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O Mais Fraco Domador de Bestas Consegue Todos os Dragões SSS

"Dragões e seus descendentes dominam os céus, a terra e os mares... a humanidade sobrevive nas brechas, sonhando com um retorno." O poder vem da besta que você doma. Lobos, falcões, serpentes, aranhas, quimeras, quanto mais forte sua invocação, mais brilhante seu futuro. Pena para o nosso protagonista. Quando todos os outros invocaram salamandras, águias, cães trolls (não doge) ou tigres, ele conseguiu... Bem, digamos que a única coisa mais baixa na cadeia alimentar é a terra. Zombado, intimidado e vivendo como o alvo de todas as piadas, ele não está exatamente ganhando. Mas desistir não é uma opção... Seus pais idosos venderam tudo para sua chance "fracassada", e ele não vai deixar que seja em vão. Mas bem, esta é a história dele. O domador de bestas mais fraco? Aqui está a coisa sobre estar no fundo: isso ensina você a escalar. E dragões? Acontece que eles também começam pequenos. À medida que reinos desmoronam sob a ganância e ameaças externas, o domador mais fraco começa sua ascensão. Siga seu caminho enquanto ele desbloqueia um potencial tão raro, tão aterrorizante, que leva a dragões... Cada linha evolutiva leva aos mais fortes 'Dragões SSS'. Aviso: Contém dragões que podem acabar com o mundo, vingança do azarão alimentada por ridículo, protagonista com escamas de dragão, nobres moralmente questionáveis, evoluções assustadoras de criaturas e tantas reviravoltas que você se perguntará se o mais fraco realmente significa o mais sortudo. Um protagonista que quer provar que todos estão errados... mesmo que isso o mate. Alerta de spoiler: Não vai. Para aqueles que adoram muita diversão, este é para você. Se você está procurando uma história mais sombria, procure em outro lugar (Talvez Sistema Utopiano (;) Este é sobre se divertir e domar expectativas. Se você quiser saber mais sobre a capa: Sim, essa é a Luna, a FL... A pele e as roupas dela estão se transformando em escamas cintilantes por causa de seu poder de dragão. Lembra da Sailor Moon? Garotas mágicas? Agora imagine se a roupa mágica não fosse um vestido fofo, mas um dragão de verdade! O dragão é o vestido... Não é apenas moda; é fusão. Bestas de alto nível tendem a deixar sua marca, e Luna usa isso como um chefe, realizando o movimento de poder supremo. Vamos usar o mesmo Discord do meu primeiro livro, venha se juntar! Etiquetas bobas que parecem importar muito para alguns leitores: Sem Yaoi, Sem Yuri, Possivelmente Harém (Vote! Posso escrever qualquer um, e em qualquer caso, haverá várias meninas. A única diferença é se ele escolhe uma no final ou segue a rota "liberal"... a democracia é sua!), Sem NTR.
