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From Apocalypse To Entertainment Circle (BL)

In a world devastated by an unforgiving apocalypse, Qing Xia struggles against a life filled with despair. Surrounded by the suffocating remnants of society—polluted air, barren land, and the haunted expressions of humanity—he often envies those who have found peace in death, escaping the relentless suffering of existence. Yet, the memory of his family's sacrifice fuels his determination to endure, making him one of the last survivors in a landscape of desolation. But fate has other plans. During a routine mission, Qing Xia’s life abruptly ends, or so he believes. To his shock, he awakens reborn as an idol on the brink of obscurity, a mere shadow in a vibrant world. Eager for a second chance, he seeks solace in a newfound identity, yearning for a life filled with simple pleasures. However, tranquility slips through his fingers as he is thrust into an unexpected chaos—a variety show that pulls him into the heart of danger, where secret agents, ruthless hitmen, and shadowy figures lurk. With every step, the weight of his dreams collides with a reality he never wished to face. As he grapples with relentless uncertainty, Sian realizes that the struggle for peace may lead him deeper into turmoil. In this haunting journey, can he carve out a destiny in a world that seems determined to tear him apart? The winds of fate do not blow as one wishes, and with shadows closing in, every moment counts. ---------------------------- Black box: Someone: "Darling, help me deal with these people." Sian: "Stay away from me. I have nothing to do with you or them." Someone, with fake tears: "Darling, I’m hurt. Come kiss me here, and the pain will go away." Sian, holding a military knife: "Does it hurt there? How about I just cut it off for you?" Someone, stripping Sian’s clothes: "Darling, you look so beautiful when you’re angry. I can’t take it anymore." Sian: "Go to hell! Ah—ahh! Stop it—stop! That hurts! Quit biting me, you damn dog!"      ---------------------------------------     Dear readers, welcome to an exciting adventure! This is a captivating BL novel filled with +18 scenes that add a spark of joy and love and some sadness. If you’re open to exploring vibrant stories and vibrant connections, dive right in to accompany our Angel, the MC " Sian," on his journey in this new world. PS: the cover+ the ML photo are not mine.
EratoChronicles · 34.8K Views

Nachdem ihr alles weggenommen wurde, kehrt sie als Gott zurück

[Süß, befriedigend und leidenschaftlich; Gruppenverwöhnung; Folter-Casanovas] Si Fuqing öffnete die Augen und musste feststellen, dass ihr Glück gestohlen worden war. Alle wollten sie aus der Unterhaltungsbranche raus haben. Nachdem sie eine zweite Chance im Leben bekommen hatte, wollte sie dieses Mal einfach nichts tun. Doch einige Leute, die nicht wussten, wo sie hingehörten, versuchten immer wieder, ihren Ruhm für sich zu beanspruchen, ohne dass sie echte Talente vorweisen konnte. Das reichte nicht aus. Sie musste etwas gegen sie unternehmen. Si Fuqing kniff sich ins Handgelenk und ergriff Maßnahmen. Danach schimpfte das Internet über sie, weil sie schamlos genug war, Yu Yao den Hof zu machen, und dass ihr Privatleben unanständig sei, aber... Eine internationale Songschreiberin: Dass ich heute hier stehen kann, verdanke ich Qingqing. Ein hochkarätiger männlicher Prominenter: Bleib weg von meiner Schwester #YuYao Ein offizieller internationaler Sportsender: Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Si Fuqing zum Gewinn der 13. persönlichen Goldmedaille. Zunächst schenkte Yu Yao Si Fuqing keine Beachtung. Aber als er später die Wahrheit erfuhr und es bereute, sogar auf die Knie gegangen zu sein, damit Si Fuqing wieder in seine Richtung schaut, konnte er nur einen Status in den sozialen Medien posten: [#SiFuqing, Hallo, neunte Tante]. An diesem Tag war das Internet wie gelähmt. In den Aufzeichnungen der Geschichte erlangte Kaiser Yin schon in jungen Jahren Ruhm. Er war perfekt, mächtig und wohlwollend. Dennoch starb er im Alter von 27 Jahren an einer Krankheit, nachdem er nur ein kurzes Leben ohne Frau und Kinder gelebt hatte. Für viele war er ein unerreichbarer Adonis. Niemand wusste, dass er, als er seine Augen wieder öffnete, in der Zukunft aufwachte, wo 1500 Jahre vergangen waren. Diesmal sah er hohe Gebäude, die er sich zuvor nur eingebildet hatte. Kurz darauf wurde die Identität von Kaiser Yin aufgedeckt. Als Si Fuqing erfuhr, dass ihr Idol zum Greifen nahe war, war sie so beeindruckt, dass sie... Si Fuqing: Ich werde hart arbeiten! Kaiser Yin: Vergelte es mir mit deinem Körper. Si Fuqing: ??? Ich versuche hier, hart zu arbeiten, aber du willst mich stattdessen? Ein Multitalent und eine wunderschöne Göttin x Ein entschlossener und edler Kaiser Von der Verhöhnung im Internet bis zur Krönung zur Nummer eins, während sie gegen ihren Adonis im Einzelkampf kämpfte.
