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Tristan Bella

Mantan Suami Miliarderku Mengejar Aku Kembali

``` [Konten Dewasa] Arabella Donovan mengorbankan masa mudanya hanya untuk suaminya. Namun, ia menceraikannya karena Arabella tidak bisa memberinya anak, yang menyebabkan rasa sakit yang mendalam. Bella memutuskan untuk menghilang dari kehidupannya. Lima tahun kemudian, ia kembali ke negara ini dengan anak lelakinya yang menggemaskan. Kehidupan damainya mulai terganggu ketika mantan suaminya mengejarnya kembali begitu dia mengetahui bahwa Bella telah melahirkan anaknya. Tapi sekarang, dia bukanlah Bella yang sama seperti dulu. Dia adalah orang yang sangat berbeda. ***** "Bos, dia sudah kembali!" "Siapa?" Tristan Sinclair bertanya sambil menandatangani tumpukan kertas. "Istrimu—" Asisten itu ragu-ragu, mengamati Tristan dengan cermat. Ketika dia melihat alis Tristan berkerut, dia memperbaiki ucapannya. "Maaf, saya maksud mantan istrimu, Nona Donovan. Dia kembali dengan seorang anak laki-laki..." Tristan mendesah, memandangi kontrak di hadapannya. Setelah lima tahun mencari, hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa dia telah melanjutkan hidupnya, itu terasa menyakitkan. Tapi ia tidak bisa menghindarinya. Dia pantas mendapatkan kebahagiaan dengan orang lain. Dia akan menerima kekalahannya ini. "Dia pantas mendapatkan suami baru..." Tristan bergumam, memecat asistennya. "Bos, yang saya maksud adalah anak lelaki yang manis itu. Saya kira dia sekitar empat tahun—" Tristan terkejut. Kepalanya terangkat, pandangannya tajam tertuju pada asistennya. "Saya butuh Anda untuk mengatur tes DNA untuk anak itu. Dan berikan saya alamatnya!" Sinar muncul di matanya saat senyum pelan melintas di wajahnya. ______ Penulis Novel: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Selesai) 2. Pengantin Pangeran Tak Mati (Selesai) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (Selesai) 4. Istri Jenius Miliuner (Selesai) 5. Kebangkitan Sebagai Istri Tuhan Vampir (Selesai) 6. Mantan Suami Miliuner Mengejarku Kembali _____ Cara menghubungi saya: >> Akun Instagram: authorpurplelight >> Halaman FB: Author_Purplelight >> Bergabunglah dengan Server Discord saya: _____ Catatan: Sampul buku adalah hak milik penulis. Tolong jangan digunakan kembali! ```
PurpleLight · 426.4K Views

Dos veces rechazada Luna, el deseo de todos los Alfas

Valerie, la hija del asesinado Alfa de la Manada de Yellow Stone, nunca podría liderar la manada porque tenía un lobo Luna. Su compañero, Tristan, fue nombrado Alfa en su lugar. Después de asumir el título de Alfa, Valerie fue acusada y brutalmente rechazada, no solo por Tristan, sino también por toda su manada, y su hermana menor, Scarlet, con quien Tristan había tenido aventuras secretas. —Rechazo a Luna Valerie como mi compañera. Fue sorprendida en la cama con un extraño, lo que significa que vendería la manada. El castigo por traición es la muerte —anunció desalmadamente Alfa Tristan. Los cánticos de los miembros de la manada y los Alfas visitantes que habían venido para la conferencia de los Alfas les atrajeron al juicio. Nadie esperaba que el Alfa Denzel, cuyo nombre hacía que los pelos en su piel se erizaran debido a su crueldad, llegara a la conferencia. Valerie encontró esperanza cuando se dio cuenta de que Alfa Denzel era su segundo compañero destinado, pero dolorosamente, fue rechazada una vez más. El doble rechazo le hizo perder a su lobo y fue condenada a morir por todos los Alfas presentes. Pensó que su destino estaba sellado cuando el Alfa Denzel se fue y un guerrero estaba listo para ejecutarla. Todos se quedaron en shock cuando Alfa Denzel de repente se dio la vuelta. —¡Deténganse! La hija traicionera de un Alfa difunto no debe ser asesinada. La espera más sufrimiento —declaró. El corazón de Valerie se hundió cuando vio su mirada oscura, que era como un pozo sin fondo, mientras ella se desmayaba de agotamiento. Unos meses más tarde, hubo una guerra entre los Alfas a medida que comenzaron a reclamar a la Luna rechazada dos veces. Con su lobo muerto, ¿será misericordiosa la diosa de la luna para darle otro lobo? ¿Y cuál Alfa será capaz de derretir su corazón ahora frío?