Dagzo · 1.2K Views

Rebirth; A Filha Ilegítima Muda os Ventos

#COMPLETO# *É um romance leve e doce com um ritmo acelerado..* "Senhor, você é tão bonito, posso?" Ela se virou calorosamente, olhando para ele, seu sorriso encantador era sedutor assim como seus olhos roxos. Huo Shen não respondeu, mas deixou que ela fizesse o que quisesse, vendo que ele não tinha recusado, ela levantou as mãos algemadas e removeu a máscara cuidadosamente sem mexer no seu penteado. "Você fica bonito mesmo sem essa marca roxa, que pena que você foi envenenado! Que rosto bonito você tem aqui..." Ela suspirou levemente, seu tom soando como se estivesse com pena dele, a enorme marca roxa ao redor de seu osso da bochecha, estava se espalhando e aumentando. "Você não é?" Ele ficou surpreso que alguém pudesse dizer que era veneno, sim, seu corpo estava definhar pouco a pouco... Ele já não se sentia ele mesmo. "Eu? Eu nasci assim..." ************************* Su Wei Wei nasceu ilegítima, fora do casamento, e a segunda família com a qual sua mãe se casou, a tratava como uma serva sem posição na família. Seus meio-irmãos não lhe davam um minuto sequer de atenção, ela vivia nos quartos dos servos com os outros criados da Família Su! Tudo o que ela recebia eram coisas velhas e desgastadas, desde roupas até sapatos. Ela frequentava uma escola de baixo nível enquanto seus meios-irmãos estudavam nas melhores escolas, devido à sua ingenuidade, ela era grata por terem permitido que ela ficasse em sua casa e, assim, ela via tudo de forma positiva. Sua gentileza fez com que eles a usassem, sua fraqueza fez com que eles a pisoteassem, e agora, com um Rebirth, ela adquire experiência de vida suficiente e conhecimento do futuro, como ela vai manobrar para mudar seu destino? Depois de sair da prisão, ela é adotada por um homem poderoso, relembrando sua vida miserável, e ela decide exercer vingança. Com a presença do homem, ela pode exercer poder, mas ela consegue prendê-lo por causa de um favor e assim eles ficam noivos. *Eu não sou o dono da capa, os créditos vão para o proprietário...* Atenção; Não estou criando um Protagonista Masculino frio e insensível que pense irracionalmente e esteja mal-humorado o tempo todo, ele pode ser assim com os outros, mas não com a Protagonista Feminina.... Já disse, é um romance doce e fofo... não há tortura entre o protagonista masculino e a feminina, não espere ver isso nos meus romances.
Kim_Li_0078 · 44.2K Views

Depois de Transmigrar, a Esposa Gorda Fez um Retorno Triunfal!

""" Qiao Mei transmigrou para um romance como uma personagem coadjuvante com o mesmo nome dela, que tinha pouca presença. Essa personagem coadjuvante era uma caipira que não conseguia se casar por causa da obesidade. De acordo com o roteiro original, essa caipira Qiao Mei era uma gorda mimada pelo seu avô. No entanto, seus parentes eram todos gente perversa e cruel. Seu avô tinha a saúde frágil, então uma vez que ele morresse, os parentes iriam dividir e devorar seus bens. Assim, o maior desejo do avô era casar Qiao Mei. Para isso, chegou até a sacrificar e trair o neto de seu bom amigo, Xia Zhe. O avô fez Xia Zhe ficar bêbado e teve Qiao Mei forçosamente levar consigo o forte e belo Xia Zhe com seu corpo que pesava mais de duzentas libras. Então, no dia seguinte, o avô os flagraria e obrigaria Xia Zhe a se casar com Qiao Mei. No entanto, isso acabou provocando o início da vida infeliz de Qiao Mei. Também na história original, Qiao Mei tomou posse do misterioso jade de Xia Zhe. Mas devido à estupidez de Qiao Mei, a irmã de seu primo a enganou, fazendo Qiao Mei lhe dar o jade, resultado na família do primo se tornando rica. Quando Qiao Mei transmigrou para cá, foi durante o momento embaraçoso em que estava fazendo amor com o homem depois de embriagá-lo. Ela acordou atordoada no dia seguinte e a equipe do avô já havia aparecido na porta. Qiao Mei estava assustada. Ela não queria seguir o caminho original e se casar com um homem que não a amava. E assim, ela mentiu e despachou o avô. Ela também empurrou o homem para fora antes de forçar-se a olhar para seu reflexo