Creator vs Creations
Imagine a world where the creator has previoullsy decided to change the world functionningsn to change the deus ex machina
he made a big crunch creating the changers, before going to take part to those changes, like any other humans in that future changing world
First find out his goal as a human, like puting himself in a cycle until he find anew that his goal is different from the majority of humans.
Lamenting and raging with limited humans abilities.
imagining how he would put in motion the futures special effects.
when the rage is paroxisstic :
the changes begin
Rules and peoples changes: magic and systems began to proceed: space adventures ? terraformation ? runic's magic is always the best ! technology ? ha gollem tree tech is also good.... not the same ressources : a financial ? a firemage ? a necromancer ? well : hidden class .. "the creator of life".