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Qiao Nian

Quando a Fera Selvagem está Presa no Ciclo Pesadelo (BL)

Depois de ser confinado por anos em um asilo mental, Jin Jiuchi acabou de ser liberado de volta à convivência humana quando de repente se viu preso em um perigoso e emocionante jogo de sobrevivência. Espera, tem algo errado com vocês? Por que parecem tão assustados? Este mundo é tão… empolgante! Para Jin Jiuchi, essa fera em roupas humanas que estava acorrentado pelas leis da sociedade, o aparecimento do Ciclo Pesadelo era como um sonho se tornando realidade! Tomando chá com uma noiva desmembrada em um apartamento mal-assombrado, dançando tango com o espírito maligno nas profundezas da floresta do suicídio, pulando corda com o deus antigo em uma civilização esquecida… Jin Jiuchi estava tão feliz que estava enlouquecendo! No entanto, quando ele estava enlouquecendo, todos os jogadores e NPCs no ciclo tremiam de medo. *** Havia apenas uma linda boneca de jade que nunca tinha medo dele. Shen Nianzu chamou suavemente, "Jin-ge." Jin Jiuchi, que estava felizmente revirando o estômago de um cadáver podre, de repente largou tudo e se aproximou de Shen Nianzu com uma velocidade invisível a olho nu. Seus olhos curvaram-se em crescentes enquanto ele perguntava, "O que houve, Nian'er? Você quer se juntar a mim também?" Shen Nianzu estava inexpressivo enquanto olhava para o homem ensanguentado à sua frente. Então, de repente, estendeu uma mão, com a palma para cima. Confuso, Jin Jiuchi colocou sua pata suja na mão de Shen Nianzu e apertou-a. Shen Nianzu: “Bom garoto.” Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Drama de louco rei, besta selvagem gong x grande beleza, astuto, forte na arte de se fazer de fraco shou Tags adicionais: protagonista top/gong/seme, ação, sobrenatural, psicológico, mistério, romance lento, fantasmas, gore, monstros, bestas, protagonista sem-vergonha, jogo de sobrevivência, trabalho em equipe, fluxo ilimitado, horror, suspense, interesse amoroso mais jovem Encontre-me em: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 Servidor do Discord:
delanasiwarka · 20.7K Views

Cuando la Bestia Salvaje está Atrapada en el Ciclo de Pesadilla (BL)

Tras estar confinado en un manicomio durante años, Jin Jiuchi acababa de ser liberado a la convivencia humana cuando de repente se encontró atrapado en un peligroso y emocionante juego de supervivencia. —Espera, ¿hay algo mal con ustedes? ¿Por qué parecen tan asustados? ¡Este mundo es tan... emocionante! Para Jin Jiuchi, esta bestia vestida de humano que estaba encadenada por las leyes de la sociedad, ¡la aparición del Ciclo de Pesadilla era como un sueño hecho realidad! Tomando té con una novia desmembrada en un apartamento embrujado, bailando tango con el espíritu maligno en lo profundo del bosque del suicidio, saltando la cuerda con el dios antiguo en una civilización olvidada... ¡Jin Jiuchi estaba tan feliz que se estaba volviendo loco! Sin embargo, cuando enloquecía, todos los jugadores y PNJ en el ciclo temblaban de miedo. *** Solo había una hermosa muñeca de jade que nunca había tenido miedo de él. —Shen Nianzu llamó suavemente: «Jin-ge». Jin Jiuchi, que estaba felizmente hurgando en el estómago de un cadáver podrido, de repente lo dejó todo y se acercó a Shen Nianzu con una velocidad invisible para los ojos desnudos. Sus ojos se curvaron en forma de crescentes mientras preguntaba: «¿Qué pasa, Nian'er? ¿Quieres unirte también?» Shen Nianzu estaba inexpresivo mientras observaba al hombre sangriento frente a él. Luego extendió repentinamente una mano, palma hacia arriba. Confundido, Jin Jiuchi colocó su zarpa sucia en la mano de Shen Nianzu y la sacudió. —Shen Nianzu —dijo: — Buen chico. —Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Rey del drama lunático, bestia salvaje gong x gran belleza, astuto, fuerte actuando débil shou Etiquetas adicionales: protagonista top/gong/seme, acción, sobrenatural, psicológico, misterio, romance lento, fantasmas, gore, monstruos, bestias, protagonista descarado, juego de supervivencia, trabajo en equipo, flujo ilimitado, horror, suspenso, interés amoroso más joven Encuéntrame en: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 Servidor de Discord:
delanasiwarka · 45.8K Views

