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Combattre, Fuir ou Se figer : L'histoire de la Guérisseuse

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce que ça ferait de vous réveiller dans un corps qui n'est pas le vôtre ? Un corps beaucoup, beaucoup plus jeune ? Je ne peux pas dire que j'y avais déjà beaucoup réfléchi. Jusqu'à cette nuit où un patient a débarqué aux urgences où je travaillais et m'a tiré une balle en pleine tête. Vous savez, s'il voulait un second avis, il n'avait qu’à demander. Mais ce n'est pas le propos... D'une manière ou d'une autre, je me suis réveillée dans un hôpital étrange avec une femme qui ressemblait étrangement à ma mère me tenant la main et pleurant. Très heureuse de la voir, il m'a fallu quelques minutes pour réaliser que je n'étais plus le docteur de 25 ans, réussi, dans l’un des hôpitaux les plus prestigieux du monde. Non, j'étais une petite fille de 6 ans qui, pour un instant... voulait sa maman. Quand vient l'apocalypse, chacun s’en sort comme il peut. J’ai trois choix : Dois-je me battre pour ce que je veux ? Vais-je fuir et me cacher, ou vais-je me figer quand les démons de mon passé reviendront me hanter ? Vous pouvez me connaître sous le nom de la Guérisseuse, mais c’est mon histoire à raconter. ------ Fight, Flight, or Freeze est le deuxième roman de la série Rebirth in the Apocalypse, cette fois mettant en scène la Guérisseuse : Wang Tian Mu et ses hommes. Vous n'aurez pas besoin de lire le premier pour comprendre celui-ci, et elle ne restera pas enfant tout le long. Li Dai Lu et ses gars feront de temps en temps une apparition, mais c'est strictement l'histoire de Wang Tian Mu ! J'espère que vous apprécierez ! Autres romans : Rebirth in the Apocalypse : La Troisième Fois, c’est la bonne (Terminé) Les Vaisseaux de l'étoile (Terminé) Danser avec les Monstres (En cours) Aussi Silencieux qu'une Souris (En cours) Retrouvez-moi sur Discord : devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289)
Devilbesideyou666 · 55.3K Views

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콜벳사이트 를 더 안전하게 이용하실 수 있는 콜벳도메인 과 콜벳코드 를 찾고계시죠? 메이저 콜벳에서 여러분들께 신규 콜벳도메인 과 콜벳코드 적용법까지 싹 소개합니다. 간략하게 콜벳사이트 는 국내 에서 알아주는 검증된 메이저 토토사이트 입니다. 토토사이트 좀 이용하신 분들은 알고계실거며 처음 오시는 분들도 쉽게 정보를 찾아보실 수 있습니다. 일반적인 토토사이트 들하고는 다릅니다. 신규 콜벳도메인 과 콜벳추천인 코드 는 콜벳본사에서 만들었습니다. 왜 만들었을까요? 그렇습니다! 여러분들께 더 많은 혜택과 더 좋은 조건들을 드리기 위해서 였습니다. 없앨것은 없애고 추가 할 것은 하고 그렇게 이번 신규 콜벳주소 콜벳코드 를 만들게 되었습니다. 결과는 완성도 100% 를 자랑합니다. 혜택은 사진과 같습니다. 적용법은 진짜 쉽습니다. 소개하는 콜벳도메인 접속 > 가입 > 콜벳추천인 코드기입 > 가입완료 END 예 이말은 즉 누구나 빠르게 가입 가능하며 여러분들께서 도 쉽게 콜벳사이트 에서 게임을 위한 안정성 그리고 혜택 모두 가지실 수 있습니다. 콜벳도메인 - 평생콜벳.com 콜벳코드 - tt88 자 사용해보십시요! #콜벳주소 #콜벳도메인 #콜벳코드 #콜벳추천인 #콜벳먹튀 #콜벳먹튀검증 #콜벳검증 #콜벳사이트 #콜벳고객센터 #믹스믹스 #믹스믹스주소 #믹스믹스도메인 #믹스믹스코드 #믹스믹스추천인 #믹스믹스먹튀 #믹스믹스검증 #믹스믹스먹튀검증 #믹스믹스사이트 #믹스믹스고객센터 #토토콜벳사이트 #콜벳 #콜벳접속 #콜벳추천코드
Francis_Avis · 447 Views

