A girl who is simple never been in a relationship thinking she not meant for love or something. She is very kind passionate dream to become a doctor. Her name is kiko. But one day she met a guy(named eunho) in market she saw he fights with a man and injured him she than stop the guy and said many things not knowing the situation that the man he fights with is a thief that's why he stopped him and fight. She send eunho to police station not knowing he is son of 2nd rich family of the country and ceo of jian group. After that when he explained the situation she release she mistaken after that she apologized and left . But eunho fall for her.
The next day..
She went to college that's her last year of medical college and there was a speech day going on and college invited eunho as a chief guest because he is the youngest entrepreneur in the whole country and handle his group (jian group) without the help of his family as he is also the son of 2nd rich family.
He saw kiko sitting in the corner not listening, as speech and all is so boring for her
Eunho- the lady at the corner please stand up..
Kiko- seeing here and there
Eunho - yes you what's your name..
Kiko- kikoo my name is kiko
Eunho - great name what's your profession miss kiko
Kiko- last year medical student
Eunko- ok so tell me why you chose this profession miss why not other I saw you not interested sitting here..
Kiko- who is interested in such a boring invent ... whispering
Eunho- ahh..did you say something
Kiko- no no nothing
Eunho - ok tell me why you chose this profession
Kiko- because it's my dream, my mother she is also a great surgeon and from childhood I learn from her I saw her dedication and passion to this field from that I also wanted to be a doctor want to help those who can't afford the medical on time due to more expenses and also I want to prove myself. That's all
Eunho- great thinking miss hope you become the best doctor..
Kiko- thank you sir..
Eunho- eunho
Eunho - eunho my name is eunho you can call me that..
Kiko- ohh! Thanks for your appreciation eunho...
Then after speech session he went to kiko and said didn't you recognize me miss kiko...
Kiko-ahh sorry for yesterday I don't know that he is a thief... sorry
Eunho- that's all
Eunho - nothing, see you soon mam
Kiko-who wants to meet you.. whisperd
Eunho- did you say something
Kiko-no no bye
Eunho - byy...