Qing Qian · 28.8K Views

La verdadera heredera es la gran figura

La ex gran figura, Ying Zijin, despertó un día como la hija perdida de la familia Ying, que había estado desaparecida durante quince años. La familia Ying rápidamente adoptó a otro niño para reemplazarla. Al regresar a la familia adinerada, todos se burlaron de ella por no ser tan inteligente, capaz, sensata y elegante como una heredera falsa. Sus padres la consideraban una mancha en la familia y le advirtieron que no albergara ilusiones de ser una dama de la familia. Dijeron que debería estar agradecida por ser una hija adoptiva, o de lo contrario la enviarían lejos. —Me iré entonces —Ying Zijin dijo—. No hace falta que me acompañen. Mientras la familia Ying celebraba jubilosamente y otros esperaban ver a la verdadera heredera hacer el ridículo, figuras influyentes de varios campos tomaron cartas en el asunto. —Señorita Ying, házmelo saber si necesitas algo —dijo el ídolo mejor clasificado con los fans más influyentes. —¿Familia Ying? ¿Qué es eso? Jefe, ¿deberíamos simplemente acabar con ellos? —dijo el heredero de un monopolio económico global. —¿Quién se atreve a molestar a mi maestro? —preguntó el mejor artista marcial del país. —Esa es mi hermana —dijo el genio adolescente con un CI de 228. —Claro, entonces llámame cuñado —dijo un hombre con una apariencia increíblemente seductora sonriendo con pereza y de manera casual. Las figuras influyentes estaban confundidas. Cuando la verdadera identidad de la heredera fue restaurada, causó sensación en Internet. La familia Ying se volvió loca y se arrodilló, llorando y suplicándole que volviera. —Permítanme presentarla. Esta es nuestra verdadera heredera —dijo la familia poderosa internacional. Renacido como rey, haciendo un fuerte regreso y lanzando un contraataque.
Qing Qian · 94.5K Views

A Verdadeira Herdeira é a Grande Figura

``` A ex-grande senhora, Ying Zijin, acordou um dia como a filha perdida da família Ying, que estava desaparecida por quinze anos. A família Ying prontamente adotou outra criança para substituí-la. Ao retornar à família abastada, todos a ridicularizaram por não ser tão inteligente, capaz, sensata e elegante quanto uma falsa herdeira. Seus pais a consideraram uma mancha na família e a advertiram para não alimentar ilusões de ser uma dama da família. Eles disseram que ela deveria ser grata por ser uma filha adotiva, ou senão a mandariam embora. Ying Zijin: "Então eu vou embora. Não precisam me acompanhar." Enquanto a família Ying celebrava com alegria e outros esperavam para ver a verdadeira herdeira fazer papel de boba, figuras influentes de várias áreas entraram em ação. O ídolo mais bem cotado com os fãs mais influentes disse, "Senhorita Ying, é só me avisar se precisar de algo." O herdeiro de um monopólio econômico global disse, "Família Ying? O que é isso? Chefe, devemos simplesmente acabar com eles?" O número um artista marcial no país perguntou, "Quem ousa intimidar minha mestra?" O gênio garoto adolescente com um QI de 228 disse, "Essa é minha irmã." Um homem com uma aparência incrivelmente sedutora sorriu preguiçosamente e casualmente, dizendo, "Certo, então me chame de cunhado." As figuras influentes ficaram confusas. Quando a verdadeira identidade da herdeira foi restaurada, isso causou uma sensação na internet. A família Ying enlouqueceu e se ajoelhou, chorando e implorando para que ela voltasse. A família poderosa internacional disse, "Desculpem, deixem-me apresentá-la. Esta é a nossa verdadeira herdeira." Renascido como um rei, fazendo um forte retorno e lançando um contra-ataque! ```
Qing Qian · 51.9K Views

Istri yang Kupungut Terlalu Galak