Glorious_Eagle · 1.5M Views

Duas vezes rejeitada Luna, o desejo de todos os Alfas

Valerie, a filha do Alfa assassinado da Matilha Yellow Stone, nunca poderia liderar a matilha porque tinha uma Loba Luna. Seu parceiro, Tristan, foi feito o Alfa em seu lugar. Após assumir o título de Alfa, Valerie foi armada e brutalmente rejeitada, não apenas por Tristan, mas também por toda a sua matilha e sua irmãzinha, Scarlet, com quem Tristan tinha casos secretos. “Eu rejeito Luna Valerie como minha parceira. Ela foi pega na cama com um estranho, o que significa que ela trairia a matilha. O castigo para traição é a morte,” Alfa Tristan anunciou sem coração. Os cânticos dos membros da matilha e dos Alfas visitantes que vieram para a conferência dos Alfas os atraiu para o julgamento. Ninguém pensou que o Alfa Denzel, cujo nome fazia os pelos da pele se arrepiarem devido à sua crueldade, compareceria à conferência. Valerie encontrou esperança quando percebeu que Alfa Denzel era seu companheiro de segunda chance, mas dolorosamente, ela foi rejeitada mais uma vez. A dupla rejeição fez com que ela perdesse sua loba, e ela foi condenada à morte por todos os Alfas presentes. Ela pensou que seu destino estava selado quando Alfa Denzel partiu e um guerreiro estava pronto para executá-la. Todos ficaram chocados quando Alfa Denzel de repente se virou. “Pare! A filha traiçoeira de um Alfa defunto não deve ser morta. Mais sofrimento a aguarda,” ele declarou. O coração de Valerie afundou quando ela viu seu olhar sombrio, que era como um poço sem fundo, enquanto ela desmaiava de exaustão. Alguns meses depois, houve uma guerra entre os Alfas, pois começaram a reivindicar a Luna rejeitada duas vezes. Com sua loba morta, será que a deusa da lua seria generosa a ponto de dar a ela outra loba? E qual Alfa seria capaz de derreter seu coração agora frio?
Glorious_Eagle · 1.2M Views

Deux fois rejetée Luna, le désir de tous les Alphas

Valérie, la fille de l'Alpha assassiné de la Meute de la Pierre Jaune, ne pouvait jamais diriger la meute car elle avait un loup Luna. Son compagnon, Tristan, fut désigné Alpha à sa place. Après avoir assumé le titre d'Alpha, Valérie fut piégée et brutalement rejetée, non seulement par Tristan mais aussi par toute sa meute, et sa petite sœur, Scarlet, avec laquelle Tristan avait des liaisons secrètes. « Je rejette Luna Valérie comme ma compagne. Elle a été surprise au lit avec un étranger, ce qui signifie qu'elle trahirait la meute. La punition pour la trahison est la mort », annonça sans cœur l'Alpha Tristan. Les chants des membres de la meute et des Alphas visiteurs venus pour la conférence des Alphas les attirèrent vers le jugement. Personne ne s'attendait à ce que l'Alpha Denzel, dont le nom faisait dresser les poils sur leur peau en raison de sa cruauté, se rende à la conférence. Valérie trouva de l'espoir lorsqu'elle réalisa qu'Alpha Denzel était son compagnon de seconde chance, mais elle fut douloureusement rejetée une fois de plus. Le double rejet la conduisit à perdre son loup, et elle fut condamnée à mourir par tous les Alphas présents. Elle pensait que son sort était scellé lorsque l'Alpha Denzel partit et qu'un guerrier était prêt à l'exécuter. Tout le monde fut choqué lorsque soudain, l'Alpha Denzel se retourna. « Arrêtez ! La fille traîtresse d'un Alpha défunt ne doit pas être tuée. Plus de souffrances l'attendent », déclara-t-il. Le cœur de Valérie chuta lorsqu'elle vit son regard sombre, qui était comme un gouffre sans fond, alors qu'elle s'évanouissait d'épuisement. Quelques mois plus tard, une guerre éclata entre les Alphas alors qu'ils commençaient à revendiquer la Luna rejetée deux fois. Avec son loup mort, la déesse lunaire aura-t-elle la grâce de lui en donner un autre ? Et quel Alpha sera capable de faire fondre son cœur désormais glacé ?
