Broken Silver Hamer
In the years before man, before the planet earth revolved around the sun, there was Mother Earth. A deity of unparalleled power and influence.
She created the planet and gave it life, and for millions of years, she watched us. But our wars hurt her so she left us to our own devices.
In the year on the Gregorian Calendar, 2555, or protagonist takes his first steps into his future. His first step towards godhood, and thus, the deity known as "Broken Silver" was born.
Author Note: Currently it is the 17th of May, 2020. I am mainly releasing this first chapter as a teaser into some of the ideas of my story. I appreciate all the feedback I may receive. I have no plans to release any chapters for the next few weeks however if readers are interested I will write an entire history of development on the world of my story.