bronzeado e rechonchudo no espelho! Ah, ela chorou diante de sua feiúra... Como um lutador de sumô em grandes cuecões de tecido, até as lojas de roupas de tamanho grande não tinham peças no tamanho dela. E seu rosto era do tamanho de uma pizza, uma pizza queimada! Qiao Mei decidiu reformar sua vida! O primeiro passo, perder peso! O segundo passo, arrumar seu quarto! Ela costumava ser minuciosa quanto à limpeza, e embora sua casa atual tivesse um grande pátio, ela só podia descrevê-lo como bagunçado! O terceiro passo era segurar o jade bem apertado para que sua prima gananciosa não tivesse chance! Só que, segundo a história original, o alto e bonito Xia Zhe deveria odiá-la, não é? Por que ele estava sendo cada vez mais gentil com ela? """
Mountain Springs · 111.6K Views

Senhora Gu É Fraca Demais Para Se Defender Sozinha

``` Corria o boato de que Qiao Xi tinha uma constituição fraca — uma beleza doente. Diziam que ela gastava uma fortuna todos os dias com medicamentos — comendo-os como se fossem doces. Corria o boato de que dez criados a atendiam na cama todos os dias — um fardo para todos. Todos esperavam que a família Qiao jogasse Qiao Xi de volta para o campo e a deixasse se virar sozinha. Qiao Xi: "Estão todos dizendo que sou fraca e não posso cuidar de mim mesma. Parece que também gasto dinheiro sem pensar.” Ela olhou para a sua camisa esfarrapada e ficou exasperada. Qiao Xi: “Estão dizendo que essa família rica deixa sua filha usar roupas rasgadas todos os dias?” A rica filha da família Qiao? Ela já tinha o suficiente! Ela não seria mais! Portanto... Carinha escroto: "Sem a família Qiao, você não é nada." Qiao Xi: "Se eu for expulsa da família Qiao, estou acabada." Garota escrota: "Mana, não fique muito decepcionada. Contanto que você se esforce, um dia será elogiada." Qiao Xi: "Cala a boca, eu não conheço traidora como você." O carinha escroto e a garota escrota: "???" Corria o boato de que o filho mais novo da família Gu, Gu Zheng, se casou precipitadamente com uma mulher que não tinha nada além da aparência. Qiao Xi: "Alguém está me subestimando?" Um dia, Qiao Xi viu um dos funcionários de Gu Zheng quebrando a cabeça com uma série de números na tela do computador. Como ela estava de bobeira, ela deu uma mão. Ela acabou de quebrar o firewall criado pelo esforço conjunto dos melhores hackers de elite?! Gu Zheng se aproximava a cada passo. "Qiao Xi, do que mais você está me escondendo? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Ai, não! Estou tonta de novo! Sou tão fraca. Esse meu corpo é muito frágil!" ```
Qiaoqiao · 127.6K Views

Divine Convenience Store

Lin Mo, an ordinary salaryman from Earth, finds himself inexplicably transported to the ethereal Realm of Nine Heavens after dying from a traffic accident. His new, and utterly bizarre, occupation? Running the Divine Convenience Store; a celestial store catering to the needs of immortals, cultivators, and mortals alike. Excerpts from Customer Reviews: Yu Qingyan – Emissary of the Verdant Sky Pavilion "I never thought I’d find myself browsing a convenience store like a mortal, but here I am. The Spicy Taihao Noodles lured me but it's the Heavenly Dew Soda that made stay—it’s like drinking liquid enlightenment. Five stars!" --- Zhou Rui – Crimson Vale Sect Disciple "Highly recommended! All of their products are divine and the Shopkeeper saved my life! now it's my life's goal to spread the word of the store! --- Liu Xiaoyu – Store Assistant (and Self-Proclaimed Prodigy) "Working here is like being in the heart of a divine revolution! Every day, I get to introduce customers to life-changing products. And the best part? I get first dibs on everything. Boss Lin might be a sly merchant, but he knows how to run a store. 10/10 would recommend!" --- Luhan – Former Poison Demon Cult Spy (Now Loyal Customer) "I was sent to spy on the store, but I ended up becoming a regular. The Frosty Lotus Brew is the only thing that calms my nerves after a long day of… well, you know!" --- Wei Xian – City Lord of Fanling "The Divine Convenience Store has transformed our city. Our guards are stronger, our cultivators are more confident, and even the mortals are thriving. The store’s influence is undeniable. If you haven’t visited yet, you’re missing out. A true gem in our region!" --- Taihao – Head of the Divine Pantheon (and Proud Backer) "I brought the concept of a convenience store to the cultivation world, but Lin Mo has taken it to a whole new level. The store is a testament to what happens when divine ingenuity meets mortal creativity. I couldn’t be prouder. Now, if only he’d stock more of my Spicy Noodles…"
