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La Sorcière Maudite du Diable

```` L'histoire d'un homme qui apporte la mort et d'une fille qui la nie. ---- Sur la montagne hantée dans le royaume, ils disent qu'il y avait une sorcière. Elle était née princesse. Mais même avant sa naissance, le prêtre l'avait déclarée maudite et avait exigé sa mort. Ils empoisonnèrent la mère pour tuer le bébé avant qu'elle n'accouche, mais le bébé naquit d'une mère morte — un enfant maudit. Encore et encore, ils ont essayé de tuer le bébé mais elle a miraculeusement survécu à chaque tentative. Abandonnant, ils la laissèrent sur la montagne hantée pour mourir mais elle survécut encore sur cette terre aride — Une sorcière ‘Pourquoi ne mourra-t-elle pas ?’ Des années plus tard, le peuple en eut finalement assez de la sorcière et décida de brûler la montagne. Mais le Diable arriva à son secours et la prit avec lui loin de cet endroit en flammes, car mourir n'était pas son destin même à ce moment-là. Draven Amaris. Le Dragon Noir, qui régnait sur les êtres surnaturels, le Diable que personne ne souhaitait croiser. Il haïssait les humains mais cette certaine fille humaine l'attirait vers elle chaque fois qu'elle était en danger. ‘Est-elle vraiment humaine?’ Il prit l'humaine avec lui et nomma cette fille étrangement tenace “Ember”, un morceau de charbon ardent dans un feu mourant. Une âme teintée de vengeance et des ténèbres de l'enfer, qui s'élèverait des cendres pour accomplir sa revanche. ------ Ceci est le deuxième livre de la série des Diables et des Sorcières. 1er livre - La fille de la Sorcière et le fils du Diable. 3ème livre- La Fiancée du Diable. Tous les livres sont liés les uns aux autres mais vous pouvez les lire indépendamment. ````
Mynovel20 · 83.8K Views

Jeune Miss Renaissante : Phénix Ardent Rouge

[Statut : TERMINÉ] Dans sa vie antérieure, Adrienne Jiang avait utilisé tous les moyens pour sauver la vie de sa mère. Son père l'avait négligée après avoir épousé sa maîtresse, permettant à ce duo mère-fille de la tyranniser sans fin. Le frère aîné sur lequel elle pensait pouvoir compter lui avait donné froidement le dos et l'avait réprimandée pour ne pas avoir coupé le soutien vital de leur mère. Dans son désespoir, Adrienne a failli tomber dans le piège tendu par sa demi-sœur. Finalement, elle est entrée dans un mariage contractuel avec le frère de sa meilleure amie, Alistair Han, un homme pour qui elle avait le béguin depuis son plus jeune âge. Ce n'est qu'alors qu'elle a réalisé que cet homme était manipulateur et obsessionnel, ne voulant pas la perdre de vue. Elle avait été traitée comme un oiseau piégé dans une cage dorée. À la fin, elle a trouvé la mort trahie par son frère et tout a été perdu dans l'incendie. Après être renée, elle était déterminée à ne plus continuer à être une personne bonne à rien. Lennox Qin, le jeune maître vicieux de la famille Qin, était prêt à devenir le prochain chef de leur famille. Cependant, à cause d'un incident, il a été estropié et jugé indigne. Lorsque son chemin a croisé celui d'Adrienne, ils sont parvenus à un accord. « Je t'épouserai pour éloigner ta malchance et être ta femme pendant deux ans. En retour, permets-moi de t'utiliser pour détruire les familles Han et Jiang. » L'homme assis dans un fauteuil roulant a simplement levé un sourcil à sa déclaration. Ses lèvres se sont ensuite étirées en un sourire séduisant et il a accepté sans ciller. Cependant, lorsque le moment était presque venu, il s'est empressé de la convaincre de rester dans leur mariage. « Madame Qin mérite le meilleur. Si c'est le monde que tu désires, je te l'apporterai sur un plateau d'argent. Tu peux avoir le monde entier, mais chérie, n'oublie pas que bien que tout t'appartienne, tu m'appartiens. » Adrienne fronça les sourcils. « Mais tu ne m'aimes même pas... » Elle a tenté de raisonner, pensant que son mari avait perdu la raison. « Non, ce n'était pas le cas, mais maintenant je t'aime. En fait, tu es la seule à qui je pense ces jours-ci. » Cependant, il semblait pour elle que non seulement son mari essayait d'attirer son attention, mais sa belle-famille également. Éditeur/correcteur : ninaviews Avertissement pour les scènes et thèmes R18 futurs qui ne conviennent pas aux jeunes publics. Copyright 2023 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 128.2K Views

Whispers of Desires