Ketika Feng Qing lahir, ia terjual kepada sebuah pasangan dari pegunungan akibat kelalaian rumah sakit. Enam belas tahun kemudian, orang tua kandungnya membawa dia pulang dari sebuah desa kecil di pegunungan, dia mengira hidupnya akan menjadi lebih baik, tapi ternyata tidak. Tidak hanya dia tidak mendapat cinta dari orang tuanya, adik angkatnya membuat dia menjadi buta. Pada akhirnya, orang tuanya menikahkannya dengan seorang pria tua di usia lima puluh tahunan. Pada hari pernikahannya, Feng Qing melarikan diri dari hotel dengan deretan pengawal yang mengejarnya. Dalam situasi genting, dia memanjat masuk ke dalam mobil hitam yang terparkir di pinggir jalan. Di kursi belakang mobil tersebut duduk seorang pria tampan di mana kekejaman yang dingin terus-terusan terpampang di wajahnya. Dia terlihat seperti orang yang tidak bisa disepelekan. Feng Qing menepuk-nepuk tangannya yang kotor. "Jadi, pak, saya perhatikan bahwa wajah Anda terlihat sangat kesepian. Bagaimana menurut Anda memiliki seorang istri yang sekarang telah menawarkan diri kepada Anda?" Xie Jiuhan umumnya dikenal sebagai Kesembilan Master. Dia adalah penguasa Kota Ibu Kota dan mempunyai kepribadian yang tidak terduga. Dia keras kepala dan kejam. Para sosialita di Kota Ibu Kota menggunakan segala cara, tapi tak satupun dari mereka yang berhasil menyentuh bahkan ujung pakaian Kesembilan Master. Dari hari itu, gosip mulai tersebar di Kota Ibu Kota. Kesembilan Master, yang biasanya menghindari wanita, membesarkan seorang istri kecil di rumah besar dan memanjakannya sepenuhnya. Kesembilan Master: "Istri saya terlalu lemah untuk merawat diri sendiri." Dokter: "Lalu, siapa wanita itu yang bisa memecahkan lutut seseorang dengan satu tendangan?" Kesembilan Master: "Istri saya dulu hidup di desa, dia tidak pandai dalam pelajarannya." Mahasiswa di Universitas Ibu Kota: “Istri Anda terus mendapatkan nilai tertinggi dalam setiap ujian. Jika dia tidak pandai dalam pelajarannya, kami ini apa? Bodoh?" Kesembilan Master: “Istri saya sangat pemalu. Dia belum bertemu banyak tokoh penting atau figur-figur terkemuka." Masyarakat: “Tolong diam!" Otoritas terkemuka di bidang kedokteran, profesor ilmu pengetahuan, dan sutradara internasional terkenal mengantri di luar rumah Anda, memohon untuk bertemu dengannya! Ya, istri Anda belum pernah bertemu dengan tokoh penting atau figur-figur terkemuka sebelumnya karena dialah sosok paling terkemuka di sini.
Yishen · 106.1K Views

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

[Sweet, Satisfying, and Passionate; Group Pampering; Torture Casanovas] Si Fuqing opened her eyes to find that her luck has been stolen. Everyone wanted her out of the entertainment industry too. After getting a second chance at life, she just wanted to do nothing this time. Yet, some people who didn’t know their place kept trying to rub off on her fame without any genuine talents to show for. This wouldn’t do. She had to do something about them. Si Fuqing pinched her wrist and took action. After that, the internet berated her for being shameless enough to court Yu Yao, and that her private life was indecent, but… An international songstress: I’m able to stand here today all because of Qingqing. A top-rate male celebrity: Stay away from my sister #YuYao An official international sports channel: Congratulations to Si Fuqing for securing the 13th personal gold medal. At first, Yu Yao paid no mind to Si Fuqing. But when he later learned the truth and regretted, even getting down on his knees so Si Fuqing would look his way again, he could only post a status on social media saying, [#SiFuqing, Hello, Ninth Aunt]. That day, the internet was paralyzed. In the records of history, Emperor Yin rose to fame at a young age. He was perfect, powerful, and benevolent. Yet, he died at the age of 27 due to illness, having lived only a short life with no wife or children. He was an unattainable Adonis for many. No one knew that when he opened his eyes once more, he woke up in the future where 1500 years had passed. This time, he saw tall buildings that he had once imagined before. Shortly after, Emperor Yin’s identity was exposed. When Si Fuqing learned that her idol was within arm’s reach, she was so impressed that she wanted to… Si Fuqing: I’ll work hard! Emperor Yin: Repay me with your body. Si Fuqing: ??? ‘Here I am trying to work hard, but you want me instead?’ An all-rounder and gorgeous goddess x A resolute and noble emperor From being scorned on the internet, to being crowned as number one while she fought her Adonis one-on-one.
