"The vermicellis appeared sparkling and translucent, every single one of them is smooth yet springy. The layer of minced meat on them is sufficiently springy as well. Even though the minced meat was so tiny, it still had broth wrapped within and feels very nice to chew on," Xing Min analyzed in satisfaction looking at the completely empty plate and bowl before him.
"I don't think you need to wash this bowl," by the side, Lee Yanyi made a snide remark.
"You aren't any better off than me," unwilling to be outdone, Xing Min said while looking at Lee Yanyi's bowl.
"I'm being thrifty. We have rules here," Lee Yanyi said righteously. One had to wonder what his face was made of to be so shameless.
He seemed to have forgotten the incident where he was nearly blacklisted the first time since he didn't finish his food here.