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Gu Yuens

the girl of mountain and sea

In "Mountain and Sea Girl", the romantic saying "The one you love is separated by mountains and seas, but the mountains and seas can be crossed" leads to a unique campus story. Song Li, the renowned school bully of No. 13 Middle School, with the intention of getting close to Gu Ke'ai, the vice monitor of Su Xian's class, resolutely transferred to Zhongwu High School. Facing this secondary school boy who transferred for love, Su Xian, the monitor of the top class, gently pushed his black-rimmed glasses with a prescription of 200 degrees and calmly said, "Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm the monitor, and my alias is 'Mountain and Sea'." Since then, Song Li's plan to cross the "mountains and seas" to get close to Gu Ke'ai has encountered more twists and turns because of Su Xian's existence. At first, Song Li repeatedly failed and stumbled everywhere in the face of "Mountain and Sea". However, in the repeated confrontations, Song Li unexpectedly discovered that Su Xian, the usually serious and earnest monitor, seemed to have a different kind of cuteness. Su Xian, the monitor, is calm and composed in the class, exuding a bit of handsomeness and freedom; while Song Li, who seems as fierce as a wolf dog on the outside, is actually a lively "Siberian Husky" inside. As the story progresses, there are continuous major and minor exams and in-class quizzes on campus. Amidst the interweaving of academic studies, the relationship between the two gradually changes. Song Li, who once only had the intention of getting close to someone else, begins to be unconsciously attracted to Su Xian, and Su Xian also sees the different shining points in Song Li during the process of getting along with him.
DaoistsDbK74 · 0 Views

Monsieur le PDG, votre épouse est une BOSS cachée !

Il y a cinq ans, Qiao Nian fut victime d'une machination de sa sœur, Qiao Xin. Après avoir passé une nuit avec un inconnu, Qiao Nian tomba enceinte. Elle ne savait pas qui était le père de l'enfant et accoucha finalement d'un enfant mort-né. Sous les manigances de sa mère et de sa sœur, Qiao Nian fut dépossédée de ses parts dans le groupe Qiao et envoyée dans un hôpital psychiatrique. Cinq ans plus tard, sa jeune sœur, Qiao Xin, allait être mariée au Second Jeune Maître de la famille Gu. On le disait extrêmement laid. Le jour de sa naissance, le médecin avait prédit qu'il ne vivrait pas au-delà de vingt ans. Sa mère ne pouvait supporter de voir Qiao Xin épouser une telle personne et pensa à Qiao Nian, qui était toujours enfermée dans l’hôpital psychiatrique. Du jour au lendemain, Qiao Nian fut sortie de l’hôpital pour remplacer Qiao Xin dans son mariage avec la famille Gu. Sa mère déclara, "C'est une bonne chose que Qiao Nian, cette bonne à rien, puisse remplacer Xin'er pour être une veuve vivante dans la famille Gu. Si Xin'er devait épouser dans cette famille, j'en serais malheureuse." Qiao Xin dit, "Maman, ne parle pas ainsi de Sœur. Sans elle, je ne saurais pas quoi faire. Je suis juste inquiète que Sœur ne soit pas d'accord." Son père dit, "Xin'er, tu es trop gentille. As-tu oublié comment Qiao Nian t'a calomniée il y a cinq ans ? Elle n'a aucune retenue. Elle est tombée enceinte avant le mariage et a même accouché d'un enfant mort-né. Nous sommes déjà bien gentils de la laisser épouser quelqu'un de la prestigieuse famille Gu ! Quel droit a-t-elle d'être difficile ?" Qiao Nian ricana. À l'époque, la conspiration contre elle n'avait réussi que grâce à une combinaison improbable de facteurs, la faisant souffrir. Elle allait se venger de tous ! Tout le monde pensait que ses actions étaient le résultat d'une mentalité de perdante et d'une maladie mentale, mais peu savaient que ce mariage serait une union forte comme Mars s'écrasant sur la Terre ! Grâce à son exceptionnel talent en médecine, Qian Nian fit ravaler leurs paroles à toutes sortes de gens minables et de salauds. En un clin d'œil, ses multiples identités choquèrent le monde lorsqu'elles furent révélées. Il s'avéra qu'elle était assez riche pour rivaliser avec un pays ! Plus tard, le Second Jeune Maître Gu plaça une paire de mini-clones de Qiao Nian devant elle. Face à ces deux enfants qui lui ressemblaient, ainsi qu'à Gu Zhou, Qiao Nian cligna des yeux, stupéfaite. "Quand est-ce que j'ai accouché de tes enfants ?"
