It was a fearful night, filled with dread and sorrow. The air was stained with the scent of smoke and blood. Adam's village was no more. What once was a peaceful town filled with happines and warmth had become a barren wasteland void of emotion.
It all began when Evolon arrived.
Nobody found time to react. The ground shook as his army began to pour in, mercilessly destroying everything in sight. Adam's friends, his family, his home—all of it, gone in an instant. He should have died with them, but by some cruel twist of fate, he lived.
And in that moment, amidst the ruins, he vowed to never forget the one who took everything from him. He would destroy Evolon, no matter the cost. He didn't even know who brought this doom upon him was yet, but even if it meant dying himself, he would still kill him.