberiku gelar?" [Anak perempuan palsu yang sebenarnya berasal dari keluarga kaya] + [Dua bos besar]
Brother Ling · 59.8K Views

Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Qiao Nian lived in the Qiao family’s house for 18 years before her biological parents found her. Suddenly, all the wealthy families in the city knew that the Qiao family had a fake daughter! A true daughter of an affluent family would be talented, gentle, and kind. A fake daughter would not be able to pick up any skills and accomplish nothing. Everyone wanted to see how miserable she would become when she went back to her ravine after being kicked out of a rich family! Qiao Nian also thought that her biological parents were poor teachers from Luohe County. Who knew that her brother drove a Phaeton that was worth three hundred thousand yuan! Her biological father was also a professor who taught at Tsinghua University! The big boss of the family of scums became a bootlicker and bowed in front of her grandpa… Qiao Nian was dumbfounded. Erm… this wasn’t the same as saying yes! After being freed from the family of scums, Qiao Nian was able to be herself. She was the top student in the college entrance examination, a live broadcast star and the heir of an invaluable cultural heritage… Her identities were revealed and when she started to appear on the hot searches in the city, the family of scums turned green. The anti-fans mocked: What’s the point of trying to fake an image? Aren’t you just sticking to my brother everyday? Qiao Nian responded: I’m sorry but I already have a match. Top Brother: @Qiao Nian. Let me introduce her to everyone. This is my sister. Wealthy Grandpa: My dear granddaughter, why are you working so hard? If you want a bicycle, grandpa will buy it for you! The rich and powerful in Beijing spread a rumor that Master Wang was hiding a wife in his luxurious house. No matter how much people tried to persuade him, he never took her out to meet anyone. If he were asked, he would say the same sentence. “My wife is from the countryside and she is shy.” That was until one day when someone saw the noble and cold Master Wang holding a girl’s slender waist while hiding in a corner of a wall and muttering with red eyes. “Baby, when will you give me a title?” [Fake daughter who is from a truly wealthy family] + [Two big bosses]
Brother Ling · 13.7M Views

Não é Fácil Ser um Homem Depois de Viajar para o Futuro

Após morrer de uma estranha doença terminal, Ling Lan renasceu em um mundo 10000 anos no futuro. Embora ela desejasse ardentemente poder apenas viver uma vida pacífica e sem eventos em seu novo corpo saudável, o destino tinha outros planos... Obrigada a se disfarçar de menino apenas para poder herdar os benefícios militares premium de seu falecido pai, a jornada de Ling Lan até a idade adulta foi cheia de desafios. Após muita dificuldade, ela finalmente chegou aos dezesseis anos, quando poderia abandonar a farsa. Mas antes que pudesse aproveitar sua recém-descoberta liberdade para se casar e iniciar sua própria família, uma reviravolta do destino a lança na principal escola militar para garotos da Federação. Com essas reviravoltas do destino, Ling Lan teve pouca escolha a não ser caminhar cada vez mais por um caminho sem volta, um de domínio frio e distante... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ryuxenji, o tradutor aqui. :3 Aqui estão algumas outras coisas que vocês devem saber: 1) Esta história NÃO é primariamente um romance. O sistema da QI atualmente categoriza todos os romances provenientes do site chinês de novelas para mulheres (起点女生网) como 'romance' sem falhas, independentemente de serem verdadeiramente romances ou não. Então, se você está aqui apenas pelo romance, talvez queira encontrar um romance diferente. Haverá algum romance eventualmente, mas a maior parte deste romance é de ficção científica/Xianxia com muita construção de mundo e desenvolvimento de personagem. 2) Eu uso ortografia britânica. Então, por favor, certifique-se de que erros ortográficos são realmente erros antes de reportá-los. 3) Não importa o que a taxa de lançamento no topo diga, a taxa de lançamento garantida no momento é de 1 cap/dia (também conhecido como 7 cap/semana). O resto é extra à minha discrição. (Eu tentarei fazer o meu melhor, mas responsabilidades da vida real vêm primeiro.)
Madam Ru · 79.4K Views