JQK · 133.6K Views

Lady Gu ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen

Man munkelte, dass Qiao Xi eine schwache Konstitution hatte - eine kränkliche Schönheit. Man munkelte, dass sie jeden Tag ein Vermögen für Medikamente ausgab und sie wie Süßigkeiten verschlang. Man munkelte, dass zehn Diener jeden Tag an ihrem Bett auf sie warteten - eine Last für alle. Sie alle warteten darauf, dass die Qiao-Familie Qiao Xi zurück aufs Land schickte und sie dort sich selbst überließ. Qiao Xi: "Sie sagen alle, dass ich schwach bin und nicht auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Anscheinend gebe ich auch leichtsinnig Geld aus." Sie sah auf ihr zerfleddertes Hemd hinunter und war verärgert. Qiao Xi: "Willst du damit sagen, dass diese reiche Familie ihre Tochter jeden Tag zerfledderte Kleidung tragen lässt?" Die reiche Tochter der Familie Qiao? Sie hatte genug! Sie würde es nicht mehr sein! Deshalb... Dreckskerl: "Ohne die Qiao Familie bist du nichts." Qiao Xi: "Wenn ich aus der Qiao-Familie rausgeschmissen werde, bin ich erledigt." Das dreckige Mädchen: "Schwesterherz, sei nicht zu enttäuscht. Solange du hart arbeitest, wirst du eines Tages gelobt werden." Qiao Xi: "Halt die Klappe, ich kenne keine Verräterin wie dich." Der Dreckskerl und das Mädchen: "???" Man munkelt, dass der jüngste Sohn der Familie Gu, Gu Zheng, vorschnell eine Frau geheiratet hat, die nur gut aussieht. Qiao Xi: "Schaut jemand auf mich herab?" Eines Tages sah Qiao Xi, wie einer von Gu Zhengs Angestellten sich den Kopf über eine Reihe von Zahlen auf dem Computerbildschirm zerbrach. Da sie frei war, half sie ihm. Hat sie gerade die Firewall geknackt, die durch die gemeinsamen Bemühungen von Top-Elite-Hackern geschaffen wurde?! Gu Zheng kam mit jedem Schritt näher. "Qiao Xi, was verheimlichst du noch vor mir? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Oh, nein! Mir ist schon wieder schwindlig! Ich bin so schwach. Mein Körper ist einfach zu schwach!"
