Women safe
Women who give birth to a baby is not safe in any country.Still fear of rape or girls trafficking...
Still they are not respected and treated good in many countries they are still suffering through toucher ,fear of losing of life,fear of getting married in young age ,fear of being bitten by a husband ,fear of getting neglected by her family members if she is not virgin etc everything makes her suffered from pain ,tension,depression. They wanna live there life fearless and safest.They have right to live in freedom and the main thing they should not be judge by there looks and virginity.Have a look on new born baby girl that they have to go through this pain in future.They are abounded through bright future. Why always they...?Why women are not safe in any country...?Is this necessary to treat them like you want to be her ...?Why man...?
This makes you no more man...Let raise voice for women safe and the discrimination they are suffering through in many places.Women must be safe and let them live their life in her own way.They have rights to make her future bright and live in there own rules.
Women must be safe...