Glorious_Eagle · 1.1M Views

Mon ex-mari milliardaire me pourchasse

[Contenu Mature] Arabella Donovan a sacrifié sa jeunesse uniquement pour son mari. Cependant, il l'a divorcée parce qu'elle ne pouvait pas lui donner d'enfants, lui causant une grande douleur. Bella a décidé de disparaître de sa vie. Cinq ans plus tard, elle est revenue dans le pays avec son adorable fils. Sa vie paisible a commencé à être perturbée quand son ex-mari l'a poursuivie dès qu'il a su qu'elle avait donné naissance à son fils. Mais à présent, elle n'était plus la même Bella qu'elle avait été. Elle est une personne totalement différente. ***** « Patron, elle est de retour ! » « Qui ? » Tristan Sinclair demanda tout en gribouillant sa signature sur des piles de papiers. « Votre femme— » L'assistant hésita, observant attentivement Tristan. Quand il vit les sourcils froncés de Tristan, il se reprit. « Désolé, je veux dire votre ex-femme, Mme Donovan. Elle est revenue avec un garçon... » Tristan soupira, fixant le contrat devant lui. Après cinq ans de recherche, pour finalement découvrir qu'elle avait refait sa vie, ça fait mal. Mais il ne pouvait pas l'éviter. Elle mérite le bonheur avec quelqu'un d'autre. Il acceptera cette perte. « Elle mérite un nouveau mari... » Tristan murmura, congédiant son assistant. « Patron, ce que je voulais dire, c'est le petit garçon mignon. Je pense qu'il a environ quatre ans — » Tristan se tendit. Relevant la tête, il fixa son assistant d'un regard acéré. « J'ai besoin que vous organisiez un test ADN pour le gamin. Et trouvez-moi son adresse ! » Une lueur apparut dans ses yeux alors qu'un sourire se dessinait lentement sur son visage. ______ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! JE SUIS TOMBÉ AMOUREUX DE LUI (Terminé) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (La Mariée Du Prince Immortel Couronné) (Terminé) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (La Renaissance : Danser Dans Mon Destin) (Terminé) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (La Femme Génie Du Milliardaire) (Terminé) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Renaissance En Tant Que Femme Du Seigneur Vampire) (Terminé) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back (Mon Ex-Mari Milliardaire Me Courtise De Nouveau) _____ Comment me contacter : >> Compte Instagram : authorpurplelight >> Page FB : Author_Purplelight >> Rejoignez mon serveur Discord : _____ Notes : La couverture du livre appartient à l'auteur. Veuillez ne pas la réutiliser !