Madame Gu est trop faible pour se débrouiller toute seule

On racontait que Qiao Xi avait une constitution fragile – une beauté maladive. On racontait qu'elle dépensait une fortune chaque jour en médicaments – les engloutissant comme des bonbons. On racontait que dix serviteurs l'attendaient auprès de son lit chaque jour – un fardeau pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Qiao renvoie Qiao Xi à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller toute seule. Qiao Xi : "Ils disent tous que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense de l'argent de manière inconsidérée aussi." Elle regarda son chemisier déchiré et s’exaspéra. Qiao Xi : "Vous voulez dire que cette famille riche laisse sa fille porter des vêtements déchirés tous les jours ?" La fille riche de la famille Qiao ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Donc... Mauvais garçon : "Sans la famille Qiao, tu n'es rien." Qiao Xi : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Qiao, je serai finie." Mauvaise fille : "Sœurette, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailleras dur, tu seras louée un jour." Qiao Xi : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas une traîtresse comme toi." Le mauvais garçon et la mauvaise fille : "???" On racontait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Gu, Gu Zheng, avait imprudemment épousé une femme qui n'avait rien d'autre que son apparence. Qiao Xi : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?" Un jour, Qiao Xi vit un des employés de Gu Zheng se creuser la tête sur une série de chiffres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle avait du temps libre, elle prêta main-forte. Avait-elle vraiment piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjoints des meilleurs hackers de l'élite ?! Gu Zheng se rapprochait à chaque pas. "Qiao Xi, qu'est-ce que tu me caches encore ? Hmm ?" Qiao Xi : "Oh non ! Je me sens étourdie à nouveau ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps à moi est juste trop faible !"
Qiaoqiao · 97.6K Views

Nach der Auswanderung hat die fette Frau ein Comeback geschafft!