Die Identität von Madam schockiert erneut die ganze Stadt

Qiao Nian lebte 18 Jahre lang im Haus der Familie Qiao, bevor ihre leiblichen Eltern sie fanden. Plötzlich wussten alle wohlhabenden Familien der Stadt, dass die Familie Qiao eine falsche Tochter hatte! Eine echte Tochter einer wohlhabenden Familie wäre begabt, sanft und freundlich. Eine falsche Tochter wäre nicht in der Lage, irgendwelche Fähigkeiten zu erlernen und nichts zu erreichen. Jeder wollte sehen, wie unglücklich sie werden würde, wenn sie in ihre Schlucht zurückkehrte, nachdem sie aus einer reichen Familie hinausgeworfen worden war! Qiao Nian dachte auch, dass ihre leiblichen Eltern arme Lehrer aus dem Kreis Luohe waren. Wer wusste schon, dass ihr Bruder einen Phaeton fuhr, der dreihunderttausend Yuan wert war! Ihr leiblicher Vater war auch ein Professor, der an der Tsinghua-Universität lehrte! Der Big Boss der Familie von Abschaum wurde zum Schleimer und verbeugte sich vor ihrem Großvater... Qiao Nian war verblüfft. Ähm... das war nicht dasselbe wie ein Ja zu sagen! Nachdem sie sich von der Familie des Abschaums befreit hatte, konnte Qiao Nian sie selbst sein. Sie war die beste Schülerin in der College-Aufnahmeprüfung, ein Live-Sendestar und die Erbin eines unschätzbaren Kulturerbes... Ihre Identität wurde aufgedeckt, und als sie in den Suchanzeigen der Stadt auftauchte, wurde die Familie des Abschaums grün. Die Anti-Fans spotteten: Was soll der Versuch, ein Bild zu fälschen? Hältst du dich nicht einfach jeden Tag an meinen Bruder? Qiao Nian antwortete: Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe bereits ein Spiel. Oberster Bruder: @Qiao Nian. Ich möchte sie allen vorstellen. Das ist meine Schwester. Wohlhabender Großvater: Meine liebe Enkelin, warum arbeitest du so hart? Wenn du ein Fahrrad willst, wird Großvater es dir kaufen! Die Reichen und Mächtigen in Peking verbreiteten das Gerücht, dass Meister Wang in seinem luxuriösen Haus eine Frau versteckte. Egal, wie sehr die Leute versuchten, ihn zu überreden, er ging nie mit ihr aus, um jemanden zu treffen. Wenn man ihn fragte, sagte er immer denselben Satz. "Meine Frau kommt vom Land und ist schüchtern." Bis eines Tages jemand sah, wie der edle und kalte Meister Wang die schlanke Taille eines Mädchens umklammerte, sich in einer Mauerecke versteckte und mit roten Augen murmelte. "Baby, wann wirst du mir einen Titel geben?" [Falsche Tochter, die aus einer wirklich reichen Familie stammt] + [Zwei große Bosse]
Brother Ling · 38.2K Views

Nachdem ihr alles weggenommen wurde, kehrt sie als Gott zurück

[Süß, befriedigend und leidenschaftlich; Gruppenverwöhnung; Folter-Casanovas] Si Fuqing öffnete die Augen und musste feststellen, dass ihr Glück gestohlen worden war. Alle wollten sie aus der Unterhaltungsbranche raus haben. Nachdem sie eine zweite Chance im Leben bekommen hatte, wollte sie dieses Mal einfach nichts tun. Doch einige Leute, die nicht wussten, wo sie hingehörten, versuchten immer wieder, ihren Ruhm für sich zu beanspruchen, ohne dass sie echte Talente vorweisen konnte. Das reichte nicht aus. Sie musste etwas gegen sie unternehmen. Si Fuqing kniff sich ins Handgelenk und ergriff Maßnahmen. Danach schimpfte das Internet über sie, weil sie schamlos genug war, Yu Yao den Hof zu machen, und dass ihr Privatleben unanständig sei, aber... Eine internationale Songschreiberin: Dass ich heute hier stehen kann, verdanke ich Qingqing. Ein hochkarätiger männlicher Prominenter: Bleib weg von meiner Schwester #YuYao Ein offizieller internationaler Sportsender: Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Si Fuqing zum Gewinn der 13. persönlichen Goldmedaille. Zunächst schenkte Yu Yao Si Fuqing keine Beachtung. Aber als er später die Wahrheit erfuhr und es bereute, sogar auf die Knie gegangen zu sein, damit Si Fuqing wieder in seine Richtung schaut, konnte er nur einen Status in den sozialen Medien posten: [#SiFuqing, Hallo, neunte Tante]. An diesem Tag war das Internet wie gelähmt. In den Aufzeichnungen der Geschichte erlangte Kaiser Yin schon in jungen Jahren Ruhm. Er war perfekt, mächtig und wohlwollend. Dennoch starb er im Alter von 27 Jahren an einer Krankheit, nachdem er nur ein kurzes Leben ohne Frau und Kinder gelebt hatte. Für viele war er ein unerreichbarer Adonis. Niemand wusste, dass er, als er seine Augen wieder öffnete, in der Zukunft aufwachte, wo 1500 Jahre vergangen waren. Diesmal sah er hohe Gebäude, die er sich zuvor nur eingebildet hatte. Kurz darauf wurde die Identität von Kaiser Yin aufgedeckt. Als Si Fuqing erfuhr, dass ihr Idol zum Greifen nahe war, war sie so beeindruckt, dass sie... Si Fuqing: Ich werde hart arbeiten! Kaiser Yin: Vergelte es mir mit deinem Körper. Si Fuqing: ??? Ich versuche hier, hart zu arbeiten, aber du willst mich stattdessen? Ein Multitalent und eine wunderschöne Göttin x Ein entschlossener und edler Kaiser Von der Verhöhnung im Internet bis zur Krönung zur Nummer eins, während sie gegen ihren Adonis im Einzelkampf kämpfte.
Qing Qian · 31.7K Views