Qing Qian · 2.4M Views

Daily life of a cultivation judge

Yang Qing sighed as he gazed upon the black building that stood tall piercing the skies above with an inviolable aura around it. "The Order sure is black-hearted," he angrily thought as he made his way into the building begrudgingly. The building could be considered his home away from home and a source of endless grief for him due to its unforgiving working hours. The building housed the courtrooms of the Cultivation Order Society, an organization founded to maintain a semblance of order in the ruthless cultivation world of the southern continent who if left to their own devices would sink the whole continent to the ground. Due to how impetuous cultivators were, the cases never stopped. "Yi Jie, what do we have today?" "Two cultivators at the palace realm fought over a treasure and destroyed half of the territory of the blue deer kingdom in their fight, A rogue cultivator is suing the owner of the falling meteor blacksmith shop for selling him a faulty saber that keeps attracting lightning tribulations. A cultivator suffering from pill poisoning is blaming it on the white hilltop restaurant as he suspects they are feeding their spirit beasts pills to make them bigger and fatter. And the last case is 500 families are suing a cultivator by the name of Ren Fu for being negligent as a husband and a father whilst also pilfering their resources dry as he moves from place to place.," Awkward silence ensues........... Join me as we follow Yang Qing in his role as a judge in the Cultivation Order Society with cases and troubles that never seem to end. Fair warning the story has multiple POVs. I will also be re-editing the first 50 chapters, since they were missing a few things, one of them being commas and had a tad bit info dumps that I'll also be editing out. Thanks to the readers who pointed it out. I don't know how I missed it. For new readers, please don't shy away from reading, as lovers of wuxia we have all sampled MTL Dao at some point. If you can survive that, this won't be hard at all. Re-edited chapter (48/50) All support matters whether it's power stones, comments, reviews, golden tickets, subscriptions, or those who buy privilege chapters or even lurking readers..I welcome all your support in whatever format it comes in and I thank you for it, It really does mean a lot, especially to rookie authors like myself.
Daynightdreamer · 1.7M Views

Water Ink Panel: Starting with Bow Technique to Hunt the Sun and Patrol the Skies

[Official Statement on Missing Content] Due to previous technical issues, certain content of this book was unfortunately missing. We are pleased to announce that the content has now been restored. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and invite readers to continue enjoying the novel. ----------------------------- A single beam of light could annihilate the world, a single blade of grass could sever the stars. Shen Qing transmigrated to a magnificent universe where immortals and mortals coexisted, becoming a lowly hunter. With the help of the Water Ink Panel, Shen Qing could endure the refinement of Qi-Blood and cultivate a hundred techniques. A technique, after a thousand hammerings, could border on art, and an art, after a hundred refinings, could border on Dao. From the common Bow Technique of rural hunting, to the Sky-Patrolling Sun Shooting Bow Technique; From the Nine Skills, which nourished and trained Qi and Blood, to the undying Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique; From the outward release of strength in Wind Defying Finger, to the Qi that suppressed mountains and rivers with the Eight Desolate Annihilation Seal; From enduring the refinement of Qi-Blood, he embarked on a difficult path of seeking Dao; to commanding the skies, with the divine might as if overseeing a prison, having mastered the balance of the six realms. It was only when Shen Qing looked back that he realized he had unwittingly become the supreme ruler above ten thousand Daos, an unparalleled True Monarch!
Pigeon Chang · 1.1M Views
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