Qiao Mei tauchte in einem Roman als Nebenfigur mit demselben Namen wie sie auf, der es an Präsenz fehlte. Diese Nebenfigur war ein Bauerntrampel, der wegen seines Übergewichts nicht heiraten konnte. Nach dem ursprünglichen Drehbuch war dieses Landmädchen Qiao Mei eine von ihrem Großvater verwöhnte Fette. Ihre Verwandten waren jedoch allesamt bösartige und grausame Menschen. Ihr Großvater war gesundheitlich angeschlagen, so dass die Verwandten nach seinem Tod sein Vermögen aufteilen und verschlingen würden. Daher war es der größte Wunsch ihres Großvaters, Qiao Mei zu verheiraten. Dafür opferte und verriet er sogar den Enkel seines guten Freundes, Xia Zhe. Großvater machte Xia Zhe betrunken und ließ Qiao Mei den starken und gut aussehenden Xia Zhe mit ihrem mehr als zweihundert Pfund schweren Körper gewaltsam entführen. Am nächsten Tag erwischte der Großvater die beiden und zwang Xia Zhe, Qiao Mei zu heiraten. Doch damit begann das unglückliche Leben von Qiao Mei. In der ursprünglichen Geschichte nahm Qiao Mei auch die geheimnisvolle Jade von Xia Zhe in Besitz. Doch aufgrund von Qiao Meis Dummheit hatte die Schwester ihrer Cousine Qiao Mei dazu gebracht, ihr die Jade zu geben, was dazu führte, dass die Familie der Cousine reich wurde. Als Qiao Mei hierher wanderte, geschah das in dem unangenehmen Moment, als sie mit dem Mann schlief, nachdem sie ihn betrunken gemacht hatte. Als sie am nächsten Tag wach wurde, stand Opas Team bereits vor der Tür. Qiao Mei war erschrocken. Sie wollte nicht auf dem ursprünglichen Weg weitergehen und einen Mann heiraten, der sie nicht liebte. Also log sie und jagte Großvater fort. Sie stieß auch den Mann hinaus, bevor sie sich zwang, ihr gebräuntes und pummeliges Spiegelbild zu betrachten! Leider weinte sie über ihr hässliches Aussehen... Sie sah aus wie ein Sumo-Ringer in großer Stoffunterwäsche, und selbst in den Geschäften für Übergrößen gab es keine Kleidung in ihrer Größe. Und ihr Gesicht war so groß wie eine Pizza, eine verbrannte Pizza! Qiao Mei beschloss, ihr Leben zu ändern! Der erste Schritt: Abnehmen! Der zweite Schritt: ihr Zimmer aufräumen! Früher war sie sehr auf Sauberkeit bedacht, und obwohl ihr jetziges Haus einen riesigen Innenhof hatte, konnte sie es nur als unordentlich bezeichnen! Der dritte Schritt war, die Jade gut festzuhalten, damit ihre gierige Cousine keine Chance hatte! Nur, sollte der große und gut aussehende Xia Zhe sie nicht hassen, wie es in der ursprünglichen Geschichte hieß? Warum war er dann immer netter zu ihr?
Mountain Springs · 60.3K Views

Lady Gu ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen

Man munkelte, dass Qiao Xi eine schwache Konstitution hatte - eine kränkliche Schönheit. Man munkelte, dass sie jeden Tag ein Vermögen für Medikamente ausgab und sie wie Süßigkeiten verschlang. Man munkelte, dass zehn Diener jeden Tag an ihrem Bett auf sie warteten - eine Last für alle. Sie alle warteten darauf, dass die Qiao-Familie Qiao Xi zurück aufs Land schickte und sie dort sich selbst überließ. Qiao Xi: "Sie sagen alle, dass ich schwach bin und nicht auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Anscheinend gebe ich auch leichtsinnig Geld aus." Sie sah auf ihr zerfleddertes Hemd hinunter und war verärgert. Qiao Xi: "Willst du damit sagen, dass diese reiche Familie ihre Tochter jeden Tag zerfledderte Kleidung tragen lässt?" Die reiche Tochter der Familie Qiao? Sie hatte genug! Sie würde es nicht mehr sein! Deshalb... Dreckskerl: "Ohne die Qiao Familie bist du nichts." Qiao Xi: "Wenn ich aus der Qiao-Familie rausgeschmissen werde, bin ich erledigt." Das dreckige Mädchen: "Schwesterherz, sei nicht zu enttäuscht. Solange du hart arbeitest, wirst du eines Tages gelobt werden." Qiao Xi: "Halt die Klappe, ich kenne keine Verräterin wie dich." Der Dreckskerl und das Mädchen: "???" Man munkelt, dass der jüngste Sohn der Familie Gu, Gu Zheng, vorschnell eine Frau geheiratet hat, die nur gut aussieht. Qiao Xi: "Schaut jemand auf mich herab?" Eines Tages sah Qiao Xi, wie einer von Gu Zhengs Angestellten sich den Kopf über eine Reihe von Zahlen auf dem Computerbildschirm zerbrach. Da sie frei war, half sie ihm. Hat sie gerade die Firewall geknackt, die durch die gemeinsamen Bemühungen von Top-Elite-Hackern geschaffen wurde?! Gu Zheng kam mit jedem Schritt näher. "Qiao Xi, was verheimlichst du noch vor mir? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Oh, nein! Mir ist schon wieder schwindlig! Ich bin so schwach. Mein Körper ist einfach zu schwach!"
Qiaoqiao · 64.5K Views

