"Xiao Ye?"
Looking over at Qianbei Ye, Gu Ruoyun noticed that his brows were knitted together, deep in thought. After a long moment of silence, he shook his head and said, "I do not remember anything. I do not have any memory at all about whatever that has happened in the past."
"Do not remember? Haha! Did you really think that with just this one sentence you could actually forget all of the grave mistakes that you have committed in the past and forget the deaths of all of those people that were caused by you? Qianbei Ye, I thought that you had vanished in the long-running history. Never had I ever thought that you would reappear again in this place. Your power is mighty and powerful, I refuse to believe that there could be a person alive who could actually seal your memories. No other person is capable enough to do that other than yourself!"
No other person who could seal your memories other than yourself?