Dyrem · 240K Views

Last Moon: Rebirth, Love, and the Werewolf Rockstar

She loved once. It destroyed her. She won’t make the same mistake again. Mizuki Wolfe should have had it all—the perfect love, the perfect life. But love, as she learned, was nothing more than a cruel illusion. In her first life, she gave her heart to the wrong man, trusted the wrong people, and paid the ultimate price. When she died, she carried nothing but regrets. Then she woke up—alive. A second chance. A new life. And this time, she knows better. Now, Mizuki has one rule: never fall in love again. She walks away from her engagement to billionaire Pablo Rossi without a second thought. She plays matchmaker, ensuring he ends up with someone else. The world watches in shock, but no one dares to ask the real question—why? Because if they did, they’d never believe the answer. Then came HIM. A rockstar with a voice that sends shivers down her spine. A pair of mismatched eyes—one gold, one blue—that seem to see everything. K is the kind of man who sings of soulmates, who believes in fated love as if it’s a force stronger than time itself. And the moment he lays eyes on Mizuki, he knows. She is his. But Mizuki doesn’t believe in fate. She’s lived this life before, and she refuses to repeat the same mistakes. Only… fate doesn’t seem to care what she believes. And neither does he. A battle of heart versus destiny. A love that wasn’t supposed to happen—again. Will Mizuki’s walls finally break, or will K learn that even soulmates can slip through fate’s fingers? A story of second chances, soulmates, and the impossible fight against destiny. ---------------------------------------------- “Miss Mizuki,” he greeted, his voice deep and smooth, the kind of voice that belonged in an expensive whiskey commercial—or better yet, a lover’s whisper. Mizuki blinked. Then again. Her mouth opened to respond, but what emerged was less “hello” and more “garbled wheeze.” Lizbeth, her ever-loyal assistant, jabbed her sharply in the ribs. “Hey,” she whispered, her tone sly, “I think the leading man just fell in love with you at first sight.” “Shh!” Mizuki hissed, her face heating up. She tried to regain her footing, figuratively and literally, but managed only to trip over her own feet. She lurched forward, arms flailing in what she hoped looked like an intentional movement. K, lightning-quick, caught her before disaster struck. His hands were firm yet gentle as they steadied her. Up close, those stunning eyes were even more hypnotic, and the faint scent of cedar and rain seemed to linger around him. “Are you all right?” he asked, his lips quirking into a smile that somehow managed to be both kind and devastatingly alluring. Mizuki’s brain short-circuited. She realized she was still clutching his arms and yanked herself back so fast she almost stumbled again. Lizbeth leaned closer, whispering gleefully, “You okay? Your heart’s racing.” “I want to run,” Mizuki muttered, barely moving her lips. “What?” Lizbeth asked, her grin widening. “I want to run,” Mizuki repeated in a fierce whisper. “Far away. To another country, maybe.” Lizbeth snickered. “Flight at first sight, huh?” “Yes!” Mizuki hissed, shooting a panicked glance at K, who was still watching her like she was the only thing worth noticing in the entire room. His gaze was so warm, so intense, it could have melted steel—and definitely her composure. She shot a look at Lizbeth, who was no help at all, and then at the nearest exit. She was already planning her escape. Update Schedule: Start February 14, 2024 Update: daily at midnight follow me on IG: @schreient_rui Like the story? gimme coffee :D
