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Totem Rea

Forgotten Princess Syndrome

'Oh why did I decide to leave the Palace?' I inwardly screamed at myself. How did these people even know who I was?! All I wanted to do was, run away from my horrible life in my Palace and leave to a neighbouring village.' ***** I had to do something because there was no way I'd wait for some kind of help like a damsel in distress. I did not run away from my horrible family just to end up dead. ______ Imagine being the most adored and loved girl in your kingdom but after a trip to a secluded part of the neighbouring country you become a personal maid to your stepsisters. Alyssa Elise Vasquez is the youngest daughter of King Edward of Darinton. She and her older brother, Luke were the pride of their family until their mother died. Six months after her mother's death, her father remarried the daughter of the general of the royal army. After the marriage, she ended up with a stepmother and three stepsiblings. She was suddenly shun and neglected by her father, kept away from her brother and bullied by her two stepsisters, grandfather and stepmother. When she was 16 years old, a war broke out with the neighbouring kingdom of Aragorn. The war lasted for two long years before a truce was made. Aragorn, being the most powerful kingdom of all, opted for peace as long as their request was agreed to. The king of Aragorn demanded a princess be married to the crown prince who also happened to be the youngest prince of Aragorn. It is said that the crown prince personally came and asked for the hand of Alyssa. Alyssa was 18 years old when she was sent to Aragorn as the wife of the young Prince who unbeknownst to her, is said to be a cold blooded evil tryannt and one of the most ruthless people their world has ever seen, Prince Damien of Aragorn. Meanwhile, Prince Damien is the crown prince of Aragorn who struggles to regain power from his power crazy uncle and cousins. Because of his trauma, he became a cold, ruthless and heartless warrior who killed anyone that came in his way but everything changed when he met "her". He tries his best to win the heart of his beloved Alyssa but things aren't easy when her heart remains fixated on the man she met on her 14th birthday.
Sommy_Rea · 11.4K Views

Apocalipsis: Tengo un Sistema Multiplicador

El apocalipsis llegó y los humanos se adaptaron lentamente al ambiente extremo. Después del apocalipsis, la vida de Su Jiyai se vuelve más miserable en la casa de sus padres adoptivos. Su madre adoptiva no dejaba de buscar maneras de venderla, sus primos querían matarla para reducir la carga, y su padre adoptivo intentó aprovecharse de ella. Sin embargo, fue el momento en que sus padres adoptivos la empujaron a ingresar al Ejército en lugar de su hija biológica, que ella dejó la casa y cortó lazos con ellos. Cuando fue admitida en el Ejército, luchó con zombis con sus propias manos ya que no tenía superpoderes. Justo cuando Su Jiayi estaba luchando con los zombis cerca de un lugar misterioso y estaba segura de que moriría, accidentalmente activó un sistema y se convirtió en la dueña de ese lugar misterioso. No solo tenía un lugar seguro donde quedarse, sino que también tenía un sistema increíblemente asombroso que le permitía multiplicar las cosas que obtenía de la Caza de Dimensiones. [¡Ding! ¡Máquina Expendedora Detectada! Felicidades al Anfitrión por obtener la Máquina Expendedora X ∞! El Anfitrión puede comenzar a comprar Máquinas Expendedoras por 200 Monedas Federales] [¡Ding! ¡Habitación de Lujo Detectada! Felicidades al Anfitrión por obtener Habitación de Lujo X ∞! El Anfitrión puede comenzar a comprar Habitación de Lujo por 10000 Monedas Federales] Abrió su propio área residencial y tienda de comestibles. Su tienda de comestibles y la casa de alquiler pronto se convirtieron en un éxito instantáneo y personas de diferentes lugares vinieron a complacerla. A medida que su negocio crecía, sus padres adoptivos vinieron suplicándole pero ella simplemente los echó. ¡Oh! Y ¿no era ese el capitán del Ejército de Willow por quien ella había tenido un flechazo? ¿Por qué la mira como un tesoro perdido cuando ni siquiera conoce su verdadera identidad…? La historia será de ritmo rápido durante los primeros 19 capítulos. La trama principal comenzará después de 20 capítulos.
LittleRabbit1111 · 132.8K Views

