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Lind Frey

MMORPG : Die Wiedergeburt des stärksten Vampirgottes

Im Jahr 2100 wurde der Menschheit das revolutionäre VR-Volltauchspiel "Omega" vorgestellt. Das Spiel war jedoch keine von Menschen entwickelte Technologie, sondern eine, die der Menschheit von einer höheren Macht gewährt wurde, um sie auf das erste Erwachen vorzubereiten. Es war nur ein Tutorial und ein Mittel, um die primitive Spezies von dem Glauben, sie sei allein im gesamten Universum, zu einem reibungslosen Übergang in das wahre, weite Universum zu bringen. Als die durchschnittliche Benutzerstufe im Spiel die vorgegebene Schwelle überschritt, endete das Tutorium schließlich und der Planet Erde erlebte ein katastrophales Ereignis, das als "Erstes Erwachen" bezeichnet wurde, als das Mana in der realen Welt genauso frei zu fließen begann wie in der virtuellen Welt und das echte universelle Bühnenspiel namens "Sigma" enthüllt wurde. Sigma" wurde von der allmächtigen KI, der universellen Königin, regiert und war die große Bühne, auf der Rassen aus dem ganzen Universum gemeinsam um Territorium, Ressourcen und Ehre kämpften. In einem Universum, in dem Fantasierassen wie Elfen, Drachen und Vampire kein Mythos, sondern reale Machtspieler sind, fanden die Menschen schnell heraus, dass sie eine der schwächsten Rassen waren, die "Sigma" spielten. In dieser verzweifelten Situation wandten sich die Menschen an ihre besten Profispieler, um sie zu retten. -------------- Max war ein Genie in der Welt von Omega und galt als die Hoffnung der Menschheit nach dem ersten Erwachen. Doch ein Unfall verkrüppelte seine Mana-Adern und führte dazu, dass er in Sigma als mannloser Abschaum eingestuft wurde! Da er als hoffnungslos und unverbesserlich galt, wurde er schnell vom Helden zum Nullpunkt, und die Welt ignorierte ihn. Zehn Jahre lang, seit dem ersten Erwachen, lebte er das Leben eines manalosen Abfalls und wurde zu einem Abschaum der Gesellschaft, der langsam seinen Stolz, seine Besitztümer und schließlich seine Identität verlor. Am Ende starb er einen tragischen und schmerzhaften Tod, als er es nicht schaffte, seinen jungen Neffen und seine Nichte vor Angreifern zu retten. Doch das war nicht das Ende von Max' Geschichte, sondern erst der Anfang, denn er wurde in der Zeit vor dem ersten Erwachen reinkarniert, bevor sein Untergang begann! Bewaffnet mit dem Wissen um die Zukunft, sehen Sie, wie Max in seinem zweiten Leben nach dem Gipfel strebt und mit Mut und Hartnäckigkeit gegen sein Schicksal kämpft. ------- Meine anderen Werke - MMORPG: Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master Terra Nova Online: Rise Of The Strongest Player (Aufstieg des stärksten Spielers) Bösewicht mit dem stärksten System discord link :-
Raj_Shah_7152 · 75.1K Views

