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Mahabharat : Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty

Mahabharata, (Sanskrit: “Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty”) one of the two Sanskrit epic poems of ancient India (the other being the Ramayana). The Mahabharata is an important source of information on the development of Hinduism between 400 BCE and 200 CE and is regarded by Hindus as both a text about dharma (Hindu moral law) and a history (itihasa, literally “that’s what happened”). Appearing in its present form about 400 CE, the Mahabharata consists of a mass of mythological and didactic material arranged around a central heroic narrative that tells of the struggle for sovereignty between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas (sons of Dhritarashtra, the descendant of Kuru) and the Pandavas (sons of Pandu). The poem is made up of almost 100,000 couplets—about seven times the length of the Iliad and the Odyssey combined—divided into 18 parvans, or sections, plus a supplement titled Harivamsha (“Genealogy of the God Hari”; i.e., of Vishnu). Although it is unlikely that any single person wrote the poem, its authorship is traditionally ascribed to the sage Vyasa, who appears in the work as the grandfather of the Kauravas and the Pandavas. The date and even the historical occurrence of the war that is the central event of the Mahabharata are much debated. The story begins when the blindness of Dhritarashtra, the elder of two princes, causes him to be passed over in favour of his brother Pandu as king on their father’s death. A curse prevents Pandu from fathering children, however, and his wife Kunti asks the gods to father children in Pandu’s name. As a result, the god Dharma fathers Yudhishtira, the Wind fathers Bhima, Indra fathers Arjuna, and the Ashvins (twins) father Nakula and Sahadeva (also twins; born to Pandu’s second wife, Madri). The enmity and jealousy that develops between the cousins forces the Pandavas to leave the kingdom when their father dies. During their exile the five jointly marry Draupadi (who is born out of a sacrificial fire and whom Arjuna wins by shooting an arrow through a row of targets) and meet their cousin Krishna, who remains their friend and companion thereafter. Although the Pandavas return to the kingdom, they are again exiled to the forest, this time for 12 years, when Yudhishthira loses everything in a game of dice with Duryodhana, the eldest of the Kauravas. The feud culminates in a series of great battles on the field of Kurukshetra (north of Delhi, in Haryana state). All the Kauravas are annihilated, and, on the victorious side, only the five Pandava brothers and Krishna survive. Krishna dies when a hunter, who mistakes him for a deer, shoots him in his one vulnerable spot—his foot—and the five brothers, along with Draupadi and a dog who joins them (Dharma, Yudhisththira’s father, in disguise), set out for Indra’s heaven. One by one they fall on the way, and Yudhisthira alone reaches the gate of heaven. After further tests of his faithfulness and constancy, he is finally reunited with his brothers and Draupadi, as well as with his enemies, the Kauravas, to enjoy perpetual bliss. The central plot constitutes little more than one fifth of the total work. The remainder of the poem addresses a wide range of myths and legends, including the romance of Damayanti and her husband Nala (who gambles away his kingdom just as Yudhishthira gambles away his) and the legend of Savitri, whose devotion to her dead husband persuades Yama, the god of death, to restore him to life. The poem also contains descriptions of places of pilgrimages. I'm not it's original creator i just want more people to read it across the world.
harsh07 · 13K Views


