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Creed: World’s Strongest

“You’ve been researching for years with nothing to show for it. Why not try something else?” Samia’s tone was sharp, but there was a thread of concern beneath it as she leaned against the doorframe. The room smelled faintly of sterilizing agents, and the rhythmic clicking of keys filled the silence. Dr. Elias didn’t respond immediately. Dressed in his lab coat, he stared at the screen with unwavering focus, his fingers flying over the keyboard. When he finally turned to her, a slow, almost unsettling smile spread across his face. For a moment, he looked like any other scientist lost in his work—until he blinked. The motion was unnatural, his eyelids sliding horizontally across his eyes like a lizard’s. “Samia,” he said, his voice calm but electric with excitement, “I’ve figured it out. This time, it will work.” She opened her mouth to respond, but he was already on his feet, moving past her with an urgency that demanded she follow. They made their way through the sterile corridors of the facility, the fluorescent lights overhead casting a cold glow on the walls. The reinforced chamber was a stark contrast to the rest of the building. Thick steel doors hissed as they opened, and the hum of machinery grew louder as they stepped inside. In the center of the room stood a massive contraption—a web of wires, tubes, and blinking monitors surrounding a sleek, cylindrical core. “What is it this time?” Samia asked, her arms crossed tightly against her chest. Dr. Elias didn’t answer. Instead, he moved with practiced precision, attaching cables and adjusting dials. The air felt heavier here, charged with the anticipation of something monumental—or catastrophic. “Get your goggles,” he said at last, stepping behind the protective glass. He tapped the side of his goggles, the lenses catching the faint blue glow of the machine. Samia hesitated. She had seen him fail before. Years of promises and miscalculations had made her wary, but there was something different in his demeanor this time—something unsettlingly confident. Reluctantly, she turned and jogged back to the lab to retrieve her goggles. The first explosion hit when she was halfway down the hall. The floor bucked beneath her, and she stumbled, her heart leaping into her throat. A deep, resonating boom echoed through the building, followed by a blaring alarm. “Dr. Elias!” she shouted, spinning around. Smoke and dust billowed toward her, and the acrid scent of burning wires filled the air. Part of the ceiling had collapsed, cutting off her path back to the reinforced chamber. And then she saw it. Through the swirling haze, a glowing orb hovered in the wreckage, pulsating with a light that seemed alive. It started small, no bigger than her fist, but it was growing—expanding with an eerie, deliberate rhythm. The hum it emitted was low and bone-deep, vibrating through the air and into her chest. “No, no, no,” she muttered, backing away. Every instinct screamed at her to run. She turned and bolted for the exit, her shoes skidding on the slick floor as she raced against the inevitable. She had barely reached the stairwell when a second explosion ripped through the building. The force of it threw her forward, and she hit the ground hard. Her vision blurred as heat and light engulfed her. Somewhere in the distance, she heard the structure groan as it gave way entirely. Then, everything went black.
Basil_Chaway · 12.3K Views

ascencion of the savior

En un mundo desgarrado por la batalla entre dimensiones, donde la esperanza se desvanecía y el caos reinaba, emerge un héroe destinado a desafiar las sombras del pasado y abrazar un futuro glorioso. Eon Valdrik, un joven con un legado oculto, se convierte en la última esperanza de la humanidad tras la aparición inesperada de una Dimensión del Juicio conocida como "La Cripta del Olvido". Con su ciudad, Helios, al borde de la destrucción, Eon activa su habilidad oculta, "Ascensión del Salvador", y se enfrenta al capitán traidor Varian Duskbane, marcando el comienzo de su viaje hacia la grandeza. Tras su épica victoria, Eon descubre que fuerzas aún más oscuras acechan en el horizonte. Con la advertencia de un extraño llamado Alaric, se embarca en una búsqueda de conocimiento en un antiguo templo, donde debe superar tres pruebas que lo confrontarán con sus miedos más profundos: el Corazón de la Verdad, la Sombra del Pasado y la Máscara del Destino. Cada prueba lo empujará al límite, desafiando su valía y revelando secretos que cambiarán el curso de su vida y de la humanidad. Mientras Eon lucha por dominar su poder y enfrentar las amenazas emergentes, su viaje se convierte en una odisea épica de autodescubrimiento, sacrificio y redención. A medida que las dimensiones se entrelazan y los enemigos se multiplican, Eon deberá unir a los fragmentos de su pasado y forjar alianzas inesperadas para salvar a su ciudad y a todo lo que ama. Con cada batalla, la leyenda del salvador renacerá, y el eco de su valor resonará a través de las eras, desafiando el olvido y asegurando un futuro brillante para la humanidad. En "El Salvador del Olvido", la aventura, la magia y la tragedia se entrelazan en una historia que redefine el significado del heroísmo, donde cada elección puede cambiar el destino del mundo y donde el verdadero poder reside en el corazón de quien se atreve a luchar.
Kai_Solis · 231 Views


