Dragon nest: age of demons
Many years ago, there lived a young man named "kunzo minamatsuri" from the lands of Japan. He was loved as much has he was feared.
One day has he was, feeding his cattle he heard a strange sound " come to me" so kunzo went straight to him and Beelzebub was, standing in front of him.
BEELZEBUB: Let us make a deal.
KUNZO: who are you?
BEELZEBUB: I am Beelzebub kung of flies, and one of the seven princeses of hell.
KUNZO: So the stories of the Bible are true huh?
KUNZO: So what do you want?
BEELZEBUB: Have you heard of Jesus?
KUNZO: Yes i have, so what?
BEELZEBUB: i want you to kill him
The end-to be continued
For info go to lookporty@gmail.com