The Phoenix Daughter

Rated R and I ask please do not read this if you are under 18. I'm considering rating for 21 and older. Can she maintain peace, balance family power, and face a foe that also is none other than her own creation? The Phoenix Daughter follows the lives of one of the daughters of the Phoenix family ☆☆☆ Spoilers and No Context Spoilers ☆☆☆ Bei Zhen's body lay still, too still, I rush forward to his side and discover a large hole in his chest. With my magic sense I find no trace of his souls only a whisper of his primordial soul is traceable. +++++++++++++++^~^+++++++++++++++++++ Nian Bai Miao's souls begin to seep from her body but as quickly as possible an old fox appears. Uncle Ye arrives and takes a moment to talk to Nian Bai Miao. He does something with a pill that he shoves into Nian Bai Miao's mouth and out of everyone's view he pulls out Nian Bai Miao's tattered primary souls and her remaining shadow. He makes a gruff sound and pulls out a soul jar. ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ Nai Jun's face softens as he watches me lead three children towards him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He Zhen watches as I guide our small Tuoba Xing Ke in the steps of the nine star martial skill. °•°•°•°•°☆°•°•°•°•°▪︎°•°•°•°•°•°•°☆°•°•°•°• I watch my children happily chatter amongst themselves as I enter my second rebirth. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ The soul of the Seventh King of Hell shields me and my children from the attacks of the Faeries and those from the Demon Realm. 《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》 Nian Bai Miao dies and the Heavens mourn her death for ten lunar years. ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ The Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Enpress pour half of their lives cultivation into the Tian sword. The Tizn sword is a sword forged in the iceiest fires of the Heavens, quenched in the water from clouds of Kunlun mountain, hardened in the secret forge of Hell, blessed by the most powerful Faeries, and a jade hilt crafted by the Emperor Dao Zheng Si the first mortal man to reach and reject immortality. This sword crafted by all the Realms would surely be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands and a great protection in the right hands.
CrimsonFeather7 · 32.5K Views

Reborn as the Dragon: The Princess Sacrifice Begins...

# Reborn as the Dark Dragon: The Princess Sacrifice Begins... ## Genre Tags - Isekai/Transmigration - Fantasy - LitRPG (DnD-inspired) - Kingdom Building - Monster Evolution - Romance - Beast-folk Elements - Single Female Lead ## Synopsis Su Nian wakes up to find himself reborn as the most feared creature in a fantasy world - a menacing dragon that everyone wants dead. His confusion only grows when he discovers a trembling young girl seeking refuge near him. But that's just the beginning of his extraordinary transformation. As multiple system interfaces suddenly activate: - The War & Conquest System - The Evolution System - The Villain System These systems mysteriously begin to merge, granting him unprecedented powers. ## World Reactions The news of his emergence sends ripples across different factions: - **Royalty**: "Spare my life! Take my daughter instead!" - **Heroes**: "I shall rescue the princess from the evil dragon!" - **Gamers**: "Wait, what? There's no boss fight scheduled in the starter village!" - **Other Dragons**: "You dare call that THING a dragon? That's a monster!" - **The Gods**: "Stop! The divine realm is crumbling!" ## The True Nature When Su Nian, now known as Waterhouse, emerges as the world's first capitalist dragon with a hundred nuclear reactors within him, even Satan himself can't help but admire: *"Impressive. Someone tattoo this black dragon on my body."* ## Unique Features - Sweet romance with single female lead - Kingdom management elements - Unique blend of modern technology and fantasy - Multiple system integration - Strategic progression --- *A tale that combines classic dragon fantasy with modern twists, where being the villain might just be the beginning of something greater...*
DaoistsSzmtd · 17.5K Views