Apocalipse: Eu Tenho um Sistema Multiplicador

O apocalipse chegou e os humanos aos poucos se adaptaram ao ambiente extremo. Após o apocalipse, a vida de Su Jiyai se tornou mais miserável na casa de seus pais adotivos. Sua mãe adotiva continuava procurando maneiras de vendê-la, seus primos queriam matá-la para reduzir o fardo, e seu pai adotivo tentou tirar vantagem dela. No entanto, foi o momento em que seus pais adotivos a empurraram para ser admitida no Exército em vez de sua filha biológica, que ela deixou a casa e cortou laços com eles. Quando foi admitida no Exército, ela lutou com zumbis com as próprias mãos, pois não tinha superpoderes. Justo quando Su Jiayi estava lutando com os zumbis perto de um lugar misterioso e tinha certeza de que morreria, ela acidentalmente ativou um sistema e se tornou a proprietária daquele lugar misterioso. Não só ela tinha um lugar seguro para ficar, mas também tinha um sistema incrível que permitia multiplicar as coisas que ela obtinha da Caça Dimensional. [Ding! Máquina de Vendas Detectada! Parabéns ao anfitrião por obter a Máquina de Vendas X ∞! O Anfitrião pode começar a comprar Máquinas de Vendas por 200 Moedas Federais] [Ding! Um Quarto de Luxo Detectado! Parabéns ao anfitrião por obter Quarto de Luxo X ∞! O Anfitrião pode começar a comprar Quarto de Luxo por 10000 Moedas Federais] Ela abriu sua própria área residencial e mercearia. Sua mercearia e a casa alugada logo se tornaram um grande sucesso e pessoas de diferentes lugares vinham agradá-la. Conforme seu negócio crescia, seus pais adotivos vieram implorar a ela, mas ela simplesmente os expulsou. Oh! E não era aquele o capitão do Exército do Salgueiro por quem ela tinha uma queda? Por que ele está olhando para ela como um tesouro perdido quando ele nem mesmo sabe sua verdadeira identidade... A história será acelerada nos primeiros 19 capítulos. O enredo principal começará após 20 capítulos.
LittleRabbit1111 · 74.3K Views

A Mascote do Tirano

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Uma princesa do pequeno reino de Rikhill era amada por todos. Com sua beleza encantadoramente discreta e mente sábia, ela chamou muita atenção e capturou os corações de muitos. Um deles era o carismático príncipe herdeiro do Império Maganti. Tomado pelo desejo de tê-la e pelo interesse na terra do pequeno reino, o príncipe herdeiro do referido império não mediria esforços. Os cavaleiros do Império Maganti marcharam sobre as massas e tomaram o reino de quatrocentos anos de Rikhill. O reino de Rikhill caiu em ruínas da noite para o dia. O príncipe herdeiro não deixou nenhum membro da família real vivo, exceto seu troféu de guerra, Aries. Após sofrer em suas mãos, Aries encontrou a chance perfeita para escapar. Foi quando ele a levou para a cúpula mundial. Um encontro de cada soberano de cada reino e império para conversas de paz. Lá, ela conheceu o imperador de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Sobrecarregada pela desesperança, Aries suplicou para ele acolhê-la. Foi tarde demais quando percebeu que o homem a quem pedira ajuda era muito mais cruel, distorcido e francamente diabólico do que o príncipe herdeiro ao tomá-la como sua... mascote! EXCERTO: Com um par de olhos carmesim pairando sobre ela, Aries prendeu a respiração. Quando o canto dos lábios dele se curvou maliciosamente, ela não conseguiu reagir rapidamente enquanto ele rapidamente invertia suas posições. Ela só percebeu quando estava montada nele, olhando para baixo para Abel, com os olhos arregalados. “Ninguém está acima de mim neste império e até fora dele — nem mesmo a lei, mas olhe para você,” ele entoou com um sorriso diabólico. “Me encarando... tão intimidador.” Aries mordeu o lábio, colocando sua palma no peito tatuado. “Sua Majestade...” “Você agora entende o poder que tem, querida?” Abel cuidadosamente envolveu seus dedos ao redor do pulso dela, satisfeito com sua reação. “Somente você, Aries, pode estar acima de mim e a única pessoa no mundo que pode me olhar de cima. Ninguém mais.” Ele levantou um braço e passou os dedos pelo lado de seu cabelo, fixando a palma na parte de trás da cabeça dela antes de puxá-la para baixo até que seu rosto ficasse a uma distância de uma palma do dele. “É melhor usar isso a seu favor,” ele sussurrou, inclinando a cabeça enquanto a levantava para reivindicar o que é dele. ELA. Conheça Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, o tirano sádico, que reinou um império com punho de ferro. Com a crescente presença de sua mascote, Aries, em sua vida monótona e sombria, ele estava disposto a matá-la. Mas, toda vez que pensava em tirar a vida dela, ele se encontrava mudando de ideia. Quanto mais ele a mantinha ao seu lado, mais difícil se tornava se livrar dela. E quanto mais ele desejava algo mais profundo e mais sombrio... isso o estava enlouquecendo. Com um segredo que ele estava escondendo dela, o que Abel faria se Aries descobrisse a verdade podre por trás do império e do imperador? Ele a mataria? Ou a beijaria? Talvez a enjaulasse? E se ela descobrisse que Abel não era apenas um humano normal, ela tentaria escapar? Ou aceitaria que ele não era apenas um demônio encarnado? Em um mundo complicado que os tingiu de preto, era possível que o amor florescesse entre uma mascote e seu mestre? Assista enquanto esses dois jogam o jogo perigoso e insano de amor e luxúria. Quem seria o mestre e a mascote? Quem era a presa? Leia para saber mais. --------- História Original de: alienfrommars SIGA-ME NO INSTAGRAM para artes originais dos personagens: @authoralienfrommars Servidor do Discord: Isenção de responsabilidade: A capa não é minha. Encontrei no Pinterest. Créditos ao artista.
alienfrommars · 102.5K Views