PurpleLight · 957.3K Views

A Esposa do CEO é Filha de um Deus Demônio

[ Livro 1: Concluído ] Tristan Davis, o CEO playboy da Heavenly Star Enterprize, foi obrigado a casar com QUALQUER MULHER dentro de um mês ou, senão... seu título glamoroso e posição seriam retirados dele. NÃOOOO! Como ele poderia seduzir aquelas mulheres lindas se ele se tornasse pobre e não fosse mais um CEO? Tudo bem, ele vai encontrar uma mulher e casar com ela para agradar seu avô exigente. Que se dane se é uma mulher estranha e esquisita que ele conheceu na montanha enquanto acampava. Certo? Espera.. O quê!? Ela NÃO É HUMANA? Ela é a filha do deus demônio? Você disse... DEMÔNIO? Mas ela parece tão angelical, bela e inocente. Tristan nem conseguia olhar para outras mulheres depois que a filha do deus demônio se tornou sua esposa. Ha. Ele pode muito bem mantê-la por perto, já que o avô parece gostar tanto dela. ============ Zhen-Zhen, que tinha a linhagem do deus demônio, estava sendo alvo dos guerreiros guardiões. Desde criança eles tentaram matá-la muitas vezes, mas falharam. Sem outra escolha, eles a selaram na Montanha Divina. Mas após 100 anos, seu selo foi acidentalmente quebrado e assim, seu Protetor encontrou a chance de enviá-la para outro mundo habitado apenas por humanos comuns - sem seres sobrenaturais e sem poderes mágicos. Neste novo mundo, ela conheceu o CEO Galã e Travesso, que lhe propôs casamento no primeiro encontro. Mas espere... Casamento? Se tornar sua Esposa? O que significa se tornar uma Esposa? Embora a filha do deus demônio não tivesse ideia do que significa se tornar uma esposa, ela aceitou sua proposta animada! "Sim! Eu quero ser sua esposa!" ============ *** Trecho *** Zhen-Zhen: "Tristan, por que você está rindo mesmo estando triste? Eu posso sentir. Você está sofrendo, agora." Em seu estado de embriaguez, Tristan ainda conseguia absorver as palavras dela. Tristan: "Ei, minha Zhen-Zhen. Você vai ser minha esposa, né?" Zhen-Zhen: "Sim..." Tristan: "Então... me faça feliz. Venha mais perto... e me beije." Ela se inclinou mais para perto de Tristan enquanto pressionava seus lábios delicados e quentes nos lábios frios dele. Zhen-Zhen: "Você está feliz agora, Tristan?" Tristan sacudiu a cabeça e fez beicinho. "Não! Zhen-Zhen, aquilo não pode ser considerado um beijo! Você apenas pressionou seus lábios nos meus." Ele reclamou exasperadamente para ela. "Vem aqui, eu vou te ensinar!" Tristan segurou o rosto dela e então começou a beijá-la apaixonadamente. Tristan puxou a cabeça dela para mais perto à medida que aprofundava o beijo. Após alguns segundos, Zhen-Zhen respondeu e retribuiu seu beijo com tanta intensidade quanto ele. 'Caramba, ela aprende rápido.' ========= [ Quente+Divertido+Fofinho+Para Adultos ]~ Esta é a história da filha do deus demônio e de um CEO galã e travesso... ======= Prêmio deste Livro: WPC#133 Tier Ouro - Nenhum Humano Permitido! Protagonista Feminina Apoie o Autor: Junte-se ao Servidor do Discord do Autor: Envie mensagem para mim no Discord: ellezar_g#1010 Outro Livro do Autor: 1. A Assasina Diabólica encontra o Detetive Angélico Volume I: Encontro Fatal (Capítulo 1-275) Concluído Volume II: Seus Caminhos se Cruzaram Novamente (Capítulo 276-530) Concluído 2. Amor Proibido: Sedução de um Anjo 3. Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge A arte/ilustração/foto foi gerada por IA pelo Autor
ellezar_g · 95.1K Views

Meu Ex-marido Bilionário Está Tentando Me Reconquistar

[Conteúdo Adulto] Arabella Donovan sacrificou sua juventude exclusivamente pelo marido. No entanto, ele a divorciou porque ela não podia gerar filhos para ele, causando-lhe grande dor. Bella decidiu desaparecer da vida dele. Cinco anos depois, ela retornou ao país com seu adorável filho. Sua vida pacífica começou a ser perturbada quando o ex-marido a perseguiu assim que descobriu que ela estava dando à luz ao filho dele. Mas agora, ela não era mais a mesma Bella de antes. Ela é uma pessoa completamente diferente. ***** "Chefe, ela voltou!" "Quem?" Tristan Sinclair perguntou enquanto rabiscava sua assinatura em pilhas de papéis. "Sua esposa—" O assistente hesitou, observando Tristan atentamente. Quando viu as sobrancelhas franzidas de Tristan, ele se corrigiu. "Desculpe, quero dizer sua ex-esposa, a Sra. Donovan. Ela voltou com um garoto..." Tristan suspirou, olhando para o contrato à sua frente. Depois de cinco anos procurando, só para descobrir que ela seguiu em frente, isso dói. Mas ele não podia evitar. Ela merece felicidade com outra pessoa. Ele aceitará essa perda. "Ela merece um novo marido..." Tristan murmurou, dispensando seu assistente. "Chefe, o que eu quis dizer é que o garotinho é fofo. Eu acho que ele tem uns quatro anos—" Tristan estalou. Sua cabeça se erguendo, fixando seu olhar afiado em seu assistente. "Eu preciso que você organize um teste de DNA para o garoto. E me consiga o endereço dela!" Um brilho apareceu em seus olhos enquanto um sorriso se espalhava lentamente por seu rosto.
