In reality, Zhao Yao had been following behind Isabelle since she took her first step out of the old town. He wanted to disguise her cat as earthquake cat to trick the other parties into tracking her instead.
The 5 Senses allowed him to conceal his presence to prevent Isabelle from noticing him completely. He also prevented Isabella from knowing that her black cat had turned into a grey Scottish Fold in others' eyes.
"Two is better than one" allowed Zhao Yao to run beside her comfortably. Even though Isabella was remarkably fit from her training with CIA, Zhao Yao had no problem catching up to her.
Matcha was panting as he ran alongside them. He stuck out his tongue like a dog. He shouted, "No, I cannot keep up, I'm about to die!"
Even though Elizabeth remained silent throughout the run, she was also struggling to catch up. Both her eyes had almost rolled over.