Two different people.
Two different intentions.
At last changed.
Faraway in the universe existed a planet called Hesy. The heir to the throne, Litwin, loses his powers and falls onto the Earth.
Twil, a girl who lives on Earth, taking a stroll finds Litwin near a lake. She takes a pity on the guy who is severely injured and takes him to her house.
The wounds from the war recovers faster than he imagined. Litwin's powers can be only recharged by Alicia but unexpectedly Twil was able to do it too. Humans or Hesians, can never stop being curious.
Given a chance to return to Hesy, he doesn't return and stays on Earth to find answers.
Will he discover the truth or something more than that?
What will happen when he is asked to return and get married to Alicia?
He agrees.
The more he finds answers to his questions, the more everything made sense to him.
•If only i could stay with you•
"The answer to my question is you." He said looking into her eyes.
"Hit you head when you fell or left your brain in your planet?" She mocked and turned to leave while he held her wrist and asked
"Who exactly are you?"