POV: Leo
In the morning he straightened his military uniform, looked in the mirror and fixed the last things on his clothes, tied his long blonde hair into a ponytail, after that he went to the tomorrow roll call and thereafter to the training place - this was Leo's daily morning routine.
The banging, the result of the ammunition colliding with the mechanically Targets, echoed through his ears. It triggers a feeling of well-being, since he has been in the military for quite a while now and complete elimination orders.
The young man took an unhealthy distance to the targets and lie down on the ground. In his own standard speed he got his sniper rifle ready to shoot and strengthen his bullet with his unique personal ability - called Full Support - moreover another reason why everyone took him for an Alpha.
Not only his appearance, but also his skill spoke against him being an Omega - nonetheless he was one, without anyone knowing and also nobody should know it. He couldn't stand it if anyone treated him differently only because of his second gender.
He was also quite tall, though he had a pretty face, he had a well trained, muscular body - untypical for an omega, because most of them are small and have cute appearance. Also his heat was irregular, most time unavailable, and he didn't have those characteristic healing abilities either.
Once he sighed after he hit every single target perfectly with one strike, he got up and removed the dirt from his clothes. A slightly older and taller man with a insignia higher than his own, came towards him with a professional smile on his face.
"Lieutenant Neumann," he said to him and looked like he was happy to see Leo. "You have achieved a perfect score again." His hand lays down on Leo's shoulder, but Leo just salutes and responds proudly:"Thank you for praising me, Sir Lieutenant Colonel."
Leo guessed that the Lieutenant Colonel has got a new execution order for him, because that's the only time they really speak with each other.
"Please come with me, you know what we have to discuss."
"Yes, Sir." It was more than clear what this was about, just like Leo thought. So he followed him silently to the provisionally constructed tent for the tactical leadership. Ultimately this base was close to the battlefield, they just got a bit of luck that the soldiers could use the old barracks of the country they used to support in this war.
"By the way I have hired a new Scout, he also waits in this tent to greet you, Lieutenant. Please be careful this time to not drive this one to quit too, he is a bit special to the government. Your wear and tear on employees is too much, we can't afford it anymore."
For a short while he had the urge to discuss, but he swallowed the desire and stood silent - it's not welcome to defy superiors - theoretically - but he don't stick to this rule too much. The only reason he was not fired is that he has outstanding and unique abilities. He follows orders lawless but if he doesn't like he tends to not be able to keep his mouth shut.
Arriving at the tent he spots two unknown persons. The first, older one, maybe in his 50es, was really attractive for his age, with grey-black hair and a masculine face, wearing an insignia of a general, so Leo saluted at the moment he saw him. His eyes wander to the other one. A young man at the same age as him - This is probably the new scout - and he was very pretty.
Leo swallows down his saliva. Black, short hair, a perfect body type and those stunning violet eyes and charming lips. His appearance was flawless, if he wouldn't sit here in this uniform Leo would have guessed that this man could be a model, but he just discard his thoughts and introduced himself first:
"Lieutenant Leonard Neumann reports for duty." The young man with the black hair stood up, took a step towards Leo and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Neumann. I also would like to introduce myself first, because I am your new scouter, please take care of me, I am first Lieutenant Christopher Wollseif, but please just call me Chris." Leo takes his hand. His one eyebrow raised and looked at Christopher irritated.
"You have a higher rank than me, First Lieutenant Wollseif," he answered coolly. "Yeah, my rank is higher than yours, officially, but your abilities are outstanding and apply to be treated with respect, Lieutenant. So please take me under your wing," Chris said politely with a fake smile on his face. Maybe Chris wanted to insinuate the incident with Leo's three former scouts who left the military services after they completed the missions with him.
Leo sighs lightly and responds clearly:"Of course, I will take care of you, First Lieutenant Wollseif." This time Leo stands under the massive pressure of the higher ups, because this First Lieutenant also seems to be a bit special to them, but he couldn't promise Christopher's well-being if he is not able to catch up with him in the first way.