Volume 1: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Duty In a world where duty and love collide, Nia, the eldest daughter of an aristocratic family, finds herself thrust into a political alliance with the ruthless Vampire King, Kiyoshi. As both kingdoms grapple with the mysterious disappearance of human and vampire children, Nia and Kiyoshi embark on a journey to uncover the truth. Amidst the chaos and danger, a forbidden romance blossoms between Nia and Kiyoshi. Bound by duty, they navigate the treacherous path of their arranged marriage, while their hearts yearn for something more. Together, they must unravel the dark secrets that haunt their kingdoms and find a way to bring peace and justice to their people. "You may kiss the bride," proclaimed the officiant. Nia froze, panicked. She had never been kissed before! Sensing her unease, King Kiyoshi gently tilted her chin upward. His eyes were cold and yet she found herself trusting him despite her misgivings. His lips brushed against hers, soft and tentative at first, then with growing confidence. His kiss was not demanding or forceful, but rather a tender exploration of her mouth. It sent a shiver through her body, making her heart race and her cheeks flush with heat. As they turned to face their kingdoms, cheers erupted, both within the hall and from the masses gathered outside. Though nervous for what was to come, Nia could not help but feel a sense of elation. She was the Queen of Ivamis, and her husband was the most powerful king in the land. The weight of their responsibilities was not lost on her, but she also knew that they would face these challenges together...hopefully. Volume 2: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth In the kingdoms of Niameda, Althea, and Ivamis, trade ships are mysteriously vanishing without a trace. When Kazi, the fierce General of Niameda and sister to Queen Nia of Ivamis, risks her life to save the King of Althea from an assassination attempt, he offers her an unthinkable reward - marriage to his arrogant second son, Prince Azreal. Repulsed by the idea of being bound to a man in a society that demands female submission, Kazi hatches a daring plan. She disguises herself as a male guard to infiltrate Althea's royal family and investigate the missing trade ships from the inside. However, her deception takes an unexpected turn when she is assigned as Prince Azreal's personal guard. As the charming yet infuriating Prince slowly breaks down Kazi's defenses, an undeniable attraction begins to simmer between them. But their growing feelings are built on a foundation of lies. Prince Azreal believes his guard is a man, while Kazi hides her true identity and motive for being in Althea. Tensions mount further as romantic rivals pursue Kazi, unaware of her disguise. In a race against time to uncover the truth behind the vanishing ships before it shatters the fragile peace between kingdoms, Kazi realizes the enemy may be close. Can a relationship born from deception survive? And will she unmask the real culprit before all three kingdoms are consumed by tragedy? Volume 3: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Courage Adanna, a plus-size woman of 27 and the third of her family's daughters, fears the inevitable label of spinster as she remains unmarried. Frustrated with her lack of prospects, she decides to take her search for a husband into her own hands. After one attempt ends in disappointment, a friend suggests a bold alternative: a journey to another kingdom, where a competition for a Duke's hand awaits. But this isn't just any kingdom-it's Aerionia, a realm of griffin riders. Accompanied by Princess Serena, sister of King Kiyoshi, Adanna ventures to compete, only to find herself caught up in more than courtly games. A mysterious series of threats and the Duke's father's sudden disappearance cast a shadow over the contest. Will Adanna find the love she seeks, or will danger eclipse her dreams?
BrezzyPro · 104.6K Views

Duc, ça fait mal...

Bienvenue dans le monde sophistiqué de l'élite, où Seraphina Alaric, une jeune fille délicate et fragile qui dépend toujours de médicaments pour aller mieux, essaie juste de souffler un peu avant que sa vie ne soit bouleversée par un mariage arrangé... Sérieusement, qui a envie d'être enchaîné quand on essaie encore de déterminer ce qu'on veut dans la vie? Lors d'un banquet fastueux, elle rencontre le mystérieux duc d'Everwyn. Et la partie la plus folle? Elle n'a aucune idée de qui est ce gars - elle pense juste qu'il s'agit d'un étranger mystérieux. Sortie de nulle part, se sentant aventureuse (et peut-être un peu téméraire), elle suggère une liaison secrète qui chamboule son monde entier. Dans cet instant caché, Seraphina plonge la tête la première dans ses désirs les plus fous. Mais coup de théâtre - il s'avère que l'homme avec qui elle vient de passer la nuit n'est autre que son futur mari. Oups! Tant pis pour l'étranger mystérieux - elle vient de passer la nuit avec son futur époux! "Duc, ça fait mal..." vous invite dans un tourbillon de découverte de soi, de romance torride et du doux chaos de l'amour quand on s'y attend le moins. Seraphina pourra-t-elle se libérer des chaînes de la société, ou se retrouvera-t-elle empêtrée dans la toile même qu'elle a tenté d'échapper? Rejoignez-la dans ce voyage palpitant, et découvrez comment l'amour peut être à la fois libérateur et compliqué. Ne manquez pas ça - votre prochaine obsession n'est qu'à une page de distance!

