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Cherry Blossoms


In the glittering, snake-infested court of Ignis, where power was a double-edged sword and loyalty a rare gem, Selanthia Amaris Nyxveil stood as a legend cloaked in infamy. Known by many names—*The Hound of the Emperor*, **The Cursed Sword*, **The Witch of Nyxveil*, and *The Abandoned One*—she was a weapon forged by duty and sharpened by betrayal. For forty long years, she served as the Emperor’s blade, cutting down threats to the throne with ruthless precision. Yet, behind the cold steel and the icy gaze, Selanthia harbored no love for the crown or the vipers who surrounded it. She was a woman bound by fate, not choice. At 48, weary of the endless machinations of the court, Selanthia chose to retire. With no family to call her own, she left behind the gilded cage of Ignis for the simplicity of the countryside. Her dreams were modest: to bake sweet treats, tend to chickens, lose herself in books she’d never had time to read, and find solace in the quiet rhythm of church prayers. A peaceful, ordinary life—a stark contrast to the blood-stained path she had walked for decades. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Just 28 hours into her newfound tranquility, Selanthia’s life was brutally cut short. Poisoned and attacked in the dead of night, she breathed her last beneath a cold, uncaring sky. Her final thoughts were not of vengeance or regret for the life she had led, but of the life she had never known. She wished for love, for a kind and handsome partner, for children whose laughter might have filled the void in her heart. She wished she had never taken up the sword, that she might have written a different ending to her tale. Yet, death was not the end. Selanthia awoke not in the afterlife but in a world both familiar and strange. Perched high in a cherry blossom tree, she was greeted by the voice of Rina, her long-dead confidante. Now, thrust into a bewildering new reality, Selanthia must unravel the threads of this strange second chance. Is this a cruel jest of the gods, a dream spun from her dying regrets, or something far more sinister? And why, of all people, THAT MAN—who disappeared without a word— is acting all weird? As the petals of the cherry blossoms fall around her, Selanthia finds herself caught in a web of mystery, romance, and perhaps, redemption. But in this enchanted new life, where nothing is as it seems, can she unravel the twist of life brought forward by THAT MAN? Or will the shadows of her past rise to claim her once more?
Erlyyy · 16K Views

Après avoir échoué à séduire le grand ponte tyrannique, j'ai été entraînée dans un mariage

# THÉRAPEUTIQUE # GÂTERSAFEMME # TÊTUE Sang Qianqian, la fille aînée de la famille Sang, avait dix-huit ans quand elle est tombée amoureuse de Shen Hanyu à première vue. "Je t'aime, Shen Hanyu." "Mais pas moi," répondit Shen Hanyu sans pitié, chaque mot plein de détermination. "Ni maintenant, ni jamais."Furieuse, la riche héritière planifia sa vengeance contre Shen Hanyu mais découvrit par hasard qu'il deviendrait un tyran froid et impitoyable qui détruirait sa famille ! Sa rancœur envers lui monta en flèche, mais après son départ, il manqua Sang Qianqian comme un fou, alors qu'elle menait maintenant une vie insouciante après avoir déménagé loin et feint sa mort. Soudain, elle entendit la nouvelle que Shen Hanyu, devenu un magnat et apparemment plus fou encore, avait fait exhumé sa tombe et était maintenant à sa recherche. Alarmée, elle se dépêcha de faire ses valises pour s'enfuir à nouveau... seulement pour trouver l'homme lui-même debout à sa porte, respirant à travers des dents serrées, "Tu fuis encore ? Vas-y."Sachant que l'évasion était futile, Sang Qianqian changea de tactique et tenta de s'en sortir en usant de son charme, mais échoua et finit par s'y soumettre.***Des années plus tard, réalisant qu'elle avait été dupée, Sang Qianqiang jeta les papiers du divorce devant Shen Hanyu. "Je veux divorcer !"Shen Qianyu la tira simplement dans ses bras et se pencha pour l'embrasser. Se détachant après un long moment, il demanda d'une voix rauque, "Tu veux toujours divorcer ?"Étourdie par le baiser, Song Qianqian marmonna, "N-Non..." "Alors appelle-moi chéri." "C-Chéri..."Shen Hanyu acquiesça, satisfait. "C'est bien, ma fille."
Little Tower of Blossoms · 81.5K Views

Fui Seduzida para um Casamento Após Falhar em Encantar o Grande Mandachuva Tirânico

