There was once a man who stood against hatred itself, he made the ultimate sacrifice of fighting a friend, who had fallen victim to darkness, in hopes of getting rid of it for good. But hatred doesn't just vanish- It lingers, waiting for the right moment to rise again.
Takou Ayaru, also known as Gold for his golden powers stood in the rainy battlefield surrounded by forests. This was an unavoidable battle, he was against Isey Houa, a member of The Legends, a group that was founded by Takou himself.
"Why did you take the darkness?" Takou asked loud enough that if anyone was within this circular shaped field could hear it. Those were the only words he could think of in this situation, unsure if that person was even Isey anymore.
"It's too late, Gold. Your friend is long gone and thanks to him I have finally awakened," The Darkness that had taken over Isey said before letting out a chuckle that echoed throughout the area. There were purple lines that came out of his eyes and covering the face, compared to normal Isey he looked unrecognizable.
Takou didn't respond, to him the words of The Darkness were meaningless. Doing a couple of hand signs, a golden colored aura appeared around him, the power of it was so immense that The Darkness had to be careful not to be pushed back by the force it created.
"You're planning on sealing me in here again, aren't you. Unfortunately it won't work, I've learned about majority of your moves you used last time," The Darkness got excited, "I'll finally take you along with the other legends down."
Takou's eyes narrowed while gathering up his power to seal The Darkness, he had to get over with this fight before the others came to try and help him. No one except for Takou was strong enough to go against something like The Darkness.
"Last time I wasn't ready to sacrifice my own life but now that I've grown I'll give anything to make sure you won't win," Takou got slightly irritated by recalling their past encounter.
"Hmph. Is that so? I remember it going down way differently, nonetheless I am hatred. You can't get rid of me and you know that, eventually someone will find me and I'll break free once again from your seal," The Darkness gave Takou a wide smile to hint that he's undefeatable.
Takou let go of his hands that he had been holding against each other the entire time and was ready to put an end to this. "Eternal sealin-" Those were the words that Takou said out loud before he was cut off.
The Darkness appeared in front of Takou holding him by his throat, his speed was so fast that it could've been considered as teleporting.
"How did you... No how did I... underestimate you," Takou said while struggling to breathe while The Darkness was choking him out, The Darkness then threw Takou on the ground and got ready to finish him off.
"Isey!" Someone yelled behind The Darkness, the voice echoing throughout the field.
The Darkness turned his head slightly towards the voice, "The Legends, a group formed to unite the strongest people in this universe, yet you people are no match against me, you may come at me but just know you'll die."
Akylu Sierd, the person that controls sand and who yelled out Isey's name completely ignored what The Darkness said and started running towards him.
The Darkness appeared behind Akylu as he was running and knocked him down by his feet. Akylu groaned and struggled to get back up, almost as if something was pushing him against the ground.
The Darkness raised his hand wanting to finish off Akylu when Kajo Tamta who has nature powers got ready to attack. He showed up behind The Darkness, wanting to attack his weak point, however The Darkness turned around and severed Kajo's head with a single strike of his hand.
Pire Lasta, the last member here who was able to do something gathered up his ice powers and turned them into a bunch of icicles and sent them flying towards The Darkness. The Darkness reached his hand in front of him and a shield-like purple wall appeared in front of him that once the icicles made impact with it, they melted instantly.
As Pire was creating more of these icicles, he didn't notice the small hands that were slowly crawling out of the ground grabbing him by his feet making him unable to move. Once Pire noticed that however, it was already too late, The Darkness once again had the wide disturbing smile on his face and by moving his own hands, the smaller ones responded to the commands, what seemed to be an endless amount of them, the small hands covered Pire and cracked his neck.
The Darkness then, without looking towards the direction, severed Akylu's head just like he did with Kajo's. The rain got heavier and at that moment The Darkness felt a presence of someone possibly even stronger than Takou.
Without being able to react in time, he was sent flying across the rainy field by that mysterious someone. The Darkness was looking around in desperation, hoping to catch whoever it was when suddenly he was sent flying away once again by someone in the opposite direction he was looking.
When The Darkness raised his head from the ground, he noticed someone standing in the heavy rain looking at the dead bodies. The person turned their head towards The Darkness and at that moment The Darkness felt excitement he hasn't felt since his first battle with Takou, there was someone that was able to challenge him- no, there was someone that was able to have an advantage in this one-sided battle.
The Darkness started laughing, "I like you. Someone like you will be of perfect use for me, I won't let a chance like this pass by," His laughter became quieter as he was talking and he tried to catch the person who was going to most likely attack him.
Suddenly The Darkness felt a surge of energy hit him and he grabbed the person who appeared on his left by the foot they were attacking with and pulled the person down, "You've made me surpass my current limits and this is exactly why someone like you will be the perfect host."
After that, the darkness made its powers burst out of Isey's body into that person.