A spy's life is a lie

I had always thought that life and I were best friends, that luck would always be on my side, that I was the epitome of perfection itself but little did naive, little me know. Life is unfair, luck can be bad and perfection is easily shattered but I payed for it, I learned that information the hard and cruel way. Life betrayed me and took away my parents, perfection turned on me and disappeared before my eyes and luck? My luck went from bad to worse to worst. Have you ever had people in your life that stand by you, support you and give you good advice? If you have then you understand that those people become incredibly important people in your life that it's like they've become melded in you, they become part of your personality, your rock and you begin to admire them and believe that you would have never achieved what you have if not for them. You place them on a pedestal in your head, one far higher than yourself. Now imagine that those people turn their backs on you and betray you and you find out that all their "good" advice were just merely the worst possible advice one could ever receive wrapped up in a pretty pink ribbon. You find out that they are two faced snakes who came into your life just to deceive and destroy. The pain from that is simply indescribable, like if you were on top of a building and it begins crumbles from the ground up sending you falling down but this time instead of falling to your death, you fall down a dark well and begin to wonder a dark path of depression, guilt, self hate and depreciation and regret and I promise you that is a fate far worse than death. I loved watching Spy movies as a kid, I'd even dream about them. I always thought it looked so cool seeing the main character fly through the air and do awesome tricks and defeat the bad guy but everyone else around me disagreed. They all said that spies were bad people and were never to be trusted but I didn't listen, I only trusted what I knew. But when my childhood dream that became my reality was handed to me on a silver platter, I finally understood that all that glitters is not gold. The main character always loses everyone and everything and ends up alone and being a spy is far from the fantasy I'd imagined. A spy's life is nothing but a big lie and false documents made to deceive, infiltrate and annihilate the lives of others. I give you three pieces of advice to carry with you on this damned journey called life. Never, ever under no circumstances must you ever trust a spy they are wolves in sheep's clothing. TRUST NO ONE. Keep a good eye on your pillars, attack before they can make their move. Everything comes with a price some as just more horrid that others. ***** Author here, I hope you enjoyed reading the synopsis, it was really fun to write but for more elaboration; This story is about the adventures of Andrea and her three best friends but it focuses more on Andrea, as she's the main charcter but there are some chapters whers the POV will changeand focus on her friends ot those around her. Andrea, having growing up in a loving family, finds it hard to believe that all she has grown to believe is a lie. She discovers that truly everything is not as it seems as it seems in her world of undercover spies.
Sommy_Rea · 11.6K Views

