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Qing Kong Ying

La femme que j'ai ramassée est trop féroce

Lorsque Feng Qing est née, elle a été vendue à un couple de la montagne à cause de la négligence de l'hôpital. Seize ans plus tard, ses parents biologiques l'ont ramenée à la maison depuis un petit village de montagne, elle pensait que sa vie serait meilleure, mais ce n'était pas le cas. Non seulement elle n'a pas reçu d'amour de la part de ses parents, sa sœur de substitution l'a rendue aveugle. Finalement, ses parents l'ont mariée à un vieil homme dans la cinquantaine. Le jour de son mariage, Feng Qing s'est échappée de l'hôtel poursuivie par une ribambelle de gardes du corps. Dans une situation critique, elle a grimpé dans la voiture noire garée en bord de route. Sur la banquette arrière de la voiture se tenait un homme séduisant où la froideur impitoyable était un élément constant sur son visage. Il avait l'air de quelqu'un avec qui on ne pouvait pas plaisanter. Feng Qing tapota ses petites mains sales. "Alors, monsieur, j'ai remarqué que la solitude se lit sur votre visage. Que diriez-vous d'avoir une épouse qui se présente maintenant à vous ?" Xie Jiuhan était communément appelé le Neuvième Maître. Il était le seigneur de la Capitale et avait une personnalité imprévisible. Il était têtu et impitoyable. Les femmes de la haute société dans la Capitale ont utilisé tous les moyens, mais aucune d'entre elles n'a même approché l'ourlet des vêtements du Maître Neuvième. À partir de ce jour, des rumeurs ont commencé à se répandre dans la Capitale. Le Neuvième Maître, qui se tenait d'ordinaire à l'écart des femmes, élevait une petite épouse dans son manoir et la gâtait à l'extrême. Maître Neuvième : "Ma femme est trop faible pour prendre soin d'elle-même." Le docteur : "Alors, qui est cette dame qui a brisé la rotule de quelqu'un d'un seul coup de pied ?" Maître Neuvième : "Ma femme a vécu dans des villages, elle n'est pas bonne dans ses études." Les étudiants de l'Université Capitale : "Votre femme obtient toujours la première place dans chaque examen. Si elle n'est pas bonne dans ses études, que sommes-nous ? Des débiles ?" Maître Neuvième : "Ma femme est extrêmement timide. Elle n'a pas rencontré beaucoup de grands pontes ou de figures marquantes." Le public : "S'il vous plaît, taisez-vous !" L'autorité de premier plan en médecine, les professeurs de sciences et les réalisateurs internationaux célèbres faisaient la queue devant votre maison, suppliants de la voir ! Oui, votre femme n'avait pas rencontré de grands pontes ou de figures marquantes auparavant parce qu'elle était la figure la plus marquante ici.
Yishen · 120.7K Views

Nachdem ihr alles weggenommen wurde, kehrt sie als Gott zurück

[Süß, befriedigend und leidenschaftlich; Gruppenverwöhnung; Folter-Casanovas] Si Fuqing öffnete die Augen und musste feststellen, dass ihr Glück gestohlen worden war. Alle wollten sie aus der Unterhaltungsbranche raus haben. Nachdem sie eine zweite Chance im Leben bekommen hatte, wollte sie dieses Mal einfach nichts tun. Doch einige Leute, die nicht wussten, wo sie hingehörten, versuchten immer wieder, ihren Ruhm für sich zu beanspruchen, ohne dass sie echte Talente vorweisen konnte. Das reichte nicht aus. Sie musste etwas gegen sie unternehmen. Si Fuqing kniff sich ins Handgelenk und ergriff Maßnahmen. Danach schimpfte das Internet über sie, weil sie schamlos genug war, Yu Yao den Hof zu machen, und dass ihr Privatleben unanständig sei, aber... Eine internationale Songschreiberin: Dass ich heute hier stehen kann, verdanke ich Qingqing. Ein hochkarätiger männlicher Prominenter: Bleib weg von meiner Schwester #YuYao Ein offizieller internationaler Sportsender: Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Si Fuqing zum Gewinn der 13. persönlichen Goldmedaille. Zunächst schenkte Yu Yao Si Fuqing keine Beachtung. Aber als er später die Wahrheit erfuhr und es bereute, sogar auf die Knie gegangen zu sein, damit Si Fuqing wieder in seine Richtung schaut, konnte er nur einen Status in den sozialen Medien posten: [#SiFuqing, Hallo, neunte Tante]. An diesem Tag war das Internet wie gelähmt. In den Aufzeichnungen der Geschichte erlangte Kaiser Yin schon in jungen Jahren Ruhm. Er war perfekt, mächtig und wohlwollend. Dennoch starb er im Alter von 27 Jahren an einer Krankheit, nachdem er nur ein kurzes Leben ohne Frau und Kinder gelebt hatte. Für viele war er ein unerreichbarer Adonis. Niemand wusste, dass er, als er seine Augen wieder öffnete, in der Zukunft aufwachte, wo 1500 Jahre vergangen waren. Diesmal sah er hohe Gebäude, die er sich zuvor nur eingebildet hatte. Kurz darauf wurde die Identität von Kaiser Yin aufgedeckt. Als Si Fuqing erfuhr, dass ihr Idol zum Greifen nahe war, war sie so beeindruckt, dass sie... Si Fuqing: Ich werde hart arbeiten! Kaiser Yin: Vergelte es mir mit deinem Körper. Si Fuqing: ??? Ich versuche hier, hart zu arbeiten, aber du willst mich stattdessen? Ein Multitalent und eine wunderschöne Göttin x Ein entschlossener und edler Kaiser Von der Verhöhnung im Internet bis zur Krönung zur Nummer eins, während sie gegen ihren Adonis im Einzelkampf kämpfte.
Qing Qian · 28.8K Views

