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Air Tuba Dibalas Air Susu

Contract Marriage with My Secret Partner in Crime

Zephany Draven is a shy, clumsy celebrity journalist who is constantly ridiculed for not getting the big scoops. She is soft-spoken and easily intimidated, so she looks weak. However, behind closed doors, she's Eclipse, an altogether tougher, loud-mouthed agent and quite ruthless and efficient. Kendrick Montclair is a gentle, positive artist who loves his family and remains optimistic despite his struggles. His gentle nature makes him easy to take advantage of. But secretly, he's Obscura, a cold, ruthless agent who is efficient and silent. Both work as partners in a secret organization that preserves hidden truths erased by governments, yet they remain completely unaware of each other's true identities. Their goal is to reach the highest level of clearance to access classified information. But just when they're on the verge of success, they fail. Then, a mysterious man appears with an offer—a contract marriage in exchange for the information they desperately seek. Trapped with no alternative, they sign the deal. But neither expected what would happen next. ------------- Kendrick and Zephany sat by the glass wall, waiting for their food when a car suddenly crashed through. Kendrick pulled Zephany to safety just in time, but both got small cuts from the broken glass. "Are you okay?" they asked, checking each other. To their astonishment, the cuts healed before their eyes. Their minds raced. "Beside me, the only person I know who has that ability is." "No! She can't be that loud, short-tempered woman!" "No! He can't be that silent, obnoxious man!" "Did I marry my secret partner in crime?" They both shuddered at the thought.
Air_Ace · 5.8K Views

Udara Duniaku

Kasih adalah tokoh perempuan remaja berumur 13 tahun yang duduk di bangku SMP. Kasih bersekolah di SMP Negri 3 Malang, dia berperawakan tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu pendek, tingginya 154cm. Dia tipikal anak yang ramah, humoris, sopan, penurut, namun memiliki sisi pemberontakan tersendiri di dalam diri nya, dia seorang anak tunggal dari Ibu Jeny, dan Bapak Bahar, Kasih memiliki rambut hitam sebahu yang tidak terlalu tebal, tubuh nya berperawakan kurus, namun sedikit berisi. Mereka tinggal di wilayah desa yang mulai bertumbuh menjadi perkotaan, karena desa tempat tinggal Kasih baru saja diresmikan menjadi kota, dan terpisah dari kota dan kabupaten yang sebelumnya menjadi satu. Kasih memiliki sosok ibu yang tegas, galak, dan bermulut pedas namun penyayang, sedangkan ayah kasih adalah sosok yang pengertian, ramah, humoris, dan mudah berbaur dengan teman sebaya maupun yang lebih muda, Kasih tinggal di rumah berlantai dua Kasih sangat suka melihat langit saat pagi dan malam, bahkan ia rela membujuk ibunya habis-habisan sehingga ibunya rela memberikan kamar lantai atas yang baru dibangun menj"Kasih! ", panggil sang ibu pada putri remaja nya yang masih berada di kamarnya. " Iya mamah, Kasih turun! ", jawabnya, sambil berdiri dari kursi meja belajar nya!.              " Iya mah, tadi kasih masih ngerjain pr matematika", jawabku sambil menuju keran air, bersiap cuci tangan lalu bersiao makan malam. "Eh ayah sudah pulang?!, biasanya kasih denger loh suara gerbang depan, kasih emang lagi ngantuk sih ?! ", ujar kasih tersenyum sambil menyalimi sang ayah yang baru pulang kerja.             " Iya!, ayah pulang karena sudah cukup omset jualan alat tulis nya hari ini, dapet bonus dari pak bos karena ngirim paket buku banyak tadi", jawab sang ayah bersemangat memberi tahuku.             "Wahh!, Kasih boleh minta ayah beliin kue banyak-banyak dong?!", ucapku senang sambil menggoyang-goyangkan tangan ayah yang aku salimi tadi !, " Udah-udah makan, terus sholat maghrib sana, ibu aja udah makan udah sholat, kalian ini ngobrol teruss! ", ucap ibuku sambil menjewer telingaku dan ayah sekaligus.             " Iya iya ibu, ampun bu ", ucapku terkekeh, sambil beralih mengambil nasi dan lauk, lalu segera makan, dan lanjut beribadah. " Ini jawabannya berapa ya?, mana aku lupa rumusnya lagi!! ", ucapku sambil menggosok-gosok dahiku mulai lelah, dan makin bingung saat mengerjakan tugasku !.            Tok tok tok        Tiba-tiba suara ketukan pintu terdengar, aku pun menoleh dan menghela nafas sejenak, " masuk bu, pintunya ngga kasih kunci! ", jawabku , hingga ibu pun masuk dan berkata     " Sih!, ini susu vanila nya ibu taruh meja kecil sini ya!, diminum!, dikumpulin kapan itu pr matematika nya?", tanya ibu mengintimidasi!.            "Dikumpulin besok bu! ", jawabku lesu, karena memang pelajaran matematika bukan favorit ku,  dan selalu membuatku sakit kepala!, " Yaudah minta tolong bapak mu sana!, dari tadi ngga selesai-selesai ini kamu lemot apa gimana sih! ", jawab ibuku tegas!            " Iya bu!, ini kasih mau ke bapak! ", jawabku lemas karena dimarahi ibu, memang sejak tadi ada soal sulit, sehingga aku bahkan belum selesai meskipun mengerjakan nya sejak pulang dari sekolah tadi!.             " Udah!, kamu habisin dulu susu nya, sholat isya!, baru ngerjakan lagi!, ya kasih!! ", ucap ibu, " Iya bu ". Segera kuambil gelas susu dan meneguk nya hingga tuntas saat ibu menutuo pintu kamar ku, saat selesai menghabiskan susu vanila, aku pun beranjak berdiri dari kursi belajar ku dan menuju tempat cuci piring membersihkan gelas yang tadi kupakai. Kasih adalah tokoh perempuan remaja berumur 13 tahun yang duduk di bangku SMP. Kasih bersekolah di SMP Negri 3 Malang, dia berperawakan tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu pendek, tingginya 154cm. Dia tipikal anak yang ramah, natural, sopan, penurut, namun memiliki sisi pemberontakan tersendiri di dalam diri nya, dia seorang anak tunggal dari Ibu Jeny, dan Bapak Bahar, Kasih memiliki rambut hit
Bunga_Kelana · 226 Views

