Nameless Nie looked lost. "Eh? Why's Sister Famous Ye so angry about us picking up the little devil?"
Devotee was taken back briefly before saying, "Right, why's Boss Famous so angry?"
Spray of Flowers curled his hand so that his middle finger and thumb were touching while the rest of his fingers were extended and he ran his hand over Nameless Nie's face. "You terrible men, you don't understand a girl's mind at all. Boss Famous clearly doesn't want Little Devil to leave…"
Devotee asked, "Boss Famous doesn't want to part with Little Devil? A woman's mind… is truly like the bottom of an ocean…"
Nameless Nie slapped away Spray of Flowers's hand and rubbed his chin. "That… can't be, right?"
Spray of Flowers gave him a reproachful look and raised his brows. "Why can't that be? Your little devil acts differently in front of Sister Famous Ye than when he's with us. He knows how to charm girls!"