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A Sedução da Coroa

[Alerta: conteúdo maduro r18+/forte] Ele é a sua salvação. Ela, a sua decádida. No entanto, ele se recusa a deixá-la ir... Minéia, a Princesa mais jovem de Ebódia, foi amaldiçoada ao nascer para permanecer imaculada e trazer desgraça àqueles ao seu redor. Esta profecia paira sobre ela como uma nuvem escura, crescendo a cada ano que não se realiza. Ela existe em murmúrios silenciosos como uma figura lamentável - frágil, submissa, indesejada. Por trás dessa máscara há uma fêmea forte e destemida digna de ser rainha. E esta aspirante a rainha tem seus olhos postos em quebrar sua maldição, mesmo que isso signifique enganar o vampiro mais astuto que já nasceu. Nikolai, embora recluso e enigmático, é reverenciado pelo Reino de Valcrez como um sábio e poderoso governante. Desconhecido para seus leais súditos, sua imagem de perfeição é uma teia de mentiras que, se expostas, podem enviar o seu reino e tudo o que eles prezam desmoronando a seus pés. Quando esses dois encontram seus caminhos cruzados em uma aliança de casamento, começa o jogo da Sedução da Coroa. Mas quem é o caçador e quem é a presa? ******** Excerto: "Por que você está se despindo na minha frente?" ela perguntou com uma carranca, fazendo pouco para esconder a irritação em sua voz. Seu objetivo era capturar apenas o coração dele, não todo o seu corpo! "Não posso tomar um banho com minha esposa?" ele respondeu com um tom frio. "Pedi especificamente uma banheira grande para garantir que nós dois caibamos nela juntos." Ela suspirou, não desviando o olhar dele enquanto recuperava sua compostura. Vendo-o sorrir maliciosamente, ela se esforçou para se sentir confortável enquanto ele falava. "Isso é mais parecido. Você mesma disse que ninguém a forçou a se casar comigo. Em vez disso, você se ofereceu e se voluntariou para isso, então eu espero que você esteja confiante o suficiente para compartilhar um banho com seu marido", Nikolai afirmou com confiança. "Afinal, faremos mais do que isso em breve." Descarado... Impedindo-se de revirar os olhos, ela conseguiu dar-lhe um sorriso enquanto dizia, "Não me culpe se você morrer então." **** Nota: Capa do Livro Comissionada pertencente ao Autor. Por favor, não a use!
Eustoma_Reyna · 210.2K Views

La Séduction de la Couronne

``` [Attention : contenu fortement mature r18+/adulte] Il est son salut. Elle, sa perte. Pourtant, il refuse de la laisser partir... Mineah, la plus jeune Princesse d'Ebodia, fut maudite dès sa naissance pour rester innocente et apporter le malheur autour d'elle. Cette prophétie plane sur elle comme un nuage sombre, grandissant chaque année sans se réaliser. Elle existe dans des rumeurs étouffées comme une figure pitoyable - fragile, docile, indésirable. Sous ce masque se cache une renarde forte et fière digne d'être reine. Et cette future reine a jeté son dévolu sur la brisure de sa malédiction, même si cela signifie tromper le vampire le plus rusé jamais né. Nikolai, bien que reclus et énigmatique, est vénéré par le Royaume de Valcrez comme un souverain sage et puissant. À l'insu de ses fidèles sujets, son image de perfection est une toile de mensonges qui, si elle était révélée, pourrait faire s'effondrer leur royaume et tout ce qui leur est cher. Quand ces deux-là voient leurs chemins se croiser dans une alliance matrimoniale, le jeu de la Séduction de la Couronne commence. Mais qui est le chasseur et qui est la proie ? ******** Extrait : « Pourquoi te déshabilles-tu devant moi ? » demanda-t-elle avec un froncement de sourcils, ne faisant peu pour cacher son irritation dans sa voix. Son objectif était de capturer seulement son cœur, pas tout son corps ! « Ne suis-je pas autorisé à prendre un bain avec ma femme ? » répliqua-t-il d'un ton froid. « J'ai spécialement demandé une grande baignoire pour être sûr que nous deux y rentrions ensemble. » Elle soupira, sans détourner son regard de lui tandis qu'elle reprenait son calme. Le voyant sourire en coin, elle se força à se mettre à l'aise tandis qu'il parlait. « C'est mieux ainsi. Tu l'as dit toi-même, personne ne t'a forcée à m'épouser. Au contraire, tu t'es proposée et t'es portée volontaire de toi-même, alors je m'attends à ce que tu sois assez confiante pour partager un bain avec ton mari », déclara confiant Nikolai. « Après tout, nous ferons bien plus que cela sous peu. » Sans gêne... Se retenant de lever les yeux au ciel, elle parvint à lui adresser un sourire en disant, « Ne me blâme pas si tu meurs alors. » **** Note : Volume 1 : Histoire Principale Status - Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 403) Volume 2 : Histoire Annexes Status - Terminé (Chapitres 404 à 472) Volume 3 : Histoire Annexes Status - **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée possédée par l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser ! ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 112K Views

A Lei da Atração

Tudo começou com um beijo roubado em seu primeiro encontro. [Aviso: Conteúdo adulto *SEM estupro e SEM grandes mal-entendidos!] Status: CONCLUÍDO ****** “Senhorita Lana Huang… Espere um aviso de assédio na sua porta em breve...” Foi isso que Lana ganhou por beijar um estranho para se salvar de um casamento arranjado indesejado. “Até onde eu me lembro, você retribuiu o beijo ferozmente e até dominou todo o beijo. Você claramente gostou do seu momento comigo, então por favor não faça parecer que eu tirei vantagem indevida de você! E eu já disse, estou pronto para te compensar!” “E como você planeja fazer isso, hein?” Liam deu um passo mais perto, tentando intimidar a mulher orgulhosa que nem sequer piscou sob sua pressão sufocante. Lana deu alguns passos para trás, levantou a mão e rosnou, “Pare já Advogado Sy, se não quiser sentir a dor de ser chutado nos testículos depois de ser beijado!” ***** Conheça Lana Huang, uma mulher orgulhosa que escalou a escada do sucesso em sua carreira. Advogada e uma mulher ousada, excepcionalmente bonita para fazer os homens sonharem e babarem por ela. O amor era a última coisa na sua agenda porque ela odiava homens... Mas o destino quis pregar uma peça nela, pois ela beijou sem querer Liam Sy, um homem rico, poderoso e arrogante. Advogado de profissão, fama e sucesso o seguiam por onde ele ia. Um advogado feroz que ganhou todos os casos em que pôs as mãos. O orgulho corria em seu sangue e o amor não estava em sua agenda porque ele odiava mulheres... O que aconteceria quando essas duas... bonitas e belas, orgulhosas e teimosas, que odeiam homens e mulheres... se juntassem e se envolvessem em um casamento? Bem-vindo a um redemoinho de romance entre esses dois - uma montanha-russa de amor quando misturada com orgulho, ciúme, teimosia e ódio... Tapa na cara? Por que não! Com certeza você iria adorar acompanhar a jornada deles, onde ambos correram o risco de se apaixonar... Uma jornada de ódio se transformando em amor... ================ Nota do Autor: Espero que você goste de ler este romance ORIGINAL meu. Este é definitivamente um final feliz. Muitos agradecimentos antecipadamente pelo seu apoio. Com Muito Amor, EUSTOMA_reyna Outros Livros: O CEO Que Me Odeia (concluído) O General Que Me Odeia (concluído) O Doutor Que Me Ama (concluído) Não Me Beije (em escrita) O Indomado: Jogo de Corações A Armadilha da Coroa contate-me em: Link do Discord: twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Página do Facebook: @eustoma.reyna A capa do livro é minha... arte da capa por ava_arts38 (instagram)