War Scars

The drums of war beat a relentless rhythm, echoing across the land and shaping the destinies of three individuals bound together by conflict yet driven by vastly different motivations. Their interwoven and complex stories paint a stark portrait of the human cost of war, shifting perspectives to reveal the brutal truths hidden beneath banners and battle cries. First, we meet Lairia Lights, a 20-year-old knight, the shining beacon of her kingdom. Her name, ironically, reflects the deceptive nature of her reality. Lairia is celebrated as a hero, a symbol of unwavering loyalty and strength. But beneath the polished armor and skilled swordsmanship lies a pawn. Her unwavering devotion to the crown makes her easily manipulated, a weapon wielded by those who prioritize power over principle. She believes in the righteousness of her kingdom’s cause, blindly charging into battles fueled by propaganda and a naive belief in honor. Her narrative is a cautionary tale of blind loyalty. Then there is Aaron Rodgers, an 18-year-old warrior consumed by the fires of revenge. Marked by his race and ostracized by prejudice, Aaron has known hardship since birth. The war has taken everything from him, leaving a burning desire to avenge the injustices inflicted upon his people. Unlike Lairia, Aaron sees the cracks in the kingdom’s facade. He understands the war not as a glorious crusade, but as a brutal land grab fueled by greed and power. His motivations are raw and visceral; he fights not for ideals, but for survival and retribution. His story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, even in the face of overwhelming adversity. Finally, we encounter Clayton Danks, a 37-year-old veteran warrior, a ghost haunted by the specters of his past. Clayton has seen too much, done too much. The war has stripped him of his innocence, leaving him burdened by the weight of his past mistakes. More profoundly, the war has cost him his family, the loss of his daughter a constant, agonizing reminder of the price of conflict. He grapples with PTSD, struggling to reconcile the man he once was with the broken individual he has become. Clayton’s story serves as a stark warning about the long-term consequences of war, the invisible wounds that fester long after the battles have ended. He represents the forgotten casualties, the veterans left to silently battle their demons while the world moves on. As the war intensifies, the paths of Lairia, Aaron, and Clayton are destined to intersect. Will Lairia’s blind loyalty finally be shattered, forcing her to confront the true nature of her kingdom? Can Aaron find solace beyond revenge, or will his thirst for retribution consume him? And will Clayton ever find peace, or is he doomed to forever wander the desolate landscape of his past?
Air_Beather · 549 Views
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