I Am the Only Fertile Woman in the Game

[Polyandry + Adored by All + Pregnancy Runaway + Leveling Up + Pure Male Harem] Qiao Suisui opened her eyes and found herself in an interstellar beast world where females were scarce compared to males. How scarce? Looking around, she was the only viviparously born female! Bound to the fertility system, she became the target of a scramble among the big shots— A Colonel from the Empire Military Department, who betrayed his family just to give her a status. "I swear on the honor of the Sikoses Family, I will never let anyone harm you." A previously indolent member of the Royal Family started on the path of power struggle just to protect her. "Suisui, no matter where your heart lies, I will never let go." An obsessed scientist, who kneeled at her feet, humbly begging for love. "Qiao Suisui, you're lying to me... you also love me, right... why won't you look at me..." The last blood of the Wolf Clan, who was a bloodthirsty killer in public, but behind closed doors, he transformed into a big dog, warming her feet with his belly. "Sister, our Wolf Clan mates for life. You touched my tail, so you have to take responsibility." (More men joining the lineup...) System: The stronger the male gene, the higher the quality of the reward. Qiao Suisui: (Resting her chin on her hands) Let me see who I should seduce today... PS. The female protagonist appears fragile but is actually calculating and self-serving. All males are merely tools for reproduction.
Mr. Five Tones · 372.1K Views

After Transmigrating, the Fat Wife Made a Comeback!

Qiao Mei transmigrated into a novel as a supporting character with the same name as her who lacked presence. This supporting character was a country bumpkin who couldn’t get married due to her obesity. According to the original script, this country girl Qiao Mei was a fatty spoiled by her grandfather. However, their relatives were all vicious and cruel people. Her grandfather had poor health, so once he died, the relatives would divide and swallow up his assets. Hence, her grandfather’s greatest wish was to marry Qiao Mei off. For this, even sacrificed and betrayed his good friend’s grandson, Xia Zhe. Grandpa got Xia Zhe drunk and had Qiao Mei forcibly take the strong and handsome Xia Zhe with her body which weighed more than two hundred pounds. Then, grandpa would catch them the next day and force Xia Zhe to marry Qiao Mei. However, that eventually caused the start of Qiao Mei’s unfortunate life. Also, in the original story, Qiao Mei took possession of Xia Zhe’s mysterious jade. But due to Qiao Mei’s stupidity, her cousin's sister had tricked Qiao Mei into giving her the jade, which resulted in the cousin’s family becoming rich. When Qiao Mei transmigrated here, it was during the awkward moment when she was making love to the man after making him drunk. She woke up groggily the next day and grandpa’s team had already appeared at the door. Qiao Mei was frightened. She didn’t want to proceed on the original path and marry a man who didn’t love her. And so, she lied and chased grandpa away. She also pushed the man out before forcing herself to look at her tanned and chubby reflection in the mirror! Alas, she cried at her ugly appearance… Like a sumo wrestler in large cloth underwear, even the plus-sized apparel shops didn’t have clothes in her size. And her face was the size of a pizza, a scorched pizza! Qiao Mei decided to reform her life! The first step, lose weight! The second step, clean up her room! She used to be particular about cleanliness, and although her current house had a huge courtyard, she could only describe it as messy! The third step was to hold onto the jade tightly so her greedy cousin wouldn’t stand a chance! Only, wasn’t the tall and handsome Xia Zhe supposed to hate her according to the original story? Why was he being nicer and nicer to her?
Mountain Springs · 5.7M Views

The CEO's Naughty Wife

In the eyes of her peers, Chi Yue stands out. She often skips classes, but never fails any. She comes from an impoverished area, but never lacks money. She has a face that could make her the campus belle, but she doesn't date. She has earned a lot of money, but never spends a penny. In Mr. Qiao's eyes, Chi Yue is... well, a nutcase. That night, when Chi Yue pulled open his robe and saw his secret - she became a dark moonlight in his heart that haunted him, causing heartaches whenever he thought about it. He is Mr. Qiao, the one and only in the whole world. She is the one and only for Mr. Qiao. ☆★☆★ Everyday life story One: The two of them went out. Mr. Qiao tossed a mask to Chi Yue. Chi Yue: Is there smog today? Mr Qiao: I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist kissing you in public. ☆★☆★ Everyday life story Two: Whenever Chi Yue gets angry, Mr. Qiao buys her something. Chi Yue: Do you see me as such a materialistic woman? Mr. Qiao: Of course not. He calmly gave a limited edition handbag to the cleaning lady. Later, Chi Yue was heartbroken when she saw the cleaning lady use it to carry vegetables. ...... ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Highly recommend Si Jin's completed works. Modern: "Muchuan Xiang Wan", "History's First Spoiled Marriage", "Step by Step Startling Marriage", "Only Wish Not to Disappoint You in This Life", "Addicted to Indulgence" Ancient: "Lend Time to the World", "The Lonely King and the Single Woman" ......
Si Jin · 145.9K Views