Die wahre Erbin ist der wahre Macher

Die ehemalige Führungskraft Ying Zijin wachte eines Tages als die seit fünfzehn Jahren vermisste Tochter der Familie Ying auf. Die Familie Ying adoptierte prompt ein anderes Kind, um sie zu ersetzen. Nach ihrer Rückkehr in die wohlhabende Familie wurde sie von allen verspottet, weil sie nicht so klug, fähig, vernünftig und elegant war wie eine falsche Erbin. Ihre Eltern betrachteten sie als Schandfleck der Familie und warnten sie davor, sich Illusionen darüber zu machen, eine Dame der Familie zu sein. Sie sagten, sie solle dankbar sein, eine Pflegetochter zu sein, sonst würden sie sie wegschicken. Ying Zijin: "Dann werde ich gehen. Ihr braucht mich nicht zu verabschieden." Während die Familie Ying fröhlich feierte und andere darauf warteten, dass sich die echte Erbin lächerlich machte, wurden einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen aktiv. Das am höchsten bewertete Idol mit den einflussreichsten Fans sagte: "Miss Ying, lassen Sie mich einfach wissen, wenn Sie etwas brauchen." Der Erbe eines globalen Wirtschaftsmonopols sagte: "Familie Ying? Was ist denn das? Boss, sollen wir sie einfach auslöschen?" Die Nummer eins der Kampfsportler im Lande fragte: "Wer wagt es, meinen Meister zu schikanieren?" Der geniale Teenager mit einem IQ von 228 sagte: "Das ist meine Schwester." Ein Mann mit einem unglaublich verführerischen Aussehen lächelte faul und lässig und sagte: "Klar, dann nenn mich Schwager." Die einflussreichen Persönlichkeiten waren verwirrt. Als die wahre Identität der Erbin bekannt wurde, sorgte dies im Internet für Aufsehen. Die Familie Ying drehte durch, kniete nieder, weinte und flehte sie an, zurück zu kommen. Die internationale Powerhouse-Familie sagte: "Entschuldigung, lassen Sie mich sie vorstellen. Das ist unsere echte Erbin." Wiedergeboren als König, der ein starkes Comeback feiert und einen Gegenangriff startet!
Qing Qian · 33K Views