PurpleLight · 1.4M Views

My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back

[COMPLETED] Arabella Donovan sacrificed her youth solely for her husband. However, he divorced her because she could not bear children for him, causing her great pain. Bella decided to disappear from his life. Five years later, she returned to the country with her adorable son. Her peaceful life started to get disturbed when her ex-husband chased her back the moment he found out she was giving birth to his son. But now, she wasn't the same Bella she used to be. She is an entirely different person. ***** "Boss, she's back!" "Who?" Tristan Sinclair asked while scribbling his signature across stacks of papers. "Your wife—" The assistant hesitated, watching Tristan closely. When he saw Tristan's furrowed brows, he corrected himself. "Sorry, I mean your ex-wife, Ms. Donovan. She's returned with a boy..." Tristan sighed, eyeing the contract before him.  After five years of searching, only to find out she's moved on, it feels hurt. But he couldn't avoid it. She deserves happiness with someone else. He'll take this loss.  "She deserves a new husband..." Tristan muttered, dismissing his assistant. "Boss, what I meant was the cute little boy. I think he's around four years old—" Tristan snapped. His head up, fixing his sharp gaze on his assistant. "I need you to arrange a DNA test for the kid. And get me her address!"  A glimmer appeared in his eyes as a smile slowly spread across his face. ______ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Completed) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (Completed) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (Completed) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (Completed) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Completed) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back (Completed) 7. Betrayed by Fiancé, Embraced by Hidden Tycoon (Completed) _____ How to contact me: >> Instagram account: authorpurplelight >> FB Page: Author_Purplelight >> Join my Discord Server: _____ Notes: The book cover belongs to the author. Please don't reuse it!
PurpleLight · 5M Views

Passion Twist : Tales of Lost Sisters

"Passion Twist : Tales of Lost Sisters" is a heart- wrenching epic that chronicles the lives of four sisters torn apart by war and circumstance. In the ravaged kingdom of Marinia, the once- peaceful land is destroyed,and the royal family is brutally murdered. The four sisters - Selena,Isolde, Adrielle, and Seraphina are separated and forced into lives of servitude, slavery and deception. As they navigate their new realities, each sisters faces unimaginable hardships. Selena is trapped in a life of sexual exploitation, Isolde toils as a child laborer and Adrielle escapes her mistress only to find herself on the brink of death. Seraphina, the youngest, is trained by a cunning and dangerous Lord to seduce the prince of Drakmara, but she finds herself entangled in a complete web of passion and loyalty. The prince, initially confident and imposing,harbors a deep - seated conflict. He's torn between his ambition to rule Drakmara and the manipulation of his uncle, who has conditioned him to doubt his own instincts. As the sisters'paths converge, they must confront their tormentors,their own demons and the secrets that threaten to tear them apart. With their fates hanging in the balance, the sisters must decide where their loyalty lies: with their kingdom, their family or their own hearts. Will they find a way to reunite, overcome their past,and forge a new future? Or will the passions that drive them tear them apart forever?
Bella_Chacha · 5.1K Views

BELLA; Una historia para aprender a vivir.

