1100 Words
It had only been five years since Ned last saw his nephew but he'd changed drastically. The twelve nameday old scrawny boy who served as Lord Stannis's squire in the Greyjoy Rebellion was a shadow of the past. The man who rode into Winterfell beside the King was anything but scrawny.
At sixteen namedays old Kayne reminded Ned of Robert at that age. Over 6'2", thick black hair and piercing blue eyes, muscled like a maidens fantasy. Father and son rode in side by side and dismounted their stallions in unison.
Ned bowed before them and the rest of Winterfell followed suit. Robert marched towards them with purpose, Kayne following in his shadow, both with swords at their sides.
Robert stopped before Ned and gestured for him to rise, and so he did. "You got fat." Robert said bluntly and Ned raised his eyebrows before looking the king up and down. The two burst into laughter before the King embraced his friend. "Five years. Seven hells Ned! Why haven't I seen ye in five years?" Robert boomed happily.
"I've been guarding the North for you your grace." Ned replied with a wide smile.
Robert shrugged that off and beckoned Kayne forwards. He wore brown britches and tunic, with a black stag embroidered on the chest. He had a crimson half cape hanging off of his right shoulder. He had a stubble of a beard framing his strong jaw and a long scar across his right cheek that made him seem a few years older.
"Lord Stark." He said respectfully and bowed his head. "No need for titles with family. Call me Ned." Eddard insisted. "Thank you Uncle." Kayne said with a smile before Robert slapped him on the back.
"Aye, he's a good lad. A lot of me in him." The King said proudly as the rest of the royal
family walked up behind them.
Kayne treated each of the Starks with the proper curtesy that they deserved. He kissed
Catelyn on the hand, though Ned noticed her flinch away as if he were a disgusting creature. Kayne smiled at Robb and the two nodded respectfully. He kissed Sansa's hand but unlike her mother, she didn't flinch away. He ruffled Arya and Brans hair which made them smile.
"Where's your bastard then?" Robert asked.
"My love, our children don't need to be around another-" Queen Cersei began to say."Quiet! I'd like to see the lad." Robert interrupted in a commanding tone. Catelyn clenched her teeth as Ned beckoned Jon to come and stand with the rest of his family.
Jon bowed before the King immediately.
"Your grace." He said. "Up ye come. Let me look at you." Robert said gruffly and Jon stood. He looked the king in
the eye. "Aye. He looks just like ye. Broods like you and all. Perhaps my lad can brighten yours up."Robert japed and slapped his large belly.
Kayne rolled his eyes though Ned thought the king had a point, perhaps being around him could be enough to persuade Jon not to join the Nights Watch.
"It's a good idea your grace. Jon, Robb, take Kayne to the courtyard to spar a bit." Ned said."Yes father." Robb agreed and Jon merely nodded."They'd have to be good to beat my son. Even Barristan and the Kingslayer struggle against the lad now." Robert boasted and clapped Kayne on the shoulder as he followed Robb and
Jon, clutching a skin of wine in his hand.
"Take me to the crypts." Robert said once the boys were gone."We've travelled for a month my love. Surely the dead can wait." Cersei pleaded half heartedly. "Crypts. Now." Robert commanded and Ned lead the way.
He head a torch to light their way through the dark labyrinth. The stone faces of the dead
Kings of Winter, Kings in the North and Lords of Winterfell stared down at them as they
walked to the end. "I'm sorry to hear about Jon Arryn." Ned said as they walked previously in silence."He was a father to us both. He never had to teach you anything." Robert reminisced."He did try and teach you." Ned pointed out with a smile.
"It's not his fault that I didn't listen." Robert returned Ned's smile. "Gods. Remember me at 16? All I walked to do was crack skulls and fuck girls. Kayne's the same." He added before they reached her.
Lyanna stood with Brandon and Father. The war claimed them all. Robert used the torch to light the candles at the base of Lyanna's statue.
They stood in silence, side by side as they stared at her stone face. "She doesn't belong down here. She belongs on a hill somewhere, with the sun on her."Robert said in a softer voice."She's a Stark of Winterfell your grace." Ned said. 'He sent Kayne away. He didn't want his son to see him like this.' He thought when he saw the tears welling up in Robert's eyes.
"She'd be proud of him." Robert said and turned back to face his friend. "I tried to make the lad better than me. Stannis and Tywin taught him some aye, they taught him discipline and respect. But six years with Oberyn Martell and me as a father... the boy's wild and if the stories I hear are true then he's almost as lusty as me." He said the last part with a proud smile which made Ned chuckle.
The flame from the candles flickered and danced behind Robert, illuminating the large man."I need you Ned. Down in Kings Landing. Not up here where you're no use to anyone. Eddard Stark I would name you Hand of the King." He said and Ned knelt again."I'm honoured your grace." Ned said and Robert laughed. "I'm not trying to honour you. I'm trying to get you to run my Kingdoms while I eat, drink,and whore myself to an early grave." He said with a grin. "And Kayne needs a better role model than me around." He continued, his grin fading. "If Lyanna had lived we'd have been joined by blood. It's not to late for that. I have a son, you have a daughter. Let us join our houses." Robert suggested.
"Kayne and Sansa?" Ned asked and Robert shook his head. "Joffrey. Tywin and Cersei won't let Kayne be my heir so I gave him Summerhall. He'll have
to wed some lesser Lords daughter. Poor bastard." He explained and Ned nodded.
"Aye, I'll consider it." He agreed and the two turned to leave the crypts.