The return of the fallen angels
It happened that in the days of the patriarchs, the angel Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields breastplates and mirrors, bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the art of painting themselves eyebrows, to use precious stones and all kinds of dyes, so that the world is corrupted, and the world is tried with wicked people. Condemned with hands and feet bound in the dudael desert east of Jerusalem invisible to men, it rains heavy and sharp stones on him for 5,000 years. Nowadays, there is an era on Earth with the project to create the deadliest war between men that the world has never known. ITO Jin, descendant of Hénock, and a young man of thirty living in Tibet, is chosen by the angel Raphaël responsible for the imprisonment of Azazyel; is reformed on Mount Everest from his DNA in order to prepare him to face Azazyel and to stop him.