Aprendiendo a Vivir narra la historia de Bella Serrano Bracamontes, una joven que crece en un entorno marcado por la violencia, el abandono y la pobreza. Nacida el 05 de julio de 1995, Bella es la hija menor de una familia disfuncional. Su madre, Ana Lucía, la desprecia y marca una clara diferencia entre ella y sus hermanos mayores, mientras que su padre, Hermedes, está atrapado en un círculo vicioso de adicción a las drogas, lo que le impide ser un verdadero apoyo para sus hijos. A lo largo de su infancia y adolescencia, Bella se enfrenta a la soledad y el desprecio, buscando consuelo en su muñeca vieja y el sueño de algún día mejorar su vida. A pesar de las dificultades, su resiliencia se refleja en su deseo de cambiar su destino, aprendiendo a vivir en un mundo que parece haberle dado la espalda. A través de una serie de eventos trágicos y reveladores, Bella enfrenta la cruel realidad de su hogar, incluyendo el abuso y la indiferencia de su padre, quien incluso la echa de su casa sin escuchar su versión de los hechos. Sin embargo, Bella no pierde la esperanza. Con la ayuda de su amigo de la infancia, Luis, la joven comienza a visualizar un futuro diferente, uno en el que pueda alcanzar sus sueños y encontrar su lugar en el mundo, lejos de las sombras de su pasado. Aprendiendo a Vivir es una emotiva historia de lucha, superación y la búsqueda de identidad en medio de circunstancias adversas, donde la bondad, la nobleza y la esperanza se convierten en las fuerzas que impulsan a Bella a continuar adelante, a pesar de todo lo que le ha tocado vivir.
bella_7758 · 480 Views

Married To The Blind Alpha

When Aria turned five her grandmother told her that their family has never been blessed with a mate and not having a mate doesn't mean they won't find love. When Aria turned eighteen, her desire to have a mate became stronger because her best friend whom she had a crush on found his mate and the pure joy in his eyes when he told her about the mate bond, place a emptiness in her heart. "You are special, Aria. You have the power to turn back time." That was what her grandmother told her when she claimed she was cursed and even though she was not satisfied with that answer, she never asked again. Two years later, Aria got a call from the hospital and found out that her grandmother has been poisoned and the only way for her to save her grandmother was to accept this deal made by the Alpha of the Shadow Moon pack "Marry Alpha Tristan, have him fall for you and then kill him." It was the only way to saved her grandmother so she agreed despite knowing that she was walking into a lion den, because how was she going to kill a man who despite losing both his sight and his mate, command enough power and authority to still be called a Alpha. How will Aria feel when she realized that the man she has been task to kill has been waiting for her for five lifetimes and have just two years left to live? What situation will Aria find herself that will require her to turn back time and what price will she pay for altering time itself? ----------- Excerpt Aria felt uneasy by his silence and wondered if it was the right moment to use the techniques, Hailey has taught her. Taking a deep breath, Aria stepped closer and closed her eyes as she brushed her lips against Tristan's. Tristan stiffened when he felt her lips on his and without thinking, he immediately pushed her away. Seeing the angry look on his face, Aria felt like it was all over; she was definitely going to be killed now. But Tristan expression was shadowed by more than anger. How had she gotten so close without him sensing her? And why--why was his heart racing like this?
Rosepetals456 · 127.6K Views


~•No Escape•~ "Are you running away from me, my sweet girl" spoke a voice in the hallway that made her stop in her tracks. The hallway had turned dark with only the wall lamps that burned brightly casting the shadow of the man on the floor as he slowly emerged from the other end. "What are you doing here, your majesty," She said and bowed immediately as she saw him approach her with slow but steady steps. "You haven't answered me, sweet" The man said with a sweet smile that made her wary and he heard the way her heart skipped a beat. He stood before her and used his index finger to raise her chin. He tilted his head as he gazed into her green eyes that looked back at him with fear. He took a step forward closing the distance between them and his eyes narrowed when she took a step back, but that didn't stop him from cornering her. "Did you think you can escape from me?" He continued to question and she didn't miss the mockery behind his words. "I…I" she felt her words tied to her tongue because of the man's daunting aura. She felt him trace her forehead with his finger down to her jaw. He continued moving his hand down to her neck and to the top of her swell and her thudding heart hitched when his hand continued to stay there. "Did you think you can escape from me?" He bent towards her as he spoke. His breath fell on her neck which sent a jolt that traveled down her body. "I told you, you're tied to me and me to you" _______________________ Perdita Kartar was a winsome yet strange young lady. She had an appealing beauty with her green eyes that invoked and impelled anyone who gazed into them. She had fooled her villagers so she could live and protect herself and her remaining family from the night creatures and also humans. But what was bizarre of all, was that Perdita had a secret she shared with no one. She had lived in the village since she was little, and over the years, she had been discreet with each move she made. Unfortunately, things didn't go as she planned. Despite her cautious decorum and fight to stay out of sight, a pair of glacial red eyes falls on her, which followed and refused to leave her out of sight.
