Mobile War Online
The MC comes home one day after school to play one of the few decent mobile games available, only to find they recently added a pay wall? Fearing that there are no longer anymore mobile games for him to play, he frantically searches through the mobile app store to find a game called Mobile War Online made by Mobi-Life. The description and pictures are so captivating, he decides to download it. It looks nothing like what was advertised, but he's desperate. It turns out to be a gacha game?
He plays through the tutorial on his phone and to end the tutorial, he plays the gacha for a help fairy, but before he can see what he got, the game suddenly enters maintenance. He deletes the game and decides to go to sleep. When he wakes up, the game is playing and still on his phone. He presses the screen to enter the game and suddenly theres a bright light and everything changes. He opens his eyes to find the help fairy he summoned last night.