Blood of the Raging Pack

A Chinese reconnaissance soldier who perished on the southern border battlefield is miraculously reborn in an alternate dimension, unexpectedly transformed into the shamanic priest of a beastman kingdom—a once-in-a-millennium Dragon Totem Priest—while simultaneously bearing the most vicious Blood Curse of the Tainted Familiar's Sacrificial Rite. What dark secrets lie behind this ancient malediction? Alluring fox-tribe beauties, a mermaid princess from the Abyssal Kingdom, enigmatic pearl maidens of the Eastern realms, and angelic swan-winged warrior maidens gradually gravitate toward him. Mysterious Eastern Panda Knights of the Pantaloon Clan, indomitable Giant Elephant Warriors of the Orefin Tribe, invincible Whale Knights of the Benelu Clan who dominate the seas, and champions from the War God's Sanctum join forces to follow the protagonist across the grand theater of war, forging their own legends of glory. Witness how Jing Guan, the rising literary virtuoso of 2005, masterfully weaves this extravagant tapestry of fantastical adventures brimming with romantic entanglements, chronicling the hero's journey to embrace his newfound identity. Through thunderous beastman war hymns, he challenges humanity's formidable arcane arts and undefeated legions, shattering dragon knights’ supremacy as the Dual-Dragon Totem Priest. Leading the Behemoth warriors—once luminous heroes now fading into twilight—he etches a death-defying chronicle of valor in their clash against the invading alien forces, crafting an unparalleled legend of zero casualties across the bloodstained battlefields.
DaoistBnj1RG · 7.6K Views

convertirse joven educada era 1970 con espacio

Lin Xiaowei una joven multimillonaria por accidente descubre que su brazalete de jade dejado como herencia de sus antepasados en realidad se transformó en un espacio portátil al caerle una gota de sangre por accidente. Asi que como amante de las novelas de viajes en el tiempo, transmigración e isekai ya sabiendo el futuro camino de las cosas decidió arreglar sus asuntos de la empresa familiar de la que era presidenta y luego se dispuso a comprar suministros al cabo lo que menos le faltaba era dinero, y cuando vio que podía necesitar mayor cantidad y productos decidió viajar por el extranjero y por muchos lugares del mundo para recolectar suministros, entre ellos fue ganado y aves de corral, semillas, granos de frutas, verduras , aceites sales y condimentos, también muchas hierbas medicinales desde buena calidad hasta pocas de calidad excelente. Compro ropa en grandes distribuidoras de ropa al mayoreo de mujer, hombre, niños y mujeres mayores, por lo cual al llevar una gigante cantidad de productos le hicieron descuento en cada tienda que iba independientemente de su categoría, recolecto mucha pesca marina, asi como productos ya hechos, compro también muchos electrodomésticos, generadores de energía, automóviles, motos, y bicicletas, compro muchos relojes desde modelos económicos hasta modelos caros, compro dulcería, repostería, y aunque dudo también consiguió muchas joyas, oro caligrafías, pinturas, libros tanto nacionales como extranjeros de todos los géneros y categorías, Preparo también muchos aparatos eléctricos como computadoras, tabletas, y celulares, asi como máquinas de coser, maquinaria médica, utensilios de cocina de pesca, de cultivación de flores y plantas, muchas recetas especiales de cada área y muchas cosas más. Para no desperdiciar compro muchas cosas ambientadas en la época de era y las demás eran de era moderna, y otras atemporales, solo cuando el espacio estaba muy lleno se sintió aliviada, el espacio era muy grande y tenía aparte del gigante terreno tenía varios almacenes para cada categoría, uno para alimentos ya creados, otro para granos, semillas y líquidos a granel, otro para ropa zapatos, telas accesorios y maquillaje y skincare. Uno para electrodomésticos, otro para libros recetas, caligrafías, libretas, pinturas para imágenes, plumas, pinturas, otra para juegos de niños y adultos, otro para oro y joyas, otro para accesorios y muebles de la vida cotidiana, otro con refrigeradores para alimentos fríos y congelados, y otros para vehículos, generadores de liz, petróleo, otro para herramientas y maquinaria de construcción, asi como muchos planos para armar maquinaria, y todavía quedaban muchos vacíos para cuando se cocechen lo que se plantó en el espacio. Esta la casa/mansión moderna, que tiene todo equipado para que viva una familia completa en ella. Asi que felizmente cuando regresaba a china después de estar todo un año vagando recolectando suministros y objetos el avión en el que venía sufre una gran turbulencia y ella lo último que oye es la voz ansiosa del capitán antes de caer en la inconciencia hasta que vuelve a abrir los ojos y descubre que efectivamente viajo en el tiempo a la era de 1975 como una joven educada huerfana de martires asi que adentrate en esta historia de como Weiwei se adapta a la era y como poco a poco va subiendo su rango de hasta volver a estar en la cima como en su vida anterior, pero alguien puede decirme porque ese hombre lobo se le pega y planea paso a paso para llevar a su nuera a casa
Darkfairytale8 · 45 Views