#TERAPÊUTICO #MIMARAESPOSA #TEIMOSA Sang Qianqian, a filha mais velha da família Sang, tinha dezoito anos quando se apaixonou por Shen Hanyu à primeira vista. "Eu te amo, Shen Hanyu." "Mas eu não," respondeu Shen Hanyu impiedosamente, cada palavra dele determinada. "Nem agora, nem nunca."Furiosa, a rica herdeira planejou sua vingança contra Shen Hanyu mas de alguma forma descobriu que ele eventualmente se tornaria um magnata frio e tirânico que destruiria a sua família! Seu rancor contra ele cresceu, mas depois que ela partiu, ele sentiu a falta de Sang Qianqian como um louco, que agora levava uma vida despreocupada após se mudar para longe e forjar sua morte. De repente, ela ouviu a notícia de que Shen Hanyu, agora um magnata e aparentemente mais louco, tinha exumado sua cova e agora estava à procura dela. Alarmada, ela rapidamente arrumou suas coisas para fugir novamente... apenas para encontrar o próprio homem parado do lado de fora de sua porta, respirando com os dentes cerrados, "Fugindo de novo? Tente."Sabendo que a fuga era inútil, Sang Qianqian mudou sua abordagem e tentou encantar seu caminho para sair da situação perigosa, só para falhar e acabar se submetendo.***Anos depois, percebendo que havia sido enganada, Sang Qianqian jogou os papéis do divórcio na frente de Shen Hanyu. "Eu quero um divórcio!"Shen Hanyu simplesmente a puxou para seus braços e se inclinou para um beijo. Afastando-se após um longo tempo, perguntou roucamente, "Ainda quer um divórcio?"Atordoada pelo beijo, Sang Qianqian murmurou, "N-Não..." "Então me chame de querido." "Q-Querido..."Shen Hanyu acenou satisfeito. "Boa menina."
Little Tower of Blossoms · 58.1K Views

Fui seducida a un matrimonio después de no poder encantar al déspota poderoso

Sang Qianqian, la hija mayor de la familia Sang, tenía dieciocho años cuando se enamoró a primera vista de Shen Hanyu. —Te amo, Shen Hanyu. —Pero yo no —respondió Shen Hanyu sin piedad—, cada una de sus palabras era determinante. —Ni ahora ni nunca. Furiosa, la adinerada hija planeó su venganza contra Shen Hanyu pero de alguna manera descubrió que él acabaría convirtiéndose en un magnate despiadado y tiránico que destruiría a su familia. Su rencor hacia él se incrementó, pero después de que ella se marchó, él extrañó a Sang Qianqian como un loco, quien ahora llevaba una vida despreocupada después de mudarse lejos y fingir su muerte. De repente, escuchó la noticia de que Shen Hanyu, ahora un magnate y aparentemente más loco, había exhumado su tumba y estaba buscándola. Alarmada, rápidamente empacó sus cosas para huir de nuevo... solo para encontrar al hombre en cuestión parado frente a su puerta, respirando con los dientes apretados: —¿Huyendo otra vez? Inténtalo. Sabiendo que la fuga era inútil, Sang Qianqian cambió de táctica y trató de encandilarlo para salir de la peligrosa situación, solo para fracasar y terminar sometiéndose. *** Años después, al darse cuenta de que había sido engañada, Sang Qianqiang lanzó los papeles de divorcio frente a Shen Hanyu. —¡Quiero el divorcio! Shen Qianyu simplemente la atrajo hacia sus brazos y se inclinó para darle un beso. Alejándose después de un buen rato, preguntó roncamente: —¿Todavía quieres el divorcio? Aturdida por el beso, Song Qianqian murmuró: —N-No... —Entonces llámame cariño. —C-Cariño... Shen Hanyu asintió satisfecho. —Buena chica.
Little Tower of Blossoms · 109.1K Views

Broken Summon

The classroom was already half-full when he arrived. As usual, nobody met his eyes. He slumped into his seat, pulled out his phone, and— The world froze. Literally froze. The chattering students, the falling cherry blossoms outside the window, even the dust motes in the air—all suspended in perfect stillness. "Oh, wonderful hero," a melodious voice echoed through the room. "Your world faces a terrible crisis, and you have been chosen to—" "No," he said flatly. A pause. Then a shimmer of golden light coalesced into the form of a beautiful woman in flowing robes. She blinked at him. "I… what?" "I said no. I’m not interested in whatever quest or destiny you’re selling. Pick someone else." The goddess’s perfect features creased in confusion. "But… but you’ve been chosen! The prophecy speaks of a warrior with a fierce spirit, one who—" "Lady, I don’t care about your prophecy. I’ve got enough problems here without adding some fantasy world’s issues to the mix. Now unfreeze time and leave me alone." "You don’t understand," she pressed. "Our world is being ravaged by the Demon King’s armies! Millions will die without—" "Sounds like a you problem." He turned back to his phone, though the screen remained frozen like everything else. The goddess’s confusion shifted to anger. The temperature in the room dropped several degrees. "You dare dismiss a divine messenger so casually? Perhaps I should demonstrate the gravity of the situation."
luthizo · 2.5K Views
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