There are a Lot of Keyblade Wielders: A Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction!
A lot of people forget that there are a lot of keyblade wielders, not just the people who ar famous in the Kingdom Hearts video games. Aiden is a keyblade wielder as much as Sora or Riku. Actually, he's stronger! But he isn't special. He has no special heart and he sure as h*ll hasn't given into the darkness. At least, not yet... Join Aiden on an adventure through the realm of darkness, searching for a way back into the light. Meet Sora, Riku, Kairi, even the other Destiny Islanders. Fight Heartless, Dream Eaters, and Unversed. This book is made in tri ute to the soon-to-come Kingdom Hearts 3! Get ready, 'cuz it's comin' in January 29, 2019! Get yourself a PS4 or an XBox 1 and save up your money so you can buy the third game in the Kingdom Hearts series! Arigatou gozinmasu!