They say a vampire is a creature of the night, cursed to feed on blood and never to see the sunlight, well yes, that’s what the legends say, but even though the legends were true, there were those of us that escaped the curse of the night, a sacred bloodline of vampires that has the ability to walk under the sun, we were called the Sun walkers, for centuries we were haunted by the night vampires, chased and killed, our kind were feared by the others, so they haunted us, out of fear for our existence we fled, many years past and I am the last Sun walker in over a hundred years, cursed to carry my secret alone and protect myself from monsters of the night that would seek to kill me, for years I have lived among humans in the shadow, until I met him and he changed my story”.
Hazel Michelson was a vampire who has lived for hundreds of years, she had the ability to walk in the sun, after living her life constantly hiding from the night vampires seeking to kill her, she and her aunt Bonnie moved to new Orleans for a fresh start, but things changed for her when she met “Philip Baker”, a seventeen years old highschooler and a waiter, after she saved Philip’s life she immediately felt a bond with him, a bond that would put everything at risk, would she be able to protect her bonded mate from what’s coming or would her past finally catch up with them…