En un mundo fracturado por la eterna pugna entre los habitantes de Aeterra y los Obliterantes Indómitos, las razas luchan por preservar su existencia. Sin embargo, más allá del horizonte de lo conocido, emerge una amenaza insondable, antigua y devastadora. Su llegada no es silenciosa: pasos cristalinos y abrasadores anuncian su avance, mientras la sombra de su influencia altera la esencia misma del lugar. Un grupo de individuos, unidos por una frágil alianza y una misión incierta, se adentra en el abismo de lo desconocido, pero en constante exploración. En un terreno plagado de oscuridad viva y peligro palpable, deberán enfrentarse a fuerzas implacables que van más allá de la violencia física, retando sus mentes, sus principios y sus propios corazones. Entre mares embravecidos que ocultan horrores en la negrura del enjambre, y en los pasadizos sofocantes donde el aire mismo parece conspirar contra ellos, por cada paso, por cada avance, les acercará al momento de la verdad. La verdadera prueba, sin embargo, no será empuñar sus armas ni resistir el veneno del entorno, sino enfrentar las decisiones que podrían quebrar el delicado equilibrio entre el deber, la supervivencia y la humanidad. Mientras las tinieblas se ciernen y las acciones salen a la luz, el Torbellino se convierte en el símbolo de una realidad que no perdona errores. Es el principio de unos cuantos más. Esto es más que una lucha por la supervivencia. Esto es el preludio de un destino irrevocable, el primer eco del fin.
MAFER · 1K Views

Die Weltraum Söldner von Ilurian

Ich wachte auf. Der Himmel über mir war von einer unnatürlichen Farbe – eine Mischung aus blassem Grau und schimmerndem Blau, als würde das Firmament selbst krank daliegen. Kein Wind, keine Geräusche, nur Stille, die dröhnte. Der Boden war staubig und rau, mit Rissen, die wie ein Netz aus Wunden die Landschaft überzogen. Um mich herum erstreckte sich eine trostlose Wüste, doch das war keine gewöhnliche Wüste. Am Horizont erhoben sich seltsame Strukturen, wie Zähne aus Metall, die rostend und bedrohlich in den Himmel stachen. Ihre Silhouetten schienen sich zu bewegen, als ob sie atmeten oder lebten. Es war ein Ort, an dem nichts existieren sollte, und doch war ich hier. Ich tastete meine Kleidung ab. Ein einfacher, grauer Anzug, den ich nicht kannte, und ein seltsames Gerät an meinem Handgelenk. Es blinkte leise, ohne dass ich wusste, was es bedeutete. Ein schwaches Pulsieren ging davon aus, wie ein Herzschlag, der mich daran erinnerte, dass ich noch lebte. Aber wo war ich? Wer war ich? Dann hörte ich es. Ein fernes Summen, das sich langsam näherte. Es war kein Fahrzeug, zumindest keines, das ich je gehört hatte. Es klang organisch und mechanisch zugleich, ein unheimlicher Chor aus Klängen, die sich in meinem Schädel festsetzten. Meine Instinkte schrien, dass ich mich verstecken musste. Doch wohin? Hier gab es nichts außer der leeren Weite und diesen seltsamen Strukturen. Plötzlich begann das Gerät an meinem Handgelenk schneller zu blinken. Eine Stimme erklang, digital und kalt: „Subjekt 473, Protokoll Omega aktiviert. Sicherheit nicht gewährleistet. Bewegung erforderlich.“ Bevor ich weiter darüber nachdenken konnte, was das bedeutete, brach der Himmel über mir auf. Ein grelles Licht durchbrach die Wolkendecke, und etwas Riesiges senkte sich herab. Ein Schiff? Ein Lebewesen? Es war unmöglich zu sagen. Doch eines wusste ich: Meine Zeit hier hatte gerade erst begonnen.
Andre_Castor · 1.2K Views