Abyssale Chroniken

Der Dämonenherr, eine Gestalt mit schwarzem Haar und roten Augen, regiert von ihrem Obsidianpalast aus, nachdem sie die Göttin, das stärkste Wesen der Welt, wiederholt besiegt hat. Sie unterlässt es jedoch, sie zu töten, da sie weiß, dass sie nur wiedergeboren wird, um einen weiteren Angriff zu führen. Während die Göttin schwer verletzt und hilflos vor ihr kniet, ertönt draußen das Geräusch von Explosionen, die den bevorstehenden Sieg der Allianz ankündigen. Trotz ihrer immensen Macht erkennt der Dämonenfürst die allgemeine Schwäche der Dämonen im Vergleich zu den Menschen und der Allianz an. Die Entwicklung von Kampfkraft und Mana hat es gewöhnlichen Menschen ermöglicht, gegen Dämonen zu kämpfen, was zur Niederlage der Dämonenarmee geführt hat. Da die Dämonenfürstin von der Absicht der Allianz weiß, den Abyssal-Dämon zu versklaven, beschließt sie, einen verbotenen Zauber zu sprechen, der ihr das Leben kosten wird. Als die Streitkräfte der Allianz den Palast stürmen, zögern sie, als sie die Energie des Zaubers spüren. Die Dämonenfürstin schwört, zu widerstehen und wiedergeboren zu werden, um ihr Volk zu retten. Währenddessen denkt die Göttin darüber nach, wie der Dämonenfürst sie in der Vergangenheit behandelt hat, und erkennt ihren Respekt und ihre Hingabe für ihr Volk an. Als der Dämonenfürst sich darauf vorbereitet, den Zauber zu sprechen, fragt die Göttin, ob sie ihren Plan aufgeben und frei leben kann. Die Dämonenfürsten sind jedoch verpflichtet, den Ruhm der Dämonenrasse wiederherzustellen und ihr Volk zu beschützen. Die Göttin versteht die Entschlossenheit des Dämonenfürsten und macht ihr Schwert bereit, um mit dem verbotenen Zauber des Dämonenfürsten zu kollidieren. Die daraus resultierende Explosion erzeugt einen Atompilz, der das Ende des Konflikts und den Beginn einer neuen Ära markiert. Der Dämonenfürst und die Göttin werden zu historischen Figuren, deren Geschichten gelegentlich erzählt werden.
Hail_The_loli · 19.7K Views

Anspruch auf meinen besitzergreifenden CEO-Ehemann

Gerüchten zufolge hatte Xaviera Evans eine schwache Konstitution - eine kränkliche Schönheit. Man munkelte, dass sie jeden Tag ein Vermögen für Medikamente ausgab und sie wie Süßigkeiten verschlang. Man munkelte, dass zehn Diener jeden Tag an ihrem Bett auf sie warteten - eine Last für alle. Sie alle warteten darauf, dass die Familie Evans Xaviera Evans zurück aufs Land schickte und sie sich selbst überließ. Xaviera Evans: "Sie sagen alle, dass ich schwach bin und nicht auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Anscheinend gebe ich auch leichtsinnig Geld aus." Sie sah auf ihr zerfleddertes Hemd hinunter und war verärgert. Xaviera Evans: "Willst du damit sagen, dass diese reiche Familie ihre Tochter jeden Tag zerfledderte Kleidung tragen lässt?" Die reiche Tochter der Familie Evans? Sie hatte genug! Sie würde es nicht mehr sein! Deshalb... Dreckskerl: "Ohne die Familie Evans bist du nichts." Xaviera Evans: "Wenn ich aus der Evans-Familie rausgeschmissen werde, bin ich erledigt." Das dreckige Mädchen: "Schwesterherz, sei nicht zu enttäuscht. Solange du hart arbeitest, wirst du eines Tages gelobt werden." Xaviera Evans: "Halt die Klappe, so eine Verräterin wie dich kenne ich nicht." Der Dreckskerl und das Mädchen: "???" Man munkelt, dass der jüngste Sohn der Familie Mamet, Caleb Mamet, vorschnell eine Frau geheiratet hat, die nichts als Aussehen hatte. Xaviera Evans: "Schaut jemand auf mich herab?" Eines Tages sah Xaviera Evans, wie sich ein Angestellter von Caleb Mamet den Kopf über eine Reihe von Zahlen auf dem Computerbildschirm zerbrach. Da sie frei war, half sie ihm. Hatte sie gerade die Firewall geknackt, die durch die gemeinsame Arbeit von Top-Elite-Hackern entstanden war? Caleb Mamet kam mit jedem Schritt näher. "Xaviera, was verheimlichst du noch vor mir? Hmm?" Xaviera Evans: "Oh, nein! Mir ist schon wieder schwindelig! Ich bin so schwach. Mein Körper ist einfach zu schwach!"
Qiaoqiao · 218.7K Views