Tuesdays With You ! AKA-Miraii

Dans un lycée où les journées se suivent et se ressemblent, Yu Hashibara et Yka Komichi, deux amis d'enfance, naviguent entre cours, amitiés et rêves encore flous. Yu, discret et rêveur, passe son temps à écrire. Fasciné par les mots, il aspire à devenir un écrivain reconnu, mais ses textes restent enfermés dans un monde qui lui est propre, loin des émotions profondes que recherchent les éditeurs. Yka, à l'inverse, est extravertie et toujours prête à encourager les autres, même si elle-même manque de confiance en ses propres écrits. Sous le pseudonyme d'Aky Michiko, elle écrit en secret mais évite soigneusement le sujet de l'amour, en a-t-elle peur ? Tout bascule lorsque Yu est sélectionné pour un prestigieux concours d'écriture. Son éditeur lui lance un défi inattendu : écrire une histoire d'amour capable de toucher le cœur des lecteurs. Mais il y a un problème. Yu ne comprend rien à l'amour. Et Yka non plus. Dans une tentative de relever ce défi ensemble, ils se lancent dans une quête improbable : observer, analyser et peut-être même expérimenter ce sentiment insaisissable. Entre discussions maladroites, situations imprévues et révélations troublantes, ils vont peu à peu se confronter à ce qu'ils cherchaient à éviter depuis toujours. Mais alors qu'ils explorent l'amour à travers les autres, ne risquent-ils pas de découvrir des vérités qu'ils n'étaient pas prêts à affronter... sur eux-mêmes ?
nohansophie · 315 Views

Dark Bonds: The Demon Within

In a dark and dangerous world where spirits and demons threaten humanity, Jay, a lonely and troubled teenager, becomes entangled in a supernatural battle for his life and soul. The story begins with Jay encountering Ellie, a ghost searching for her lost parents. Despite her spectral nature, Ellie becomes Jay's first true friend, and the two form a bond as they navigate a city teeming with danger. Their journey takes a terrifying turn when a wolf-like creature hunts them down. Desperate to protect Ellie, Jay makes a fateful decision to accept the power of a mysterious and sinister voice in his head. This choice transforms him into a demonic version of himself, granting him incredible strength but at the cost of his humanity. With his new powers, Jay defeats the creature, but the demon within begins to take control, threatening to consume his soul entirely. As Jay struggles with the darkness inside him, the exorcist Chiaki intervenes, determined to stop him. She believes the only way to save the city is to destroy Jay’s heart, which the demon has claimed as its own. However, Ellie refuses to give up on Jay, risking her own safety to protect him. She believes in his ability to fight back and return to his true self. While unconscious, Jay finds himself trapped in a crimson void, facing the demon that seeks to destroy his soul. Fueled by Ellie’s voice calling out to him and his promise to help her find her parents, Jay discovers an inner strength he didn’t know he had. He manages to not only resist the demon but also harness its power without losing control. In the real world, Jay miraculously reverts to his human form, defying the odds and proving that redemption is possible even in the darkest moments. Chiaki, initially skeptical and prepared to kill Jay, is left astonished by his transformation and newfound strength. Together, the trio forms a tentative alliance, realizing that their combined abilities might be the key to overcoming the greater threats looming over the city. The story explores themes of friendship, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit, showcasing how even in the face of overwhelming darkness, hope and determination can prevail.