Eustoma_Reyna · 20.8K Views

Überraschende Heirat mit einem Milliardär

Rain Claytons Leben gerät aus den Fugen, als sie das Auto ihres betrügerischen Freundes demoliert, nur um herauszufinden, dass es nicht ihm gehört, sondern einem Fremden. Zu allem Überfluss entdeckt sie zufällig, dass sie mit diesem Fremden verheiratet ist, und zwar mit keinem Geringeren als Alexander Lancaster, dem zurückgezogen lebenden stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden und CEO der mächtigen Lancaster Group. Rain, die in einer Familie aufgewachsen ist, die sie misshandelt hat, und nun von ihrem Vater unter Druck gesetzt wird, den psychopathischen Sohn des Bürgermeisters zu heiraten, sieht diese überraschende Heirat als Segen an. Nach Jahren des Leidens scheint der Himmel endlich Mitleid mit ihr zu haben und schenkt ihr einen gut aussehenden Milliardärs-Ehemann - einen Mann, der rücksichtslos zu seinen Feinden ist und genau das, was sie braucht, um den Fängen ihrer Familie zu entkommen. Doch es gibt ein großes Problem: Alexander will die sofortige Scheidung. Rain ist fest entschlossen, ihn zu behalten, und handelt eine Verlängerung ihrer Ehe zu seinen Bedingungen aus. Jetzt muss sie ihn nur noch davon überzeugen, sie für immer zu behalten... Seit ihrer Überraschungshochzeit sind einige Wochen vergangen... "Was machst du da?" Rain platzte heraus, ihre Augen weit aufgerissen, als sie Alexander auf ihr Bett krabbeln sah. "Ich erfülle meine ehelichen Pflichten", antwortete er mit einem lässigen Grinsen. "Du kannst hier nicht schlafen! Das ist gegen unseren Vertrag!" "Ich breche ihn nicht", sagte Alexander achselzuckend. "Der Vertrag besagt, dass du alle ehelichen Pflichten erfüllst, nur nicht mein Bett teilst. Er sagt nichts darüber aus, dass ich meine ehelichen Pflichten nicht erfülle, auch nicht, dass ich dein Bett mit dir teile." Die Situation hatte sich verändert, und es schien, dass sie nicht mehr die einzige war, die die Kontrolle hatte...
Eustoma_Reyna · 63.6K Views

Surprise Marriage to a Billionaire

The contract says she can’t share his bed, but nothing stops him from getting into hers… * Rain Clayton’s life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers she’s suddenly married to a billionaire named Alexander Lancaster, a powerful and dangerously captivating man who wants their marriage over before it even begins... Raised by a family that never cared for her and desperate to avoid a twisted arranged marriage, Rain seizes this unexpected twist of fate. Her new husband might be a cold-hearted billionaire, but he's her only escape. Yet Alexander demands a swift divorce. Refusing to lose her one chance at freedom, Rain strikes a risky bargain to keep their marriage alive, even if it means playing by Alexander’s rules. She just has to convince him to want her around… FOREVER. Weeks into their unexpected arrangement, Rain begins to see through Alexander’s icy exterior. But one night, she’s taken by surprise. “What are you doing?” Rain burst out, eyes wide as Alexander casually slid into her bed. “Performing husbandly duties,” he smirked. “You can’t stay here! It’s against the contract!” “I’m not breaking it,” Alexander said with a shrug. “The contract specifies that you’ll fulfill all wifely duties, excluding sharing my bed. It doesn’t say anything about me not performing husbandly duties, including sharing your bed.” The situation had shifted, and it seemed like she was no longer the only one in control... [Warning: r18+/strong mature & sexual content]
Eustoma_Reyna · 1.6M Views

The Crown's Seduction

[Warning: r18+/strong mature content] He is her salvation. She, his demise. Yet, he refuses to let her go… Mineah, the youngest Princess of Ebodia, was cursed at birth to remain untainted and bring misfortune to those around her. This prophecy looms over her like a dark cloud, growing bigger every year it does not come to pass. She exists in hushed rumors as a pitiful figure - fragile, meek, unwanted. Underneath that mask is a strong and feisty vixen worthy of being a queen. And this would-be queen has set her eyes on breaking her curse, even if that means tricking the most cunning vampire ever born. Nikolai, though reclusive and enigmatic, is revered by the Kingdom of Valcrez as a wise and powerful ruler. Unbeknownst to his loyal subjects, his image of perfection is a web of lies that if exposed can send their kingdom and everything they hold dear crumbling beneath their feet. When these two find their paths crossed in a marriage alliance, the game of Crown's Seduction begins. But just who is the hunter and who is the prey? ******** Excerpt: “Why are you stripping naked in front of me?” she questioned with a frown, doing little to hide the irritation in her voice. Her goal was to capture only his heart, not his whole body! “Am I not allowed to have a bath with my wife?” he remarked with a cold tone. “I purposely asked for a big tub to just make sure that the two of us will fit in it together.” She sighed, not tearing her gaze away from him as she regained her composure. Seeing him smirk she forced herself to get comfortable as he spoke. “That’s more like it. You said it yourself that no one forced you into marrying me. Instead, you offered and volunteered yourself willingly for it, so I expect that you’ll be confident enough to share a bath with your husband,” Nikolai confidently stated. “After all, we’ll do more than this soon enough.” Shameless… Preventing herself from rolling her eyes, she managed to give him a smile as she said, “Don’t blame me if you die on me then.” **** Note: Volume 1: Main Story Status - Completed (Chapters 1 to 403) Volume 2: Side Story Status - Completed (Chapters 404 to 472) Volume 3: Side Story Status - Completed (Chapters 473 to 491) **** PS: Commissioned Book Cover owned by the Author! Do not use it!