Eternal Emerald Dragon

A young man was given a second chance in a new world. He died saving a life but now he must navigate the brutal world of cultivation and fighting against fate. Nothing is free, especially a second chance. Follow Lind as he discovers the world of cultivation and the dark secret of why he was given a second chance. ******* Discord: First novel on webnovel. I only self-published one other original work on Amazon. I will setup a Discord later. I hope people enjoy this world as I have enjoyed many others. Please note, this will not be fast paced and while it is a harem, I firmly believe relationships should be real as opposed to: Here is MC and new woman that will be his just because. Cover Artist: Amberlarkart IG: Twitter: Website: She is amazing! Goals: Effective August 12th 2024 as Webnovel tracks dates: Power Stones: 275 Stones = 2 bonus chapters; 500 Stones = 3 bonus chapters; and 700 = 5 bonus chapters. Golden Tickets: Every 75 tickets = 3 Bonus chapters. Assessed weekly and/or end of month Gifts: Gift below 2000 Coin one = 1 bonus chapter per gift (limit 2 per week per person) Dragon (red 2000 one) = 2 Bonus chapters Castle = 3 bonus chapters Ship = 5 bonus chapters Golden Treasure = 8 bonus chapters Gifts will include name of person who sent it unless you do not wish to be called out. Please note while I will try to stack these, I am only human! I will revise but go for most chapters to bonus as possible. Thank you all for anything we reach and I hope you continue to enjoy story!
mythosarcana · 1.4M Views

Cosmological Defects

Cosmological Defects offers a sweeping, in-depth exploration into the relics of the early universe, charting a course from the primordial chaos of the Big Bang to the intricate tapestry of modern cosmological research. This definitive volume begins with an accessible introduction to cosmological defects and the dramatic phase transitions that set the stage for their formation (Chapter 1–2) and then delves into the mechanics of symmetry breaking and the influential Kibble-Zurek mechanism (Chapter 3). It builds a robust theoretical framework by systematically classifying topological defects—from the one-dimensional filaments of cosmic strings (Chapter 5) and the two-dimensional cosmic boundaries of domain walls (Chapter 6) to the point-like magnetic monopoles (Chapter 7), and extending further into the realm of complex, unstable defects such as textures and skyrmions (Chapter 8). The journey continues as the book ventures "beyond standard defects" to explore the role of extra dimensions and the emergence of hybrid structures from multiple symmetry breakings (Chapter 9), while also showcasing the latest astronomical methods that link theory with observation (Chapter 10). In a broader cosmological context, it examines how these defects might have seeded large-scale structures and acted as catalysts in cosmic evolution (Chapter 11). The final chapters bring the discussion full circle—synthesizing theory and observation into a comprehensive conclusion (Chapter 12) and providing a critical analysis of the seminal references that have shaped the field (Chapter 13). Drawing upon a wealth of highly credible, peer-reviewed research—from seminal works by Kibble, Linde, and Vilenkin to transformative observational studies by the Planck Collaboration—Cosmological Defects is an essential resource for PhD-level scholars and researchers. It not only presents complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner but also offers deep insights into the current challenges and future directions of cosmology, ensuring that readers gain a thorough understanding of both the historical context and cutting-edge developments in the study of the universe’s most enigmatic structures.
Andrew_Bardsley · 3.1K Views