J_Lansu · 3.6K Views

Moonshine made me blind to this pyramid scheme (BL)

Q. Is it hard to change one's fate? By your own strength and skills? Is it possible to reshape your own life? A. You will never know if you do not try, so just do it! Q. And if you do manage it, would it be too greedy to find someone to spend that new life with? A. Nope, not at all. Everyone deserves some loving, go for it! Q. And should you admit it, or just keep all your struggles to yourself? A. Are you actually going to do it, or you just want to talk about it? Just move on with it. Q. How about if we just go with the flow? Pretend all is fine? Do nothing? A. What kind of a story would that be? You had a good plan, so.. move on with it. Q. .... A. Really, trust me, just make one step first. Then one more. Enjoy the scenery while at it! MOVE! A. He actually did it, look at him go all out! *** Mani swirled pink liquid in his cup "This is called a moonshine right? Moonshine.. it should not make us blind right?" he drank it while still pondering pros and cons of drinking it in their current situation. "Well, did not make me blind," Yax offered his expert opinion "and I've been pilfering it from my dad since like.." he really could not remember, seemed like forever already. He reached to get another bottle and tumbled all the empty ones to the ground. Cid pulled him back by his shoulder "Sit down, I'll do it." he refilled Yax's cup on the right and Mani's cup on the left, then filled his own in the middle. With closed eyes, he enjoyed strawberry aroma wafting up from this holy drink. Mani bravely emptied his cup "Did we really saw it back there" he whispered from left "it was so much bigger than.." he trailed off in search of proper example. "Yep, we saw it" Yax's answer came from the right "it was absolutely huge." Mani leaned over Cid and looked at Yax seriously "Do you think we will need magic to move it?" He did bring along his beads. Yax also leaned over to give his most serious answer "Naah, it should have an engine somewhere in there to move it. I heard" he looked around carefully and whispered so only Mani could hear "my dad said it's technology so ancient that it was sealed away, to keep it safe. It's better than magic." At the other side of their campfire, Ivory huffed while trying to snatch last bottle of holy moonshine from Jone who gently pushed him back while seriously stating "All technology at certain point starts resembling magic to those who do not understand it." "Hear, hear" Blaze confirmed from his spot on the ground with one hand waving up and showing a peace sign for some reason. Next to him, twins were out and snoring already. Mani pursed his lips and looked up into the sky. He could not see any real moonshine, leaves blocked the sky, but it should still be up there somewhere. He stil hoped to get some magic, it would be awesome to get some real superpowers. He hiccuped, while leaning on Cindy next to him. Well, he kinda did have some already, or those do not count? Yax leaned fully on Cid and got cosy. He had to admit some parts were rather mystical. Like this holy potion. Or Mani. Mani was most definitely something magical. But he is not going to say it. And no one can know what he thinks to himself. He grinned, satisfied by himself and his skill to keep secrets. Squished between two drunks, Cid rolled his eyes, there goes Yax, spilling the beans to whoever wants to listen his 'secret thoughts'. Not like anyone was sober enough to pay any attention. "Time to end this party." Cid said while standing up and dragging Yax towards the tent he shared with Ivory. "Tomorrow is another day where we have to rise up and do our best to save the world." Even though he knew that all they were saving is themselves. And their friends. Well, that is his whole world, really. The forest was silent, darkness was endless, beasts were hiding. With closed eyes and half asleep, Blaze was sure that he can hear gods above laughing, louder and louder from that abyss they call home. ...___...
ZewaOutOfTheBox · 17.3K Views

Alpha Princess's Possessive Mate

[Mature Content Warning] She wanted to just end her mission and go back to her political marriage, but he had already claimed her his possession. Selene Adawolfa, the Princess of the Adalopha kingdom. Promises her father to bring peace to the village in their kingdom, by ending the age-old war, without revealing her identity. On the first day of becoming part of the Winterwells pack in disguise, she gets herself into trouble. The unexpected turn of events brings her in contact with Fang Warchild, the alpha of the neighbouring village. The most handsome, yet the most vicious man in the entire kingdom who recognises her at the very first glance. And he was ready to ruin her mission just for the sake of owning her! (The story takes place in the 90s so you will find technology in it!) ——[snippet]—— He