Eustoma_Reyna · 2.2M Views

The Crown's Fire

[Warning: r18+/strong mature content] Amidst the clash of desire and betrayal, who will dare to sacrifice everything for the sake of love? With the ability to foresee the future, Tarah could propel kings to unprecedented heights of success or plunge them into the depths of irreversible failure. But when her kingdom fell, Tarah was forced to offer herself into servitude to her captor in exchange for her brother’s life, becoming a spy in a dangerous game against Ezekiel, the future Dragon King of Ebodia. Haunted by a prophecy of his doom by a woman’s hand, Prince Ezekiel has meticulously avoided female company throughout his life. However, everything changed when he met Tarah, the new fated Seer of Ebodia. Initially only caring about ruling the world, Ezekiel now finds himself strongly enamored by Tarah, at the risk of losing sight of his own goals. Caught between safeguarding her brother's life and the growing affection for the domineering ruler, Tarah faces a dilemma. Will she navigate this dangerous path, risking everything for her heart's desires? ********* Excerpt: "You can't escape me. There's nowhere in this world where you can hide from my reach," Ezekiel whispered, his breath warm against her neck. Her throat tightened as his lips grazed her skin. With a firm yet gentle grip on her chin, he tilted her head, urging her to meet his intense gaze, causing her heart to pound in her chest. "I'm here to make you remember every detail of the agony you've caused me," he declared. "Agony?!" she protested. "Yes, your cruel betrayal. Leaving me, breaking your promise..." ***** MAIN STORY STATUS - COMPLETED
Eustoma_Reyna · 1M Views

The CEO Who Hates Me

“He knew he should not go easy on her, but his heart is challenging his mind…” (Warning: Novel is r-18 with strong mature content but NO rape and violence!) **** Arya Tan, a beautiful, young, wannabe actress, was in a difficult situation that her only option was to agree on a deal offered to her to save her loved ones' lives. The deal was to make the aloof man named Ryu Ken fall in love with her, only to leave him heartbroken and devastated afterward. Would she succeed, and if she did, would she be able to escape Ryu’s wrath? Ryu Ken, a ruthless CEO who never gave a second glance to any woman how-much-ever beautiful she was, gave his heart to one woman. And despite his warnings, the woman broke his heart and left him. So he vowed to find her and punish her as brutally as he could. But could he really punish her when deep in his heart it was still her he longed to be? Could love overcome the hate buried in his heart? ====== Excerpt: "Leaving already? You seem to be in such a rush to talk to me. Why don't you spill it out now?" Stunned, Arya wondered if she was hallucinating. The voice was very familiar. The man's arm encircled her waist, abruptly pulled her towards him. He then leaned forward and scornfully whispered into her ear, "Aren't you here to negotiate? I was hoping you had a better offer." She tilted her head to look up at the rude man and was left open-mouthed looking at a familiar face. She was shocked but mumbled, "Ryu?" Ryu smirked and stared at Arya's slightly opened lips and said, "Did you miss me? How about this?" Before Arya could utter another word, Ryu captured her lips abruptly and kissed her roughly. ========== Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine (It's absolutely a happy ending! Author hates the sad endings!). Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: ( The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who LOVES Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts (in writing) The Crown's Entrapment (in writing) contact me at: Discord Link: Instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna The book cover is mine, art created by laylee_hiu (instagram)
Eustoma_Reyna · 8M Views

The Untamed: Game of Hearts

[r18+ content / Book Status: COMPLETED] She described herself as his worst nightmare. But to him, she was his most beautiful dream... A vicious and dangerous vixen… A ticking bomb that no one could diffuse… This was how Raine, the infamous Princess of one of the three clans of an underworld group called MIRAGE, was often described by humans and the mythical creatures in disguise coexisting with humans. Everyone was scared of her. Well... everyone except for one man who never batted an eye meeting her glare. Could he be the only one who could tame the untamed? Or would he end up getting played by the naughty and dangerous Princess of the Moon Clan? *****EXCERPT***** “Being with me is always a game…” she whispered, staring into his eyes with her fiery gaze as if to challenge his cold stare. “You should have known that I’m willing to play any game you want just to stay by your side. After all… you’re my sweet vixen…” He leaned closer to the point where his lips almost touched hers, “You're not someone that can be easily forgotten. You are someone who drives other people crazy, and you drove me insane!” She parted her lips to say something, but all she felt was his familiar warmth on her lips as he silenced her. He was kissing her hungrily, leaving her no room to even think let alone say a word. His chest felt like a hard rock pressing her against the wall. “Don’t fight me… Don’t fight what you truly feel for me...” He wanted her so badly and he would stop at nothing just to make her his! ***** Follow all my works at WWW.LINKTR.EE/EUSTOMA_REYNA Book cover is mine, AI generated.
Eustoma_Reyna · 1.7M Views

The General Who Hates Me

She fell in love at first sight and did everything to conquer the man of her dreams... Her General... [warning: R-18 content *No Rape *no major misunderstanding] Status: Completed Novel ----- Zacharias Lim was a loyal, diligent and persevering soldier. Despite his poor background, he had managed to rise steadily from the lowest rank of a Private to the youngest and one of the most respected Generals in his country. He was a principled man who always acted by the book and followed every rule. Because he had grown up in a poverty-stricken condition and having had to work extremely hard to get to where he was now, he detested people who didn't appreciate life just because they were lucky enough to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth. That was until he met Keira Chan... Keira Chan was a beautiful, bright, mischievous and confident young woman who always knew what she wanted. Having been born as the only daughter of one of the richest and most prominent families in the country, where gold was treated as sand, she had always led a carefree life and she could always get what she wanted without having to exert much effort. That was until she met Zacharias Lim... It just so happened that she fell in love with the young General at first sight and was set to win his heart. And thus her laborious but hilarious journey to get him to be her man ensued... ====== Excerpt: “General Zacharias Lim, I, Keira Chan, will absolutely get admitted to that Academy so I can get closer to the person I like for the first time in my life.” Zach could smell the sweetness of her breath mixed with alcohol. But that was not it, because for some reason his body was reacting on his own. At that instant, he knew what could happen next, but instead of pushing Keira away from him, he did nothing but stayed put, it was like he was anticipating what would happen next as he remained frozen. Then, Keira added in her hoarse sweet voice, “I will enter the Military Academy to conquer you, General Zach. So be ready, because I never take a ‘NO’ for an answer.” That was the last words that Keira dropped before she closed the gap and kissed Zach on his lips, leaving him just staring at her in bewilderment... =========== Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. I love romance with happy endings so this is a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna book cover is mine... cover art by ghifari_art (instagram)
Eustoma_Reyna · 5.9M Views

The Doctor Who Loves Me