schreient · 6.2K Views

The Villianess story: A 100 ways to kill your husband

"Are you not scared it might be poisoned?" Abrielle's asked Cedric who drank the wine without hesitation. Cedric leaned closer to her with his head crooked on her neck, his warm intoxicating breath trickling on her skin. His hoarse voice came out lightly. "If the poison is given by my wife, I will drink it without hesitation. It will be an honour to die in your hands." Abrielle's mouth fell agape, stunned by his words. What was wrong with his head? Cedric then bit the tip of her ear to distract her from her thoughts. "Now I have done your bidding, dear wife; it is time you do mine. How about we get rid of this restriction on your body?" Abrielle's face flushed red. This sly scum. She could not wait to kill him. **** Being transmigrated to your favourite novel would be anyone's dream, well, except for Hazel. Hazel, a world-class writer, was transmigrated into her book, "The Dragons and the priestess." after she died in an unfortunate accident a day before her first date with her long-time crush. She was already cussing her luck until she was hit by a double tragedy. Hazel was now Abrielle, the Villainess of the novel, who was destined to die at her husband's hand, Prince Cedric. Struck with this tragedy, Abrielle attempted to escape the border before her wedding but failed miserably. Forced to marry the heartless first prince of Darconia in a marriage that could only be broken with death as the escape, Abrielle came up with another plan."A hundred ways to kill her husband." Abrielle, who finds herself in the middle of the messed up plot of her novel, tries to navigate this world by trying several methods to kill her husband because she refuses to die by her creation's hand. But why does, despite multiple attempts of trying to kill this heartless prince, he refuse to die and just keeps on bothering Abrielle? He should be interested in the female lead and not the villainess! Why don't you join this epic journey and see how Abrielle's and Cedric's story unfold? Would she be able to escape her fate? ***** Note: Abrielle's story starts from the pre-sequel of her actual book The Dragons and the priestess where she discovers how different this world is from her actual book. She tries to navigate the unknown from a disadvantaged stand as a weak talentless noble lady before the actual plot starts
jodiekesh27 · 250.6K Views

The Divine and the Damned

"Don't die. Please" I squeaked. "Die?" Dragos' expression softened, but a sly smile spread across his face. "Baby, one of these days, I'm going to sit you down and educate you on my history. I've been called many things over the centuries, and Death's Ally was one of them. I've danced with Death more times than I can count." He patted me on the head gently. "It's the vampires who will face my wrath you should be worried about" Dragos' smile grew wider. "Besides, you seem to have forgotten one important thing, darling," he grinned. "I'm immortal. Death doesn't apply to me." ********** Dragos Nicolae Vlad III has chosen solitude over his destined role as the leader of vampires. But when Dawn Carter, a young woman with financial struggles, lands a job at the Vlad mansion, her immunity to Dragos' compulsion stirs something long dead within him. Worry. He needs to find out why. Dawn has no idea vampires exist, let alone that she's living among them or that the dangerously gorgeous Dragos is their chosen one. As feelings start to grow between them, old wounds and new desires surface, but their love isn't meant to be. She is something else. Something pure. And he? A being forged from dark magic, forever damned. A vampire, and not just any kind. Will Dragos give up the first woman to touch his heart in over four hundred years? Or can their forbidden love create a path to peace for both human and vampire species? *Warning* This book contains mature content. (Graphic violence and explicit scenes) Reader discretion advised.