Ich habe gerade das Vermächtnis des arkanen Kaisers geerbt

Im Solarischen Reich wurden die Menschen durch ihr Blut getrennt. Die Adligen genossen ihr Leben in Reichtum, mit feinem Wein und hervorragendem Essen. Sie herrschten über das gemeine Volk. Das konnten sie nur, weil sie über die mächtigste Kraft der Welt verfügten - die Magie. Die Adligen verhinderten, dass ihr Wissen an die Bürger weitergegeben wurde, was es ihnen erschwerte, Magie zu erlernen. Leo, ein junges Waisenkind in Solaria, hatte eine unglaublich starke Affinität zur Magie. Er wusste nicht einmal davon, weil er nie Magie lernen konnte - er war zu arm, um an einer Magie-Akademie zu lernen. Er versuchte einfach, auf den Straßen von Solhaven zu überleben, bis er den verlorenen Folianten des Arkanen Kaisers fand. "Ich kann einen Magier des 7. Kreises besiegen." "Wow! Du musst viele Jahrzehnte lang trainiert haben. Wie alt bist du?" "17." "..." Die Welt sollte auf den Kopf gestellt werden. HINWEIS FÜR MEINE AMAZIN-LESER: Nehmen Sie KEINE Privilegien in Anspruch, wenn sich der Monat dem Ende nähert. Ihr Zugang zu den Privilegien endet, wenn der Monat zu Ende geht. Sie bleiben NICHT einen ganzen Monat lang bestehen, nachdem Sie sie erworben haben. Bitte kaufen Sie die Privilegien in der ANFANGSHÄLFTE des Monats, um den besten Gegenwert für Ihr Geld zu erhalten. Für Leute, die denken, dass Discord der letzte Schrei ist, hier ist der Discord-Server für dieses Buch. Fühlt euch frei, auf dem Server zu diskutieren, was ihr über dieses Buch denkt.
WhiteNightingale · 61.6K Views

Ich, endlich

"Ich, endlich" Jules fühlt sich wie ein Geist in ihrem eigenen Leben – ein 17-jähriges Mädchen, die in einem Körper gefangen ist, der nicht zu ihr gehört. Eingezwängt in einer Kleinstadt voller Vorurteile und in einer Familie, die sie nicht versteht, bleibt ihr nichts anderes übrig, als ihre Gefühle in Gedichten zu verstecken. Ihre Welt ist grau, die Worte auf den Seiten ihr einziger Trost. Doch die Sehnsucht nach einem Leben als ihr wahres Ich brennt wie ein Feuer in ihr – ein Feuer, das langsam zu erlöschen droht. Alles ändert sich, als sie eines Tages ihrer zurückgezogenen Nachbarin, Frau Mayfeld, begegnet. Die ältere Frau mit ihrer eigenwilligen, aber warmherzigen Art wirkt wie ein Gegenentwurf zu allem, was Jules kennt: offen, frei und furchtlos. Was Jules nicht ahnt – und erst später schmerzhaft und schön zugleich entdeckt – ist, dass Frau Mayfeld selbst einmal diesen Weg gegangen ist. Sie ist eine Transfrau, die Jahrzehnte zuvor dieselben Kämpfe ausgefochten hat wie Jules. Zwischen den beiden entsteht eine unerwartete Verbindung, die Jules Hoffnung schenkt und ihr zeigt, dass sie nicht alleine ist. Gemeinsam durchstöbern sie alte Fotoalben, teilen Tränen und Lachen, und Frau Mayfeld öffnet Jules die Augen für eine Welt jenseits von Scham und Angst. Doch nicht alle Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit bleiben verborgen. Während Jules den Mut findet, sich ihrer eigenen Wahrheit zu stellen, holen auch Frau Mayfeld die Schatten ihrer früheren Entscheidungen ein. "Ich, endlich" ist eine bewegende Geschichte über Identität, Akzeptanz und die unerwartete Kraft der Verbundenheit. Es ist die Geschichte eines jungen Mädchens, das lernen muss, dass die Welt sie niemals vollständig verändern wird – doch sie die Kraft hat, ihre eigene Welt zu formen. Und es ist die Geschichte einer Frau, die erkennt, dass es niemals zu spät ist, anderen den Weg zu weisen, den sie selbst einmal gegangen ist.
_bookaura · 259 Views