In his arms, she found her home, and she wanted to stay in that home forever. …. [warning:Novel is r18 * NO rape * No major misunderstanding!] Status: Completed Novel ****** "Stand up." Yera hissed, eyes narrowed at Xander. "It's already up." Xander smirked and leaned against the headboard of the bed.  He lifted an eyebrow and with a grin added, "Perhaps you need.... skin to skin proof?" Disbelief flashed in Yera's eyes. It was quickly replaced with anger. "You pervert!" "You took advantage of me," he teased. His eyes slowly trailed down her lips towards her neck and with his hoarse voice said, "Or would you like me to remind you... what you did last night?" He was Xander Yang whose hope of marriage ended when he was diagnosed with an erectile dysfunction. Smart and stubborn, the Doctor CEO of Yang Globals group was a very bubbly and loveable person but a difficult man to handle.  However, meeting a certain Deyna Song turned his world upside down. How could his dysfunction vanish when he was around her? What kind of magic does this feisty woman hold? Meanwhile, Yera Han had it all. Aside from being the youngest surgeon in the world, she was also the ruthless heiress of the Life Hospitals Group. Smart, Beautiful and Cold. She was revered as the ice queen capable of bringing back the dead with her hands. However, fate took everything away from her… her love, her property... She was left with nothing and lived as Deyna Song. How could she allow fate to make her dance in its palm? She was Yera Han and she vowed to take all that was hers back! They took everything away from her and now she was left with nothing but vengeance... Then came this doctor following her around offering a marriage alliance? How could she think of getting married when her everything was at stake!  ========== Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. This is absolutely a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna
Eustoma_Reyna · 10.6M Views

The Law of Attraction

It all started with a stolen kiss on their first encounter. [Warning: Mature content *NO rape and NO major misunderstanding!] Status: COMPLETED ****** “Miss Lana Huang… Expect a notice of harassment on your doorway soon…” That was what Lana got for kissing a stranger to save herself from an unwanted arranged marriage. “As far as I remember, you kissed me back fiercely and even dominated the entire kiss. You clearly had enjoyed your moment with me, so please don’t make it sound like I took undue advantage of you! And I told you, I’m ready to compensate you!” “And how do you plan to do that, huh?” Liam stepped closer, trying to intimidate the proud woman who did not even bat an eyelid under his suffocating pressure. Lana stepped backwards a few steps, raised her hand and growled, “Stop right there Attorney Sy if you don’t wanna taste the pain of getting kicked on your balls after getting kissed!” ***** Meet Lana Huang, a proud woman who climbed the ladder of success in her career. A lawyer and a bold woman, exceptionally beautiful to make men dream and drool for her. Love was the last thing on her schedule because she was a man hater… But fate wanted to play a trick on her as she unintentionally kissed Liam Sy, a wealthy, powerful and arrogant man. A lawyer by profession, fame and success followed wherever he went. A fierce attorney who won every case he put his hands on. Pride ran in his blood and love was not on his agenda because he was a woman hater... What would happen when these two... handsome and beautiful, proud and stubborn, woman-hater and man-hater... come together and get involved into a marriage? Welcome to a whirlwind of romance between these two - a roller coaster ride of love when it got mixed up with pride, jealousy, stubbornness and hate… Face slapping? Why not!  Surely you would love to follow their journey where both took the risk of falling in love… A journey of hate turning into love... ================ Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. This is absolutely a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna
Eustoma_Reyna · 11.3M Views

Kiss Me Not

Excerpt: "Just strip, will you.." Hearing her command, he smiled viciously. Stepping closer to her, he whispered, "Why don't you do the honors and satisfy yourself? This body and my whole existence are now all yours!" *Book 1: Kiss Me Not, My Prince* (Completed - Chapters 1 to 273) Brione Yu was a successful model/actor with philemaphobia (fear of kissing). She had everything one could ever dream of, but her world crumbled when she lost the most important person in her life. He was not only her best friend but also the man she loved with all her heart. While she spent her days missing him and longing for him, she had an unexpected encounter with a recluse Prince who resembled her best friend substantially. Though their characters were contradictory, he reminded her of the man she loved every time she set her eyes on him. Was fate playing some kind of cruel game with her? Or was she being played by the Prince? ********************************** Book 2: Kiss Me Not, My Princess (completed - Chapters 274 to 382) “You took all my firsts, so take responsibility for it.” Did she hear it right? This was the height of shamelessness! “Your firsts? What about me then? You took all my firsts away!” “And I’m willing to take responsibility, my Princess.” he firmly stated with a devilish smile on his face. Kimmy was a Princess who ran away from an arranged marriage her mother set up for her. Years passed, and she came home with a broken heart. On her return home, she met the man she was supposed to marry. The man who surprisingly could make Kimmy's body tremble with desire for him. But, what would happen if the first love she used to chase before showed up before her just as she was about to move on? Who would the Princess choose to spend the rest of her life with? =========== Other Books: The Crown's Entrapment (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts (completed) The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) contact me at: Discord Link: twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna **** PS: Commissioned Book Cover owned by the Author! Do not use it!
Eustoma_Reyna · 2.7M Views

Casamento Surpresa com um Bilionário

A vida de Rain Clayton toma um rumo inesperado quando ela destrói o carro do seu namorado infiel, só para descobrir que não era dele — pertencia a um estranho. Para piorar a situação, ela acidentalmente descobre que está casada com esse estranho, ninguém menos que Alexander Lancaster, o recluso Vice-Presidente e CEO do poderoso Grupo Lancaster. Criada em uma família que a maltratou e agora é pressionada pelo pai para se casar com o filho psicopata do prefeito, Rain vê esse casamento surpresa como uma bênção disfarçada. Após anos de sofrimento, parece que os céus finalmente tiveram piedade dela, presenteando-a com um marido bilionário e bonito — um homem implacável com seus inimigos e exatamente o que ela precisa para escapar das garras de sua família. Mas há um grande problema: Alexander quer um divórcio imediato. Determinada a mantê-lo, Rain propõe um acordo para estender o casamento, sob os termos dele. Agora tudo que ela tem que fazer é convencê-lo a mantê-la para sempre... Algumas semanas se passaram desde o casamento surpresa... “O que você está fazendo?” Rain explodiu, seus olhos arregalados enquanto observava Alexander rastejar para a cama dela. “Cumprindo deveres conjugais,” ele respondeu com um sorriso casual. “Você não pode dormir aqui! Isso vai contra o nosso contrato!” “Não estou quebrando,” Alexander disse, dando de ombros. “O contrato especifica que você cumprirá todos os deveres de esposa, exceto compartilhar minha cama. Não diz nada sobre eu não cumprir os deveres de marido, incluindo compartilhar sua cama.” A situação havia mudado, e parecia que ela já não era a única no controle...
Eustoma_Reyna · 168.4K Views

Sorpresa matrimonio con un multimillonario

La vida de Rain Clayton da un giro salvaje cuando destroza el coche de su novio infiel, solo para descubrir que no era suyo: pertenecía a un extraño. Para empeorar las cosas, descubre accidentalmente que está casada con este extraño, nada menos que Alexander Lancaster, el recluso Vicepresidente y Director Ejecutivo del poderoso Grupo Lancaster. Criada en una familia que la maltrató y ahora presionada por su padre para casarse con el hijo psicópata del alcalde, Rain ve este matrimonio sorpresa como una bendición disfrazada. Después de años de sufrimiento, parece que los cielos finalmente han tenido piedad de ella, regalándole un esposo multimillonario guapo, un hombre despiadado con sus enemigos y exactamente lo que necesita para escapar de las garras de su familia. Pero hay un problema importante: Alexander quiere un divorcio inmediato. Determinada a mantenerlo, Rain hace un trato para extender su matrimonio, bajo sus condiciones. Ahora todo lo que tiene que hacer es convencerlo de que la mantenga para siempre... Unas semanas pasaron desde su matrimonio sorpresa... —¿Qué estás haciendo? —exclamó Rain, con los ojos muy abiertos mientras observaba a Alexander trepar a su cama. —Cumpliendo los deberes maritales —respondió él con una sonrisa casual. —¡No puedes dormir aquí! ¡Está en contra de nuestro contrato! —No lo estoy rompiendo —dijo Alexander encogiéndose de hombros—. El contrato especifica que cumplirás todos los deberes de esposa, excepto compartir mi cama. No dice nada sobre que yo no pueda cumplir los deberes maritales, incluido compartir tu cama. La situación había cambiado, y parecía que ya no era la única en control...