My Fury System: bringing chaos to the world

Zhao feng,an eighteen years old student from earth transmigrated into the body of a lazy young master of red moon continent,a cultivation realm ,where the strong dominate and the weak gets trampled upon, upon arriving,he got the 'Fury System' after his cute vixen sister got angry at him. Zhao feng initially wanted to enjoy a prodigal and carefree life after knowing how powerful his father was, until he had a taste of strength that the system gave him,he only had to make people angry to get fury points and raise his realm indefinitely. Since then, Zhao feng has made his life goals 'To make people furious " He encountered great difficulties and tribulations on his journey to immortality,alongside his shameless minions, since he never targets those weaker than him, it's always those whose strength is far above his, those that can kill him in a wave of their hands, but as fate will have it,they overcome all disasters. Zhao Feng stood tall, his eyes blazing with defiance as he faced the formidable warrior, Jin Tian. Jin Tian's face twisted in rage, his massive fists clenched, ready to strike. "You're just a foolish mortal, Jin Tian," Zhao Feng sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Your strength is nothing but a joke. You're just a brute, relying on your physical prowess to intimidate others." "Fury +5000" Jin Tian's face turned beet red, his eyes bulging with fury. "You dare to insult me?! I'll crush you!" Zhao Feng chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots." In a crowded tavern, Zhao Feng sat at a table, sipping a mug of ale. Across from him, the stunning beauty, Ling'er, glared at him, her face pale with anger. "You're nothing but a shameless dog, Zhao Feng," Ling'er spat, her voice venomous. "You think you're clever, but you're just a coward, using your words to hurt others." Zhao Feng grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah, Ling'er, you're so beautiful when you're angry. But let's be real, you're not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?" "Fury +3000" Ling'er's face turned scarlet, her eyes flashing with rage. "How dare you!" Zhao Feng chuckled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I forgot that beauty and brains don't always go hand in hand." "Fury +5000" Zhao Feng stood at the edge of a cliff, gazing out at the breathtaking landscape below. A faint smile played on his lips as he reflected on his journey so far. "Ah, the Fury System," he whispered, his eyes gleaming with gratitude. "You've really helped me, haven't you? I've grown stronger, smarter, and more ruthless." He chuckled, his voice carrying on the wind. "And I've brought chaos to this world, haven't I? The strong are trembling, and the weak are cowering." Zhao Feng's smile widened, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "But that's what makes life interesting, doesn't it? The uncertainty, the danger, the thrill of the unknown." He raised his hands, embracing the wind, the sun, and the world below. "Bring it on, world. I'm ready for whatever you throw my way." As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in a warm, golden light, Zhao Feng's laughter echoed through the valleys, a haunting melody that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it. May I ask you to follow Zhao feng in his journey of standing against the heavens,crossing mountains of corpses and rivers of bloods to get to his destination. Deities and immortal beings became his stepping stone to the greater DAO . Oh,he didn't forget one important thing..... making his enemies puke blood in Fury.
PURITY_2443 · 3K Views