Beyond Existence : The Primordial Awakening

Before time, before space, before even the concept of existence—there was only Nothingness. From this void, Chaos emerged, an infinite, formless essence embodying both the Alpha and the Omega. Yet within Chaos, another force was born—not separate, but not the same. It was the System, the Primordial Origin Essence of Chaos, the foundation of all things. It alone held absolute knowledge, absolute authority, and absolute control over every existence, every law, and every power that had ever been or would ever be. Through Chaos and the System, the Multiverse took shape. Planets, dimensions, and countless worlds were created, each governed by their own laws—Martial Arts, Cultivation, Magic, Bloodline Awakening, Totem Power, Beast Taming, and even Supreme Divinity. To maintain the delicate balance, the System birthed countless lesser systems, each selecting hosts to enforce structure and stability. But amidst all, one system stood above all others—the God of All System, the Supreme Origin of Everything. And it would choose only one host. Fate had always been cruel to Rael. Born into a world where strength ruled, he was a nobody—a mere mortal struggling to survive in a universe filled with divine beings, monstrous cultivators, and unfathomable powers. Weak, powerless, abandoned by destiny itself. Until the day he heard a voice. [Ding! The God of All System has awakened.] [You have been chosen as the Sole Host of the Absolute Origin.] [All Daos, all elements, all bloodlines, and all powers are now within your reach.] A power beyond mortal comprehension surged through his body. He felt the presence of the Primordial Chaos Origin Body within him, something no being had ever possessed before. For the first time, he was not just another nameless existence—he was the center of everything. Yet, with such power came an even greater burden. The balance of the Multiverse rested in his hands. He would walk the path between creation and destruction, between order and chaos, between being a savior and an overlord. Would he remain true to himself, or would absolute power consume him? But one thing was certain. "From this moment on... I decide the fate of all existence." The journey begins. The rise of the God of All System’s chosen host will shake the very foundation of the Multiverse itself. — Will he become the ruler of all, or the harbinger of the end?
Myraid_Creater · 1.6K Views

TheLastKingdom: Transmigrated w/ Proficiency System

USA, Louisiana.. a small town in north-east Louisiana.. if you see a little-bitty tiny dot with the name 'Oak Grove' beside it.. in the most north-east corner of Louisiana.. fifteen minute drive north.. and you' ve crossed into the state of Arkansas.. Or if you would have drove fifteen minutes east instead of north.. you would have crossed over the Mississippi-Louisiana state line.. so that gives you a pretty good general location of the town of my birth.. Unfortunately it wouldn't be the town of my untimely and unexpected death.. nope.. for I would not die in a town.. no.. I would be eventually crushed.. by a section.. of thirty-two inch.. steel.. heavy-wall.. industrial pipe.. for a natural gas line.. being lay'n.. from just north of the cities.. Odessa and Midland.. of the state of Texas.. Over a thousand miles away from my place of birth.. Bastrop.. Louisiana.. where the closest 'safe' hospital was for me to be born at.. forty miles west.. by north-west from where my family had lived for generations.. Oak Grove.. My family has worked as surveyors.. for pipelines and gas or oil facilities.. being built all across this great country on the continent of North America.. for atleast two generations.. If my children take up the mantle.. that would make.. three generations of my family.. to feed and provide for their families.. working as pipeline surveyors.. see Oak Grove is poor.. poor as dirt.. total population.. barely over two thousand.. average gross income per capita per family for a year.. less than ten thousand dollars a year.. there's just no real paying jobs.. in Oak Grove or anywhere near it.. so while the people who choose to work in Oak Grove make ten thousand dollars a year.. I started out as a 'rod-man' which was the lowest man on the 'totem-pole'.. making what those in Oak grove..worked a year for.. I made in a month.. I did nothing but pack bundles of wooden stakes.. then carry them up the mountains of West Virginia.. Or across the deserts of West Texas.. swamps of south Louisiana.. down around Baton Rouge.. or Tibbedaux.. the Everglades of Florida.. fuck I get that nauseous feeling every time I think of when I 'work'd' there.. I walked up on a dead body without a head.. not long after that.. still on the same project I saw the 'headless' corpse on.. I almost stepped on the biggest python I've ever seen.. the fucker was atleast ten feet long and two to three feet wide around.. Anywho, back to what I was talking back before I went off subject for a bit.. I started out making ten thousand dollars every month.. thats twelve times what I would have earned working a month in Oak Grove.. instead of working in these dangerous jobs.. Been a lot of dangerous places.. dangerous terrains.. working in a very hazardous career.. but I was well paid like I said.. and now I don't have a body left to send home to my parents.. that section of pipe.. weigh tens of thousands of pounds.. when the 'Komoda' excavators that were lifting the section tipped.. that was it.. one of the operators didn't extend his 'boom' on his excavator all the way out like he should have.. Now the pipes falling.. as soon as it lands on me.. thats it.. so much weight.. my head will pop and shoot right of my shoulders.. up in the air towards the heavens themselves.. reaches its peak height of its short flight.. then falling.. all whilst my body will be crushed and explode to nothing but splatter'd meat paste.. ending my first life.. trust I've seen it.. I know what will happen from experience.. and so beings the next chapter of life.. I see a tunnel with bright light radiating from then end of it.. as I reach the light I take the final step.. the blinding light recedes and fades away out of existence.. I find my surroundings returning to a lightness that my eyes can afford to see clearly in.. only to meet another pair of eyes facing me.. everything else is shrouded by darkness.. I see only eyes.. staring at me.. staring into me.. starin
Raymond_McKoin · 32K Views

