The phoenix stood with her hands clasped behind her back, staring coldly at Han Bi in front of her, her eyes brimming with murderous intent.
It had been about an hour since Chen Xiaolian entered that door, and from the beginning until now, the phoenix had not taken her eyes off Han Bi.
And Han Bi returned the gaze in kind.
The only difference was that an energy barrier stood between them, frustrating any desire they had to tear each other to shreds.
"Once they're out of the instance, these two will probably engage in a fight to the death immediately."
Nicole glanced at Tian Lie and whispered. Tian Lie nodded and chuckled, "Looks like it's going to be a fight to the bitter end. What do you say, want to make a bet?"
"How do we bet? What's the stake?"
"We back one each; whoever backed the winner wins the bet," Tian Lie explained, spreading his hands. "Since I proposed it, you can choose first. As for the wager, you decide."
Nicole sneered, "Any wager I want?"