"This Zhou Bao really is a character!" Seeing the change in Zhou Bao's expression, Chen Shoubai subtlely nodded. Usually, after someone has heard about the Senior Grand Tutor's war stories, even the most self-confident ones find it hard not to feel humbled. However, Zhou Bao did not feel humbled at all, he just changed his expression a little bit. Furthermore, his face revealed a slight eccentric smile. Chen Shoubai understood what this smile meant: confidence mixed with a great interest. Through this smile, Chen Shoubai could make out what Zhou Bao was thinking.
"Look at his grandeur. He looks like a good match for the Senior Grand Tutor Hong, but honestly, I don't know if his confidence is well-founded or based on ignorance!" He secretly sighed in his heart. "I hope it's not the latter. If he does not understand the true wrath of the Genuine Immortal Lord of Heaven Realm, he could easily die in the hands of the Senior Grand Tutor Hong!"