How LEE ULTIMATE HACKER Helped Reclaim My Lost Crypto From A Scammer

In the fluid and ever-changing world of cryptocurrency, it's not uncommon to feel a sense of despair when facing significant losses. I, too, have walked that difficult path. There was a time when I watched helplessly as my investment of nearly $900,000 vanished into thin air. The betrayal, the frustration, and the overwhelming feeling of being lost were unbearable. But just as the darkness seemed impenetrable, a glimmer of hope appeared. A dear friend reached out and introduced me to Lee Ultimate Hacker—a team of dedicated professionals specializing in the retrieval of lost or stolen cryptocurrency. With skepticism in my heart yet a glimmer of hope in my soul, I decided to take that pivotal step forward. From our first conversation, I felt an assurance that had been absent for so long. The LEE ULTIMATE team not only understood the complexities of the cryptocurrency landscape but also took the time to listen to my story, my struggles, and my fears. They walked me through the recovery process step-by-step, employing strategies that I had never imagined possible. in today's digital age, the trials of cryptocurrency investment shouldn’t deter you from pursuing your financial goals. Dedicated teams are seeking to help victims like us find a way back. I can now share my testament: recovery is possible, and hope can be rekindled. for anyone feeling lost or defeated in the wake of a cryptocurrency setback, remember to hold onto the possibility of restoration. Reach out to Lee Ultimate Hacker Via :LEEULTIMATEHACKER @ A O L .C O M Telegram :LEEULTIMATE WhatsApp +1(715)314-9248 and let them help you reclaim your financial peace. Don’t give up; your lost cryptocurrency could still find its way back into your life. Together, we can rise again.
Nicole_Frey_0699 · 1.5K Views

Pause nel tennis: come passare il tempo tra un set e l’altro

Il gioco del tennis è una passione che, se contagia, difficilmente vi abbandonerà. Questo sport fatto di potenza, rispetto e adrenalina sta guadagnandosi il posto che gli spetta nel mondo delle competizioni a livello nazionale e internazionale e, assistere a una partita dal vivo o in televisione (soprattutto in questo periodo di pandemia) è un’emozione sempre forte fino all’ultimo game. Se anche voi tuttavia state assistendo a un set particolarmente monoto, oppure state aspettando l’inizio di quello successivo e non sapete come passare il tempo, ecco qualche consiglio! Cosa fare tra un set e l’altro: qualche consiglio Pronti per qualche consiglio? Forse qualcuno vi sembrerà banale, visto che la pausa tra un set e l’altro di solito è molto breve, ma vi permetterà di far passare il tempo in un batter d’occhio per poi tornare alla vostra partita. Fare qualche esercizio. Il movimento è una delle buone pratiche per avere uno stile di vita sano, ma spesso non troviamo mail l’occasione o il tempo per correre o anche solo fare qualche esercizio. Questo momento di pausa potrebbe essere la “scusa” buona per allenarsi iniziando per gradi. Partite da qualche minuto di addominali, dorsali e piegamenti, per poi allungare gli esercizi e renderli una costanza nella vostra routine. Giocare online. Navigare con il telefonino (o al pc se lo avete acceso) è un altro passatempo su cui potete puntare mentre aspettate che riparta il tennis. I giochi online tra cui scegliere sono tantissimi, da quelli più interattivi, ai giochi di società o d’azzardo come Book of Ra soldi veri o simili. Ordinare la spesa. Fare la spesa online, soprattutto quando non si è tranquilli a uscire di casa o si vuole un servizio comodo ed efficiente, è la scelta migliore da prendere. Iniziare a selezionare la spesa per la settimana è un recupero di tempo prezioso, per questo ve lo consigliamo per passare il tempo in queste occasioni. Iniziare quel libro da troppo in sospeso. Quel libro che da tanto volevate iniziare vi sta chiamando: cominciate leggendo qualche pagina e sicuramente avrete sfruttato il tempo nella maniera migliore. Organizzare le ferie. Per chi e se si potrà andare in vacanza, la scelta della destinazione e del programma delle ferie è uno studio curato da fare man mano qualche mese prima di partire. Perché non iniziate a controllare online i luoghi, i prezzi e i servizi in modo da iniziare a farvi un piano? !
donal_lind · 677 Views