Qiaoqiao · 65.2K Views

Nyonya Gu Terlalu Lemah untuk Melindungi Dirinya Sendiri

``` Kabar burung mengatakan bahwa Qiao Xi memiliki konstitusi yang lemah—seorang kecantikan yang selalu sakit-sakitan. Kabar burung mengataikan bahwa ia menghabiskan harta setiap hari untuk obat-obatan—mengonsumsinya seperti permen. Kabar burung mengatakan bahwa sepuluh pelayan melayani dia di samping tempat tidurnya setiap hari—menjadi beban bagi semua orang. Mereka semua menunggu keluarga Qiao untuk melemparkan Qiao Xi kembali ke pedesaan dan membiarkannya hidup sendiri. Qiao Xi: "Semua orang bilang saya lemah dan tidak bisa merawat diri sendiri. Rupanya, saya juga menghabiskan uang dengan sembrono juga." Dia melihat ke bawah pada bajunya yang compang-camping dan merasa jengkel. Qiao Xi: “Apa kamu bilang bahwa keluarga kaya ini membiarkan anak perempuannya memakai baju compang-camping setiap hari?” Anak perempuan kaya dari keluarga Qiao? Sudah cukup! Dia tidak akan seperti itu lagi! Oleh karena itu… Lelaki brengsek: "Tanpa keluarga Qiao, kamu bukan apa-apa." Qiao Xi: "Jika saya diusir dari keluarga Qiao, saya akan hancur." Perempuan brengsek: "Kak, jangan terlalu kecewa. Selama kamu bekerja keras, suatu hari kamu akan dipuji.” Qiao Xi: “Diam, saya tidak kenal pengkhianat sepertimu.” Lelaki dan perempuan brengsek itu: "???" Kabar burung mengatakan bahwa putra bungsu keluarga Gu, Gu Zheng, menikahi wanita yang hanya memiliki penampilan saja dengan tergesa-gesa. Qiao Xi: "Ada yang meremehkan saya?" Suatu hari, Qiao Xi melihat salah satu karyawan Gu Zheng memusingkan otaknya menghadapi serangkaian angka di layar komputer. Berhubung dia sedang punya waktu luang, ia pun membantu. Apakah dia baru saja membobol firewall yang dibuat oleh kerja sama peretas elit teratas?! Gu Zheng mendekat selangkah demi selangkah. "Qiao Xi, apa lagi yang kamu sembunyikan dariku? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Oh, tidak! Saya merasa pusing lagi! Saya sangat lemah. Tubuh saya ini terlalu lemah!" ```
Qiaoqiao · 111.6K Views

Esposa Querida dos Anos Oitenta

Gu Huai'an, um jovem descendente da Mansão do Pátio Número 01, tornou-se o comandante-chefe no Centro de Comando de Aviação Dragon em tenra idade. Era conhecido por seu comportamento frio e raramente sorria ou ria. Não apenas vinha de uma família distinta, mas também era a gema inatingível da Mansão do Pátio Número 01 de Beidu. De repente, um dia, ele ouviu alguém o chamando de "irmãozinho". Quando seguiu a voz, uma garota bonita com um rosto indiferente perguntou, "Com licença, senhor, eu o conheço?" Mas ao mesmo tempo: 【Nossa, irmãozinho é tão bonito.】 【Existem montanhas além de montanhas, prédios além de prédios, mas irmãozinho é bonito e gentil.】 【Irmãozinho, me abraça!】 Gu Huai'an: …… A boca da garotinha, enganadora como a de um fantasma. ********* Song Yunuan transmigrou para um livro de época e se tornou uma vilã secundária que seria logo eliminada — um papel tão pequeno quanto há de menor. No seu primeiro dia no livro, ela estava na casa da Família Song, tentando arduamente se lembrar de por que a inteira Família Song seria exterminada na história. No fim, ela falhou em notar as expressões petrificadas coletivas dos membros da Família Song. Mais tarde… Seu pai se tornou o homem mais rico, seu irmão um advogado top, seu irmão mais novo um cientista, sua tia mais nova uma cantora, e até sua avó se tornou uma proprietária de terras. Ela mesma se transformou na queridinha de todos. Song Yunuan: O que aconteceu com o começo infernal que me prometeram?