No More Ever After

Some say that a boy and a girl can't stay friends only. What about me and him? We're both guys and I'll tell you a secret of ours. We relieve each other sometimes. Do you want another tea? I'm gay. ... They weren't really a story at first but from the get-go, Aron has always been inlove with Niro which the oblivious playboy doesn't realize. For Niro, Aron is only a friend. While Aron is admiring him from afar. Aron did his best to remain a side character next to the protagonist of the story. But the stupid writer decided to insert a trashy twist of events; turning Aron's monotonous life upside down. It was when... Niro decided to play with fire, and he chose Aron to play alongside him. Unaware of Aron's burning desire for him, Niro was caught in his own flame. "Come any closer and you'll get burned." Niro said, pertaining to the lit bonfire infront of them. Aron lifted his head, "A little burn... will it hurt?" he asked in return, dazed while looking at Niro. Niro was taken aback, just like the darkest of night, the other person's eyes were mirroring the absence of color in his sight, nevertheless it didn't fail him to see what was hidden deep in those dark eyes. "Well... if that's the case," Niro trailed off, reaching out to hold Aron's hand, intertwining their fingers as he brought it above the light of the bonfire, enough to touch the tip of its light then Aron heard him say, "Let's play with fire, you and I, get burned... together." It was then that Aron knew he won't be able to escape from this unrequited love of his.
Avis_Jane · 898 Views

Blackwood High; Death Games

A hell school A mysterious gray-orbed president A black and golden rule The cards of darkest fate And a whole new level of Death Games Folks, you are hereby welcomed to a one of a kind school, Blackwood High. Dress to your finest warrior, school outfits & battledress. Tuck yourself up to your strongest combat shoes. Prepare your feet to dance to the whirlwind of Death's tricky melody and brace your whole self to dance in the glorious halls of BWH, whose walls are shimmering in gold and trickling with blood. ... Blackwood High is a hidden school situated in the darkest heart of a forbidden forest. Student's here are composed of monstrous rebels of different towns and cities. A total den of wicked teens. However, for an eighteen-year-old girl Avy Demascenia, it's nothing more than a despicable place where she can continue her bombed deeds and ruined records. Fate plays a huge joke on her when one of her newly found friends at this school, Rise Vanderwoodsen was chosen to be the players and female tribute of the odd games made by the wicked Vice President. In exchange for something she badly wanted to gain, she volunteered in place of her friends. In a flick of the ticking clock, Avy became one of the special group of students joining the biennial survival game called Death Games. Whose golden rule was that if the player's character in the game comes upon their death, their real body and soul will suffer the same way too. Now, not only is she fighting for the thing that she wanted, but also for her dear life as well. Yet the real deal is that... Can Avy survive till the end? ___ WEBNOVEL SPIRITY AWARDS 2022 UNDER THE THEME OF SYSTEM
StarIntheNight · 5.1K Views

Till the last breath

I was holding him for the last time, tears rolled out, every bit of me became still like a glass, a glass so clean that all the memories that I had with him were now gone into the blue of something unknown, it's like there is nothing left like a still-life picture, every tear was making the glass even more clear, the glass that we painted for the past 4 years, with colours full of cheery blossoms, feels like the glass is shattered it's in different pieces crushed so finely, that I can collect them and connect to the place they belong, Avisa someone called my name I looked back and it was Drishya's mother, I went a step back loosen the grip that was only from my side as Drishya was on fairyland and had left me alone with a lot of unanswered questions, I placed my beloved on the bed, he was looking so seren but he's asleep now perhaps he didn't wanna stay here for us, Avisa his  Mumma came next to me " I am sorry my child", you have to move on, she said I'll live for him because I know how much we loved each other, it will always be him, I sighed while wiping my tears, and I came out of the room, I rushed toward my car where I have kept his last belonging, I ran as fast as I can so that I reach my car as soon as possible, tears were rolling through my eyes but I didn't let them take away the spirit I have for my love and maintaining a life he always wanted me to, I'll rebuild the castle alone and with his essences that he has left for me, in all these hustle bustle  I didn't know when I reached to my car, I open it sat on the driver seat and next to me was a guitar, and a  ukelele that he gifted me on our first and second date, Drishya was enlightened by the music he uses to say to me "Avi music gives a magical power, and I feel like I can conquer  everything On this planet, if two of the things are on my side that's you and music"
69Aditi_Tiwari · 4K Views