Eustoma_Reyna · 223K Views

Mariage surprise avec un milliardaire

La vie de Rain Clayton prend un tournant inattendu lorsqu'elle détruit la voiture de son petit ami infidèle, seulement pour découvrir qu'elle n'appartient pas à lui—elle est celle d'un inconnu. Pis encore, elle découvre par accident qu'elle est mariée à cet inconnu, nul autre qu'Alexandre Lancaster, le Vice-Président reclus et PDG du puissant Groupe Lancaster. Élevée dans une famille qui la maltraitait et maintenant sous la pression de son père pour épouser le fils psychopathe du maire, Rain voit ce mariage surprise comme une bénédiction déguisée. Après des années de souffrance, il semble que les cieux aient enfin pris pitié d'elle, lui offrant un mari milliardaire séduisant—un homme impitoyable envers ses ennemis et exactement ce dont elle a besoin pour échapper aux griffes de sa famille. Mais il y a un gros problème : Alexandre veut un divorce immédiat. Déterminée à le garder, Rain conclut un marché pour prolonger leur mariage, selon ses conditions. Maintenant, tout ce qu'elle a à faire, c'est le convaincre de la garder pour toujours... Quelques semaines ont passé depuis leur mariage surprise… « Que fais-tu ? » s'exclama Rain, les yeux écarquillés alors qu'elle observait Alexandre ramper sur son lit. « J'accomplis mes devoirs de mari, » répondit-il avec un sourire narquois. « Tu ne peux pas dormir ici ! C'est contraire à notre contrat ! » « Je ne le viole pas, » dit Alexandre en haussant les épaules. « Le contrat spécifie que tu rempliras tous les devoirs d'épouse, sauf partager mon lit. Il ne dit rien concernant le fait que je ne puisse pas accomplir les devoirs de mari, y compris partager ton lit. » La situation avait basculé, et on dirait qu'elle n'était plus la seule à avoir le contrôle...
Eustoma_Reyna · 221.3K Views

A Armadilha da Coroa

``` [Aviso: conteúdo adulto r18+/forte] “Tenho certeza de que você vai achar meus braços mais confortáveis do que qualquer outra coisa neste mundo...” Rei Darius Grant - o poderoso governante do Reino de Cordon. Ele era implacável e impetuoso contra seus inimigos. Sua mera presença gritava com autoridade rústica; sua aura sozinha já era mais do que suficiente para alguns de seus inimigos admitirem derrota e fugirem apenas ao vê-lo. Mas, apesar de tudo isso, ele estava impotente e sem-vergonha por uma mulher… sua companheira - a Princesa de Ebodia que ele se recusava a deixar ir. Descubra como as coisas irão se desenrolar para o nosso Rei possessivo que está totalmente decidido a usar o Entrapment da Coroa para fazer de sua companheira sua por quaisquer meios necessários. Será que ele conseguirá obter sucesso e conquistá-la por completo - corpo, coração e alma? * Nota: Volume 1 e 2: História Principal Status: Completo (Capítulos 1 a 555) Volume 3: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 556 a 641) “Só posso me declarar vencedor uma vez que eu conseguir conquistar o seu coração...” Volume 4: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 642 a 701) “O amor nunca esteve em meu vocabulário quando se tratava de mulheres até você chegar...” Volume 5: Status: Completo (Capítulos 702 a 805) “Eu escolho você… você que ocupa avidamente todo o espaço do meu coração…” Capítulos Especiais a partir daí - completo **** PS: Capa do Livro Encomendada de propriedade do Autor! Não a use! ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 128.9K Views

La Trampa de la Corona

``` —Estoy seguro de que encontrarás mis brazos más cómodos que cualquier otra cosa en este mundo... —Rey Darío Grant, el poderoso gobernante del Reino de Cordon. Era despiadado e impetuoso contra sus enemigos. Su mera presencia gritaba con autoridad robusta; su aura sola era más que suficiente para que algunos de sus enemigos admitieran la derrota y huyeran con solo verlo. Pero a pesar de todo esto, era impotente y desvergonzado frente a una mujer… su pareja, la Princesa de Ebodía a quien se negaba a dejar ir. Descubre cómo resultarán las cosas para nuestro Rey posesivo que está decidido a usar el Encantamiento de la Corona para hacer suya a su pareja por cualquier medio necesario. ¿Podrá tener éxito y conquistarla toda, cuerpo, corazón y alma? * Nota: Volumen 1 & 2: Historia Principal Estado: Completado (Capítulos 1 al 555) Volumen 3: Historia Secundaria Estado: Completado (Capítulos 556 al 641) —Solo puedo declararme ganador una vez que logre conquistar tu corazón... —Volumen 4: Historia Secundaria Estado: Completado (Capítulos 642 al 701) —El amor nunca estuvo en mi vocabulario cuando se trata de mujeres hasta que llegaste tú... —Volumen 5: Estado: Completado (Capítulos 702 al 805) —Te elijo a ti… tú que ocupas codiciosamente todo el espacio en mi corazón... —Capítulos Especiales en adelante, completados **** PD: ¡Portada del libro encargada y propiedad del Autor! ¡No usarla! ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 123.4K Views

La Couronne's Entrapment

[Avertissement : contenu mature r18+/fort] "Je suis sûr que tu trouveras mes bras plus confortables que n'importe quoi d'autre en ce monde..." Le Roi Darius Grant - le puissant souverain du Royaume de Cordon. Il était impitoyable et impétueux face à ses ennemis. Sa simple présence criait d'autorité virile ; son aura seule suffisait à faire admettre leur défaite à certains de ses ennemis et à les faire fuir rien qu'en le voyant. Mais malgré tout cela, il était impuissant et éhonté face à une femme… sa compagne - la Princesse d'Ebodia qu'il refusait de lâcher. Découvrez comment les choses vont se dérouler pour notre Roi possessif qui est fermement décidé à utiliser l'Entrapment de la Couronne pour faire de sa compagne la sienne par tous les moyens nécessaires. Réussira-t-il à conquérir tout son être - corps, cœur et âme ? * Note : Tome 1 & 2 : Histoire principale Status : Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 555) Tome 3 : Histoire secondaire Status : Terminé (Chapitres 556 à 641) "Je ne peux me déclarer vainqueur que lorsqu'à la fin je parviens à conquérir ton cœur..." Tome 4 : Histoire secondaire Status : Terminé (Chapitres 642 à 701) "L'amour n'a jamais fait partie de mon vocabulaire quand il s'agit de femmes, jusqu'à ce que tu arrives..." Tome 5 : Status : Terminé (Chapitres 702 à 805) "Je te choisis... toi qui occupes avidement toute la place dans mon cœur..." Chapitres spéciaux et suivants - terminés **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée, propriété de l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser !
Eustoma_Reyna · 103.7K Views

La Seducción de la Corona

[Advertencia: contenido maduro r18+/fuerte] Él es su salvación. Ella, su perdición. Sin embargo, se niega a dejarla ir... Mineah, la Princesa más joven de Ebodia, fue maldecida al nacer para permanecer inmaculada y traer desgracia a los que la rodean. Esta profecía se cierne sobre ella como una nube oscura, creciendo cada año que no se cumple. Existe en rumores susurrados como una figura lastimera: frágil, sumisa, indeseable. Debajo de esa máscara se encuentra una zorra fuerte y feroz digna de ser reina. Y esta posible reina ha puesto sus ojos en romper su maldición, incluso si eso significa engañar al vampiro más astuto que jamás haya nacido. Nikolai, aunque recluso y enigmático, es reverenciado por el Reino de Valcrez como un gobernante sabio y poderoso. Sin que sus leales súbditos lo sepan, su imagen de perfección es una red de mentiras que, si se expone, puede hacer que su reino y todo lo que aprecian se derrumbe bajo sus pies. Cuando estos dos encuentran sus caminos cruzados en una alianza matrimonial, comienza el juego de la Seducción de la Corona. Pero, ¿quién es el cazador y quién es la presa? ******** Extracto: —¿Por qué te estás desnudando frente a mí? —preguntó con el ceño fruncido, haciendo poco por ocultar la irritación en su voz—. ¡Su objetivo era capturar solo su corazón, no todo su cuerpo! —¿No se me permite tomar un baño con mi esposa? —respondió con tono frío—. Pedí a propósito una bañera grande para estar seguro de que los dos cabríamos en ella juntos. Ella suspiró, sin apartar la mirada de él mientras recuperaba la compostura. Al verlo sonreír con suficiencia, se obligó a sentirse cómoda mientras él hablaba. —Así está mejor. Dijiste tú misma que nadie te obligó a casarte conmigo. En cambio, te ofreciste y te ofreciste voluntariamente para hacerlo, así que espero que tengas la seguridad suficiente para compartir un baño con tu marido —afirmó con confianza Nikolai—. Después de todo, pronto haremos más que solo esto. Descarado... Evitando rodar los ojos, logró darle una sonrisa mientras decía: —No me culpes si luego mueres por mi culpa. **** Nota: La portada del libro fue encargada y es propiedad del autor. Por favor, no la utilice!
Eustoma_Reyna · 281.5K Views

Das Gesetz der Anziehung

Alles begann mit einem gestohlenen Kuss bei ihrer ersten Begegnung. [Warnung: Reifer Inhalt *keine Vergewaltigung und KEIN größeres Missverständnis] Status: ABGESCHLOSSEN ****** "Miss Lana Huang... Erwarten Sie bald eine Anzeige wegen Belästigung an Ihrer Tür..." Das hatte Lana davon, wenn sie einen Fremden küsste, um sich vor einer ungewollten arrangierten Ehe zu retten. "Soweit ich mich erinnere, hast du meinen Kuss heftig erwidert und sogar den ganzen Kuss dominiert. Du hast den Moment mit mir eindeutig genossen, also bitte lass es nicht so klingen, als hätte ich dich über Gebühr ausgenutzt! Und ich habe dir gesagt, ich bin bereit, dich zu entschädigen!" "Und wie willst du das anstellen, hm?" Liam trat näher und versuchte, die stolze Frau einzuschüchtern, die unter seinem erstickenden Druck nicht einmal mit der Wimper zuckte. Lana trat ein paar Schritte zurück, hob die Hand und knurrte: "Bleib stehen, Rechtsanwalt Sy, wenn du nicht den Schmerz eines Trittes auf die Eier spüren willst, nachdem du geküsst wurdest!" ***** Darf ich vorstellen: Lana Huang, eine stolze Frau, die die Erfolgsleiter ihrer Karriere erklommen hat. Eine Anwältin und eine mutige Frau, die so schön ist, dass Männer von ihr träumen und ihr nachtrauern. Liebe war das Letzte, was auf ihrem Plan stand, denn sie war eine Männerhasserin... Doch das Schicksal wollte ihr einen Streich spielen, als sie ungewollt Liam Sy küsste, einen wohlhabenden, mächtigen und arroganten Mann. Von Beruf Anwalt, folgten ihm Ruhm und Erfolg auf Schritt und Tritt. Ein verbissener Anwalt, der jeden Fall gewann, den er in die Hand nahm. Stolz lag ihm im Blut und Liebe stand nicht auf seiner Tagesordnung, denn er war ein Frauenhasser... Was würde passieren, wenn diese beiden... gut aussehend und schön, stolz und stur, Frauenhasser und Männerhasser... zusammenkommen und sich auf eine Ehe einlassen? Willkommen zu einem Wirbelsturm der Romantik zwischen diesen beiden - eine Achterbahnfahrt der Liebe, die sich mit Stolz, Eifersucht, Sturheit und Hass vermischt... Ohrfeigen? Warum nicht! Sicherlich würdest du es lieben, ihre Reise zu verfolgen, auf der beide das Risiko eingehen, sich zu verlieben... Eine Reise des Hasses, der sich in Liebe verwandelt... ================ Anmerkung des Autors: Ich hoffe, ihr habt Spaß beim Lesen dieses ORIGINAL-Romans von mir. Dies ist absolut ein Happy End. Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Unterstützung. Mit ganz viel Liebe, EUSTOMA_reyna Andere Bücher: Der CEO, der mich hasst (abgeschlossen) Der General, der mich hasst (abgeschlossen) Der Arzt, der mich liebt (abgeschlossen) Küss mich nicht (in Arbeit) Die Ungezähmten: Das Spiel der Herzen The Crown's Entrapment kontaktieren Sie mich unter: Discord Link: Twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook-Seite: @eustoma.reyna Das Buchcover ist von mir... Cover Art von ava_arts38 (instagram)
Eustoma_Reyna · 78.8K Views

La Ley de la Atracción

``` Todo comenzó con un beso robado en su primer encuentro. [Advertencia: Contenido para adultos *NO hay violación y NO hay grandes malentendidos!] Estado: COMPLETADO ****** —Señorita Lana Huang... Espere pronto una notificación de acoso en su puerta... Eso fue lo que Lana consiguió por besar a un extraño para salvarse de un matrimonio arreglado e indeseado. —Hasta donde recuerdo, me correspondiste ferozmente e incluso dominaste todo el beso. Claramente disfrutaste tu momento conmigo, ¡así que por favor no hagas que suene como si hubiera abusado de ti sin justificación! Y te dije, ¡estoy listo para compensarte! —¿Y cómo planeas hacer eso, eh? —Liam se acercó, intentando intimidar a la mujer orgullosa que ni siquiera parpadeó bajo su presión asfixiante. Lana retrocedió unos pasos, levantó la mano y gruñó: —¡Detente justo ahí Abogado Sy si no quieres probar el dolor de una patada en tus bolas después de ser besado! ***** Conoce a Lana Huang, una mujer orgullosa que escaló la escalera del éxito en su carrera. Una abogada y una mujer audaz, excepcionalmente hermosa que hace soñar y babear a los hombres por ella. El amor era lo último en su agenda porque odiaba a los hombres... Pero el destino quiso jugarle una broma al besar sin querer a Liam Sy, un hombre rico, poderoso y arrogante. Un abogado de profesión, la fama y el éxito lo seguían a donde quiera que iba. Un abogado feroz que ganaba cada caso que tomaba. El orgullo corría por su sangre y el amor no estaba en su agenda porque odiaba a las mujeres... ¿Qué pasaría cuando estos dos... guapos y hermosos, orgullosos y obstinados, odiadores de mujeres y odiadores de hombres... se unieran y se vieran involucrados en un matrimonio? Bienvenidos a un torbellino de romance entre estos dos: una montaña rusa de amor cuando se mezcla con el orgullo, los celos, la terquedad y el odio... ¿Bofetadas? ¡Por qué no! Seguramente les encantará seguir su viaje donde ambos tomaron el riesgo de enamorarse... Un viaje de odio que se convierte en amor... ================ Nota de la Autora: Espero que disfruten leyendo esta novela ORIGINAL mía. Esto es definitivamente un final feliz. Muchas gracias de antemano por su apoyo. Con mucho amor, EUSTOMA_reyna Otros Libros: El CEO Que Me Odia (completado) El General Que Me Odia (completado) El Doctor Que Me Ama (completado) No me Beses (en proceso) El Indomable: Juego de Corazones La Trampa de la Corona contáctenme en: Enlace de Discord: twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Página de Facebook: @eustoma.reyna La portada del libro es mía... arte de la portada por ava_arts38 (instagram) ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 150.5K Views