Unholy Passion : Between Love and obsession

( DARK ROMANCE / OMEGAVERSE BL) What happens when an omega dares to capture and possess an alpha? Ren Xiao, a delicate and fragile omega, has a dangerous obsession—a burning desire for the elusive and commanding Shen Nian. With eyes as dark as the night and a presence that draws him in, Ren Xiao can’t help but fixate on the man who seems beyond his reach. But can an omega truly possess an alpha? Ren Xiao, now a university freshman , is determined to make the man he’s obsessed with notice him, no matter the cost. When the line between obsession and possession begins to blur, Ren Xiao hatches a plan to make Shen Nian his own. He didn’t expect the consequences, nor did he realize that the alpha he thought he was trying to control was just as consumed by him. How does a soft, seemingly fragile omega end up with a superior alpha tied to a chair? As Ren Xiao spirals deeper into his desire, the darkness between him and Shen Nian grows. What began as a simple crush turns into an unholy passion neither can escape. But with every twist, Ren Xiao learns that sometimes the one who seeks to control... is the one who ends up losing everything. — SNEAK PEAK --- "The love I can only give you is dirty," Ren Xiao murmured, his gaze dark as it fixed on the Alpha before him. His fingers tightened around Shen Nian's neck, the gesture both possessive and desperate. Leaning in, he whispered in his ear, "I want to own you, possess you, make you look at only me. Are you sure you want that, Shen Nian?" Instead of the disgust Ren Xiao had expected, he was met with a smirk, a dangerous grin curling at Shen Nian's irresistible lips. --- "You know you can never make a superior Alpha submit," Shen Nian’s voice was laced with authority as he pinned the omega to the chair, his eyes dark and commanding. Ren Xiao's lips curled into a satisfied smile. "I know that," he replied, his voice soft but dripping with lust. "I don’t want you to submit. I just want you to be mine." ------- WAIT!!! HERE ARE TEN REASONS YOU SHOULD GIVE THIS NOVEL A CHANCE ♡ 1. Omegaverse 2. Twisted Power Struggle 3. Forbidden Love 4. Dark, Captivating Chemistry 5. Psychological Depth 6. The Unexpected 7. Raw, Unfiltered Emotions 8. Unpredictable Twists 9. Intense, Steamy Moments 10. Mind Games, Manipulation additional Tags : Dark Romance, Obsession, Twisted Love, Psychological Thriller, Mafia/Crime, Toxic Relationships, Manipulation, BDSM Themes, Mind Games, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Slow Burn, Power Play, Love and Control, Mystery, Twisted Fate, Kidnapping, Dangerous Attraction, Intense Emotions, Deception Orbservent, Yandere, Obsessive Shou X Mysterious, Powerful, Manipulative Gong
Sweet_Vanilla_5667 · 4.5K Views