Joe Yishui · 30.8K Views

Guía para domar a mis maridos villanos

Secuela de Guía para criar a mis adorables esposos. Mo Qiang, una arquitecta, fue elegida por el hada de la naturaleza que la llevó al mundo interestelar donde fue castigada a revivir la naturaleza que ella misma había destruido con sus propias manos mientras creaba arquitectura que pensaba estaba abriendo el camino hacia el futuro. Ahora, atascada con un sistema de revitalización de la naturaleza en un mundo lleno de gases venenosos y cosas intergalácticas donde tiene que empezar desde el principio y plantar más bosques y cultivos mientras crea un mundo habitable para los humanos, Mo Qiang estaba sufriendo. Pero suena fácil, ¿verdad? ¡No! En su camino tiene tres esposos villanos, todos ellos quieren matarla para poder casarse con su capaz hermana después de echarla a patadas, quien era una inútil y buena para nada. Mo Qiang no tiene nada en contra de ellos, de hecho, está más que dispuesta a divorciarse de ellos después de asegurar su vida y aumentar su favorabilidad en sus corazones para que no la maten pero —¿Por qué vienen por ella ahora? Hola, todos ustedes querían casarse con su hermana, ¿verdad? Extracto: —Aquí tienes —dijo Mo Qiang mientras empujaba el acuerdo de divorcio mirando a su primer esposo que era gentil pero venenoso como una serpiente—. Ya he firmado el documento de nuestro divorcio, puedes echarle un vistazo —espera, ¿por qué te estás quitando la ropa? El tritón la miró y sonrió suavemente mientras se quitaba las gafas y dijo: —Parece que mi esposa no está contenta conmigo por no haber tenido nuestro hijo, no te preocupes trabajaré duro esta noche. Mo Qiang: "....." ¡No quiero que trabajes duro! ¡Toma el segundo! —Toma esto y fírmalo —dijo Mo Qiang, esta vez con más firmeza mientras miraba a su segundo esposo que estaba leyendo un guion para su película—. Estoy segura de que quieres divorciarte de mí, ¿verdad? Ya he firmado —¡guau! ¿Para qué me estás poniendo en la cama? —preguntó mientras miraba el rostro magnífico. Su segundo esposo la miró fijamente y con una expresión vacía y voz fría como el agua dijo: —Tengo que practicar una escena de amor, ayúdame, querida esposa. Mo Qiang: "......" ¡Esta película que estás filmando se basa en el apocalipsis Zerg, no me mientas! ¿Con quién vas a hacer el amor? ¿Un Zerg? ¡Toma el tercero! —Huff, huff... este es el acuerdo de divorcio, fírmalo... Sé que tu compañía no permite que los ídolos salgan con alguien así que aquí, fírmalo —le dijo a su tercer esposo que estaba practicando sus pasos de baile. El tritón que estaba vestido con una camisa de seda suelta y sudor bajando por su cuerpo echó un vistazo al documento que ella le estaba entregando y luego abrazó a Mo Qiang. Un segundo después escuchó su voz sollozante mientras le llenaba el cuello de besos: —¿Esposa, ya no me quieres? ¿Es ese nuevo ídolo quien captó tu atención, lo sabía! ¡Me ocuparé de él! —¡Deja ese cuchillo! ¿Y por qué el tercer príncipe de la familia imperial que la odia hasta los huesos viene tras ella con flores? ¡Ya tiene suficiente con lo que tiene en las manos! ...
