Have you ever wondered why in MedellĂn there are a lot of Graffities and they change through the pass of time and whose variations are inexplicable for the citizens.
Here is the explanation of this extraordinary phenomenon in MedellĂn. The ancient people from Aranjuez suggest that the origin of those graffities were made by a forgotten cult that used to live even before the creation of Aranjuez neighborhood whose purpose was to protect that land from the evil, casting a dark magic spell of the Goddess Huitaca in different stone walls in the whole land evocating an obscure and evilness draw in those places. It's said that 'the worse actions you do, the more evil the draw becomes', however, the cult also has spells on the drawings a white magic spell of the God Chibchacum who he will be always in a constant fight with Huitaca changing the essence of the drawings to a more pure one when the people on the land had done good actions in favor to the other.
Time passed and a civilization was settled on that land and the people named it Aranjuez because they felt it as if it was cold and itchy. Sooner than later the power of Huitaca started to embrace the new place with pure evil to the habitants for years, making them being evil, aggressive and those actions was the energy that Huitaca needed to transform the purity of Chibchacum in a reflection of the actions of Aranjuez people. Making the drawings change from its actual name to Graffiti.
People tired of this situation, fed up with the crime and bad traits between them, a small group of teens had done the unimaginable and their braveness will be remembered through the years creating the first Legend of the Hood.
One night, this small group started to paint tons of graffities in their neighborhood, trying to put some color on the hood, writing, drawing positive messages, and beautiful images that represent the good side of Aranjuez. With a simple action just like that, the graffities started to be alive and their positive energy began to spread in the surroundings and even in other hoods of the city. Finally, after so many years, Aranjuez could see some goodness.
However, Chibchacum started to be very angry with Huitaca's actions, he was feeling pleased again with the good action that group had done to their community but he knew that was not enough and he was very upset with the manipulation of her. So in a desperate move Chibchacum threw his last spell to create a perfect balance between goodness and evil but that spell he threw had drained all his energy provoking him a premature death. His sacrifice will be always remembered in the hearts of the citizens of MedellĂn and prevent them being manipulated to whom they feel embraced for the power of Huitaca.
And that's how today people from all over MedellĂn say they see how the city's graffiti changes constantly.