Avy Cross

Year 190 – in the world where mana is existent, things like magic is a must-have to every individuals; young and old. But then there are rare cases of people having no mana in their body. Thus, they’re called “trash”, “worthless”, and other forms of insults. To make things worse, just because she confronted a noble of higher status harassing a citizen, Avy Cross got herself hit rock bottom. With those two “shameful” reasons, she had her title as the future viscount stripped off; her friends and even her family abandoned the poor maiden, and so she lived her life in solitude. After wandering aimlessly, without eating and proper rest, she found herself in a ruined village. She wasn’t able to see a trace of it in the map. When she entered the place, a total of eleven people were living there. It made her heart ache to see this kind of situation similar to hers; abandoned and had no more choice left but to die, unrecognized by the society. A fire lit in Avy’s heart; her uneasiness and discomfort were removed, and from that moment she swore to herself that she won’t falter anymore against this judgmental society. Using her knowledge she obtained in the Great Library when she’s still in the viscount family, she’ll rebuild a village – no, she’ll build a place unlike any other; a place of peace and equality…that’s her goal. This is a story of an individual reckoned as the best swordswoman and scientist that made an unknown place, a place hidden from the society, become a prosperous one and made phenomenal tools that turned the tables to her favor.
Chibi_Shanoa · 13.4K Views

Accouplée au Prince Cruel

[Contenu Mature] Sauver un Fae blessé dans la forêt n'était pas dans les plans d'Islinda, et pire, il s'avère être de la royauté, le Prince Valérie de la cour d'été, héritier et prince héritier du trône d'Astaria. Mais alors, les humains se méfiaient de ces créatures d'un autre monde pendant que les Fae méprisaient les humains, les considérant comme des créatures inférieures. Islinda et le prince étaient mondes à part, mais cela ne les a pas empêchés de tomber amoureux. Malheureusement, le Prince Valérie ne pouvait pas rester dans le royaume humain pour toujours et devait retourner dans son royaume avec la promesse de revenir pour elle. Et elle l'a cru. Mais c'est l'autre qui vient à la place. Sombre, maussade, impitoyable mais dangereusement séduisant, tout le monde craignait le Prince Aldric. Même étant un guerrier redoutable et fils du roi d'Astaria, Aldric se voit refuser son droit au trône et est maudit à ne jamais prendre sa place en raison de son héritage obscur. Tordu de l'intérieur et privé d'affection, le Prince Aldric fait ce qu'il sait faire de mieux, engendrer la misère. Il a capturé Islinda – la femme qui a attiré l'attention de son frère. Il l'a volée de chez elle pour ses desseins cruels. S'il ne pouvait pas avoir la couronne, il pouvait au moins jouer avec l'intérêt amoureux de son frère. Son nouveau prix. Islinda le haïssait. Elle le détestait pour lui avoir tout pris ce qu'elle aurait pu avoir avec le prince de l'été. C'est le méchant. Maintenant elle a été entraînée au milieu des politiques sales jouées dans les cours de la cour d'Astaria, sans parler de survivre aux jeux glacials joués par le prince. Mais tout espoir n'était pas perdu, car le prince cruel pouvait la tenter autant qu'il le voulait mais il n'aurait jamais la chose qu'il désire le plus. Être aimé. Il n'aurait jamais son cœur ! Ou pourrait-il l'avoir ? ________ « Que peux-tu m'offrir, petit humain, » Il souriait, lent et cruel. Elle ferait un si merveilleux jouet. « Je t'en prie, » Elle le suppliait, les larmes commençant maintenant à s'accumuler dans ses yeux, « Laisse-moi juste partir. » « D'accord, » Il haussa les épaules comme si c'était une demande facile, « Tu peux y aller. » « V-vraiment ? » Elle murmura, trouvant cela difficile à croire. « Petit humain, tu découvriras que mon esprit change très facilement. » Ces mots semblaient miséricordieux et pourtant elle pouvait sentir la menace en dessous. Mais le pensait-il vraiment ? Islinda n'attendit pas pour le savoir car elle s'élança en sprint. S'il y avait même la moindre chance qu'il change d'avis, alors elle la saisirait. Elle n'abandonnerait pas l'espoir pour autant. Elle ne savait pas pourquoi, mais après un moment, Islinda risqua un regard par-dessus son épaule et le sang se figea dans ses veines à la vue de ce qui s'approchait. Oh non, elle venait de faire une terrible erreur. Ce n'était jamais la liberté. C'était une chasse. Et elle venait de devenir la proie. _________ Note : C'est un livre de fantasy sombre et le personnage masculin principal est un méchant, alors ne vous attendez pas à une romance douce. À quoi s'attendre ? Mort, sang, tension sexuelle intense et scènes explicites. Et ce n'est pas un harem inverse. Cadeau magique château = 5 chapitres bonus ! Venez, faisons une chasse sauvage !
Glimmy · 103K Views
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