My Ex-wife Is Beautiful After Divorce

The night she decided to divorce Qi Yu, Song Nian was no longer the same demure person that she used to be—she tossed and turned like a feisty wild cat in his embrace. Between the sheets, Qi Yu asked Song Nian why in a raspy voice. With a hint of redness that tinged the curves of her eyes, Song Nian unleashed her every facet in front of him. "This is the last time. Of course, we should have fun." The next morning, Song Nian left behind a divorce agreement and left with a flick of her sleeves. She could not win Qi Yu's heart after five years of marriage. Song Nian was tired of that kind of life. She had money, looks, and a good figure. Why must she limit herself to hanging on this crooked tree called Qi Yu forever? One month into their divorce, Young Master Qi, who had always been cold and restrained, got drunk. When his friend carried him home from the bar, his friend grumbled, "If you don't want a divorce, don't get a divorce. What's the point of getting drunk every day?" Qi Yu narrowed his eyes and sneered. "Who doesn't want a divorce? I'm very happy to get a divorce!" The news of Song Nian's marriage with the Lu family spread like wildfire. On the day of the engagement, Young Master Qi destroyed the engagement venue and lifted Song Nian on his shoulder in front of everyone. In the remote forest villa, Qi Yu pinned Song Nian under him, displaying her stunning figure clad in her fishtail wedding dress. His eyes were cold and arrogant. "You want to marry someone else? Dream on!"
Qiaoqiao · 623.4K Views

The Rise from Despair: Qiao Nian's Journey of Redemption

# The Rise from Despair: Qiao Nian's Journey of Redemption In the opulent confines of the Hou Mansion, Qiao Nian once reigned as the cherished pearl in the palm of everyone's hands for fifteen blissful years. Her life was a tapestry of love and privilege, surrounded by doting parents, an adoring elder brother, and a promising engagement to the renowned General Xiao, a hero who had achieved great military feats. But fate, with its cruel whims, had other plans. One fateful day, Qiao Nian's world came crashing down around her. She was abruptly informed that she was nothing more than a fake千金 (adopted daughter). In an instant, the love and affection that had been hers were snatched away and bestowed upon Lin Yuan. Her once-loving parents turned their backs on her, devoting all their attention to Lin Yuan. Her elder brother, driven by his infatuation for Lin Yuan, heartlessly pushed her down a small building. Even her fiancé, General Xiao, chose to side with Lin Yuan, leaving Qiao Nian alone and betrayed. For the sake of Lin Yuan, they all stood by indifferently as Qiao Nian was unjustly accused. Without a word of protest, they watched as she was punished and sent to the laundry bureau, where she endured three long years of servitude. Those three years were a living hell, filled with hardship, loneliness, and heartbreak. Day after day, night after night, she suffered in silence, her spirit slowly crushed under the weight of their betrayal. But just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a remarkable transformation occurred. Three years later, the tables turned in a most unexpected way. The Hou Ye and his wife, filled with remorse, fell to their knees before Qiao Nian, tears streaming down their faces. "Nian Nian, we were wrong. Please come home with us," they pleaded, their voices choked with regret. The arrogant young master of the Hou Mansion knelt outside her door for an entire night, his pride shattered. "Nian Nian, can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" he begged, his eyes filled with desperation. And General Xiao, the once-untouchable hero, approached her with wounds that bled both physically and emotionally. "Nian Nian, please have pity on me. Look at me one more time," he implored, his voice filled with pain. But Qiao Nian's heart, which had been broken into a million pieces during those three years of torment, was now as cold as ice. The love and trust that had once burned bright within her had been extinguished, replaced by a deep well of bitterness and resentment. "Pity? It would be better if I were dead and my ashes scattered to the wind," she thought, her heart hardened against their pleas. However, Qiao Nian's story didn't end in despair. In the midst of her darkest hour, she met a man who saw her for who she truly was and loved her unconditionally. With him by her side, she found a new lease on life, a happiness she had never dared to dream of. As Qiao Nian blossomed in her newfound happiness, those who had once wronged her could only watch from afar, filled with regret and longing. They were afraid to even approach her, for fear that in the years to come, they would lose even the chance to catch a glimpse of her from a distance. This is a story of betrayal and redemption, of heartbreak and hope. It is a tale that will take you on an emotional rollercoaster, from the depths of despair to the heights of joy. Join Qiao Nian on her journey as she rises from the ashes of her past and discovers the true meaning of love and happiness.
ky_liu · 16K Views
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