fairytail72 · 253.8K Views

Steadily becoming a saint, the immortal officials hired me to tend the horses

The latest novel by the author of 'I Became An Immortal On Mortal Realm', Let me laugh, the author you will never be disappointed with, enjoy to your heart's content!!! ------------- Author's message to webnovel readers: It has come as an unexpected delight that Xianxia novels, a genre unique to China, have been warmly received by an international audience. I sincerely thank everyone for their support. I am committed to considering all the valuable suggestions put forth by readers, and to maintaining the style you have all come to love, all the while striving to continue delivering my best work. The book "Steadily Becoming a Saint, The Immortal Officials Hired Me to Tend the Horses" retains the familiar style of my previous works but ventures into entirely new territory with its plot and world-building. This story will reflect mortal aspirations for eternal life and ascension to immortality, as well as portray the epic tale of celestial beings witnessing the evolution of the universe through the ages. I hope you will all enjoy it. Best regards. by Let me laugh ------------- As a house servant, Gu An accidentally shattered a jar of Spirit Flowers in his youth, and in his panic, he discovered that he had seized twelve years of life span! A path to immortality thus unfolded before Gu An's eyes! In order to cultivate in peace, Gu An chose to become a Servant Disciple of the Supreme Sect, planting medicinal herbs daily to cultivate by seizing the life span of these herbs. Through the evolution of life span, his Basic Skill constantly evolved, deducing from Basic Sorcery to reach Divine Skills that connected to heaven! Eras changed, constellations shifted, and the Mortal World transformed vastly. Gradually, legends of immortals emerged in the Mortal World. The immortal known as Gu An expended half of his life span, helping his Cultivation Level break through the limits of the Immortal Path and achieving the realm of a Saint, soaring above the heavenly laws. However, one day, a white-robed old man with a saintly presence came to visit Gu An. "I am Xuan Qing from the Heavenly Stars above, appointed by the Heavenly Emperor Tai Hao. Hearing of Daoist Friend's numerous benevolent deeds in the Mortal World and your countless rescues of the living beings here, the merits are immeasurable. Thus, I have been dispatched from the Lower Realm to invite Daoist Friend to join the ranks of the immortals, to take up an immortal office, the Divine Steed Celestial Official." "May I ask what the duties of the Divine Steed Celestial Official are?" "In the Heavenly Court, there are divine steeds that can traverse earth and heaven and penetrate Yin Yang. The Divine Steed Celestial Official is responsible for looking after and feeding these divine steeds." Huh? Taking care of horses? Groom?!
Let me laugh · 2.4M Views

Can We Say No to Divorce?

Bei Ran lay on the operating table, Gu Qingchen was her surgeon. His eyes, deep as the Aegean Sea, gazed at her: "Honey, it's been four years since we got married, and you're still afraid of me?" Honey? Last night he already threw a divorce agreement at her, what right does he have to call her that? In City A, Gu Qingchen is a long-lasting legend. He is a leading figure in the medical field and a major shareholder in a Fortune 500 company, capable of great influence in the business world. He only needed an obedient wife. Bei Ran was so 'obedient' that he never had to worry. The four-year marriage was just a matter of agreement, but who is the one lingering endlessly after the divorce? She accidentally fell into water at a wedding she was hosting, he said: "Beg me, you know I'm always responsive to your demands!" "Gu Qingchen, we're divorced!" Bei Ran couldn't stand it anymore! He laughed coldly: "Bei Ran, we've been married for four years, you have a five-year-old daughter, do you really want to die here?" Bei Ran was shocked, he knew? Would he fight her for her daughter? Gu Qingchen could never have imagined that the chubby little bun in front of him was actually his biological daughter! "Bei Ran, you hid it from me for five years, always flawlessly obedient before me, tell me, how should I punish you?" Gu Qingchen raised a bloodthirsty smile. Could she possibly not tell him there is also a son who looks just like him! Theater Version: The teacher informed Bei Ran that her son had used a scalpel in school to investigate the cause of death of poisoned small animals. Her daughter was causing a stir in school with her stock trading. In her anger, she said, "No one to take you to school today, take the bus yourselves." The daughter sought help from Gu Qingchen but got no response, so she said: "Yesterday, a pretty aunt stayed in Dad's office for an hour, and her skirt was super short." The twins truly had a shared understanding; the son said: "The station manager hugged Mom yesterday, even kissed her cheek, and said he would never let go!" Bei Ran and Gu Qingchen spoke in unison: "Trying to sow discord, you're still too naive, go to school yourselves!" The siblings shouldered their backpacks and went to take the bus, while the couple returned to the bedroom, closing the door behind them. She leapt onto him, her fiery temper on full display: "You actually stayed with that woman for an entire hour?" He was overbearingly domineering: "Damn it, which part of you did he kiss, I will seal his mouth with a scalpel!"
Lazy Color · 85.7K Views
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