I am Tattooing a Totem in Another World

I am tattooing a totem in another world. Author: A piece of nonsense. The wanderers who had lost their totems gathered together to keep each other warm, living without food or clothing, until one day they picked up a man from the earth. Traveling through another world, Lin Xiao looked at this primitive world in bewilderment. Every tribe in this world has its own totem. Only those who light the totem can become a totem warrior, so he silently picked up his job as a tattoo artist. . Lin Xiao: Brother, can’t you light the totem? Tribal man: ...Are you looking for death? Lin Xiao: It doesn’t matter, I’ll give you a tattoo and it will still work! Tribesman:? ? ? Content tags: Another World Traveling Through Time and Space Infrastructure One-sentence summary: Tattoo artist engages in construction in another world Brief review of the work: Lin Xiao, who had traveled through another world, looked at the primitive world in front of him and the two ronin kids. He looked at the sky speechlessly, no, he couldn't live this poor and miserable life, he had to do something! In the wilderness era, tribes fought, and the tribe was destroyed when the totem was destroyed. To become a ronin after the tribe was destroyed was to dance with the god of death. The ronin who lost the totem lived a miserable life until a tribe called Yanhuang appeared to break all this. Lin Xiao, a tattoo artist, traveled to another world to build a tribe from scratch, take in rogues, and carry out construction, gradually changing the rules of this iron-blooded wilderness era. #NoCp#
Zephyrian · 34.4K Views

Start - The World Behind the Door

NOT: Unless you are a sadistic maniac who enjoys constant suffering of a human being, I strongly advise you not to read this novel. *** Yu Valarfin is a young university student who has lost his family and is alone. While thinking there is nothing tying him to life, he receives a phone call and has to leave his house. But when he opens the door, he is confronted by a world he has never seen! Finding himself trapped outside the door in a fit of absent-mindedness, Yu is forced to undertake an impossible mission filled with witches, demons, and death, with no power to help him. *** -Isekai -Dark fantasy -Male lead -No power fantasy / no op main character (regular human strength) -No loli romance -No rpg/system *** Arc I - The World Behind the Door (7 chapters / 34.000 words) Arc II - Golden Letters of Rolderhelm (43 chapters / - 186.000 words) Arc III - Sound of Bells Arc IV - Touching a Star Arc V - Dream of the Doves Arc VI - (In writting progress) *** Must read that notes before starting (please): 1) I am writing the original version in Turkish, this is a translation. 2) It's a slow-paced story. 3) And when I say slow, it's really, rea~lly, rea~~lly slow. Even slower than you can ever think. 4) If you're the kind of reader who says after 30 chapters "I've read too much, now I want the character to be strong", this is definitely not for you. 5) The story will be longer than 15 arcs and events will start around arc 3. So the first two arcs are like a prologue to the story (yes, 220,000 words long prologue). 6) The reason why the story is so long is that I want to give a realistic view of character and story development. You may not see much in one arc, you will see things as the next arcs come. 7) Since the original version is in Turkish (and my English is not very good, I use DeepL) you may see some grammatical problems. Probably the most common one is the he/she problem because my language doesn't have a he/she distinction. I'm trying to improve my English, but if you say it's too bad, I can stop the translation and continue after I've improved more, or if you point out my mistakes, I'll try to fix them. *** PLEASE DO NOT READ IF: 1) you have no tolerance for narcissistic characters. 2) you are not a masochist. 3) you are not patient. *** I don't want to make you to read something that you don't like and I know the story is for a very small audience, so I don't want you to get bored, it's important that you read the notes.
Berke1 · 91.5K Views
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