Pada saat Prabu Dharmawangsa Teguh Anantawikrama dari Kerajaan Medang Kemulan merayakan pesta pernikahan kedua puterinya yaitu Dewi Sri Anantawikrama dan Dewi Laksmi dengan Pangeran Airlangga dari kerajaan Bedahulu di Bali, tiba-tiba menyerbu prajurit raja Wura-wari dari kerajaan Lwaram Dalam penyerbuan itu Prabhu Dharmawangsa Teguh dan permaisuri serta seluruh menteri dan bangsawan kerajaan tewas. Istana Watu Galuh dihancurkan. Airlangga dan kedua isterinya didampingi pelayan setianya, Mpu Narottama dan beberapa pengawal berhasil meloloskan diri dan berlindung di Gunung Prawito. Tiga tahun hidup di hutan Prawito sebagai pertapa, tahun 931 Saka Airlangga kedatangan serombongan orang dipimpin oleh beberapa pendeta untuk menyampaikan keinginan rahayat Medang agar Airlangga kembali membangun kerajaan baru meneruskan dinasti Ishyana. Dengan bantuan para pendeta, reshi dan brahmana, Airlangga menyusun kekuatan membangun kerajaan Medang. Diantara para reshi terdapat Mpu Bharada penasehat spiritual mendiang prabu Dharmawangsa Teguh, dibantu oleh Ki Ageng Loh Gawe, pertapa di Gunung Anjasmara Pada tahun 931 Saka istana Wotan Mas selesai dibangun dan Airlangga diangkat sebagai raja dengan gelar Abhiseka Sri Maharaja Rakai Halu Sri Dharmawangsa Airlangga Anantawikramatunggadewa. Kerajaan yang baru bernama Kahuripan. Atas jasanya membantu pembangunan kerajaan Kahuripan, Prabu Airlangga menghadiahkan tanah perdikan di desa Giri Lawangan kepada Ki Ageng Loh Gawe. Dalam kunjungannya ke Wotan Mas, Ki Ageng Loh Gawe mengajak muridnya bernama Ki Puger berusia 20 tahun. Mengetahui Ki Puger murid Ki Ageng Loh Gawe yang ikut membantu membangun Wotan Mas, Prabhu Airlangga meminta agar Ki Puger bersedia dinikahkan dengan sepupu raja yang bernama Dewi Centini Luh Satiwardhani atau Ni Luh Sati. Setahun setelah perkawinan itu lahirlah seorang anak laki-laki yang diberi nama Aryosetho Jayawardhana. Tahun 954 Saka atau 1032 M Giri Lawangan diserbu gerombolan pimpinan Gagak Lodra. Sehari sebelum itu Ki Puger dan keluarganya pergi meninggalkan Giri Lawangan menuju ke pertapaan Kaliwedhi untuk menghindarkan Aryosetho Jayawardhana dari penyerbuan Gagak Lodra karena ia dipilih oleh para dewa sebagai cikal bakal yang kelak akan menurunkan raja-raja besar di tanah Jawa. Di Kaliwedhi Aryosetho digembleng dengan keras oleh Reshi Sethowangi. Berkat ketekunannya ia memperoleh ilmu mahadahsyat ciptaan Sang Hyang Wishnu yang bernama Bhayu Selaksha dan menerima pedang sakti Sosronenggolo Setahun kemudian Aryosetho bersama Ki Puger turun gunung membantu Prabu Airlangga merebut kembali tahta kerajaannya yang direbut oleh Ratu Arang Ghupito. Berkat perjuangannya Aryosetho berhasil membantu Prabu Airlangga merebut kembali tahta kerajaannya. Dalam perjalanan dari kraton Dhaha kembali ke Kahuripan, ia dan prajuritnya berhasil menumpas gerombolan Gagak Lodra. Selesai menjalankan tugasnya Aryosetho mengajak sahabat masa kecilnya ke Kaliwedhi menjemput calon istrinya yang bernama Dyah Ayu Rogopadmi Aninditho Prameshwari alias Dewi Condrowulan. Beberapa waktu lamanya di Kaliwedhi, Aryosetho kembali ke Giri Lawangan memboyong Dewi Condrowulan yang telah menjadi istrinya dan hidup sebagai pertapa. Setelah 93 tahun pernikahannya Dewi Condrowulan di karuniai seorang putri. Namun kebahagiaan bersama sang putri yang dinantikan selama puluhan tahun hanya berlangsung selama 40 hari, setelah hari itu Dewi Condrowulan harus menyerahkan putrinya untuk diasuh oleh orang lain seperti dirinya dulu ditemukan Reshi Sethowangi di tengah hutan. Bayi tanpa nama itu diserahkan kepada Mpu Purwo, seorang pertapa sakti yang kemudian memberinya nama Ken Dedes. Ken Dedes kelak akan melahirkan keturunannya menjadi raja besar di kerajaan Singhasari dan Majapahit. Aryosetho dan Dewi Condrowulan telah berhasil menjalankan tugas yang diberikan oleh Dewata Agung sebagai pepunden cikal bakal raja-raja besar di tanah Jawa.
Uud_Bharata · 56.2K Views