Riley_Ruth · 14.8K Views

My five ghostly husbands

Ruby was a genius; however, she tragically passed away after falling from the fiftieth floor of her own company's building. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in an entirely different world. Have you ever heard about the Ghost World? I'm not referring to the world of deceased individuals, but rather a planet. Ruby was shocked when she woke up in the body of an twenty-year-old girl who was already married and had four ghostly husbands. Unfortunately, these husbands didn't love the original owner, and the original owner treated them poorly. The first husband leaned over with a sly smile on his face and said, "You think you can leave me, pretty wife? Nope! Once my eyes catch what I like, I will get it no matter what." The second husband angrily exclaimed, "I hate you, stupid witch! Don't leave me; your stupid husband loves you." The third husband innocently said, "Wife, I made my special soup for you," and proceeded to show bowls filled with blood. The fourth husband gently raised her chin and said, "Wife, I can't believe that with every passing second, minute, and hour, I'm falling for you even more." The fifth husband, who fell in love with her at first sight, looked at the camera and arrogantly smiled. "I fell in love with someone at first sight! Get ready to grab it; I'm throwing ten thousand gems to celebrate," he declared as the camera panned to a room filled with money and treasures. Ruby : "..." Please, someone, make me dead again. Warning: • Reserve Harem • 18+
dYdairy_002 · 652.9K Views

The Lycan's Addiction

Mature Content! Maisie loosened her grip against the cloth on her chest, it fell to the ground, rendering her naked in front of him. "Do you still see me as a child, I'm all grown up now" She said with a sly smile on her lips, causing the man to look at her. The desire in his eyes didn't escape her gaze. His deep voice rang in the room, "Can you satisfy me, huh, Maisie" He called out her name seductively. Now she doesn't know who was seducing who. "Sure" She responded. Leif who was comfortable until now felt something throb in his trouser, he groaned, "Don't regret this" "I won't" she declared firmly, "We're married, it's normal for us to have sex" She said brazenly. *** 17-year-oldd Maisie is a cute, sweet but hot-tempered girl who lives with her old parents in a cottage by the woods. She had incurred a curse; she would fart whenever she was angry and would cry whenever she was happy. She had to remain neutral but it was impossible, she wasn't a rock! When she clocks 18, she started having weird dreams, abilities that ordinary humans can't possess, in her quest to find out who she was and how she incurred the curse, she met Leif who changed her life. Gave her so much happiness and love she could ever desire and she gave him everything she had too! However, he soon figured out that she was a witch, those they had been at war with, he was torn between his love for her and customs. Likewise, the elders in the covens would never allow her to be together with him. How would she protect their love?
author_zia · 30.3K Views


Aeron rode the horse well. From whence he was a child, there was nothing that he simply couldn't do. Now that he had a will, to catch this girl running away from him; he rode even faster. Within split seconds he was able to catch up with this mystery girl who sort of sucked at riding. 'Why-why! is he chasing me?... is the duke here to ask for his clothes; should I just throw 'em on his face and run?... Holy! Why is this man so damn fast?' Zielle's thoughts were running around while she continued making a useless effort to escape. But what came after shocked Zielle two-fold. The duke came close to her horse and carried her and placed her on top of his horse like; he was carrying a bag of potatoes, a very light one at that. Zielle's heart had never beaten so fast; 'Maybe, because I rode after a long time' she thought in her head. "Quite the runner aren't ya?" he spoke with a sly smile on his face. "What do you want?"; Zielle uttered as soon as she found her breath. She almost called the duke 'muscle guy'… "Sleep with me" a voice came from the man with the same cunning look on his face. 'Are you fucking kidding me?'; she would have said that out loud if this man wasn't the duke... But still this situation was too unacceptable; 'he's hot yeah but where did he get the audacity to…!' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> She's a woman with vigor and a strong mind; she would do anything to get her hands on the Kieran; that she has forever wanted. He's the most powerful man on the empire yet his head bows down to this single woman..... An oozing hot romance between a man and a woman seemingly on a winter vacation? Would this girl desist from her greatest desire because of love for this one man? would this man be able to take the weight of the dark secrets within the woman he loves? PS: The cover is not mine, please contact me privately if you want it taken down.