Amzy_Bella · 934.3K Views


The shadows lurked, its whispers a fearful caress to the heart. A word of it begot omen and doom is the person who sees it. The world was evolving, creatures emerging and some going instinct, but one rule remained among the humans, "BEWARE OF THE NIGHT CREATURES." Ophelia, tossed and turned by the cruel wind and unfortunate side of the world found herself embracing the very shadows that were feared by many. The shadow which always haunted her. Not only was she haunted, but she was also the reason the shadow lurked. Its darkness deftly intertwined with the course of her life, bringing to light secrets locked away in the abyss. Secrets which led her to the arms of the one whose statements remained of evil. Rumors of her prevailed, each one more abhorrent than the other. While most of the rumors were false, there were specks of truth in them. However, in the dance of darkness, its drums beaten by the shadows, everything and every danger she faced culminated on the day she was bitten by the very creature humans termed evil and vile. She was his pawn, his amusement to be poked, his first bite. Her blood the first to ink his fangs, had unbeknownst to him formed a forbidden and sacred bond that could not be severed unless she died. Gone from his play toy to the number one on his kill list, Ophelia found herself confronting dangers that she, no matter how hard she tried, could never win against. When the game of chase and death slowly evolves into an unspoken spark-like trail of shadows weaving in the hearts of the predator and the prey, Ophelia is conflicted about the path to follow. The path to toss the dangers aside and embrace the whispers of her heart— or, the path to heed the warnings of her heart and run further from her predator. Unfortunately, in the dance of the cruel hand of fate, whichever way she took, he was always there like a shadow ready to entrap her. SHE WAS HIS FIRST BITE AND HE WAS HER SHADOW.
Amzy_Bella · 3.2K Views


This was supposed to be just a dance, but the way he held me said otherwise. His grip on my waist was firm, almost possessive, pulling me flush against his body.He spun me around effortlessly, my back now pressed against his solid chest. A deep chuckle rumbled from him, his breath warm against my neck."Are you trying to tempt me?" he asked, his voice thick with something dark and unspoken. I barely had time to process his words before I felt it-hard and pressing against me. My breath caught, heat spreading through me as realization struck."What?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. His hands slid down, gripping my hips as he pulled me even closer. "Because it's working," he murmured, his lips grazing my ear, sending a rush of electricity through me. Bella Smith never imagined betrayal would be the least of her worries. At twenty-two, she walks in on her best friend in bed with her boyfriend-a heartbreak that sends her running. But fate has something far worse in store. Sold by her aunt's husband to ruthless traffickers to settle his gambling debts, Bella is shipped to Russia, her freedom ripped away. Desperate to escape, she seizes a chance-only to witness the tragic suicide of Vladimir Ivanov's only daughter. Now, the merciless mafia lord sees an opportunity. Bella is forced into an unthinkable deception: assume the dead girl's identity and marry Alessandro De Lucas, the most feared mafia boss in Italy. A man known for his cold brutality and unforgiving nature. Caught in a web of lies and surrounded by monsters, Bella knows one truth-if Alessandro discovers she's an imposter, she won't live to see another day. But the more time she spends in his world, the more dangerous the game becomes. Because deception isn't the only thing burning between them.
LadyHedti · 1K Views
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