The Path of Revenge: A Reborn Anti-Hero

Born into a noble family and endowed with tremendous power, exceptional talent, and unparalleled physical attractiveness, one might assume these qualities to be blessings. However, are they truly advantageous or rather a curse? Allen Frey, a young man destined to inherit the illustrious lineage of Duke Frey in the Kingdom of Eldoria, finds himself entangled in this very predicament. Given his extraordinary social standing and the multitude of advantages at his disposal, it seems inevitable that Allen will lead a prosperous life and ascend to greatness in due course. What if this perceived fortune is merely an intricate facade, perpetually deceiving him at every twist and turn? What if it's all an elaborate lie? A hero summoned from another world with the mission to vanquish the Demon Emperor ultimately becomes the perpetrator, stripping Allen of everything he holds dear—his fiancée, sister, power, strength, and all that he possessed. Does this constitute fate? Even the figure known as the "Hero" ultimately eradicated his very existence. Can this be considered justice? In the final moments of his life, he gazed upward at the serene sky, mustering every ounce of strength to reach out his trembling hand. "Oh, God! Are you truly so merciless as to shatter my life?" "Can... Can you grant me an opportunity to alter this cruel destiny?!" He cried out, his voice strained, tears streaming down his face, and gradually he closed his weary eyes. [Ding! Fate Fighting System Successfully Bound!] -------------- (The main character's initial demeanor may exhibit a hint of cruelty; however, as the story progresses, he will undergo significant character development.) (It should be noted that this novel does not revolve around indiscriminate killing, but rather explores the protagonist's growth and transformation.) (Thank you for understanding!) --------------- Disclaimer: The images used in this content are not owned by me. If you believe you are the rightful owner of any of the images, kindly notify me so I could change it! By the way, I have a strong desire to write a story like this, and I aspire for it to continually evolve and improve, thanks! ----------------- #Tags: #Anti-hero #Netori #Yandere #Harem #Romance #Male Protagonist #Reincarnation #Beautiful Female Leads #CruelMainCharacter #Schemes and Conspiracy #Weaktostrong #R18+ #Elves #Dragons #NobleFamily #Action #Adventure #Handsome Main Character #EarlyLove #Beasts (Maybe there is a little NTR only at the beginning of the chapter)
SaintOfDarkness · 366.8K Views

Stuck With The Devil

"As a mistress, you are to satisfy me in bed, as a human you shall satisfy me with your blood. And about your soul, I shall own it henceforth." An ancient blind demon suddenly gains freedom after being incarcerated for a thousand years. Since the body he had possessed had died and begun to rot, he goes around looking for a body to inhabit and begins his revenge in the modern world by killing off every descendant of the people who had locked him in the forbidden dungeon. Until the day, he possessed a young outcast turning him into a blind, ferocious, pathetic child beast whose aim is to regain his sight at all cost. * She has a secret. Never let anyone see your hair. But what happens when this innocent girl disobeys and even trusts an outcast blind boy, who appears to be more than willing to regain his sight? She decided to help him only to discover that she had helped the devil himself. Then many years later, they reunited only to be separated again and become great enemies. For Delilah to kill the possessed man, she is to go into the past, into the 19th century, where demons don't exist so that she would successfully be able to kill him. But unfortunately, life can't be scripted. She is reincarnated as a princess whose father had planned to sell her to a ruthless ruler and never knew she had a past until she is stuck with him. He is a pawn to a demon, she is a pawn to him. *** EXCERPT REWRITTEN BY @BrewingFantasies The destroyed mirrors, locked rooms, split identities, curses, blood, flapping curtains, moonlight, thunder, and him_ the living dead! "You know what happened in the haunted house, right?" The man stared at her neck menacingly, while she was pinned to the wall. "Who are you?" She pushed him with trembling lips and shaking hands. She tried to sound convincing with the hollow threat. "Let me go! I'll have your head wrung off if you don't release me. Do you know who I am?" A nonchalant reply reverberated. "I do. A pampered spoiled brat, who leeches her papa's money." He grinned at her deliberately, knowing that his attention commanded her love. "You know, I love you that way. Ever since the first day we met. Tch, my feisty wild cat." He added, lovingly. "The very first day we met?" She muddled. His cold touch caressed her cheek, sending sparks down her spine. Why did his eyes look so familiar? "The b...lind boy? Is that you?" She clenched her fists together in horror. "Yes. I'm back to take what is mine. I need the eyes you stole." He paused, leaning over the scared woman. She could see the insatiable hunger in his crimson eyes. "And a lot more like your body, since we are not kids anymore." The man licked right below her earlobe, making her crave more for his touch. The book cover doesn't belong to me. All credit to the artist.
Blooddoctor · 154.5K Views