A Verdadeira Herdeira é a Grande Figura

``` A ex-grande senhora, Ying Zijin, acordou um dia como a filha perdida da família Ying, que estava desaparecida por quinze anos. A família Ying prontamente adotou outra criança para substituí-la. Ao retornar à família abastada, todos a ridicularizaram por não ser tão inteligente, capaz, sensata e elegante quanto uma falsa herdeira. Seus pais a consideraram uma mancha na família e a advertiram para não alimentar ilusões de ser uma dama da família. Eles disseram que ela deveria ser grata por ser uma filha adotiva, ou senão a mandariam embora. Ying Zijin: "Então eu vou embora. Não precisam me acompanhar." Enquanto a família Ying celebrava com alegria e outros esperavam para ver a verdadeira herdeira fazer papel de boba, figuras influentes de várias áreas entraram em ação. O ídolo mais bem cotado com os fãs mais influentes disse, "Senhorita Ying, é só me avisar se precisar de algo." O herdeiro de um monopólio econômico global disse, "Família Ying? O que é isso? Chefe, devemos simplesmente acabar com eles?" O número um artista marcial no país perguntou, "Quem ousa intimidar minha mestra?" O gênio garoto adolescente com um QI de 228 disse, "Essa é minha irmã." Um homem com uma aparência incrivelmente sedutora sorriu preguiçosamente e casualmente, dizendo, "Certo, então me chame de cunhado." As figuras influentes ficaram confusas. Quando a verdadeira identidade da herdeira foi restaurada, isso causou uma sensação na internet. A família Ying enlouqueceu e se ajoelhou, chorando e implorando para que ela voltasse. A família poderosa internacional disse, "Desculpem, deixem-me apresentá-la. Esta é a nossa verdadeira herdeira." Renascido como um rei, fazendo um forte retorno e lançando um contra-ataque! ```
Qing Qian · 52K Views

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

[Sweet, Satisfying, and Passionate; Group Pampering; Torture Casanovas] Si Fuqing opened her eyes to find that her luck has been stolen. Everyone wanted her out of the entertainment industry too. After getting a second chance at life, she just wanted to do nothing this time. Yet, some people who didn’t know their place kept trying to rub off on her fame without any genuine talents to show for. This wouldn’t do. She had to do something about them. Si Fuqing pinched her wrist and took action. After that, the internet berated her for being shameless enough to court Yu Yao, and that her private life was indecent, but… An international songstress: I’m able to stand here today all because of Qingqing. A top-rate male celebrity: Stay away from my sister #YuYao An official international sports channel: Congratulations to Si Fuqing for securing the 13th personal gold medal. At first, Yu Yao paid no mind to Si Fuqing. But when he later learned the truth and regretted, even getting down on his knees so Si Fuqing would look his way again, he could only post a status on social media saying, [#SiFuqing, Hello, Ninth Aunt]. That day, the internet was paralyzed. In the records of history, Emperor Yin rose to fame at a young age. He was perfect, powerful, and benevolent. Yet, he died at the age of 27 due to illness, having lived only a short life with no wife or children. He was an unattainable Adonis for many. No one knew that when he opened his eyes once more, he woke up in the future where 1500 years had passed. This time, he saw tall buildings that he had once imagined before. Shortly after, Emperor Yin’s identity was exposed. When Si Fuqing learned that her idol was within arm’s reach, she was so impressed that she wanted to… Si Fuqing: I’ll work hard! Emperor Yin: Repay me with your body. Si Fuqing: ??? ‘Here I am trying to work hard, but you want me instead?’ An all-rounder and gorgeous goddess x A resolute and noble emperor From being scorned on the internet, to being crowned as number one while she fought her Adonis one-on-one.
Qing Qian · 2.4M Views

Infinity Haven

In a future world where artificial intelligence and cyber technology have deeply intertwined, a young freshman, Liam, enters Ravenwick Theological Seminary, a prestigious institution dedicated to training future AI regulators and virtual crime investigators. However, what should have been the beginning of an academic journey quickly descends into a nightmare filled with conspiracy, betrayal, and hidden truths. A Shrouded Past and a Massacre Shrouded in Mystery On his very first night at the academy, Liam is ambushed—his memories targeted by advanced technology in an attempted extraction. To his horror, the attack bears an uncanny resemblance to the method used in the brutal murder of his adoptive parents and younger sister. The perpetrator? Sophia, the AI nanny who once cared for him with warmth and tenderness. Before being terminated, Sophia left behind a single clue: the name Ravenwick Theological Seminary—an undeniable link between Liam’s past and this enigmatic institution. Liam quickly realizes that his adoption was far from ordinary. Even his own memories may harbor a secret—one so dangerous that someone is willing to kill to obtain it. The Watchful Eyes of the Dark Forces and a Countdown to Death Within the academy, Liam crosses paths with Matthew, a former criminal investigator with a deceptively carefree demeanor but a razor-sharp intellect, and Professor Daniel, a highly esteemed scholar in AI ethics and virtual crime studies. Determined to uncover the truth, they turn to Infinity Haven—a virtual world capable of replaying memories and