Feathers of Law
In the world of Alnemia, There are 5 contents named Palros, Selo, Vertio, Werno and Dresto. Join me as I tell you the story of Louis Coldwater, a 17 year old boy with aspirations of becoming a Writer. Let me tell of his adventures in Alnemia and I shall teach you the power of LAW.
-This is my first novel and I hope the first of many, This story follows Louis as he learns of the power of law. Law is the power everyone is born with, and the only way to channel the power is with a special tattoo of a feather gained at birth. When focused on, the tattoo will glow and a quill will materialize in the users hand. Using a language newly discovered you can write commands in the air and what is written shall happen. For instance when using a red quill "fire quill" to write Circle of fire, a fire will light around the user in a circle. Simple right? This is the power of law, and this is what the story is about. Sort of, it is about how this world changed with the whims of one man and how Louis grows and learns more about this LAW.-