Javanese Freislor (Eng Version)

"Wake up, Breckson! You can't live with me! Even though I love you, I know our position is different!" screamed Freislor. "I don't care about that, Freis!" Breckson answered on a high note. Freislor, a female figure with a distinct duty to find the Grendolfin, a Goddess sent to earth to judge a cause. She met the figure Breckson, one of the gadgetz state leaders of Zavrainz, which became the center of world civilization. The meeting began with a tragic turn of events. Where Freislor is one of the exiles from several countries, she fought to give her people asylum in the state of Zavrainz, even though she was insulted and despised by his citizens. A few years later, she went on a mission to defeat Mr. Reos. Ultimately, Breckson, Freislor, and Lord Krapolis travel into the past, future, and death to find Grendolfin. There, they found new knowledge of the Hasta Brata from the Javanese. She also got a new riddle with a game of numbers and times of one, three, and five. That is made clear by a poem by her father. One times one, I ran Two times one, I am spinning Three times two, I quit Hold on. I think, I made a wrong move I turn my steps thirty degrees to the left I have got a long line that leads somewhere Adorned in shining starlight You and I became us On the way, they also got the key to defeating Mr. Reos from the Joyoboyo Fiber manual. Not only that, but Freislor also found herself a leader in a country. Breckson finally got a chance to express his love to Freislor. But that love story changed after meeting Poresa. Add to this, the fact that Freislor's life is strictly a matter of numbers and time. What about their mission, then? Will they succeed in killing Mr. Reos? What about Freislor's love story? Who's she going to pick?
Rainzanov_words · 30.4K Views

The Vampires Tourment

"The demons, my demons," he began," the nightmares. They're getting a bit too frequent. I am not a saint, I've done some terrible things, most of them to people that cared about me. I've tried to seek some peace but somehow they just keep growing. The guilt, it burns me. It scorches me like a withering leaf on a hot summer's day. I'm afraid if I don't talk to someone about it. It might consume me." "You have Marcus. Why not tell him?" "I wouldn't know where to begin. He doesn't know all the things that I did. I even hurt a person close to him, a person he cares for even in death. I'm afraid if I tell him, Miss Frey, he'll abandon me like everyone else and I'll be doomed to live the rest of eternity alone with no one." "And will it help? When you talk to someone, do you think the demons and nightmares will go away if you talk to someone?" "No. I think they'll go away if I talk to you." "Me? Why me?" "Why not? Aren’t you a therapist? Wouldn't you be more helpful?" He laughed, It made Sabrina's heart flutter, his laugh was different. It was infectious, bubbly and a but childlike it made the corners of her lips pull up in a small smile. He should laugh more often. When his smile formed, his eyes became smaller and crinkles formed at the side and his fangs came through but just slightly. It was gone almost as fast as it had come. His eyes became dull, the vibrancy long gone, his smile replaced with a frown. “Why do you get them? The nightmares. Tell me what happened." "It's a long story." "I have a year." "Okay then. My story begins with a boy and a girl and the promise of forever. Finn Wild had left her on her wedding day for another, she had waited for him by the river bed, slowly wasting away living on memories of a cursed love and a hope for his return. Finn made a deal, a deal that as a result made him a monster and cursed the love of his life to an endless eternity of death, reincarnation and torture, now the gods have blessed him with a way to break the curse and finally have the love of his life, Sabrina by his side. But there's one problem Sabrina doesn't remember the centuries they had spent fighting for their love and is hesitant to let her guard down and fall for the Vampire King of the Underworld, the vampire who she was bonded under blood oath to kill.
Kimberly_Cullen · 2.4K Views
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