Die Verführung durch die Krone

[Warnung: r18+/starker reifer Inhalt] Er ist ihre Rettung. Sie, sein Untergang. Dennoch weigert er sich, sie gehen zu lassen... Mineah, die jüngste Prinzessin von Ebodia, wurde bei ihrer Geburt verflucht, unbefleckt zu bleiben und Unglück über die Menschen um sie herum zu bringen. Diese Prophezeiung schwebt wie eine dunkle Wolke über ihr und wird mit jedem Jahr, in dem sie nicht eintrifft, größer. In der Gerüchteküche wird sie als bemitleidenswerte Figur dargestellt - zerbrechlich, sanftmütig, unerwünscht. Unter dieser Maske verbirgt sich eine starke und kämpferische Füchsin, die einer Königin würdig ist. Und diese Möchtegern-Königin hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ihren Fluch zu brechen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, den gerissensten Vampir aller Zeiten auszutricksen. Nikolai, obwohl zurückgezogen und rätselhaft, wird vom Königreich Valcrez als weiser und mächtiger Herrscher verehrt. Was seine treuen Untertanen nicht wissen, ist, dass sein Bild von Perfektion ein Netz von Lügen ist, das, wenn es aufgedeckt wird, ihr Königreich und alles, was ihnen lieb und teuer ist, zum Einsturz bringen kann. Als sich die Wege der beiden in einem Heiratsbündnis kreuzen, beginnt das Spiel um die Verführung der Krone. Aber wer ist eigentlich der Jäger und wer die Beute? ******** Excerpt: "Warum ziehst du dich vor mir nackt aus?", fragte sie stirnrunzelnd und tat wenig, um die Irritation in ihrer Stimme zu verbergen. Ihr Ziel war es, nur sein Herz zu erobern, nicht seinen ganzen Körper! "Darf ich nicht mit meiner Frau baden?", bemerkte er mit kaltem Ton. "Ich habe absichtlich um eine große Wanne gebeten, nur um sicherzugehen, dass wir beide zusammen hineinpassen." Sie seufzte und riss ihren Blick nicht von ihm los, als sie ihre Fassung wiedergewann. Als sie sein Grinsen sah, zwang sie sich, es sich bequem zu machen, während er sprach. "So ist es schon besser. Du hast selbst gesagt, dass dich niemand gezwungen hat, mich zu heiraten. Stattdessen hast du dich freiwillig dazu bereit erklärt, also erwarte ich, dass du selbstbewusst genug bist, um ein Bad mit deinem Mann zu teilen", erklärte Nikolai zuversichtlich. "Schließlich werden wir bald mehr als das tun. Schamlos... Sie verhinderte, mit den Augen zu rollen, und schaffte es, ihm ein Lächeln zu schenken, als sie sagte: "Geben Sie mir nicht die Schuld, wenn Sie mir dann sterben." **** Anmerkung: Band 1: Hauptgeschichte Status - Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 1 bis 403) Band 2: Nebengeschichte Status - Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 404 bis 472) Band 3: Nebengeschichte Status - abgeschlossen **** PS: Das in Auftrag gegebene Buchcover ist Eigentum des Autors! Bitte nicht verwenden!
Eustoma_Reyna · 72K Views

La Loi de l'Attraction

``` Tout a commencé par un baiser volé lors de leur première rencontre. [Attention : Contenu mature *PAS de viol et PAS de gros malentendus !] Statut : TERMINÉ ****** « Mademoiselle Lana Huang… Attendez-vous à recevoir une notification de harcèlement à votre porte très bientôt… » C'est ce que Lana a obtenu pour avoir embrassé un inconnu pour se sauver d'un mariage arrangé indésirable. « Pour autant que je me souvienne, vous m'avez embrassé avec fougue et avez même dominé tout le baiser. Vous avez clairement apprécié votre moment avec moi, alors s'il vous plaît, ne faites pas semblant que j'ai abusé de vous ! Et je vous ai dit, je suis prêt à vous dédommager ! » « Et comment comptez-vous faire ça, hein ? » Liam s'approcha, essayant d'intimider la femme fière qui ne clignait même pas des yeux sous sa pression suffocante. Lana fit quelques pas en arrière, leva la main et grogna, « Arrête-toi là Avocat Sy si tu ne veux pas goûter à la douleur d'un coup de pied dans les couilles après avoir été embrassé ! » ***** Rencontrez Lana Huang, une femme fière qui a gravi les échelons du succès dans sa carrière. Une avocate et une femme audacieuse, d'une beauté exceptionnelle qui fait rêver et saliver les hommes. L'amour était la dernière chose à l'ordre du jour car elle détestait les hommes… Mais le destin a voulu lui jouer un tour car elle a accidentellement embrassé Liam Sy, un homme riche, puissant et arrogant. Avocat de profession, la gloire et le succès le suivaient partout où il allait. Un avocat féroce qui gagnait chaque affaire sur laquelle il mettait la main. La fierté coulait dans ses veines et l'amour n'était pas à son ordre du jour car c'était un misogyne... Que se passerait-il quand ces deux... beaux et belles, fiers et têtus, misogynes et misandrines... se rencontrent et s'impliquent dans un mariage ? Bienvenue dans un tourbillon de romance entre ces deux-là - un manège émotionnel d'amour quand il se mélangeait avec la fierté, la jalousie, l'entêtement et la haine... Des gifles ? Pourquoi pas ! Vous allez sûrement aimer suivre leur parcours où tous les deux ont pris le risque de tomber amoureux… Un voyage de la haine se transformant en amour... ================ Note de l'auteur: J'espère que vous apprécierez la lecture de ce roman ORIGINAL de moi. Ceci est absolument une fin heureuse. Merci beaucoup d'avance pour votre soutien. Avec beaucoup d'amour, EUSTOMA_reyna Autres Livres : Le PDG qui me déteste (terminé) Le Général qui me déteste (terminé) Le Docteur qui m'aime (terminé) Ne m'embrasse pas (en cours d'écriture) The Untamed: Jeu des Cœurs The Crown's Entrapment Contactez-moi à : Lien Discord : twitter : @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram : eustoma_reyna Page Facebook : @eustoma.reyna La couverture du livre est à moi... art de couverture par ava_arts38 (instagram) ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 105K Views

Die Falle der Krone

[Warnung: r18+/starker reifer Inhalt] "Ich bin sicher, du wirst meine Arme bequemer finden als alles andere auf dieser Welt..." König Darius Grant - der mächtige Herrscher des Königreichs von Cordon. Er war rücksichtslos und ungestüm gegenüber seinen Feinden. Seine bloße Anwesenheit schrie nach schroffer Autorität; allein seine Aura reichte aus, dass einige seiner Feinde schon bei seinem Anblick ihre Niederlage eingestehen und fliehen mussten. Aber trotz alledem war er machtlos und schamlos gegenüber einer Frau... seiner Gefährtin - der Prinzessin von Ebodia, die er nicht loslassen wollte. Finde heraus, wie sich die Dinge für unseren besitzergreifenden König entwickeln würden, der fest entschlossen ist, die Verführung der Krone zu nutzen, um seine Gefährtin mit allen Mitteln zu erobern. Wird es ihm gelingen, sie ganz zu erobern - Körper, Herz und Seele? * Anmerkung: Band 1 & 2: Hauptgeschichte Status: Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 1 bis 555) Band 3: Nebengeschichte Status: Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 556 bis 641) "Ich kann mich erst dann zum Sieger erklären, wenn es mir gelingt, dein Herz zu erobern..." Band 4: Nebengeschichte Status: Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 642 bis 701) "Liebe war nie in meinem Wortschatz, wenn es um Frauen ging, bis du kamst..." Band 5: Status: Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 702 bis 805) "Ich wähle dich... du, die gierig den ganzen Platz in meinem Herzen einnimmt..." Sonderkapitel ab - abgeschlossen **** PS: Das in Auftrag gegebene Buchcover ist Eigentum des Autors! Bitte nicht verwenden!