Their talk has been interrupted by the slight cough of the general, so the both lieutenant had to change their centre of attention. "Now I would like to speak with you about your new mission." His hands, which have been crossed before, are now waving them over. He pointed to the file on his desk. "This is your new target. He is a General in the enemy's army and right now his position is..." Now he is pointing at the map next to the file. "in the middle of those mountains. He hides in one of the old barracks between the two Gold-Mountains with a few of his own soldiers. You only need to execute the general, but you are allowed to kill everyone who is in the way to complete your mission. I would like you to set off as soon as possible..."
His eyes met the eyes of Christopher "...this will be in one week. You have to absolve all of this only with yourself, your preparation and your own feet, so please be sure to prearrange everything cleanly before you get started. You know why I chose you two for this mission: One of you is the best sniper of our country, the other one is one of the elites, a dominant alpha, with the best physical conditions and results."
Ah, right - Leo thinks - Christopher is a dominant Alpha, no wonder that he looks so damn attractive. He tries not to let his expression change to this information. It's not like Leo hates Alphas generally.
He just detests the discrimination against the second gender. Dominant Alphas are lucky since birth, everything falls into their hands without putting much effort in it - unimaginable for him as an Omega. If he wouldn't hide his second-gender, he would never have gotten this far in the military.
If they would know, they would have put him into the Omega-Unit without taking his abilities to account. Omegas are weak, it's said, so they are not on the battlefield. They kept working behind the borders to treat the wounded soldiers. This was not the kind of life Leo wanted, he wanted to take to have an influence on the front lines.
How lucky he was to be not a normal Omega.
His attention returned back to the general. "Don't neglect your training. You're allowed to go now." The both Lieutenant saluted and left the tent together. "Do you wanna know why I am the best sniper of them all and the reason why you want to pay me your respect?"
Christopher kept staring at Leo and just said with a smile, it sounded more like a provocation:"Yes, why not, Lieutenant?" Even if Christopher didn't know, Leo wanted to show him that he is useful and not like the other Omegas, that he is equal to an Alpha. It ate on him emotionally.
Christopher followed him to a hill, a whole 1000 meters away from the targets on the practice area. He pointed to a tree at the side. "Please enjoy the show and watch me from there," Leo said calmly with a lot of confidence in his voice. He lays down on the grass, he always kept his rifle on his body, and prepares to shoot.
10 loud bangs, the clink of used ammunition, and 10 perfectly hit targets on the practice area and a handful of soldiers who keep looking confused as to the reason for these shootings. They quickly realized: It's just the unrealistic sniper training of Leo again.
Leo stands up and is looking at Christopher again. The eyes of the black haired man are looking like they have never ever focused anything else in their life than Leo. "You see? This is the reason why," Leo said relaxed, he always is feeling the best with a rifle in his hand, a little smile on his unemotional face.
Christopher pushed himself off the tree:"Yeah, I see...," his voice was not really impressed. Leos seems to be a bit pissed off. "And what can you do?" Leo tried to stay calm. "Hm, I can eat and I can sleep, that's enough, right?" He bit his lower lip and smiled wryly:"Yeah, that's enough."
- try not to be pissed from the beginning, you have to be for two with this ass hole for months from next week, pull yourself together - he screamed internally.
"Good if that's enough, I will just fuck off now and do what I can do best. Guzzle and kip. Bye." Christopher waved and turned his back against Leo. - Argh, I hate this kind of attitude. He is a whole other person if he is not with higher ups, so he really is an ass hole.-
Respect for me? What a lie. He was an arrogant person you can never please. Why did he even follow me if he is not interested? - Leo tried to control his emotions and walked down to the training area. - Just focus on Lea (his Rifle) and shoot more targets, that's the best regulation for my emotions -
Until the evening he shot a dozen more targets. He felt a lot better at the time he went to the cafeteria of the barracks and got his dinner. The other soldiers were all gathered around Christopher, the new Elite-Soldier of the unit. Even the people from other units showed interest in him, also the Omega-Squat.
Christopher smiled politely but Leo could feel the discomfort of Christopher in this situation. Leo just shrugged his shoulders- he is not really interested in this shithead - but he felt unpleasant looks at him, looks of envy. He wouldn't have a problem of changing the duty with someone else, but he can't. It was an order from the general that can't be dismissed.
After dinner, he didn't talk with anyone like always, he took his tray back to the dish cart and got back to his single room. This day was emotionally exhausting, so he laid down into his bed and closed his eyes for some hours. With a shock he woke up and took a look at the clock. Before he will get more sleep, he should take a shower. He sniffs his uniform and grimaces. "I really have to take a shower." - He hates showering in the morning - So he got up, gathered his clothes and went to one of the shared shower rooms.
