In an apartment in Tokyo, the landlord was on the floor, unconscious.
Kun Wu opened her eyes and she saw a sofa in the living room, a paw pressing on the TV remote control and the news on the TV.
"In the Shinjuku area… the gang fight incident…"
"… gas explosion… the current number of casualties…"
An unfamiliar voice spoke. "They hid our presence from the public? Although this is easier for me to execute my plans, this means I cannot try out my terror powers."
She looked down and saw a blood red ball of light gathered on top of a furry paw. It was the Divine Rays of Terror.
Momo walked out from behind him and stared at the Divine Rays of Terror curiously. Momo felt that the supercat was so mysterious, so charming.
The unfamiliar voice asked, "Momo, what other interesting cats are there in Japan?"