I'm Tired of Transmigrating but He's still Obsessed with Me

They call him Ling A’Xian, a hostage prince, a pawn in a war he never asked for. But that is not his name. Not truly. Han Ziyao-- a name whispered in the void, a past too distant to grasp… and a love that refuses to fade. In a world where fate is rewritten with every life he steps into, Han Ziyao has long abandoned the illusion of control. He transmigrates without warning, wakes in unfamiliar bodies, and plays whatever role the universe demands of him. But amidst shifting identities and fractured timelines, one thing remains constant—him. And the man who always finds him. Tonight, that man is the Crown Prince. And Ling A’Xian is pressed against a glazed partition, his breath unsteady as gloved fingers trace the curve of his jaw. “Running again, A’Xian?” The prince’s voice is velvet and steel, his golden eyes unreadable in the candlelight. “I’m beginning to think you enjoy being caught.” A’Xian exhales sharply, forcing a smirk despite the way heat surges within his stomach. “And I’m beginning to think you enjoy the chase.” The prince hums, his grip tightening just enough to make A’Xian’s pulse stutter. “Perhaps. But tell me…” He leans in, the warmth of his breath ghosting over A’Xian’s lips. “What will you do when there’s nowhere left to run?” A’Xian doesn’t answer. He can’t. Not when the prince’s gloved hand is slipping lower, not when the space between them is vanishing, not when he’s dangerously close to forgetting that this isn’t love—it’s obsession. And yet, as soft lips brush against his throat in a mythical promise, he wonders if, in this life, he’ll be the one to break first. Because some bonds, no matter how many lifetimes pass, are never meant to be severed.
stemc_cells · 6.9K Views

The Celestial Seal

In the secluded village of Baiyun, nestled amidst misty valleys and towering cliffs, a young boy named Li Wei witnesses a celestial event that changes his life forever. A falling star, unlike any he has seen before, crashes beyond the eastern hills, its golden light pulsing with an otherworldly energy. Drawn by an inexplicable force, Li Wei, accompanied by his sharp-witted friend Mei Ling, ventures into the forest to uncover the star's secrets. What they find is a massive crater housing a mysterious golden orb, which seems to call out to Li Wei. As Li Wei touches the orb, he is engulfed in visions of a crumbling celestial seal, imprisoned demon kings, and a destiny he cannot yet comprehend. The orb bestows upon him a celestial mark, a sigil that pulses with latent power, marking him as the chosen one. But this power comes at a cost. The seal's awakening has drawn the attention of dark forces, including a fearsome Duskfang beast and enigmatic strangers clad in dark robes, who bear the same sigil as Li Wei. Elder Wen, the village priest, reveals the truth: the falling star was a fragment of the Celestial Seal, an ancient artifact that maintains the balance between heaven and earth. Li Wei is now bound to the seal, destined to either restore it or witness the unleashing of the Eight Demon Kings upon the world. As the village is infiltrated by the mysterious Watchers, who seek the seal's power, Li Wei realizes that his quiet life is over. With the weight of destiny on his shoulders and the threat of dark forces closing in, Li Wei must navigate a world of ancient prophecies, celestial power, and looming danger. The seal is breaking, the guardians have fallen, and the fate of the heavens now rests in the hands of a boy from a humble village. The journey ahead is fraught with peril, but Li Wei knows one thing for certain: this is only the beginning.
Salex3 · 5.1K Views

Chronicles Of The Twin Guardians.