Aukhemya - Gods and Alchemy

God(s). Angels. Demons. Monsters. They can be more real than you’d like… And more humane too… Maybe way too much… ... … In a world with supernatural races secretly living among humans, this is the story of Lúcio Arabrantes, a lad from Minas Gerais, Brazil. If you expected an unlucky, jobless protagonist… NOT HERE, FOLKS! Owner of a jewelry shop in one of the best shopping centers of Belo Horizonte, he certainly is a successful lad! Regarding his luck… WEEEEEELL… To start, our lad has a weird syndrome and a frail body (oh dear, someone could mistake his condition as a curse…), without mentioning the disappearance of his parents after an accident. Yeah, very original and nothing strange… But this isn't everything. The shop is nothing more than a facade for Lúcio's real business: the store Buriti de Ouro, specialized in artifacts, magical scrolls and talismans, seals, magic forge, formations, matrices and other magical miscellaneous; located in the Brazil Street, Latin America Zone, Heavenly Commercial District. Yes, our jeweler works in Heaven. Literally. But what is Lúcio’s cheat power? Is he the descendant of some god, dragon, spirit or devil? No, he is just a normal human with a… Not that normal job… Skills above everyone else? Despite being a magical inscriptionist and artificer, to surpass the gods and other races is complicated… Could it be the learnings of a past life? Well, Lúcio studied a lot, he works hard, but he never had an ancient great Grandmaster of a supreme sect or a primordial creation god to teach him secret techniques. For now… However, for the ruin of his peaceful lifestyle (if that's even possible in such a world) and rejoice of our readers, his “normal” life changes when a random box appears on his doorstep. Inside the box lies the first and last help left by his parents (spoiler: it won't be the last one). An artifact, the Aurum Nucleus, that could supposedly cure his weird body condition. But the artifact has a special bonus: it hosts the spirit of a… Certain woman… … … You already know that a lot of shit is gonna happen, right? Mercenaries and mobsters appearing to screw the party? Yes. Two dudes on a motorcycle trying to rob him? We are in Brazil, what did you expected? Old bully from school trying to make a fuss in the shop? Check. Aztec sect kidnap and try to offer him to a fallen Aztec god? Yep- Uhhh... The girlfriend is also kidnapped, but by a group of giants with colorful hairs and eyes living on a lost island in the Atlantic Ocean? Certainly- Hold up… Trouble with the island’s church from which the first angels (aka Celestials) and demons (Abyssals btw) come from? Of course- Wait, wait… The lost past of forgotten primordial gods, involving secrets about the origin of everything, schemes and plans of ancient entities, prophecies about the Apocalypse, wars between pantheons, clans and even different dimensions, machinations that could change the world order… Uhhhh… I think you folks got the idea… Fortunately, Lúcio has family and friends to support him in these troubles. From the cheese broas teached by his grandmother, the cheats, tricks and quirks of his family, a little help from adventurer friends, the love of his yander- cahem- protective girlfriend, and the strength of… Golden allies… This is an ordinary and chaotic story, unique and common, boring and funny, unexpected and predictable, pleasant and *censored*, and many other adjectives. So expect lots of jokes and memes (good or not, idc, my humor sense is wild), lovely or bland moments, references and mysteries, obvious or not. And as the novel’s name says, this is a story about gods and alchemy, with a certain island in the middle of the chaos… Discord server link:
WillSM268 · 130.1K Views