approached me as his footsteps resonated in the dead silence inside the tent, and I couldn't get myself to step back waiting stunned. Stepping closer he lifted my chin asking again, "do you still choose otherwise Princess?" I gulped, knowing Fang would understand very well what was on my mind, all my lies would be useless in front of how well he knew every nook and cranny of my brain. Mustering all the strength inside me I whispered, diverting my eyes, answering exactly what he didn't want to hear right now, "Yes!" A vicious smirk played on his face as he lifted me by my collar, while I tip-toed barely able to find the ground, trying to match his towering height. "I don't like it when someone touches what is mine," he leaned closer, his tall stature hovering over me just inches from my face and his infuriated breath crawling on my soft skin, "and you better know that your entirety belongs to only me!" ---- All credits of the cover to belong to its owner ---- Discord:
Eaagles_wings · 1.9M Views


Alice, une jeune femme indépendante et passionnée, croit avoir trouvé l'amour parfait en Gabriel, un homme charismatique et mystérieux. CEO respecté dans le monde des affaires, Gabriel semble être l'incarnation du succès et de la stabilité. Mais derrière ce masque se cache une vérité bien plus sombre : il est aussi un acteur clé d'une organisation mafieuse, naviguant entre deux mondes où le danger et le pouvoir se côtoient. Au début, leur relation est intense et passionnée. Cependant, la jalousie maladive de Gabriel commence à empoisonner leur amour. Chaque interaction d'Alice avec d'autres hommes, même les plus innocentes, devient une source de tension. Sa possessivité grandissante et ses accès de colère laissent Alice perplexe et épuisée. Elle tente de comprendre ce qui se cache derrière ce comportement, mais Gabriel garde ses secrets bien enfouis. Lorsqu'Alice découvre par hasard des indices sur la double vie de Gabriel, elle est confrontée à un dilemme déchirant : rester et tenter de sauver leur amour, ou fuir pour protéger sa propre sécurité. Mais Gabriel, habitué à contrôler chaque aspect de sa vie, ne laissera pas partir celle qu'il considère comme sienne sans se battre. Plongée malgré elle dans un monde de violence et de trahisons, Alice doit naviguer entre loyauté et survie. Avec l'aide de ses amis proches, comme Lina, sa meilleure amie, et Lucas, un collègue de travail qui cache peut-être ses propres secrets, elle tente de déjouer les pièges qui se referment autour d'elle. *Les Silences de l'Ébène* est une histoire captivante qui explore les thèmes de l'amour toxique, de la jalousie, du pouvoir et des sacrifices. À travers des personnages complexes et une intrigue riche en rebondissements, ce livre plonge le lecteur dans un univers où les apparences sont trompeuses et où chaque choix a des conséquences dramatiques. Entre romance sombre, thriller psychologique et drame familial, cette histoire vous tiendra en haleine jusqu'à la dernière page, vous laissant réfléchir sur les ombres que nous portons tous et les silences qui en disent plus que les mots.
thebestt_stories · 1.3K Views

A Woman Without a Mask

At 28, Clara Hayes has mastered the art of wearing masks. To her colleagues, she’s the perpetually cheerful graphic designer who never misses a deadline. To her overbearing mother, she’s the dutiful daughter hiding her anxiety behind polished smiles. To the world, she’s a woman who “has it all together”—except she’s crumbling inside. Clara’s life unravels during a corporate presentation where a panic attack strips her façade raw. Humiliated and exhausted, she flees to a quiet coastal town, renting a cottage owned by an eccentric, free-spirited potter named Marisol. There, Clara stumbles upon a dusty journal in the attic, its pages filled with haunting sketches and anonymous confessions from a woman who once lived there decades earlier. The entries mirror Clara’s own suffocating duality: “I paint myself in colors the world approves of, but my soul is a grayscale.” As Clara tentatively befriends Marisol and a reclusive widower, Eli, who runs the town’s crumbling bookstore, she begins confronting the lies she’s told herself for years. Through their unconventional guidance—and the journal’s cryptic wisdom—she starts shedding her masks one by one. But vulnerability comes at a cost: her corporate career teeters, her mother’s disapproval intensifies, and a buried trauma from her teenage years resurfaces, threatening to drown her newfound courage. When Clara’s raw, unfiltered artwork—created in secret—goes viral, she faces a choice: return to the safety of her old illusions or step into the terrifying freedom of living unapologetically. But the journal hides a final secret, linking Clara’s journey to the cottage’s mysterious past, forcing her to question whether true authenticity is a rebellion… or a homecoming.