even granting digital immortality. Through this, they attempt to piece together the hidden fragments of Liam’s past. But their investigation does not go unnoticed. A powerful and elusive enemy lurking within the academy is watching, ready to strike. Liam soon finds himself hunted within Infinity Haven, ambushed by an unknown adversary capable of exploiting the system’s deepest vulnerabilities. Such a feat could only be accomplished by someone with immense power and influence. At the heart of it all lies Lumora Technologies, the multinational conglomerate that developed and controls Infinity Haven. But what true secrets lie behind its polished corporate façade? A Clash Between Reality and Illusion—A Destiny Rewritten As the investigation deepens, Liam and his allies find themselves embroiled in a conflict that extends far beyond academia—a battle against a corporate giant with far-reaching influence. Alongside Grace, Matthew, and others, Liam begins to forge an unbreakable bond, their skills and fates intertwined as they edge closer to the ultimate truth. Yet, this war is not confined to the virtual realm. In the real world, a grander conspiracy brews in the shadows. As Matthew and Grace dig deeper, they soon realize they are not just facing hackers and infiltrators—they are walking straight into a meticulously designed death trap. What truth lies buried within Liam’s memories? Who is orchestrating this intricate game from the shadows? What is the true purpose of Ravenwick Theological Seminary? And most importantly—is Liam truly just an ordinary student?
Dexuan_Kong · 815 Views

The wealthy daughter breaks through the situation with wisdom

Standing in the Aristocratic Circle New to the Aristocratic Circle and Subjected to Bullying After crossing over, Dai Shi Ya found herself in a hostile aristocratic family. The housekeeper, Liu, treated her poorly, arranging for her to stay in the servants' quarters and providing her with servant uniforms as "daily clothes." The other servants also held prejudices against her due to her status, making life difficult for her at every turn. Faced with these difficulties, Dai Shi Ya did not choose to confront immediately but decided to take the initiative to try to integrate into the family. She began to help in the kitchen, learning various domestic skills. Although her efforts did not immediately win the recognition of everyone, she gradually won the respect of some of the servants. Shining at the Family Dinner In order to establish herself in the family, Dai Shi Ya decided to take advantage of the family dinner. She meticulously prepared for various aspects of the dinner, including venue layout and menu design. At the dinner, she encountered multiple difficulties from her cousin Dai Yue. Dai Yue first tried to prevent her from attending the dinner by soiling her dress, and then attempted to embarrass her by making her perform piano in front of everyone. However, Dai Shi Ya used her intelligence and skills to defuse the crisis and showcased her embroidery talent and "mind-reading" skills at the dinner, winning everyone's admiration and changing the attitudes of the family elders towards her. Resolving Crises and Consolidating Her Position At the birthday party of the Dai family patriarch, Dai Shi Ya once again became the focus of attention. She not only put in a lot of effort in the preparation process but also skillfully handled various unexpected situations at the party. She exposed Dai Yue's malicious acts of spreading rumors behind the scenes, causing Dai Yue to be embarrassed in front of everyone, while also gaining the recognition and support of the family elders, further consolidating her position in the Dai family. Handling Family Affairs Dai Shi Ya gained the trust of the Dai family patriarch and was asked to handle some family affairs. She took over a land project that had been abandoned for many years and, through her own efforts, resolved a series of issues in the land development process, including the breakage of the capital chain and the resettlement of residents. In the process of handling the land project, she also discovered some clues about the late wife of the Dai family patriarch, which brought her closer to the patriarch and also aroused Dai Yue's jealousy and resentment. Business Competition and the Test of Friendship Business Conspiracy and Counterattack Dai Shi Ya's rise within the family aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of some people, making her a target of business competition. The collateral branch of the Dai family, including Dai Qiang, spread rumors behind the scenes, trying to tarnish her reputation and undermine her position in the family. Dai Shi Ya was not knocked down by these rumors. She exposed the conspiracy of Dai Qiang and others through her intelligence and investigative skills, and successfully counterattacked them at the family meeting, maintaining her reputation and position. Friendship Crisis and Resolution Dai Shi Ya's good friend Wei Qing was implicated in her business competition. Wei Qing was threatened by Zhao Lei, forced to distance himself from Dai Shi Ya, and betrayed her in some business affairs. Dai Shi Ya did not give up on Wei Qing. She investigated the truth through her own efforts, exposed Zhao Lei's malicious acts, successfully resolved the friendship crisis with Wei Qing, and also freed Wei Qing from Zhao Lei's threat.
Typing_robot · 29.4K Views
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