ShorterTheRide · 14.4K Views

Love and Red Coloured Ties

Julius didn’t know what to expect when he stood in front of the grandiose gates, luscious fields, and beautiful students dressed in their pristine uniforms looking like a million bucks. He told himself that he wouldn’t get involved with anyone and that he’d keep his head down since the chances of him moving again were quite high. He didn’t expect to find himself to be so entranced with the dorm leader Agares Montgomery, the most handsome boy he’d ever seen. “So what’s Agares really like?” Julius asked. Silas grinned mischievously. “That’s a tough one.” Julius noticed the sly smile on Silas’s face and realized he’d been teased. “Just kidding~” Silas said, chuckling. “Well, Agares is a bit of a mystery. He’s strict but has a laid-back side too. He’s cold most of the time but can be surprisingly kind in rare moments?” Julius couldn’t help but laugh at the contradictory description. “Why do you make it sound like you’re unsure?” “Because he really is a puzzle. He’s not a bad guy, though. He keeps to himself and mainly communicates through the vice leader, Epaphras. He’s insanely popular, not just here but at Saint Ambracia Academy too. There have been incidents where girls from the academy tried to sneak into East Laurence just to see him. It’s crazy.” “Anyway,” Silas said, “you probably won’t interact with him much unless absolutely necessary, so don’t stress too much about it.” That should’ve been the case, and yet, he found himself interacting with the dark haired boy more and more, his admiration slowly started to change into something more. “Do I like him?” He couldn’t help but ask himself. ………………….. Avondale, a city of privilege and prestige, high school junior Julius Loriana steps through the grand gates of East Laurence Preparatory School, a renowned institution for the elite. Having spent years moving from city to city due to his father's job, he’s determined to keep his distance and stay under the radar in this new chapter of his life. But everything changes when he crosses paths with Agares Montgomery, the enegmatic dorm leader of House Ares. With his striking looks and effortless charm, Agares captivates Julius in ways he never expected. As Julius grapples with his resolve to remain detached, he finds himself drawn into a whirlwind of emotions that transforms his mundane existence into something exhilarating. Follow the love story between a shy boy and his socially inept senior as they navigate through the pains of love, friendship and the hell that is known as high school. …………………………… A little extra note: This is a sweet love story, a bit of a slow burn but definitely worth getting into.. Each chapter includes a song and I would definitely recommend you listen to the song (on low volume of course) while reading. You get to feel the full Julius Loriana experience by listening to the music he’s also listening to with each chapter. If this story happens to curry your fancy, then please give it a try, I promise it won’t disappoint (≧∀≦) ! Upload schedule: Everyday! *Some images are originally from Pinterest, but the cover belongs to me.
NSCHAN · 119K Views

Luta, Fuga ou Congelamento: A História da Curandeira

``` Você já se perguntou como seria acordar em um corpo que não é seu? Um corpo muito, muito mais jovem? Eu não posso dizer que já tinha pensado muito sobre isso. Isso foi até uma noite em que um paciente entrou no departamento de emergência onde eu estava trabalhando e me deu um tiro à queima-roupa na cabeça. Sabe, se ele queria uma segunda opinião, era só pedir. Mas isso é o de menos... De alguma forma, de algum jeito, acordei num hospital estranho com uma mulher que parecia suspeitosamente com minha mãe segurando minha mão e chorando. Super feliz em vê-la, me levou alguns minutos para perceber que eu não era mais a doutora bem-sucedida de 25 anos em um dos hospitais mais prestigiados do mundo. Não, eu era uma menina de 6 anos que por um momento... queria sua mãe. Quando o apocalipse chega, cada um por si. Eu tenho três escolhas: lutar pelo que quero? Fugir e me esconder, ou ficar paralisada quando os demônios do meu passado voltarem para me assombrar? Você pode me conhecer como A Curandeira, mas esta é a minha história para contar. ------ Lutar, Fugir ou Paralisar é o segundo romance da série Renascimento no Apocalipse, desta vez apresentando A Curandeira: Wang Tian Mu e seus homens. Você não precisará ler o primeiro para entender este, e ela não vai ficar criança o tempo todo. Li Dai Lu e seus caras vão aparecer ocasionalmente, mas esta é estritamente a história de Wang Tian Mu! Espero que você curta! Outros Romances: Renascimento no Apocalipse: Terceira Vez é um Charme (Concluído) Naves da Estrela (Concluído) Dançando com Monstros (Em Andamento) Silenciosa como um Rato (Em Andamento) Me encontre no Discord: devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289) ```
Devilbesideyou666 · 30.7K Views
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