Mia smiled weakly at Vidomina, who had bolted out the door, intent on knocking some sense into a batch of unruly students. Ever since Vidomina was promoted to Vice Principal, she was always in a hurry or very busy, attending to her daily duties or completing tasks assigned to her by the Principal.
Unfortunately, this required all her time. Her busy schedule made casually chats — like the one she just had with Mia — very rare occurrences.
"Vidomina... Aren't you, maybe, trying a little too much to prove yourself?" Mia quietly mumbled. She stood up from her seat, eyed her half-completed thesis for a second and decided to leave it be. Whenever she saw the thing, she got a headache.
Attie and Nota had returned. If there was ever a time to take a break, it was now.
She put her leather shows back on and opened her windows. Suddenly, she jumped out and flew towards the residential area for Da Xue's staff. This was where she and her friends lived.