He took off his clothes, his whole skin is covered in big and small scars he got from the military and his life before, a lot of muscles characterize his body too, it's more defined than muscular. He could do more and more training, but he will never be able to have more than he has got just now - After all his Body is just one of an Omega.
The water of the shower patter over his head, the first time in days he could relax and close his eyes, even if it's just for a few seconds. A loud bang snapped him out of his mood. He quietly listened to the steps of the other person coming to this shower room - who is showering at this time too? He thought, he would be alone so late in the evening - He didn't want to be distracted, but a pungent smell reached his nose. - Are those Pheromones? So he decided to say something:
"Hey, you. Please regularize your pheromones, I feel like I am suffocating." No answer. "Hello?" Again, no answer. This is the reason why he adjudicated himself to flee from this place. - It was no lie, he really didn't feel good - so he picked up his things and wanted to leave the shower cubicle but at this moment the door slammed open and he jumped a step back. The time he got his grab back, he stared into yellow eyes - the eyes of someone in RUT.
One blink and he realized that this golden eyes belonged to Christopher, the last person he wanted to meet in his RUT. He swallowed the lump in his throat and took a look around to search for an option to flee. To get past him, he tried to use the little space between Christopher and the wall, but Christopher seems to have other plans.
Until now he just stared at him and didn't say a word. "Let me get out of here, I have finished," Leo explained empathetic - while his thoughts are screaming in panic. Suddenly Christopher reacted, but not for Leo's favours, he grabbed his left wrist and pushed him against the wall. "Let me go," Leo grumbled, his voice trembling a little bit. His hair and his body were dripping wet.
Leo wanted to give Christopher a whistle, but he stopped him and pinned his other wrist against the wall too. Leo wasn't weak, but he couldn't do anything against Christopher, who was one head taller than him, in his RUT. "Let me fucking g-" he wished to scream but he was interrupted and felt silent at the moment Christopher's Lips met his. His eyes widened and out of affect he bit Christopher's lower lip.
The taste of blood was in his mouth, but Christopher's reaction was inhuman and frightening: He just smiled strangely, that caused Leo unpleasant goosebumps. "I never had Sex with an Alpha," Christopher breathed in his ear. His hands stroke his upper body down to his cock. Abruptly he grabbed his shoulder and turned Leo's body around, so that Leo's ass was in front of Christopher's naked body.
His hand wandered from Leo's Penis to his anus, two fingers slipped into Leo's ass. "Hm, why are you so fucking wet, Lieutenant? You don't seem like an omega, so why?" Leo swallowed his saliva. In the end his body was a body of an omega, he can't change that fact. He gave Christopher a dirty look, but he just seemed to be more amused and above all: More erect.
"I don't think you need my fingers anymore." The tip of his penis touches Leo's ass and without any consideration he trusted his cock into his butt. Leo couldn't hold his moaning back. "Mhm- you fucking ass hole." "You have a fucking nice ass hole," he joked - or so Leo thought - but he really seemed to be enjoying this situation. Leo wanted to curse, but Christopher kissed him again, this time with his tongue.
On one hand, he would love to bit Christopher's tongue but on the other hand his whole body said to give in. Leo didn't know why this happened, but Christopher started to release more and more of his pheromones. Now it really did take the last remaining resistance inside of Leo, his whole body was trembling and he had the feeling of his whole body burning up. - My HEAT? Right now? All of the time, now? I didn't have my HEAT the last few years, so why? -
He realized that Christopher started smelling on him. "You smell like..." It felt like he was inhaling him. " Lemon Grass, it's not sweet like those from other Omegas, but now I am sure that you are one of them..." - Leo was shocked and wanted to defend himself, but Christopher didn't end his sentence:" ...however your smell is better." A slight happiness took a part of Leo. Even if he knows that everything that happens while Christopher was in RUT he will most likely forget about it - that's a typical behaviour for dominant Alphas. - and that everything he said was a lie.