Daoist5CDTxH · 1.7K Views

Werewolf Romance Shorts

WEREWOLF ROMANCE SHORTS- Enjoy the full, primal, sultry stories of werewolf romance that 'We Own the Fangs' has in store for you-so hot it takes your breath away. WOTF- Sommy never wanted to play with fire. A lone wolf in a human world, she’s spent her life keeping her secret buried—until Buchi walks in and burns every rule to the ground. He’s all danger. A scowling, untamed protector with a past drenched in blood and secrets. When their paths collide, sparks fly—hot, reckless, and undeniable. One forbidden kiss is all it takes to set off a dangerous game of fate and desire. But Buchi isn’t just any wolf. He’s marked. Hunted. And already claimed by a she-wolf who won’t back down. Now, with hunters closing in and old rivalries igniting, Sommy must make an impossible choice: surrender to the savage pull of fate or fight for a love that could shatter worlds. When the blood moon rises, will passion be their salvation—or their destruction? Smell the dark seduction in this forbidden love, meeting ancient secrets head-on with 'Cut from the Werewolf Blood'. Let loose the beast in 'Blood of S*wolf', a raw, feral tale of primal desire and an unending passion. Synopsis for Bitten by Fate: A Wolf’s Claim Haunted by the brutal murder of her parents, Dera returns to her hometown of Zin Sasi, a secluded mountain town shrouded in secrets, hoping to escape a life of betrayal. But her fragile peace shatters when a rogue wolf’s vicious attack leaves her on the brink of death—until Tent, the brooding alpha of the Yabood Pack, saves her life with a forbidden bite. Now bound to him as his fated mate, Dera is thrust into a world of claws, ancient laws, and primal instincts she never knew existed. Tent, a hardened leader burdened by loss, never expected a human to awaken his wolf’s soul. But Dera’s fiery defiance and untamed spirit challenge him at every turn. As their bond deepens, so does the danger: the rogue wolf who attacked her is tied to her parents’ murder, and he’s not working alone. When flames engulf Dera’s childhood home, she uncovers a truth that threatens to destroy everything—and everyone—she loves. To survive, Dera must embrace the wolf within, even as it terrifies her. Tent, torn between duty and desire, vows to protect her, but their enemies are closing in. In a final showdown under the blood moon, Dera’s rage and Tent’s loyalty collide, forcing them to confront their darkest fears. Can love heal the scars of the past, or will the shadows of Zin Sasi consume them both? A heart-pounding blend of passion, vengeance, and redemption, Bitten by Fate is a tale of two broken souls finding strength in each other—and discovering that even in a world of fangs and fury, the most dangerous force of all is love. AND MANY MORE NOT TO BE MENTIONED............. But in this sultry anthologies, the lines between man and wolf blur, and the rules of love are rewritten. Unleash your wild side-where the only rule is to follow your heart. and your instincts. Join the pack and sink your teeth into these sizzling tales of werewolf romance shorts. But be warned: once you take a bite, there's no turning back. You will feel the intimacy of supernaturals
delyonworld · 5.5K Views

Blood Moon Rising: Wolf Princess at the Shifter Academy

(Warning! Mature Content!) With the moon as my only guide, I scamper through the sand and into the tent my two guards, Ryland and Aren share. Ryland, still awake, rolls over onto his side and props his head up on his hand, watching me awkwardly trip into the tent with amused eyes. “Are you okay?” Aren shifts in his sleep and then slowly opens his eyes. “Ora?” He grumbles. “What are you doing here?” “I heard a weird noise.” I bite my lip and blush at the lame excuse. “A weird noise?” Aren asks curiously, then a grin spreads across his face. “Did you come here so we could protect you from the scary noises?” He teases. “Well it is our job to keep our lady safe.” Ryland states and then reaches out to me. His warm hands wrap around my waist and pull me down to lay next to him. He spoons me and I look over at Aren who lies facing me just inches away. “You’re safe will us, so go back to sleep.” Ryland rests his head on his pillow and closes his eyes. I try to relax for a few minutes, but I can’t get my brain to calm down. “Aren?” Aren groans in response. “Yeah?” “Are you awake?” He cracks his eyes open and looks at me. “I am now. Why can’t you sleep?” “I can’t seem to relax.” “Do you want to chat for a bit to help you calm down?” Aren asks me. “Yeah that sounds nice.” I reply, but before I can say anything else, Ryland’s strong arm shifts and his large hand reaches down between my thighs. “Ryland, what are you doing?” I ask nervously. “I’m helping you relax.” He whispers into my ear. I gulp. “We can’t. Someone will hear us.” Rylands voice softly grazes across my ear. “We’ll just have to be really quiet then.” I glance over to see Aren's eyes darkening with need. ================== ================== Long ago, the Moon Goddess descended from heaven to the earthly plane and gifted animals with the ability to shift into a human form. Not long after arriving the Moon Goddess vanished. Now, shifter’s are struggling with their birth rate, particularly with that of female shifters. Eudora is one of these rare female shifters who will be attending the prestigious Tremont Academy. Her powers remain dormant, but she suspects knowledge is the key to unsealing them. Will Eudora be able to unlock the mysteries surrounding her, while attending classes and avoiding the temptation from all of the shifter men around her?
Harper_Garraway · 5.7K Views
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