Eustoma_Reyna · 53.3K Views

Perkawinan Kejutan dengan Seorang Miliarder

Kehidupan Rain Clayton berubah drastis ketika ia merusak mobil pacarnya yang selingkuh, hanya untuk mengetahui itu bukan miliknya—itu milik orang asing. Yang lebih buruk lagi, ia secara tidak sengaja menemukan ia menikah dengan orang asing tersebut, tidak lain adalah Alexander Lancaster, Wakil Ketua dan CEO yang tertutup dari Grup Lancaster yang berkuasa. Dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang mengabaikannya dan kini dibawah tekanan ayahnya untuk menikahi putra walikota yang psikopatik, Rain melihat pernikahan mendadak ini sebagai berkah terselubung. Setelah bertahun-tahun menderita, sepertinya langit akhirnya mengasihani dirinya, memberinya seorang suami miliuner yang tampan—seorang pria yang kejam terhadap musuh-musuhnya dan persis apa yang dia butuhkan untuk lepas dari cengkeraman keluarganya. Namun, ada satu masalah besar: Alexander menginginkan perceraian segera. Bertekad untuk mempertahankannya, Rain membuat kesepakatan untuk memperpanjang pernikahan mereka, dengan syarat-syaratnya. Kini yang harus ia lakukan hanyalah meyakinkannya untuk mempertahankannya selamanya... Beberapa minggu telah berlalu sejak pernikahan mendadak mereka… “Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?” seru Rain dengan mata terbelalak saat ia melihat Alexander merangkak ke atas tempat tidurnya. "Melaksanakan tugas suami," jawabnya dengan senyum santai. “Kamu tidak bisa tidur di sini! Ini melanggar kontrak kita!” “Saya tidak melanggarnya,” kata Alexander dengan mengangkat bahu. "Kontraknya menyebutkan bahwa kamu akan memenuhi semua tugas istri, kecuali berbagi tempat tidur denganku. Tidak ada yang menyebutkan tentang saya tidak boleh melaksanakan tugas-tugas suami, termasuk berbagi tempat tidurmu.” Situasi telah berubah, dan sekarang sepertinya bukan hanya dia yang mengendalikan keadaan...
Eustoma_Reyna · 31.4K Views

Pemikat Mahkota

[Peringatan: konten dewasa r18+/kuat] Dia adalah penyelamatnya. Dia, kehancurannya. Namun, dia menolak untuk melepaskannya... Mineah, Putri termuda dari Ebodia, dikutuk sejak lahir untuk tetap tak tersentuh dan membawa kesialan kepada orang-orang di sekitarnya. Ramalan kelam itu menggantung di atasnya seperti awan gelap, semakin membesar setiap tahunnya ketika tidak terjadi. Dia ada dalam bisikan lirih sebagai sosok yang menyedihkan - rapuh, lemah lembut, tidak diinginkan. Di balik topeng itu adalah wanita cerdas dan pemberani yang layak menjadi ratu. Dan calon ratu ini telah memusatkan matanya untuk mematahkan kutukannya, meskipun itu berarti menipu vampir paling licik yang pernah lahir. Nikolai, meskipun menyendiri dan misterius, dikagumi oleh Kerajaan Valcrez sebagai penguasa yang bijaksana dan kuat. Tanpa diketahui oleh rakyatnya yang setia, citra kesempurnaannya adalah jaring kebohongan yang jika terungkap dapat menumbangkan kerajaan mereka dan segala yang mereka sayangi di bawah kaki mereka. Ketika kedua orang ini menemukan jalur mereka bersilangan dalam aliansi pernikahan, permainan Godaan Mahkota pun dimulai. Namun, siapakah sebenarnya pemburu dan siapakah mangsa? ******** Penggalan: “Mengapa kamu membuka pakaianmu di depanku?” tanyanya dengan cemberut, sedikit pun tidak menyembunyikan rasa kesal di suaranya. Tujuannya adalah untuk menawan hatinya saja, bukan seluruh tubuhnya! “Bukankah aku boleh mandi bersama istriku?” ucapnya dengan nada dingin. “Sengaja aku meminta bak mandi besar untuk memastikan kita berdua muat di dalamnya bersama-sama.” Dia mendesah, tidak mengalihkan pandangan darinya saat dia mengumpulkan kembali ketenangannya. Melihat dia tersenyum sinis dia memaksa dirinya untuk merasa nyaman saat dia berbicara. “Itulah yang lebih baik. Kamu sendiri yang mengatakan tidak ada yang memaksa kamu menikahi saya. Sebaliknya, kamu yang menawarkan dan dengan sukarela mengajukan diri untuk itu, jadi saya berharap kamu cukup percaya diri untuk berbagi bak mandi dengan suamimu,” ucap Nikolai dengan percaya diri. “Lagipula, kita akan melakukan lebih dari ini dalam waktu dekat.” Tidak tahu malu... Dengan menahan diri untuk tidak menggelengkan kepalanya, dia berhasil memberinya senyum saat dia berkata, “Jangan salahkan saya jika kamu mati karena saya nanti.” **** Catatan: Volume 1: Cerita Utama Status - Selesai (Bab 1 hingga 403) Volume 2: Cerita Sampingan Status - Selesai (Bab 404 hingga 472) Volume 3: Cerita Sampingan Status - **** PS: Sampul Buku Komisi milik Penulis! Dilarang menggunakannya!
Eustoma_Reyna · 25.9K Views
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