In the realm of Tenkai, where the fabric of fate was woven by the ancient gods, two souls were destined to collide in a dance of destiny. The threads of their lives had been intertwined since the dawn of time, and now, the moment of their convergence was at hand. Ling, the brooding warrior, forged in the fires of adversity, stood atop a windswept mountain, gazing out upon the vast expanse of the world. His heart was as cold as the steel he wielded, and his eyes burned with a fire that could not be tamed. The flames of his passion fueled his unyielding pursuit of justice, driving him to seek out the forces of darkness that had ravaged the land. Ming, the enigmatic sorcerer, shrouded in mystery, stood at the edge of a dense forest, his eyes fixed upon the whispering leaves. His soul was as deep as the oceans, and his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intelligence. The spark of his magic ignited the very fabric of reality, and the ancient trees themselves seemed to lean in, as if to listen to his whispers. Their paths converged in the town of Akakawa, where the whispers of the ancients spoke of a prophecy, a contract forged in the depths of time. The Soul Contract Sword, a blade of unimaginable power, awaited the one who could unlock its secrets. The sword was said to be able to vanquish any darkness, and its power was coveted by all who sought to wield it. As Ling and Ming walked through the bustling streets of Akakawa, their eyes met, and the air seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy. They felt an inexplicable pull, as if the very fabric of fate was drawing them together. Without a word, they knew that their lives were forever intertwined. And so, they embarked on their perilous journey, navigating treacherous landscapes, avoiding deadly assassins, and unraveling the mysteries of their ancient bond. The fate of Tenkai hung in the balance, as the forces of darkness sought to claim the Soul Contract Sword for their own. From the snow-capped mountains of the north to the scorching deserts of the south, Ling and Ming were tested, their resolve forged in the fires of adversity. They battled fearsome foes, solved ancient puzzles, and uncovered hidden secrets. With each step, their bond grew stronger, their trust in each other deepening. But the journey was not without its challenges. The forces of darkness were relentless, and the duo faced numerous trials that threatened to tear them asunder. There were times when Ling's unwavering dedication to justice clashed with Ming's more nuanced understanding of the world. There were moments when Ming's mysterious nature sparked Ling's suspicions, and the warrior's anger flared. Yet, through it all, they persevered, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They learned to rely on each other, to trust in their unique skills and strengths. And as they journeyed deeper into the heart of Tenkai, they began to realize that their connection went far beyond mere fate. The ancient gods themselves had ordained this union, a bond of fate that transcended the boundaries of time and space. The fate of Tenkai was but a pawn in a far larger game, one that would determine the course of history. And so, Ling and Ming pressed on, driven by their unyielding determination to fulfill the terms of the Soul Contract Sword. The journey was long, the road fraught with peril, but they walked on, side by side, their bond growing stronger with each step. For in a world where fate was woven by the ancient gods, Ling and Ming knew that their love was the greatest power of all.
Kerrylinks1 · 8.2K Views

Setelah Menjadi Umpan Meriam, Dia Menampar Wajah Semua Orang

Ketika Ling Miao membuka matanya, dia menemukan bahwa dia telah membaca buku itu dan menjadi pasangan wanita umpan meriam yang tidak berguna dalam novel pengembangan otak cinta. Dia memiliki akar spiritual tingkat rendah dan diracuni oleh racun aneh kekuatannya. Untuk berbaring dan mati dengan tenang, dia memilih untuk melarikan diri dari sekte tempat pahlawan wanita itu berada, berlari sejauh mungkin. Tanpa diduga, dia melarikan diri ke kandang pahlawan wanita lain, di mana semua orang menunggu untuk menumpahkan darah mereka demi pahlawan wanita tersebut.    Awalnya, dia hanya ingin mencari sudut untuk menjadi pecundang kecilnya secara diam-diam, tapi tuan dan kakak laki-lakinya sangat baik, jadi dia memutuskan untuk menyelamatkan Mereka.    Kakak laki laki senior jatuh cinta pada pahlawan wanita itu pada pandangan pertama dan bersedia menjadi gudang obat mujarab kelilingnya.    Kakak Senior: Begitu dia menitikkan air mata, mau tak mau aku jatuh cinta padanya.    Ling Miao dengan tenang mengikat orang itu dan menemukan seseorang yang menangis padanya sepanjang hari. Sejak saat itu, dia menjadi stres setiap kali dia melihat pahlawan wanita itu menangis.    Kakak laki-laki kedua yandere memaksakan terobosan untuk menyelamatkan pahlawan wanita itu tetapi diganggu dan menjadi gila.   Kakak Kedua: Penatua Wu menghitung bahwa aku akan mengalami bencana bunga persik hari ini. Aku akan bertemu seorang wanita dan disakiti olehnya.    Ling Miao dengan elegan memecat kakak laki-laki kedua dan memukulnya: Panatua Wu sangat kuat, dia bahkan berpikir bahwa aku akan menyerangmu secara diam-diam hari ini!    Kakak keempat yang lucu memblokir serangan fatal raja iblis terhadap sang pahlawan wanita, dan meninggal secara tragis di pelukan sang pahlawan wanita.    Ling Miao langsung menendang orang itu ke dalam sarang monster itu, dan sebelum meledakkan pintu masuknya, dia juga memberinya pesan: Otak cinta adalah kejahatan besar.    Semuanya: Mengapa dia, seorang pecundang kecil dengan akar spiritual tingkat rendah, begitu gila?    Ling Miao terkekeh: Saya sangat kuat! Di bawah tangan besi, semua makhluk hidup setara!
hanaahanaa17 · 24.5K Views
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