Yada Yada Hi Dharmashya, Glaanirvawati Bharata; Abhyutthanam Adharmashya, Tadattmanam Srijamyaham. Paritranaya Sadhunam, Vinashaya Cha Duskritam; Dharma Sansthapanaarthe Sambhawami Yuge Yuge. Meaning- Whenever there is a downfall of Dharma(righteous) in this Bharata( Universe), and upliftment of Adharma(unrighteous), I shall be reborn in this Land and free it from the cluthes of Adharma. I shall protect the righteous and followers of Dharma. And thus, in order to restablish Dharma on this Earth, I shall take rebirth from age to age( yuga to yuga). Thus, the motto behind Mahabharata was to restablish peace and Dharma on this Earth. It is to be noted that the Everytime there is an uplift of Adharma, God himself takes birth and establishes Dharma. Thus, there are 10 Avatars of God. Till date 9 of them have already taken place and the last, the Kalki Avatar is will be born at the end of the present Yuga( Kali Yuga). Let me also say that what Mahabharata really is. It is not a normal war between Pandavas and Kauravas for the sake of a kingdom. It is the fight between Dharma and Adharma, where God stand with Dharma always. No matter how big or how strong Adharma is, Dharma will surely win. But the story of Maha bharata was not only confined to the war in Kuru- kshetra, it was extended to afterlife and Swarga. Again, here victory in Mahabharata war is not personal, it is universal victory. There are two kinds of victory, Jaya and Vijaya. Vijaya is material victory, where there is a loser. But Jaya is spiritual victory, where there are no losers. In the war of Kuru- kshetra there is Vijaya,but not Jaya. Jaya occurs to Yudhisthira later, and he reaches Vaikuntha. And hence, the original name of Mahabharata( the one written by Lord Ganesha) was named as Jaya. Let Dharma Rule. Satyameva Jayate
RATHORE · 137.3K Views

The Legend of Ram

In the ancient kingdom of Ayodhya, a tale of love, duty, and destiny unfolds. King Dasharatha, a noble ruler of the Ikshvaku dynasty, yearns for an heir to carry on his legacy. Despite his valor and wisdom, the absence of children casts a shadow over his reign. Guided by the sage Vasishtha, Dasharatha performs the sacred Ashvamedha Yagna, invoking the blessings of the gods. From the divine sacrifice, he receives four sons—Rama, the embodiment of dharma; Lakshmana, the loyal protector; and Bharata and Shatrughna, each destined for greatness. Rama’s marriage to the beautiful Sita, the daughter of King Janaka, brings joy to the kingdom, but fate soon intervenes. When Dasharatha’s second wife, Kaikeyi, driven by jealousy and ambition, demands Rama’s exile and her own son’s ascension to the throne, the king’s heart shatters. With unwavering resolve, Rama, along with Sita and his devoted brother Lakshmana, embarks on a fourteen-year journey through the forest. During their exile, they encounter sages, face formidable demons, and forge alliances with mythical beings. However, the peace is shattered when the demon king Ravana abducts Sita, leading to a desperate search filled with peril and sacrifice. Rama’s quest for Sita culminates in a fierce battle against Ravana and his formidable forces in Lanka, where loyalty, valor, and love are tested to their limits. With the help of the monkey god Hanuman and an army of allies, Rama confronts his greatest fears and ultimately triumphs. But the trials do not end with victory. Upon their return to Ayodhya, Rama faces new challenges, including societal expectations and the test of Sita’s purity. The themes of honor, duty, and sacrifice resonate throughout the tale, leading to profound reflections on love, loyalty, and the nature of dharma. Ramayana is an epic saga that transcends time, exploring the complexities of human emotions and the timeless struggle between good and evil. It is a story of hope, redemption, and the eternal bonds of family that echoes through the ages.
Ascending_Daoist · 5.3K Views


The Ramayana is one of the two major ancient Indian epics, the other being the Mahabharata. The story is centered around the life of the protagonist, Rama, who is the seventh avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. The epic follows Rama's journey from his birth in the kingdom of Ayodhya to his marriage to Sita, his exile to the forest, and his battle against the demon king Ravana to rescue Sita. The Ramayana is divided into seven books or kandas, with each book covering a different phase of Rama's life. The first book, Balakanda, describes Rama's birth, his childhood, and his marriage to Sita. The second book, Ayodhyakanda, tells the story of Rama's exile to the forest and his brother Bharata's attempt to bring him back to Ayodhya. The third book, Aranyakanda, describes Rama's life in the forest and his encounter with various sages and demons. The fourth book, Kishkindhakanda, focuses on Rama's meeting with Hanuman, the monkey god, and his alliance with the monkey army to rescue Sita from Ravana. The fifth book, Sundarakanda, narrates the heroic deeds of Hanuman and his journey to Lanka to search for Sita. The sixth book, Yuddhakanda, describes the epic battle between Rama's army and Ravana's army, and Rama's eventual victory over Ravana. The final book, Uttarakanda, tells the story of Rama's reign as king of Ayodhya and his decision to send Sita into exile after doubting her fidelity. The Ramayana is a timeless epic that teaches the values of righteousness, morality, and devotion. It is a story of love, sacrifice, and the triumph of good over evil, and it continues to inspire millions of people around the world.
Amit_Bisht_022003 · 6K Views
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