rabid knight

DARK PSYCHOLOGICAL ROMANTIC THRILLER  ......... The feeling of being trapped in closed space is terrifying however to be trapped in one's own body is a nightmare. Their consciences are both filled with remorse and shame, drowning them in misery. When an ex soldier with dark history gets accosted by the Predator in Paradise, she suppresses her weaknesses to be a survivor. Humanity Fear Remorse Principles He was a victim, escalating into an unstable parasite with an unsatiated craving for blood and pain. ~An evil is not born ~Agony molds you ~Numbs your feelings A hardcore evil is born as one suffers where redemption and retribution is all that he can desire... Some sins can be irreversible Will he lose his chance to atone for his crimes and quench his dolour? She is cynical and despises having episodes of emotional meltdown. She became familiar with the slow and overwhelming pain when there is no closure. She is his perfect match. She drives him toward insanity. Beautifully broken, both having scars staining the soul.  Pain soothes agony. ......... His pov I believe my heart has been devoid of love and affection since then. Not a single soul knew about my miserable life, the pathetic life of this lone wolf, the Ive Michaelson who brags around with his immense power and inhumane heart. The aftermath of that horrible incident was me lying on that cold floor. I dragged my butterfly knife to my wrist. I carved vertical lines which meant I'd bled faster and die faster. People who cut horizontally across the wrists in light lines never really wanted to die subconsciously. They fear death. But I knew better. I meant business. I had cut a deeper slash than last time. But I can't die yet. I grabbed my arms attempting to stop the flow. I wrapped my handkerchief around it. But it won't hurt me to try. Maybe I'll succeed if it's my lucky day. ......... Her pov No human is deemed worthy for life in his eyes. He wet his lips and tilted his head to the side like a complete psychopath, lowering his head a bit. He was gawking at me with those amber eyes turned slightly red. He smiled. Inhumane. I felt fear. Cold fear. The same nauseated feeling came back as he kept that smile while the second tear left his eye. Pain and only pain was visible in them. "That's why you are special. Now I must return this favour askim" he whispered. That craziness surfacing little by little in his smile made it hard for me to breathe. He was sick. ......... I believe in liberal and non sexist views which are portrayed in this book. The male leads can be really fucked up & intrigue characters. The female leads are equally strong and evil. Each character has his own perspective & emotional experiences which mould him into the kind of individual he is & explain the reasons for his particular behaviors. CONTENT AND/OR TRIGGER WARNING: Scenes of drug use, sexual abuse, harassment, self harm, violence & mature language which may be triggering for some readers. I don't plagiarize others otherwise it's purely coincidental.
xx_sha_army_xx · 19.6K Views

Grandmaster of Dark Flames

(ON HOLD) He sat on a tree looking out into the open plain where the moons hand touched the tall grass, He suddenly jumped into the air and landed within a tall field of grass. He swung the dark dark blade, a wicked aura covering it to the side across the tall field, the tall grass in front of him fell to the side cut in two pieces. He sensed something and spun to the side, his clothes fluttering up into the air as a spear suddenly appeared from within the void of the tall grass and gaining momentum flew toward him and went straight under his armpit creating a hole in his clothes and the creating a giant deep ravine in the ground where it struck. He’d stop his spin and swung the saber down in that direction, the constant motion of his robes flew in a curve within the air which was followed by a straight black sinister line that followed the sword. His black hair suddenly straightened into the air at the end of his motion, a brilliant red gigantic spiritual wave was conjured in front of him inside of the grassy plane illuminating his face and then sending the wave in the direction of his opponent. The grass and ground tore apart in front of him and his opponent was revealed to be standing meters away in front of him with a spear held out raised horizontally. The grass behind him was falling onto the ground where spirit wave direction was pointed. “You are truly experienced and skilled.” He touched his sword gently, and smirked. His opponent abruptly dropped the spear and his arms drooped to his side, his legs then began to tremble and fail his knees touching the ground while he coughed up blood the organs inside of him should be raptured. He took steps forward and appeared infront of his opponent, flicking his blade with his wrist his opponents head would fall to the side “You just didn’t have enough.” __ I don't own the picture. This is an R-18 novel, and as thus contains a variety of fantasies. Anyway, Come and join are main character find himself within the cultivation world.
1Hamster1 · 60K Views
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