"But your ass likes my pheromones, right?" He trusted his Penis deep inside of Leos butt, Leo cried out a long moan:"Ah, so deep, you're so fucking big." "You're the first to take my whole dick inside of you," he whistled with an erotic voice and made the next move on Leo. Leo's head was about to get blank, a heat wave took all over his body and with the next thrust Leo lost his common sense.
"Please, deeper..." he cried out loud, completely lost in this situation and lost in his own heat. Christopher smirked and took every word of Leo provoking seriously. "I am at your wish." The taller, muscular man increased his movement together with his hands which are pressing Leos Hips against his lower body. Leo had to put his hand in front of his mouth to prevent himself from screaming out of lust.
"Let it all out, Lieutenant. Nobody would ever guess that it's you who is screaming. You are safe when you're with me." The sound of his words were getting more and more possessive. If Leo were clear-minded, he wouldn't tolerate this kind of behaviour but right now it turned him on. Leo really had to pay attention to not let Christopher mark or impregnate himself, but it's nothing that Leo really could control at this moment. Whether he was clear-headed enough or he had the strength to go against Christopher if he really wanted to do such things to him.
It was like Christopher was reading his mind and breathed in an erotic voice:"What'll happen if I impregnate right now? I could bind you to me forever and never ever let anybody else see you, I could make you mine." A tear formed in Leo's right eye and ran down his cheek. Christopher faltered at the moment he saw Leo's face, on the one side he begged for more, on the other side he pleaded with him to stop. This face of a untypical, muscular Omega with a tear running down the cheek was so erotic in his view, that he shuddered and a lusty desire overcame him.
The penis of Christopher started getting bigger and bigger. "Stop it, please," Leo implored, another tear running down his face. "What are you doing? That hurts! Take it out, you ass hole!," his pleading was getting louder and his voice was trembling in pain. This pain briefly brought back his common sense.
"The fuck, are you knotting me?," Leo almost screamed. "I warned you. I will impregnate you, today and every other day." While knotting Christopher clawed at Leo's broad shoulders and even bit him hard on this spot, - Leo was glad that this wasn't his neck, also getting marked now not only knotted would be sheer miserable - while he was moaning cumming inside of Leo.
"Fuck, let me go already, you shit hole," he wanted to push Christopher away but he clings to Leo and didn't intend to stop fucking him, he starts thrusting into him again. "Shit..," he flustered, his mind going to be blank again, the heat waves continuing to come back in short intervals. This is gonna be a long night.
Meanwhile outside in the hallway all you could hear was loud chatter, making fun of someone trapped into Christopher's RUT. It was even entered in the calendar. They even debated about his pray being an Omega or, because the smell getting out of the bathroom was weird, if it's sexual relationship between two Alphas - nobody would admit but everyone thought about Christopher as an really attractive dominant Alpha and would allow him to fuck them if they ever find themselves in this kind of situation with him.
The situation between Leo and Chris lasted the whole three days and two nights and nobody dared to interrupt those two. At the moment Leo came to his senses in the middle of Sunday, he looked around the room, Christopher was deeply sleeping on the ground. He panicked a bit and jumped up, collected his uniform and his pyjamas, he decided to take a short shower to wash away Christopher's Scent from his body, - this shithole will keep sleeping anyway- he thought - and after that he put on his pyjamas. Cautiously looking to not be seen by anybody he sneaked wobbly into his room, not wondering, after those past few days, why his ass hurts so much.
Exhausted, he collapsed into his bed, his face went red because of his memories of the things he had done and said with Christopher. Christopher's voice still remained in his head, the words he said could get Leo hard again, just remembering it.
"Lieutenant, I will get you pregnant, for sure." "You smell so fucking good. I wish I could smell you every day." ""I never had Sex this fucking good." "Nobody could ever endure my desire, but you can, doesn't that mean you're made for me?"
- "Mhn...," Leo moaned, he really was getting hard again, his face was red, he was a bit ashamed of himself getting hard again because of those memories. But he was too tired to masturbate, so he just closed his eyes, hoping that his penis would become flaccid again and that he could take a long nap. So he rolled onto his stomach and pressed his face into his pillow.
He sighed exhausted:"Will I be able to deal with him or look at his face the same? I mean, he will be the same ass hole like before and he won't remember a shit. We just had Sex, get yourself together, Leo," he mumbled while slowly falling asleep. "Don't think about it as something special, idiot..."